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50% ' Make it right' taekook story / Chapter 8: 'Have we met before?'. Chapter 8

Capítulo 8: 'Have we met before?'. Chapter 8

The conference room in the Kim's main office building ,was bustling with people from Calvin Klein and Taehyung's firms, discussing ,moving back and forth ,all anticipating the huge star of this promising , upcoming deal that would shake the fashion industry, bring them millions of dollars and offer global recognition.

Taehyung was unfortunately forced to attend,in spite of the fact it wasn't his field , beared no interest in fashion and was blatantly blackmailed into coming. All this swarming commotion was giving him a splitting headache.

He glanced at his expensive wrist watch for the tenth time during the last fifteen minutes with a dull expression.

" How long will this take? I haven't got all day! The company doesn't operate on its own. They need me to make important decisions not waste my time on trivial matters of no significance. And the model? Who the fuck does he think he is having us wait here till his royal highness decides to make an appearance? " His complaints and cranky behaviour was too frequent the past few weeks, making Seojoon want to rearrange his face! In fact, he had come up with at least five different ways of killing him!

" Patience ." Seojoon whispered calmly.

" Where do they sell it?" His black sense of humour caused his cousin to pretend to shiver.

" The same place they sell your humour. Buy both! They might come in handy soon !" he mocked him in the same cynical tone.

" Don't patronise me! You insisted on me being here. I had no intention of attending. I don't know the first thing about fashion!" He mummbled through clenched teeth." That's your department."

"Really? Then how come you're dressed in thousands of dollars suits from famous brands? Celine and Gucci are rubbing their hands in glee each time you decide to shop."

" It's part of the job!" Taehyung contradicted him inflexibly ." I can't go around in baggy jeans and loose hoodies now, can I?"

" Why not? You'll create a new trend! Be a pioneer!Casual sports look at your workplace."

All of a sudden, there was deafening silence in the room. The crowd seized activities as the door opened and two men walked in. In slow motion Taehyung turned his head and froze. A tall black haired man in his early thirties was accompanied by a younger one whose face was well hidden behind a black mask. His rather long, slightly curly black hair was shining like silk and his bangs covered part of his forehead, leaving only his eyes exposed.

Those mesmerising, seductive eyes, piercing holes in his soul looked so... familiar.

As if they had crossed paths.

Strutting through the crowd,in grace,like a petal carried away by the gentle wind but with overconfidence. Willowy with a hourglass figure,slender,muscled legs, beauty in all its glory, produced such heartfelt thrill to Taehyung,he forgot how to breathe! He kept staring intensely like a damn fool.

After the necessary introductions they proceeded to the meeting and the sides involved discussed, exchanged snd suggested ideas regarding the upcoming project.

During the meeting the man's gaze was fixated on the famous model across the glass table, scanning him from top to bottom.

Jungkook deliberately avoided eye contact having his attention on Bogum and the others but could feel his intense gaze penetrating his body like a hot arrow. He had to admit Taehyung had grown into a handsome man. His body was mascular in a dominant way. His facial features were manly and virile yet those deep, ocean eyes, he had fallen in love with,were still encroaching his soul, ingniting a fire he was struggling to tame. Smooth forehead, symmetric nose, full, perky cheeks, mushy lips and a well defined jaw... His fiance was so lucky to have a sense!

As soon as the meeting ended and Jungkook spoke as little as possible, they were approached by Taehyung and Seojoon. The first was dying to talk to him without knowing why! He simply had to.

The man coughed to clear his throat." Thank you for the productive meeting and the opportunity to work in such a promising project. I hope our cooperation goes smoothly." He offered his hand in a handshake and once his long, thin fingers came into contact with the younger 's, shivers middled his body, causing an extreme heartbeat." I have to admit my knowledge of fashion is limited... It's mostly Seojoon's field" he stupidly admitted,still holding the warm hand. For some odd reason he refused to let go.

Jungkook nodded feeling Bogum's strong arms circling his waist, offering support.The man grasped the younger 's reluctance to speak, knowing their horrible past. As a friend he objected with the whole project and made several attempts to talk him out of it but as his manager he damn well acknowledged the impact it would have on his career.

Taehyung tried to get rid of the churning feeling and tightness in his stomach seeing their interaction and gulped.

" Have you been to Seoul before?" He attempted to initiate a conversation.

The younger understood that keeping quiet would prolong their gathering.

