In the monolith, Chu Han was lying on the floor back to the dark enclosed space. This time the dimensional space was so dangerous that it had given him a good scare. 500 phase-3 zombie crystals were almost gone!
Chu Han was so happy when thinking about it. Fortunately, he had found the mountain of crystals first, and he hadn't given Wangcai the chance to waste them. He had made a fortune, they were worth 5,000 credits!
Although Wangcai had been cursing at him endlessly for ten minutes, he didn't even budge to split what he had gained. He didn't even care if Wangcai was angry at him.
"Information record."
"Record is done."
After Chu Han returned to the dark space, a mechanical voice came from the monolith and then he was pushed out of it forcefully. After passing through a layer of strange material, Chu Han appeared out of the monolith in the next second.
Valvrave's corner; Poor kiddo, you had to go and pick up a fight with your Grandpa Chu Han ;p
(Monday's chapter, 14/05/2018)
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