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4.87% Amphibia AU: Far From Home (Owlphibia) / Chapter 2: Returning Home

Capítulo 2: Returning Home

After an hour or so had passed, Anne, Olivier and the Plantars eventually found themselves

walking down a sidewalk into some kind of suburban neighborhood lined with many small houses.

"So, you live near here, Anne?" spoke Olivier.

"yeah...I know this street. My parents house isn't too far awa-." said Anne.

"LEGS!" exclaimed Polly, suddenly.

"oh, there she goes again..." muttered Olivier

Both Humans watched with half annoyed expressions as Polly ran all over the place,

Jumping and Kicking while exclaiming "LEGS" over, and over again.

While they were happy for Polly finally gaining her legs.

The appeal was quickly wearing down due to Polly hammering it in every second.

But, none of that compared to the scene Sprig was currently making:

"Oh my gosh!, Oh my gosh!, Oh my gosh!, Oh my gosh! (*Open a mailbox*) What is this thing?

(*draws all the cards*) What are these? (*gasps!*, jumps to a pedestrian button*) Buttons!"

Sprig proceeded to press the button on the traffic light MANY times. "Buttons everywhere!"

Sprig then looks at a fly, gasps out loud and jumps towards the fly,

but he falls, and gets stuck in a small sewer drain. "HELP! This dungeon smells awful!"

Having had enough of these antics, Olivier opened his hand as his eyes glowed blue.

a Cyan aura cast over the pink frog, and levitated him back to the group.

"Could you NOT draw attention to yourself!?" spoke Olivier, trying to stay calm.

"Yeah, Dude. How do you think people will react to a giant talking frog?" spoke Anne, sternly.

Sprig thought for JUST a moment. "Welcome me with open arms!?"

Both Anne and Olivier looked at each other, and let out a harmonized sigh.

"Okay, let's try this again" spoke Anne. "SPRIG...How did the people of Wartwood react when they first saw me?"

Sprig was about to open his mouth...when it suddenly dawned on him. "oh."

"EXACTLY." said Anne. "and, trust me when I say this: "and, It will be FAR WORSE if other people see you."

"Anne's right, boy." spoke Hop Pop. "There's no telling what dangers lurk in this world."

Sprig looked down as Olivier set him back down on the ground. "SORRY, Hop Pop..."

As the younger frogs settled down, Hop Pop turned to Anne.

"So what's our next move Anne? I mean, so much has happened. Do you think Marc-?"

Before Hop Pop could even finish, Olivier snapped his fingers, causing the old frog to literally choke on his own words.

"Oh my gosh, are you OKAY, Hop Pop?!" said Anne, concerned.

"I'm sure he's fine." said Olivier, pulling Hop Pop to him.

"He probably just swallows a bug...OR, has a "Frog in his Throat (*light chuckle.*)"

Both Anne and Sprig began to laugh at Olivier's terrible joke.

While they did, Olivier leaned down to Hop Pop's level and whispered:

("LISTEN. Anne is under enough stress as it is, she doesn't need reminding about Marcy.

She's HOME now, so give her time to enjoy it: Plenty of time LATER to talk about everything else.")

Hop Pop nodded, so Olivier released the orange frog.

"AHEM...As I was saying: What do we do NEXT, Anne?" repeated Hop Pop.

Before Anne could answer, she suddenly stopped short. Everyone looked to see what she was currently staring at.

The group stood at a small, quaint house with a sign nailed to the door that read: [THE BOONCHUY'S].

"M-My house..." stuttered Anne, in disbelief. "this is really happening. I'm gonna see my parents!"

Olivier placed his good hand on Anne's shoulder, comforting her.

Anne didn't even look at him as she held his hand in place.

"So...It's too early to call them "mom" and "dad", right?" spoke Sprig, suddenly.

"Should I call them "Mr. and Mrs. Boonchuy"? (*sticks his tongue out*) Are they tongue-faced people?!"

Olivier scowled. "way to ruin the moment, Sprig."

As if sharing the sentiment, Fleetwing sprang to life and flew from Olivier's staff.

The Falcon then hovered above the pink frog's head, and began to PECK at him.

"OW!, HEY!, OW-OW!"

" three should probably hide for the time being." spoke Anne, who turned to face the Plantars.

I wanna ease them into all of this SLOWLY. And when the time is right, I'll signal:

(*Anne makes a condor sound.*) DO NOT come out until you hear that, Okay?"

The Frogs all gave a thumbs up, and proceeded to hide in various trash cans.

From her hiding place, Polly continued to cuddle Frobo's head like a Teddy Bear.

"Don't worry, Frobs. We'll fix you up in no time. Anne's world is full of advanced technology!"

Just as soon as Polly said that, a Furby behind her begins to short circuit and break.

the old toy then burst into a small flame, starting on it's head.

"So, uhh...where do *I* hide?" asked Olivier.