"Yes...I was born here and left at ... sixteen."

Taehyung was left utterly stunned. His jaw hit the ground and his parted lips would start drooling at any moment." Y-Your voice... sounds familiar... Ha-Have we... me-met before?" Taehyung had never stuttered in his life.

Jungkook withdrew his hand stuffing it in the pocket of his skinny black jeans, wondering why on earth did he chose to wear it in the first place. He couldn't even fit his hand.

" I would have remembered meeting you. I must have a common voice." he replied, timidly smiling.

The man raised his eyebrows and blurred out without thinking." I bet there's nothing common about you!"

Jungkook 's face became as red as a beetroot, munching his lips under the mask but sounded overconfident when he spoke.

" Thank you! It's quite a compliment coming from such a handsome man as yourself."

Strike one! The older dumbfounded by the peculiar influence the model had on him, realised he was staring without as much as blinking and his eyes were hurting. All he managed to foolishly say was " It's gonna be an... intriguing project."

" You can't begin to imagine...Mr Kim!" Winking he sensed Bogum's fingers squeezing his waist.

" We really have to go... We have a date JK... remember?"

" How can I forget?" The sweet, melodic answer hit a nerve for the man. Were they boyfriends? And why was that any of his concern? He scratched his neck ready to ...I don't know...say something but...

" We'll have plenty of opportunities to see eachother in the future." Seojoon hooted." Enjoy your date."

Taehyung wanted to smack his head! Biding goodbye the two men left while the older was observing them disappear.

Still in a trance , hundreds of questions preoccupying his mind, he received an elbow from his cousin.

" Hey! Snap out of this!'

" What?" Taehyung seemed annoyed.

" What the hell is wrong with you?"

" Nothing..."His hectic, vague response brought a sinister smirk on Seojoon, looking the other way to hide it." Are they... together? A couple?"

" Beats me! How should I know?" Seojoon wiggled his shoulders and laughed when Taehyung stormed out of the room , mumbling and banging the door behind him.

" Game on dear cousin!" He rubbed his hands together, reached out for his phone, dialing a number." It's me...phase one complete!"


Daeil High school's reunion the most prestigious in South Korea, was proven to be quite the social event, attracting even media attention.

Gathered at the grand venue,old classmates exchanged their news, boasting about their accomplishments, indulging in tasting mouthwatering creations by famous chefs, gulping tones of alcohol.

Taehyung 's presence served one purpose. To meet Kookie and Yoongi in case they had decided to attend. He found it highly unlikely but hope was the only thing keeping him sane. Seojoon and Kai came along for moral support.

Unfortunately, despite his sincere efforts, he failed to persuade or forbid Aecha from escorting him. To be honest, she surprised him by appearing uninvited at the school entrance, dressed like she was attending a royal bowl.

The woman, overwhelmed to be with him, didn't stop introducing herself as his fiance, probably thinking Taehyung would change his mind about their nonexistent relationship once he saw how suitable they were.Being all smiley and clingy suffocated him, he could hardly breathe!

His old gang was present as well and the man kept his distance not wanting to see or talk to them. Didn't even glanced them once although he noticed with the corner of his eyes Mark observing him.

Their table was situated in the centre to have a better view of the door. Whose coming and going, scanning for Kookie, hoping he would eventually show up. However, Aecha's figure reminded him it might not be the best idea for Kookie to come. How would he explain the confusing situation he was living? He could, but what were the chances of not sounding like a asshole?

Two long, painful hours later, when Taehyung 's hopes were shuttered, he heard loud screams of astonishments, intense whispers amongst the crowd.

" What's all the fuss?" Aecha wondered, lifting her head to discover the sudden upheaval.

His ex classmates at the side table begun whispering.

" Oh my God! Is that JK? The hot model?"

" What's he doing here?"

" Maybe his date is from our school!"

" I think I'm in love!"

" Please I saw him first!"

Phones were constantly clicking pictures, taking videos. People rushing to take a glimpse of the handsome man. Laughing and giggling.

Taehyung paid no attention to the comments until he heard a woman talking." It's that ugly nerd! Kim Jimin's brother!" she exclaimed staggered. He jumped up, walking and pushing aside the crazy crowd but bleaked , not uttering a single word, facing his old friend Yoongi holding Jimin's hand snd right there behind them the most angelic, dazzling creature he had seen! Kookie.

