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82.22% Saruyama Kenichi takes control / Chapter 34: The First Pretender Part 2

Capítulo 34: The First Pretender Part 2

Lala: "My dad told you that through a message".

After I finished talking to Zastin, I could only watch him helplessly as he ran away from the police who were persistently chasing him, I have to admit that Zastin was not wrong, they were really competent, the good thing is that at least he made sure to restrain himself with them, as you can tell he is the secondary character of a humor anime.

The rest of the day went normally, except that I had to deal with Raku and Shuu who were for most of the morning passed out, and I also had to deal with some girls who were looking at me with a blushing face.

Now I was back at home, I was sitting eating with Lala who was sitting on my lap as we fed each other.

Kenichi: "Yes... Although in his message he was threatening me in the end it's just like you said, he's just having fun with this situation, all this time he's let your suitors do whatever they want but suddenly I'm the one you fell in love with and he's testing me to see if I'm worthy of you? Whichever way you look at it he's just a guy who's bored and has a lot of time on his hands."

Lala: "That's right my dad, in the past he wasn't like that, he used to be an ambitious man who carried himself with greatness, but at some point he just became a pervert who enjoys playing pranks on other people."

Kenichi: "He's most likely bored."

Lala: "Bored?"

Kenichi: "Yes... Although I don't know if it's similar, I know a story of a cook who possessed great talent and skill that made him the best of his time, but the more he advanced the more complicated his journey became, even though he was always striving to improve people simply said that his achievements were due to talent and before he knew it he was sitting all alone at the top with no one daring to confront him, at some point he no longer even enjoyed doing what he liked to begin with..."

Lala: "That sounds pretty sad.... And you say it's the same for my dad."

Kenichi: "Unfortunately I don't know your father well enough to say that's what's wrong with him, but that's the only reason I can think of for someone to change so much all of a sudden."

Kenichi: (In the end it's just a guess, besides I doubt that Lala's father is a man with a past as deep as Saiba Yoichiro's)

Lala: "I see."

Kenichi: "Although you have nothing to worry about, regardless of what your father says we're just going to keep living our life at our own pace, we're going to keep going to school as usual, you're going to keep making more friends and we'll get married when we want to, not when your father allows us to"

Lala: "Yes~ Although I want to marry Kenichi, I don't want to live in the same way as my mother who is full of responsibilities."

Kenichi: "I agree on that, how can I suddenly become the King of a planet I don't even know, besides if I ever really become the King I at least want to familiarize myself with the planet and its people first."

After that I left Lala reading SAO, it seems that even though the story is kind of dark she quite liked it, while she was reading I took the opportunity to enter the Baron Archipelago, this place was so useful that I wasn't even using the training room that much anymore, plus I want to test how Root of Origin works with my current abilities.

In a few minutes I arrived at a swamp where there was a large amount of level 5 Galala Crocodiles, unfortunately I had already run out of the level 8's meat, although their meat was inferior that didn't mean it wasn't delicious, It was hundreds of times better than any of the land, besides in this archipelago the race of the Galala Crocodile is one of the only ones that dares to attack me, the dangerous beasts of the world of Toriko have very good instincts that is why most of them do not fight with those they consider to be stronger.

For example there is a dangerous beast called Baron Tiger that is practically a saber-toothed tiger of at least 6mt and has a capture level 3, the moment it saw me and Kirara it behaved immediately like a tame cat, it is something a little worrying, In fact in the Toriko anime they said that the Baron Archipelago was a very dangerous place, but the reality is that apart from the Galala Crocodile and the Swamp Snake there are no dangerous beasts with higher levels here, the only reason why it is so dangerous is that there are thousands of dangerous beasts roaming around everywhere.

Hopefully in the future I can get more islands from Toriko's world.

The moment the Crocodiles detected me I was immediately attacked by more than ten and the rest took the opportunity to escape, unlike the fight with the level 8, these were much easier to defeat, but my goal this time was to experiment with Root of Origin.

The fight went on for several hours, but I got quite satisfactory results, as long as I have Root of Origin, unless I am killed in an instant I can fight forever, I can return my wounds, stamina and even my magic power to its point of origin without any limitation, I even reviving the crocodiles and it works without any problem, this is definitely a broken ability.

After training for a whole day and getting meat from Galala Crocodile, Pincer Fish and Five-Tailed Giant Eagle, I returned to my world where only an hour had passed since I had left, Lala had fallen asleep on the couch after reading SAO completely.

Peke: "Lala-sama just fell asleep Saruyama-sama"

Kenichi: "Thanks for always taking care of she Peke, you too Kirara." 

