Sixty-five million three hundred and seventy-five thousand and fifty-four hundred and thirty merits.
It finally stopped increasing.
Guanghan Field was now ranked the third in Saints Merits Battle, being topped by Great Devil Ten Square Field and Eight Bu Field only.
All the half saints from Shatuo Seven Fields were astounded Zhang Ruochen obtained more than thirty-six million merits by himself only.
But after a second thought, they found it understandable.
Zhang Ruochen killed many saints from Blade Hell Field and Purple Mansion Field and seized all the Luosha blood and fragmented souls they had.
Besides, Zhang Ruochen was collecting bodies when the three fields were fighting Luosha race, by which he collected a large amount of Luosha blood and fragmented souls as well.
"Most of the merits should've belonged to Purple Mansion Field. That Zhang Ruochen deserves to die."
All the half saints from Purple Mansion Field were furious.