His Kookie.

The love of his life in the flesh.

He took his breath away.

Deprived him of oxygen.

His mind went blank.

" Kookie? Is...that... My...Kookie..." he managed to lisp before he encircled him in a tight, desperate hug, nazzling his head in his neck. The intoxicating, mind-blowing scent paralyzed his senses. Ignoring the stunned crowd and the fact he became a spectacle he didn't let go.

" I have finally found you baby... I found you!" he whispered,tears running from the corner of his glossy eyes. He couldn't believe his luck! He was holding his Kookie in his arms. Sniffing his intoxicating scent. Feeling his warmth. Listening to his rapid heartbeat.

Jungkook 's stiffness lasted a few seconds. It wasn't the reaction he anticipated considering their past and was struck dumb for a second.However he jogged him off with both hands and his bleak ,empty look stabbed Taehyung 's heart, producing massive bleeding. What did he expect? A heartwarming welcome? Fall into his arms? Accept him?

" Mr.Kim would you be kind enough to maintain a distance?" he inquired sternly, adjusting his black jacket.

" Kookie..."

" Jungkook. My name is Jungkook." the younger pointed out. His face a cold mask of indifference.

" Kookie please...I...I..." His blockhead mind was stuck. Empty.

" I? I what? Is that the only pronoun you learnt at school?"

" I'm so happy to see you Jungkook." He attempted to hold his hands and as a result Jungkook took a few steps back." Why didn't you tell me you were JK when we met?"

" Why would I? I don't owe you any explanation. You're nothing to me Mr.Kim only a business associate. And I'd like to keep it that way."

" Don't say that...I know...I fucked up...Give me a chance to explain."

Jungkook 's eyes rolled to the back.He shifted his attention to his hyungs." I'm heading for the bar. I need a strong drink." He fended off , moving so gracefully as a king, disregarding the whispers, looks of admiration around him.

Taehyung 's first reaction was to follow him but Yoongi blocked his way.

" Hold it Kim. Not another step."

" Yoongi please I must talk to him... explain..."

" Leave my brother alone. You have done enough already. Don't add fuel to the fire or swear me God I'll burn you alive." Jimin brazenly threatened him, giving him the evil eye. He gnashed his fists willing to attack him.

The man was skating on thin ice. He knew it yet he felt impelled to continue." Please Jimin... Yoongi I beg you let me talk to him... don't stop me. Look...I understand I've hurt you, disappointed ,angered you...there isn't a day that goes by all these years I don't regret my actions. Feel ashamed of the bad things I did to dearest friend and to him...the lo..."

" Are you fucken kidding me? Have you completely lost it? A sorry won't fix anything. If I see you near my don't know what I am capable of doing to you!"

" Kim go back to your fiancé and leave Jungkook alone." Yoongi grabbed his collar, wrath gushing out of his half closed eyes, grinding his teeth." If I find you crossing the line , I'll make you regret you're alive!" He shove him back ,held Jimin's hand and walked away, cursing his fucken luck. Yoongi had turned savage over the years and his ex friend got a taste of it.

Taehyung lowered his head. The room was spinning, his heart was bleeding, he broke out in cold sweat and the air was busted. He loosen his tie, gasping for breath, swaying towards his table, holding on to a nearby empty chair.

Their behaviour was totally justified. His inexplicable, horrible actions were to blame. Did he expect to ne welcomed with open arms? Be forgiven for his crimes just by saying sorry? Damn fool!

Taehyung, despite everything, wouldn't surrender. Give up. He didn't know exactly how he would do it! He intended to earn their forgiveness. Get on his knees. Beg. Implore. Lose the last shred of dignity he had to win his love.

Besides, they had a project in progress for the next two months. He'd have plenty of opportunities to see Kookie. Eventually, he found the courage to return to his table, all gloomy and sad.

" Where were you, baby?" Aecha cupped his trembling hand and Taehyung yanked her." Who's he? Why were you hugging? Is he a friend of yours? Or a classmate?"

The man huffed all shaken up, giving her the cold shoulder. Her irritating voice, face, presence was a serious test for his mentality.

" Baby answer me!" she demanded, putting her hand on his.

That was it! He had reached his limits! Forcefully, he tugged his hand." SHUT UP! JUST KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!" he grumbled, scrunching his lips. His outburst caused the woman to shut her mouth, intimidated by the visible fury in his blazing eyes and was left only observing his every move, probably trying to figure out what the hell was happening.

