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38.88% Travelling through worlds with developer tools. / Chapter 7: Chapter 7: The healed and the damned.

Capítulo 7: Chapter 7: The healed and the damned.

Date: Mörsugur 8th, 999. (Alt: 21st Dec, 999 AD.) Location: Götaland (Ancient Sweden.)

A whole day passed from that laugh, and he continued healing those in the room. And there were people from all walks of life in the village within this room.

Children, Men and Women of all ages, here due to their requirement for a skilled healer, yet never could find one. Many chose to keep their visible scars without the internal damage so it doesn't affect their mobility or strength. Others wanted a clean slate to themselves.

"Are you sure you are not 'Bölverkr' (Óðinn) in disguise?" Artkrea, a young teen with missing fingers that are regenerating themselves, asks Heath while he is in front of her. "I am not the one-eyed mischief maker. Illusions cannot remove the aura of a man like that." Heath states, though the teen wonders to herself if he is not Odin. How could he have come to this realm? "I know that look, it is something I cannot explain yet until I provide the knowledge. And that is where I am different, 'He' hoards knowledge, I do not." Heath comments further.

Artkrea accepts the reasoning, she smiles brightly at her fingers that are reappearing. "It will take 14 - 21 days and nights for them to fully appear, do not use your hand during that time, okay?" Heath asks, Artkrea nods, continuing to sit and Heath moves on to the next person.

"You have healed over 50 people now, are you not feeling tired?" Gorm asks, worried for his new friend. "Do not worry, this is not as duty intensive as when I fought that Village Raid against my compound, having to heal many villagers afterwards who suffered injuries." Heath states, that though a technical lie as that was in a game, Gorm does not know and accepts it. There are 20 people left, he continues having small talk with some of them. Each has their own story to tell, which Heath happily hears individually.

"Are you married?" One widowed lady asks, looking at him with nervous eyes. "No, I never had the chance to marry within that world. Could not marry a villager I could not speak to, after all." Heath comments, a fire lights in a few other people's eyes, both men and women.

While their society was not as tolerant towards homosexuality or bisexuality as the modern world, there have been cases of same-sex relationships that have lasted for life. Even some of their myths show figures like Grettir, Freyr, Loki, Njörð and Óðinn himself being bisexual or having queer relationships. Both would think up their chances. The widowed lady who has not had her turn yet spoke. "My name is Frichga. Would you wish for a dinner at my place?" Frichga internally hopes that Heath accepts. 'She is quite ambitious.' Heath internally notes.

"While she will soon become young again, go with me instead. Jhurvon! We may have a lovely time battling and drinking together as one!" Jhurvon, partially blind with a scar across his eye and red hair states, eyeing him generously. Others side-eye him but voice nothing.

"I am sorry, but I am not looking for relationships currently. I have been alone for far too long and I am worried with my inexperience I may fumble the chance for the friends I already have. So I hope you understand. Plus, you may think against it after I explain to you something I will introduce." Heath gave a sad smile that disheartened them. But they accept his reasoning, they will probably try again in a few months once he is acclimated. "I can help with that inexperience." With great objectifying lust in their eyes. A person states. . .

Except they were not there prior, Heath goes on guard. They appeared beautiful, yet non-specific in gender, their hair seemed almost translucent, and their skin was one that you would not expect from the area. Which made Heath guess what they may have been up to.

". . . That person was not here before, Gorm. Were 'they' a new entry to the injured?" Heath whispered in Gorm's ear. Gorm then asks a nearby warrior, who denies it by shaking their head, in the process, this 'young' adult smiles further. Too wide. An almost ear-splitting view of teeth that were too bright and sharpened, very shark-like for perspective. Glinting as if they were under a mid-day sun, even though they were indoors while nowhere near a struck window. Heath then prepared himself for potential battle, willing the armour to aid him.

Heath moved everyone behind him, Gorm was about to disagree and be beside him for the upcoming situation. But was shot down and magically moved, he stayed by the top of the pedestal, made hidden behind his second antlered throne that was in the dining hall.

All see 'them' as suspicious and start to murmur. They transformed, beautifying themselves and appearing with an even darker complexion. Their mysticality increases and they start trying to enchant Heath. "A Dökkálfar (Dark Elf.)" Heath mumbles to himself. "Everyone, avert your eyes and look down! Close them in case they enchant you! Cover your ears too!" Heath warns and advises quickly, everyone accepts, closing their eyes and turning their heads ground-wards with their hands to their ears. Heath then tried to attack, but they were clever.

"You know of our powers?" The Dökkálfar wonders out loud while continuously dodging, proving Heath's inability to fight. "I do, you mischievous beings. You try to seek any pleasures through underhanded means." Heath was disrespectful while swinging his fists.

