A streak of sword-light was flying through the transversal conduit.
Ji Ning flew incredibly fast when using the Blood Drop evasion skill, but the transversal conduit was simply too long. It had taken their group over three years to fly from the Brightshore Kingdom to the alternate universe. Still, by now Ning flew twice as fast as he had in the past.
"Here I am." When Ning saw the light up ahead, he couldn't help but reveal a look of delight as he darted towards it.
In the instant that he flew through, Ning could sense… Su Youji! He could also sense his other true body clone! He could also sense the Primaltwin which was safeguarding the Three Realms.
"I'm back." Ning laughed. He was home.
The Endless Territories. The Badlands Territory. An unremarkable chaos planet.
A figure suddenly appeared on the surface of this chaos planet. It was yet another white-robed Ji Ning.
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