" Did you know?" The direct question to his cousin, made Seojoon widen his eyes.

" Know what?"

" Cut the act Seojoon! Did you know JK was Kookie?" His menace look gave the man shudders but remained serene.

" Kookie is JK? You've got to be kidding me! How is that even possible?" Him acting stunned didn't fool Taehyung.

"Stop insulting my intelligence! There was no way you didn't know! You closed the fucken deal. Met him in New York. What kind of game are you playing?"Taehyung snubbed, squeezing his glass so hard it would fritter. His temples were vibrating so intensely ,his stomach was constricting, lacking in air to breathe.

" I met his manager Bogum. My first encounter with JK was at our meeting the other day." He tried to sound convincing despite the slight trembling in his voice.

Taehyung seemed sceptical whether or not to take his word for it." Never seen his portfolio? Done research for him? Asked for a personal meeting? How on earth did you close the deal?"

Reasonable questions any logical person would ask. Seojoon thought he had the situation under control and had prepared all sorts of different explanations in case he would face Taehyung 's inquiries. They seemed so inadequate now!

" Calvin Klein's associates approached me ,asking for cooperation, suggesting JK. I did see his portfolio but how was I suppose to recognise him? You didn't at first." He coughed to gain time." He is surprisingly gorgeous!"

Taehyung sighed, his charming smile flickered across his face like a hologram." His beauty is...hard to describe with words... Remarkable, outstanding, divine... He takes my breath away..."

He looked so mesmerized,feeling his soul dangling.

" He was always beautiful Tae. We chose to ignore it. I guess we needed the glasses." Seojoon held and kissed Kai's hand. His safe place. His peace of mind.

Kai smiled fondly at his husband's gentle action. " You found him last you succeeded. I hope he forgives both of you." Kai wished his friend and leaning forward he whispered the next sentence." You make a perfect couple!"

" Thanks Kai...I hope so too."

Aecha rolled her eyes in disgust and jealousy, hearing his words. She disliked both Seojoon and Kai, certain they posed a threat to her plans.Aecha had her suspicions regarding Taehyung's past. He was hiding dark secrets and she intended to unveil them one by one. Perhaps, that was the key to unlock his heart.

" I've got to talk to him." Taehyung was ready to jump up and run to Jungkook when a strong grip haulted him.

" Be reasonable cousin. Yoongi and Jimin are watching him like a hawk."

" I'll find a way."

" Sit your butt down! " Seojoon ordered him." You'll have plenty of opportunities from now on. We'll be shooting for almost two months. It is not the time or the place to act out of impulse."

" He's right Tae." Kai agreed." Give him some time to cool down. You don't want to scare him."

They were behaving as if Aecha was invisible because for them she was simply nothing more than an intruder. She wasn't suppose to be there.

" Bear in mind, he won't be alone at the shooting. He'll be surrounded by bodyguards and I bet his family has installed a tracking device on him to monitor his moves." Seojoon pointed out and instantly regretted it, seeing the disappointment in Taehyung 's face.

" I don't care. I won't give up. I swear I'll make him understand and work hard for his love. Make him mine." The corner of his eye glanced at the woman next to him." I won't let anyone get in my way." His words targeted directly to Aecha.

His passionate determination gave the couple extreme satisfaction knowing the strenuous task he had to deal with. The obstacles he had to overcome. The resistance he had to face.

" We'll back you up every step of the way." Seojoon promised, tapping his back, giving him a reassuring nod.

Taehyung's attention was glued on Jungkook, observing his every move. Absorbing his every gesture. Recording every facial expression. His giggles. Loud laughter. His body movements. How he was twirling his hair, pursing his full, pink lips or leaning his head to the right side when talking. The crimson red tinting his fluffy cheeks probably from the continuous compliments. He was totally whipped for the younger.

Jungkook was fenced in by fans and admirers, chatting , laughing, singing autographs, taking pictures. Men and women were drooling over him , making it impossible for the older to hold his anger or jealousy. He simply wanted to march across the venue, push them aside and claim his man! Unfortunately, he wasn't his...not yet! So he was left drowning in flaring rage, green with envy.

Spotting his old gang drawing closer to Jungkook, he jammed his fists, ready to stand up and attack them , finally unleashing his piled up rage ,slit their appalling throats when Jungkook's reaction did a double take!