"We felt your presence while you were moving through the earth, too fast for any known animal or creature. We had to find you, and you told them your story. So now we know too, Mennskrðrútan Heath." Eyeing Heath and ignoring his rudeness, the Dökkálfar starts to melt back through the wood below. "We will enjoy it once we have you, our children will be so powerful once they grow up~" They disappear through the floorboards too quickly for another attack. Heath waits until the magical presence disappears entirely. Then signals.

This signal makes Gorm stand back up with his hands down. He raises one hand against him into a fist to make a recognizable gesture, allowing all others to raise themselves again. They chatter to themselves now. They are afraid of the potentially new, unknown threat on them.

Heath walks back beside Gorm, then suddenly out of nowhere. He bows. Others tried to stop him from doing so, but they could not. "I am sorry I led that threat to your home, if I had known I would have come prepared. It is my fault they were able to see you as a point of interest. And if they know me as well as I think they do, they could use the Völsung Clan as a bargaining chip. They are a very cruel, conniving folk." Heath explains and is fully apologetic. However, contrary to Heath's expectations, he gets a pat on the shoulder from Gorm.

"No need, we are warriors. Now we have another chance to fight an enemy, we have been seeking potential foemen for a while. Do you all not agree?" Gorm suddenly says in a louder tone, and the men in the room shout back "YES!" Many of the warriors stand to attention.

"We would have faced this threat later on anyway if what you said is true. They would search for Mennskr as playthings. That was what you meant, yes?" Gorm comments, ". . .Yes, that is right. But I accelerated the process though." Heath's comment hadn't dissuaded them. "And that is fine, that means we can deal with an enemy sooner, with them having less time to prepare." Gorm finalised, though Heath states something surprising. "Could you allow your people to temporarily live in my cavern? There is enough room for all." Heath questions.

"We are warriors, we do not hide behind another!" Jorg, a larger warrior with twin beards proclaims. And many raised their hands and shouted in agreement, they saw this as being discourteous and cowardly to a potential new foe. Though they are way over their heads.

"You could declare it is an entire realm on its own. With room for buildings and farming, and with my knowledge of construction techniques that could allow for entirely new structures. I could allow you all a haven to develop yourselves. The Dökkálfar are as cunning as they are ruthless to any, and they will do just what they did now. Hide themselves in plain sight, fully replace a few of your people to break your ranks and make it easier to internally destroy." Heath's knowledge from Brijga show they are not honourable, nor respectful of their 'prey.'

"They do not care about the customs of any people, as long as it is beneficial to them. They will do it, no matter the cost to their enemy." Heath gave his believable foresight with dead seriousness, enough that it caused the men who agreed to fight back to become cowed.

"Are you sure it would be alright for us to live in your space? You have to clear it and build in it after all." Gorm asks, understanding where Heath is coming from, but thinking of the ramifications. "I will finish my healing procedures, go back to deal with those beings and come back to lead you there. It would take about half a day, and since it is close to first light now we should have more than enough time." Continuing. "In case there is an imposter, the password would be Humuhumunukunukuāpuaʻa." Heath whispers, Gorm nods in agreement.

"We do not have enough sleighs for all our belongings though." Egill, appearing after their conversation chimes in. "I can make you good ones with wheels made of steel." Heath says to Egill, he was about to voice that is too much in cost, but a look from Heath shuts him up.

'Designing it like a wheelbarrow platform with protective small railings would do the trick. I will make it once I finish up.' Heath thinks about it. "Everyone who still needs healing, go back in line. Everyone else, begin calling the people to pack up their belongings. I will do what I can to help you all!" Over 50 people move out of the Main Hall, ready to explain the situation. The remaining 20 people sit there, contemplative yet serious. "Thank you for your help, Heath. We may have a chance to become greater than what we are." Gorm asserts.

Heath nods, then finishes healing up the people in 5 hours. "May I eat the leftover food? Rather than directly eating it as I have, I will instead 'absorb' it with my magic." Heath asks. "Of course, that is reasonable, my guess is you need the strength." Gorm understands.

Heath eats much of the leftover food, leaving the desserts for them. Soon filling up to about 09/10ths of the way there, he says his thanks to Gorm before leaving. He stuns the people while flying above the earth. At a speed much faster than beforehand, costing greater magic. He accidentally overshot the base before flying back in, he moves all of the magical and non-magical creatures near-instantly that were in the caves to outside of there as necessary, they're confused on what happened. But Heath ignores them for the important task at hand.