Peke: "Hehehe~ It's no big deal~ I'm just doing my duties~"

Kirara: "Kyuu~ Kyuu~"

They both looked pretty happy after I praised them, tomorrow I was going to get the confrontation with Lala's first suitor, if I go by the knowledge of To Love-Ru's manga, then his first target is going to be Sairenji, but it's also possible that something changes and he decides to attack someone else, although there's not much to worry about, part of the reason why I didn't take care of him right away is because he's a weakling who isn't even capable of hurting an adult.

If I had done something dangerous to Sasuga-sensei like killing him, I would have instantly taken care of him, that's why I consulted with Mikado-sensei about his condition, other than Yami most of the aliens that appeared were just perverts, even the assassins they commanded were easily distracted from their mission by doing perverted things, that's why I don't see it as necessary to do something like killing them.

I lifted Lala in my arms and carried her to the bed, today we were just going to cuddle without doing anything else, so I also let Kirara and Peke sleep with us.

Lala: "Hehehe~ Kenichi~"

Apparently she was dreaming about me, she's so cute, I slowly laid down next to her and hugged her while Kirara cuddled next to her.

*Narrator's POV*

After a good night's sleep, Kenichi and Lala went back to school while they were the focus of attention of all the people who passed by on the street, from students, housewives, even office workers going to their jobs could not help but see the image of both holding hands with envy.

Luckily Kenichi's classmates had already gotten used to it after seeing them flirting for a whole day, although there was no shortage of those who threw up rainbows.

And so it was time for physical education, the boys had to play soccer while Hazakura watched them and the girls had to play track and field in charge of Sasuga.

On the athletics field, Lala could be seen ready to start running while waiting for the starting signal.

Girl #1: "Ready..."

Lala: "Ha!"

With a speed that would put every member of the athletic club to shame, Lala crossed the finish line like it was nothing.

All: "..."

Girl #1: "1... 100 meters... I-In 10.9 seconds..."

Girl #2: "Th-That's not possible.... D-You must have timed it wrong..."

The girls couldn't believe what they were seeing, Lala had just broken the women's world record which was 10.49 seconds and she didn't even look tired, in fact it looked like she didn't even try hard.

Peke: "Lala-sama, I think you should restrain your strength a little more, it looks like you're starting to draw too much attention to yourself."

Lala: "Eh~ But I did hold back quite a bit."

Momioka: "Th-That was amazing, right Haruna?"

Sawada: "Haruna?"

Curiously Momioka and Sawada looked at Haruna who had been distracted for quite some time looking at the field where the boys were playing soccer.

In the distance they could see the image of Kenichi who was sweeping all the other boys as he scored goal after goal, the opposing team was even begging for mercy in tears, but they were completely ignored by Kenichi, the only one in the class who had experience with soccer was Rito who in the past was a member of that club, but due to an unknown incident he was unable to attend classes.

Haruna: "..."

Haruna was so distracted watching Kenichi while playing that she didn't notice Momioka start to approach her from behind while smiling mischievously. Without any warning he began to shamelessly grope Haruna's small but well developed breasts.

Momioka: "Hey, Haruna! What's wrong!? Your breasts are small, but as always they're quite cute!"

Haruna: "Hya!"

Sawada: "You're getting quite distracted lately, Haruna~!"

Haruna could only scream and blush in embarrassment as the other girls looked at her with smiles.

Momioka: "I bet you're interested in some guy!"

Sawada: "I know~ I know~ It's Sasuga-sensei, right? No matter how you look at him, he's the most handsome guy in school~"

Haruna: "N-No, it's not that~"

Haruna desperately tried to deny it, but from the way she spoke in a nervous manner, it seemed that Momioka wasn't wrong with her comment.

Momioka: "Hmm~ Are you sure, in my opinion Saruyama is more handsome, just look at that body and those perfect muscles, he almost looks like a Greek sculpture."

Sawada: "Well~ That I can't deny, even Sasuga-sensei looks like a child next to Saruyama's body, even in appearance he surpasses him by far, the only problem is that the image of him I have from high school is already imprinted in my memory, that's why I'm unable to see him in a romantic way.... Plus he already has Lala-chan..."

Momioka: "Yeah, I have to admit that even I almost threw up rainbows because of the sweet scenes they've been showing us, plus because he's always hugging Lalacchi I haven't had the chance to touch her."

Sawada: "By the way... D-don't you feel a little sorry for the guys, they almost look like the walking dead, ah, look Kosaki-chan, it's Ichijou."

Onodera: "E-Eh, Ichijou-kun!"

Hearing Sawada's words, Onodera couldn't help but look at the soccer field, only to see Raku lying on the ground like a corpse next to Shuu.

Onodera: "ICHIJOU-KUN!!!"

Miyamoto: "Apparently all the boys were intent on showing off for the girls and so they desperately tried to play along with Saruyama, in the end that was the result."

