Yun Yanli was more polite when he talked with Gu Xijiu. It was evident from his reply, "It is indeed so. Xijiu, the spiritual stones that we have collected from the various hunting exercises are the source that attracts the bats. The spiritual stones are the key to support the entire wizardry barrier that shelters the city."
Xijiu suddenly recalled the spiritual stones that she had stolen from Suiye City and nodded silently. She knew that Yun Yanli was not lying. However, there was still one question in her mind. "If there are spiritual stones in the city, why don't the Bloody Bats attack every day? Why are they only coming once every ten days? Is it a cycle for the spiritual stones to be exposed every ten days? Are the stones otherwise sheltered by some wizardry barrier which prevents the bats from sensing their presence?"
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