Heath mines the leftover cave, leaving a flat open space. Gaining back magic, then Moves up towards the cavern's ceiling. Using the ᛇ (Yggdrasil / Yew Tree / Dream Rune,) ᚢ (Water / Rain / Aurochs Rune,) ᛊ (Sun / Thunderbolt / Honour Rune) and ᚺ (Hail / Storm / Air Rune.)

There was a conundrum on adding the ᛞ (Day / Dawn Rune.) Until Heath chose to as there was no need to bar any possibilities. He added to his intent that the cavern's ceiling should copy the sky above on its Day or Night Cycle, to allow for normal togglable rains and to create its breathable atmosphere (to allow for self-sufficiency.) These were placed in between 4 of the previous rune combinations in a diamond pattern. Once done, he was imbuing energy into it. And from visual appearances alone, the cave was no longer dark.

The land looked as if it was on flat, non-grassy ground. As far as the eye could see, it was dawn at that point after travelling back. And to continue on with the work, he began working on a new combination of runes for the floor. He went below the earth to transfer upwards.

He starts with the ᚹ (Joy / Pleasure / Harmony / Kinship Rune,) ᛃ (Year / Harvest / Earth Rune,) X (Generosity / Gift / Spear Rune,) ᚠ (Cattle / Livestock / Wealth Rune,) ᛖ (Horse / Twin Forces Rune) and ᛒ (Birch Tree / Birth / Liberation Rune.) He added to his intent the cavern's floor should toggle the growth speed of plants, to allow for grass to be togglable on location and for it to be perfectly fertile for all plants. These were placed like the runes for the ceiling, and as a diamond pattern now. Imbuing energy into it, the ground is perfected.

It is essentially a living land now, ripe for new life to sprout upon it. He collects some seeds from above and begins spreading them out, he makes them grow at an accelerated rate thanks to the self-sufficient runic system. It looks like a plains biome from the ground now.

'The water can be easily collected through the rain now, I just need to make an ecosystem that would not collapse in on itself.' Heath thinks to himself. He collects some tree saplings of oak and spruce species from nearby and plants them in square intervals, over the runes in grassy areas. It can be made more natural later, but right now there is not enough time. He grows them to be ≈ 25 - 30 Winters old. He is down to 2 / 5ths of the way. He causes some rain that he lets down for about 15 minutes before stopping, settling the trees.

'Hopefully, it should allow for forest spirits to settle in soon too, they grow from the trees themselves.' Heath internally hopes. Then, he moves on to animals. He incapacitated some 150 Doe / 50 Deer, 225 F / 75 M Rabbits, 1500 F / 500 M Birds (all split between 5 species.)

Then the 2000 F / 667 M Beetles (split between 6 species,) 2000 F / 667 M Butterflies (split between 6 species,) 2000 F / 667 M Lightning bugs (split between 6 species,) 2000 F / 667 M Mantis' (split between 6 species,) 2000 F / 667 M Moths (split between 6 species) and 2000 F / 667 M Worms (split between 6 species.) Then invertebrates, 1500 F / 500 M Frogs (split between 5 species) and 1500 F / 500 M Lizards (split between 5 species.)

He set them all down into the new artificial forest that covers a large swathe of the land.

He will add in greater genetic diversity later on by adding in each of every species first placed in. The runes will help keep the animals in top shape in terms of evolutionary advantage, and they may even accelerate their growth over time from these conditions.

'We will just wait and see.' Heath states with full focus. Doing the final touch:

40 Queen bees with their respective 200 Bees, and 40 Queen ants with their respective 200 ants. Split with even genders. Now, Heath hopes he did it right. No. He WILLS it that he did it right. Taking a bit of magic, but was inconsequential, the forest now feels alive. Truly alive. Though a small portion of something as large as the top 15 modern countries, it is still big in its own right. With it being 1 / 64th the size of the entire land, there is space for much more.

Heath planned on using certain magic types that were beyond the Norse and from other parts of this world or even from extraterrestrial cultures if they focused on mysticism. Understanding that the older they are, the more 'intrinsic' to their reality it is.

He knows of many, and could be used as described beforehand in a little term when he found the time or had greater capacity when doing it for other purposes. He has many ideas on what they could be used for, though he stops. Knowing there are current responsibilities.

And a side-note: The ᛉ (Protection / Shield / Elk Rune) would make it not affected by earthquakes or underground systems. It is a full terrarium. Something he could never have imagined to be possible in his previous life. He wanders around for a few minutes.

It is beyond changed from what he once knew as a dark, damp space. The scenery itself reminded him of a painting he once knew, of a vast open field within clear skies. However, he will probably add some flower seeds to sparse the green monotony of it later.

'Actually. I'll do it now!' Heath happily said to himself. Soon flying out, collecting hundreds of flower types and herbs that made the fields a rainbow of possibilities. "Done." Heath sighs.

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