Lala: "Hahahaha~ As expected from Kenichi~"

While the girls were talking the bell rang ending the PE class, hearing it Sasuga approached the girls with his characteristic smile.

Sasuga: "Ok girls, that's it for today's class."

Girl #1: Sasuga-sensei! He wants to eat together with us ♥"

Girl #2: "Don't be sneaky as usual~ Please eat with us sensei ♥"

Most of the girls approached Sasuga, not for nothing was he one of the most popular men in the school, but he just smiled kindly at them.

Sasuga: "Hahaha, sorry, today I have a very important matter to take care of..."

After dismissing the girls, Sasuga slowly approached Haruna who was tidying up her things.

Sasuga: "Excuse me Sairenji.... Could you do me a favor?"

*Kenichi's POV*

It had been a while since PE class and now we were at lunch time, when I looked around I couldn't see Sairenji anywhere, until I heard some girls commenting about her.

Momioka: "Hey, where did Haruna go? I'm pretty sure she was with us a while ago."

Sawada: "Hmm? Now that you mention it, I haven't seen her for a while, she wasn't in the locker room when we changed clothes either."

Yukana: "If you mean Haruna, I saw her walking to the storage room where the sports equipment is kept together with Sasuga-sensei."

Momioka: "Huh? So she's really dating Sasuga-sensei?"

Sawada: "Who would have thought that the innocent Haruna-chan would have beaten me to it like that."

Yukana: "No, I doubt it, Haruna is too shy to do that kind of thing at school let alone with Sasuga-sensei, I honestly don't know what you all see in him, he's just a handsome teacher."

I see, so this plot has already started.

Kenichi: "Lala, you can stay eating with the girls today."

Lala: "Hmm~ What's wrong Kenichi?"

Kenichi: "Looks like one of your suitors already started making his first move, I'm going to go take care of him."

Lala: "You need help"

Kenichi: "Don't worry, from what I could sense he's even weaker than an earth child, you don't have to bother, if at any time I have trouble with any of them, I won't hesitate to ask for your help, okay"

Lala: "Yes~ I trust Kenichi, I don't know who he is, but make sure you give him a good beating for me, they have been bothering me all the time."

After saying that, I gave Lala a light kiss and walked away quietly.

Shuu: "Damn~ You just ruined our meal with such sweetness."

Miyamoto: "I think this is the first time I agree with you.... By the way Ichijou, you should learn a thing or two from Saruyama, why don't you practice a little bit by doing the same with Kosaki."

Kato: "Yes, I think you should do it too."

Raku: "H-H-Huh!?"

Onodera: "R-Ruri-chan! Megumi-chan!"

Lala: "Hahaha~ Everyone is so funny~ Kenichi gave me quite a bit of food, I'm going to share it with everyone, okay~?"

Shuu: "Yay~ Lala-chan is the best!"

He could still hear them as he walked.

Honestly things weren't going as I originally thought, for starters the biggest change is that Rito didn't come to school, I had planned to give him some time to try to save Sairenji, but now that I think about it I was wrong, now I'm Lala's fiancé, not Rito, even though this suitor is a wimp, it's my responsibility to take care of these guys.

To begin with I don't know what I was thinking in having consideration for Rito, that guy can do practically nothing without the help of others.

As I was walking suddenly my cell phone started ringing.

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

I took it out of my pocket and the moment I saw it was a call from Sairenji, I immediately used Soru and in less than two seconds I was already outside the store, without any hurry I answered the call before entering the warehouse.

???: "Hello, you must be Saruyama Kenichi? Don't bother to answer me, I have to talk to you about the princess of the planet Deviluke, I want you to come immediately to the warehouse where the sports equipment is kept..... If you refuse to come, one of your classmates will suffer the consequences~"

???: "If I'm not mistaken her name is Sairenji Haruna.... If you don't hurry to come something unpleasant may happen to her, do you understand Saruyama Kenichi?"

After telling me that he cut the call, the moment he did I without any hesitation opened the door.

*Ghi Bree's POV*

What the hell is going on in this school?

My name is Ghi Bree and I am a Balkean from the planet Balke, my ability is to change shape, I can transform myself into anything I want, thanks to this ability I have been able to seduce the most beautiful women of several planets, I have stolen the identity of a large number of handsome men of different species and then simply seduce their women until they sleep with me, fuck them relentlessly until I get them pregnant and then simply leave them, from what I understand on this primitive planet that is called NTR, to be honest I have never liked the appearance of women of my species, I like women of humanoid appearance like Lala.

At first I was quite happy, I adopted the appearance of a very attractive looking man, plus he is a sports teacher at this school, with this new appearance I was pretty sure that I could fuck with any of the beautiful females at this school, turning them into my bitches was going to be pretty easy and more in this school that for some strange reason is full of girls equal or even more beautiful than Lala, it is the first time I see so many women with so erotic bodies gathered in one place.

