Two days later, it was still chilly in Didu.
When Lou Cheng stepped into the siheyuan, Elder Mei was casually watering his plants.
He wore a short black robe that was neither modern nor old-fashioned. The endless loneliness in his eyes was stronger than ever.
"This junior greets Elder Mei," bowed Lou Cheng.
Elder Mei raised his head. His eyebrows that nearly sprang out of his face twitched. He smiled kindly.
"Second room on the left."
"Thank you, Senior," said Lou Cheng. Without exchanging platitudes or chatting idly, he walked to the left side of the siheyuan. Elder Mei dipped his head, focusing on the plants once more, as though nothing else in the world mattered to him.
Scaling the stairs, Lou Cheng stopped before his destination. For a few seconds, Lou Cheng gazed around the windowless hall. Then he reached out and opened the door with a mottled bronze lock.
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