"You don't." said Anne. "You are coming with me."


"You are the most 'normal' person I have met since I left home, Oliver." began Anne.

"It will be far easier for them to accept you as a nice guy who I met while I was lost

that helped me to get back home, and now needs help getting back to his OWN home."

"You left out a lot of details, but YEAH. that is what happened." said Olivier.

"oh, trust me, Ollie. there are TONS of things that they can't know yet." said Anne.

"I'm not gonna tell them I plan to go back and stop Andrias. Or that Andrias betrayed us.

Or what Marcy did. Or what Sasha did. And not A WORD about my weird glowing blue powers.

(*inhales*) Wow... There's a lot going on..."

"I take it I can't tell them about *MY* magic powers, then." inquired Olivier.

"Not YET!, they would Totally FREAK!" exclaimed Anne.

Olivier sighed. "right...FLEETWING!" Olivier's Falcon flew over to it's master,

and Olivier proceeded to screw it's talon onto his staff, reverting the bird back to a wooden sculpture.

"sorry, but for the moment: STAY WOOD." said Olivier.

Anne looked at her house again...and took a deep breath.

Olivier stood closer to her, and Anne linked her arm around his good one holding his magic staff.

The pair then approached the house, stepping softly upon the flagstone path.

as they finally approached the front door with the [BOONCHUY] name staring them in the face...

...Olivier started to breathe heavily.

"Oliver?...what's wrong?" asked Anne.

"what if they don't like me?" spoke Olivier, dread in his voice.

"What?, of course they'll like you...why wouldn't they?" said Anne.

"I don't know...I'm just worried that they won't." continued Olivier.

"I mean...what if they are the Overprotective type of parents that'll see me as a creepy stranger?"

Anne looked at Olivier. "I wouldn't let them do that to you...and, they WON'T.

Not when I tell them EVERYTHING that you did to keep me safe, and get me back home."

Olivier eyed Anne. "EVERYTHING?"

Anne looked away, frowning. "If it comes to that...YES."

Olivier turned away, deep in thought. Anne then cupped his face, and kissed him deeply.

The Witch Boy bushed several shades of red, unable to suppress his smile.

"come on...time to meet my folks." said Anne.

In the kitchen of the Boonchuy Home, a middle aged woman with brown skin

and short, dark brown hair was stirring something in a bowl.

she bore a saddened look on her that had been commonplace for over six months.

SIX MONTHS had come and gone since her daughter disappeared on her thirteenth birthday.

Search Parties had given up, her daughter's disappearance shelved as a Cold Case by the Police.

and, here Mrs. Boonchuy was...STILL making a replacement birthday cake in order to cope.

and all the time wondering if her dear Anne really had just ran away, rather than being kidnapped.

And, if she HAD ran away...was it because of HER?! Had she really been such a Bad Mother,

that her own daughter ran from her (and, on her own BIRTHDAY, no less!)

Oum Boonchuy shed another tear that fell into the cake mix.

She hated herself for secretly hoping that Anne had 'just' been kidnapped

(and, if so, then she was probably dead...if not suffering a far worse fate.)

For the alternative meant Anne really did hate her, and she couldn't stand that thought.

Perhaps she wasn't the BEST Mother that ever lived...but, she always TRIED to be a good one.

She was a good mother...wasn't she?


Oum was jolted from her depressive thought by the sound of the front door.

Still holding her mixing bowl, the Thai Woman left the kitchen and marched straight for the front door.


"I'M COMING, I'M COMM-" Oum opened the creaky door...and gasped at who was on the other side.

"hi, mom..." said Anne, her voice meek.

Mrs. Boonchuy stood frozen in shock, fresh tears forming in her eyes.

At first, she thought this was just another dream that she would wake up from...

...but she hadn't woken up yet. This felt REAL.

Dropping her bowl, she nearly stumbled as she walked out and hugged her daughter with all her might.

The scent of her hair smelled 'different', but she would know it from anywhere.

This WAS real...Anne was back. Her daughter had returned.

(("What was that noise? Everything OK?")) spoke a male voice.

Anne looked over her mother to see a Thai Man come into view. "DAD!"

It was now Mr. Boonchuy's turn to stare in disbelief with teary eyes. "anne?"

The man ran to the front door like the house was on fire. He joined his wife

as they both hugged Anne as if she would disappear again if they let her go.

"ANNE, YOU'RE BACK!...You're safe." spoke Bee Boonchuy, his voice breaking.

Anne was so overjoyed from the embrace she was getting from her parents,

that she didn't even notice that Olivier had bailed on her at the last second.

The Witch Boy was slumped against the base of the porch,

gazing up from his hiding place as Anne's family embraced her.

He smiled, happy that his girlfriend was finally home and with her family.

Though at the same time, his own heart ached as he thought of his own mother.

Wondering how long (if at all) it would take for HIM to see his mother again in the Boiling Isles.


