All of a sudden, the ground shook vigorously again! It felt as though it was a magnitude nine earthquake! A few of them were not alert to the sudden change; hence, they almost fell. Luckily, all of them were elites and quickly rose up to in midair when they noticed something was wrong!
The ground collapsed and cracked as the entire plum forest collapsed... Dust was flying up to the sky, and the loud collapse made everyone temporarily speechless. The scene on the ground looked like an apocalypse.
Luo Zhanyu's facial expression immediately changed as he witnessed the scenes below!
Xijiu! Xijiu was still in the Underground Palace!
He turned around and was about to rush down to the ground, but Lan Yue managed to pull him back. "You can't go! You'll be buried alive in there!"
"I need to save my sister!" Luo Zhanyu was panicked as he tried to struggle out from Lan Yue's grasp.
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