She wished to present the ruler to Yun Yanli as a gift, but Yun Yanli kindly rejected the offer. "Xijiu, all magic weapons belong to the ones who deserve them. Now that the weapon has chosen its master, you will be the one who owns it. There is no need to decline it."
Gu Xijiu felt the tug of her conscience about accepting the ruler, but Yun Yanli was completely fine with it and did not mind at all about the outcome. "Anyway, I am happy, as long as the ruler belongs to a member from the Celestial Kingdom," he responded smilingly.
Since he had already made himself clear, Gu Xijiu said nothing more.
The most stunning views of the mountain lied within its most adventurous paths, so Yun Yanli suggested that they take a walk to enjoy the scenic beauty. "The presence of the magic weapon has proven that the mountain is indeed sagacious. There could be other nice things hidden within its land; we shall look for them as we go," he joked.
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