And as they prayed and hoped, they all prepared for the worst, their actions driven by a sense of desperate urgency.
Ryan's hands moved with ease as he loaded his gun. "Here," Ryan whispered, handing Aria her own gun, "Just in case." She nodded a thank you to Ryan.
Aria then picked up her backpack, which Samuel had dropped in the living room during the time he took out her small torch light. The bag's straps were tangled and its contents spilling out onto the floor.
She quickly stuffed everything back inside, "three bottles of water, two canned foods and first aid kit," she whispered, ticking off the essentials.
The backpack's contents got lesser and lesser with each passing day, they stayed at the underground, their plants haven't grown but it was progressing well.
"Two canned food, enough for maybe a day, if we share," Aria stated to them. "Water's the real concern," Ryan interjected, "Three bottles won't last long."
If there's anything, please say in the comments, thanks for reading.