But my happiness vanished on the first day, for some reason the only women who gather around me have normal appearances and even ugly, even though I am now so handsome all the most beautiful women in this school look at me as if they were seeing an insect, that woman named Hiratsuka even hit me in the face just for touching her shoulder, they all remind me of Lala, my mimicry never worked with her, a few seconds after seeing me she always realized it was me.

At least, I was able to take my chance well and I was able to capture this girl named Sairenji Haruna, although her body is not that well developed she is definitely my type, girls like this are the ones that moan in the most erotic way, besides Lala's fiancé although he definitely had a well trained body, in the end he is just an earthling, dealing with him is going to be quite simple.

Ghi Bree: "Kekeke~ This is so exciting I'm going to have so much fun playing with your body while that pathetic earthling can only watch."

I say that as I watch Sairenji's face moaning slightly as my tentacles restrain her and at the same time start playing with her body lightly touching her breasts, damn that sight is so erotic.

Kenichi: "I see you are having quite a good time".

The moment I heard that voice from behind my back for some reason I froze in place as sweat started to fall from my forehead, slowly I turned around, and to my surprise Lala's current fiancé, Saruyama Kenichi, was leaning on the door frame looking at me as he had his arms crossed.

Ghi Bree: "E-Eh.... W-What time did you arrive? I-I'm absolutely sure I just cut off the call!"

How is this possible, it's only been a second since I cut the call, how is it possible that this earthling is already here.

Kenichi: "That doesn't matter now.... What matters is that you took a very good friend of mine hostage, I hope you are prepared to take the consequences Ghi Bree."

Wait... He just said my name... B-But how?

Kenichi: "You're probably wondering how I know who you are when you still look like Sasuga-sensei, the answer is very simple, in fact, from the moment you set your nasty little foot in this school I already knew you were here."

Ghi Bree: "Th-That's impossible!"

He must be lying, no one ever noticed my shape shifting so easily, even Lala took several minutes to notice.

Kenichi: "The only reason I let you walk around free for so long is because I know you're just an insignificant piece of trash, and also because I myself had some doubts about how to deal with this matter.... What, you don't check that locker? Just yesterday I made sure to get Sasuga-sensei out of the place where you gagged him."

When I turned around, the locker I locked Sasuga in was certainly wide open and there was no one inside.

Ghi Bree: "Kekeke... I admit it, you got me.... But you seem to have forgotten one small detail.... I'm still holding this girl as my hostage!"

When I looked back, Sairenji was nowhere to be seen anymore and my tentacles were completely shredded.

Kenichi: "For your bad luck.... I'm not Rito, I'm not going to let your disgusting tentacles touch Sairenji like that while I just stand there watching paralyzed like a stupid man with a blushing face!"

I turned around again and to my surprise Sairenji who until just a second ago was firmly held by my tentacles was in Saruyama Kenichi's arms.

He just ignored me and lowered Sairenji on an exercise mat, calmly took off his shirt and covered Sairenji's body which was half naked after I destroyed his sports clothes.

Ghi Bree: (T-This son of a bitch is ignoring me.... Me... To the great Bhi Gree-sama!!!)


After shouting that I began to adopt my true and beautiful original figure.

Ghi Bree: "Kekeke! I'll be the one to marry Lala and become King Deviluke's successor! She'll never belong to a puny earthling like you!"

I may not be that strong, but as long as I can hit him with my Psychic Beam I'm going to be able to knock him out easily.

Ghi Bree: "Kekeke~ Lala's little girl personality is a nuisance, but I'm definitely going to have quite a bit of fun with her body.... Besides, if I marry her the entire galaxy, ruled by the King of Deviluke, will be mine, how can I pass up an opportunity like this...? Besides I can always train her to develop a personality that better suits my tastes."

Ghi Bree: "Kekekekekekeke~"

Kenichi: "..."

Ghi Bree: "Kekekeke..."

Kenichi: "..."




For some strange reason... I'm not getting the reaction I expected...

Why isn't he shaking with fear...?

W-Why is it looking at me like that...?

W-What is that devilish looking red thing coming out of his back...?

W-W-What's that feeling running through my whole body?

Kenichi: "I had originally planned to be somewhat lenient with Lala's suitors! But who would have thought that they were such small and insignificant creatures...! Now I understand why Lala ran away from home! Who would want to marry such a pathetic creature who has to resort to this sort of thing in order to get a woman!"

Kenichi: "Now this isn't a game anymore! I'm definitely going to give Gid Lucione Deviluke a really good beating one of these days! But I think I'll start with you first!"

I-I think I made a grave mistake by so carelessly entering this planet....

DaoistmvWChj DaoistmvWChj

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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