The referee's declaration gave way to the sounds of cheers, boos, and the blast of vuvuzelas. Such immediate victories have always been something that makes people happy.
Upon hearing Lin Que's name fall upon his ears, Lou Cheng couldn't help but move closer to Yan Zheke and sigh into her ears, "Being on the verge of the Dan Stage is admirable."
Indeed, if he and his Brother-in-law switched places, and he encountered Zhuo Yan Jun's "Black Water Swordplay", it would be impossible to take his entire bodies strength and have it be as one, stopping on a dime and promptly slamming down to block. When you were faced with such speed and ferocity and other characteristics such as this, for the most part all you could do was try and seize any opportunity or dodge quickly. Afterwards, you'd fall directly into your opponents follow up attack. If you were even the slightest bit careless, you could end up being like a Shipwreck in a ditch.
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