Anne's face lit up at seeing a familiar black cat with white paws

and chest fluff nuzzling against her legs, almost smiling at her.

"Come here, my precious baby!" said Anne, as she picked up Domino and hugged him.

"Where have you been, Anne?" spoke Oum Boonchuy, finally. "Are you OK? Are you hurt? Have you eaten?

(pulls one of the leaves out of Anne's hair) Your hair is a mess!"

Anne looked at her parents. "It's a really...really long story.

I'm so sorry for worrying you. I wanted to come back home, but I...I got lost."

Anne's parents hugged her again. "The important thing is that you found your way back to us."

"I had help." said Anne. "I met someone who was also lost who helped me-"

At that moment, Anne noticed that Olivier was missing. "Oliver?...OLIVER!?"

Anne's parents looked at each other, confused. "Who's Oliver?"

"a BOY. a boy I met who was also separated from his family." said Anne, as she looked around.

"Along with some others that I met, he helped me to get back home...he was RIGHT HERE. Where is he?"

Anne then heard rapid footsteps. Domino leapt from her arms, and ran over to a nearby tree.

As the Cat meowed, Anne and her parents left the porch and approached the tree. "Oliver?"

"I can't do it...I'm sorry, but I just can't." said a male voice.

"Come ON,'s okay." spoke Anne. "What are you afraid of?"

Before Olivier could answer, Mrs. Boonchuy walked up. "Oliver, right?"

There was a silence...then, Olivier finally answered. "y-yes, ma'am."

"come where I can see you...I want to see your face."

"my face isn't much to look at, I'm afraid." spoke Olivier.

Oum Boonchuy had a stern look in her eyes. "I want to see it." said Oum Boonchuy.

"...I want to see the face of who brought my baby home."

With a sharp sigh, Olivier slowly stepped out from behind the tree.

He had the hood of his cowl over his head, which partially concealed his face.

Though, at those point. Anne's parents could see his broken arm in a make-shift sling,

and the wooden staff with a bird sculpture he was using as a cane.

His clothing also looked dirty, worn and like something from a Renaissance Fair.

With reluctance, Olivier pulled his hood back with his good hand. revealing his auburn hair

that looked messy, but also his amputated ears that bore scars where they should be.

Olivier finally looked at Anne's parents. Showing his Gold and Sapphire Heterochromia Eyes to them.

Anne's parent stared at Olivier...which made him feel uncomfortable.

"I know I look strange...but I assure you, I'm-" Before Olivier could finish, Olivier froze like a statue

as Oum Boonchuy suddenly embraced him. careful not to hug him too tightly, let she damage his broken arm.

...but the woman hugged him in much the same way she did with Anne.

"K̄hxbkhuṇ...thank you for bringing my baby girl home!" said Oum, tears in her eyes.

Olivier didn't know how to respond to this. For a moment, he felt like he was back with his own mother.

so, he did what just felt natural to him, and hugged the woman back with his one good arm.

...dropping his staff as he did.

As Mrs. Boonchuy pulled away, Anne and her father approached. "you poor boy...what on earth happened to you!?" spoke Bee.

Olivier was struggling to find his voice to respond.

"Come inside. We have a first aid kit." said Mrs. Boonchuy. "BEE, you'd better call an Ambulance. this young man may need a Hospital."

"I'll be fin-"

"Ngeīyb!, You have a broken arm! god, what happened to your EARS, Child!?"

Anne blushed as her own mother began doting on Olivier as if he were her own son.

Of all the ways she had expected her parents to react to her boyfriend...This didn't even crack her Top Five.

"Is this yours?" spoke Mr. Boonchuy, as he picked up Olivier's staff. "what a pretty bird you have her-"

Suddenly, the Falcon carving atop the staff came to life just as the older man touched it.

Bee Boonchuy gasped, and dropped the staff as the now living bird flew around screeching.

...WHICH led to the last thing Anne wanted to happen.

"And we're the Plantars!" exclaimed Hop Pop, who jumped out from the trash can. "The lovable frog family Anne's told you all about!"

Anne's parents stared in shock, mouths gaping. while Anne and Olivier just groaned in aggravation.

"Hop Pop..." spoke Polly (also revealing herself.) "That was NOT the signal."

"Well, it sure sounded like the signal." defended the older frog.


"oh, this cannot get any worse can it?!" muttered Anne to herself.

As if on cue, Sprig popped up out of nowhere. "Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Anne's parents!

The name's Sprig Plantar, Anne's best friend and walking-talking frog!"

a fly then buzzed by...prompting Sprig to catch it with his elongated tongue, and swallow it.

Despite this, Sprig made the cutest face that he possibly could.

...which only resulted in Anne's father fainting like a goat.

"ask, and ye shall receive, Annie..." spoke Olivier to Anne.

Anne groaned loudly as she buried his face in both her palms.

[End of Part 02]

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