The younger finally was able to breathe in relief! After so many efforts to smile and chat unperturbed, taking photos and videos with people who used to mock him for his horrific looks, made his lips and jaw hurt. He walked to the bar, backfacing the crowd,pouring himself a strong whiskey to get it through the night, when he felt a hand gripping his right shoulder.

Steadily rotating , he was face to face with Mark and the rest of his goons. Ignoring his pounding heart and the streams of cold sweat circling his body from head to toe, he managed to supress his fear and weaknesses, confronting his worst nightmare. He looked straight into their eyes, observing no remorse or rependance only arrogance, painted with a slight touch of lust. The signs were too acute to ignore.

He gorged down his whiskey, slowly leaving it on the table, sneering.

" You're staring! Not very polite but I forgot all you morrons lack in manners."

Mark clicked his tongue, lifting his left eyebrow. That boy seemed to have acquired balls except from impeccable looks. His total transformation made Mark drool without wanting.He was a knockout!

"You're still staring." Jungkook 's eyes rolled at the back, folding his arms. His breath came a little quicker, picking up the pace when Mark took a few steps , standing too close. His quick bodied voice gave him shivers.

" I guess someone should teach me manners...Are you volunteering? In return I'll teach you...pleasure." He winked devilishly." It's a win win situation!" His fingers touched Jungkook 's shoulder blade, spawning discomfort. Even after seven years he was still an asshole with no remorse for the pain he caused. He probably thought it was funny since he got away scot-free.

" I doubt you're capable of teaching me anything...Mark." His voice dripped of contentment. Standing across the most hateful person he knew, was killing him.

" You'll be surprised!" Lust and wickedness dominated his every expression.

The sixteen year old boy of the past would be petrified by this highly provocative statement. However, his new, improved self burst into laughter.

" I hardly think you're equipped to teach me...Mark." With a swift move he grabbed his balls, pressing them earning hisses of pain from the man." Mmmm... yeah! Not equipped enough! I would advice you to stop boasting about it and get the hell out of my sight before I crush your... little man." he whispered the last two words cynically.

The rest were left speechless by Jungkook 's brave move. Mark was indignant as well as embarrassed, definitely not expecting such a bold behaviour from the boy who trembled each time they approached him. Last time they had met Jungkook was begging , crying ,laying on the floor covered in blood.

Fiercely , gnashing his teeth ,attempted to recede and gripped Jungkook 's hand , the one holding his crotch but the younger quickly seized it ,rotating his body, swifting it behind his back.

" Wrong move!" He shook his head." You really should learn when to give up." He then jogged him off, causing him to stumble on one of his friends ,adjusted his clothes and graciously walked away.

Mark not only had to deal with his friends mocking but also the people around him witnessing the scene, laughing and gossiping his ridiculous acts.

A few feet away, Taehyung viewing the sight felt powerless and inadequate. He couldn't even interfere to protect him. Not that he needed protection. In fact, he handled the situation perfectly! Jungkook had remarkably changed over the years.

The years they were apart.

The years both of them were fighting their demons.

Jungkook had transformed into a lovely, brave young man.

Taehyung's proudness lifted his spirit. In spite of the burden crumbling his heart he was genuinely ecstatic to see him being confident and powerful.And the prospect of working with him for the next two months, brought a beaming smile on his face.

Spotting Yoongi,Jimin and Jungkook leaving, he found no reason to prolong his stay.

Standing up, he grabbed his phone from the table, hiding it in his side pocket." I'm off."

Aecha hooked his shirt sleeve." I'm coming with you, baby."

The man tugged her off, completely worked up. His breath came in short,quick bursts,his chest heaving with effort. Her presence was too much to bear." NO. Seojoon will drop you off at your apartment."

" We came together." she reminded him.

" No we didn't. You cane uninvited. Again."

" Then you can't leave me here. What will people think?"

" Fuck them! Don't give a shit what anyone thinks!" He growled.

" Please babe..."

" It's not up for debate.Get off my back!" He walked off in threatening gait with Aecha following him to the exit, yelling.

"WHERE ARE YOU GOING? TAE WAIT FOR ME! TAE!" She miffed." What the hell

Tae? Why did you hug him? Who is he? " she wondered outloud when a man's raspy voice startled her.

" I might be able to help you."

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