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71.42% Fate x Danmachi: The Sword Prince (eng) / Chapter 25: Chapter 25

Capítulo 25: Chapter 25

The next day, in the main room of Twilight Manor, Loki was seen lounging with her feet propped up on the table. Her smiling face seemed to hide something important. Members of the Loki Familia gathered around her, including Shirou, Lefiya, and Bete. The atmosphere was slightly tense, as Loki rarely held sudden meetings like this.

"Alright, listen up, everyone!" Loki began in a cheerful tone, though it was clear there was a serious purpose behind her casual demeanor. "You three,"—she pointed at Shirou, Lefiya, and Bete—"will be following Aiz to the 24th floor. There are some minor issues there that need your help to resolve."

Lefiya nodded eagerly, her eyes shining with enthusiasm. "Yes, Loki-sama! We'll set off right away."

Bete, with a slightly lazy tone, grunted. "Hah, just the 24th floor? Shouldn't be too hard."

Loki smiled wider. "Ah, don't underestimate it. You won't be alone. You'll also be going with Filvis, the captain of the Dionysius Familia."

Shirou raised an eyebrow. "Filvis? Why is she coming along, Loki-sama?" he asked, curious.

Loki glanced at Shirou with a mischievous expression. "She has business with Aiz, and she'll be helping you. But more importantly, Shirou…" Loki leaned forward, staring directly into Shirou's eyes with a sly smile. "You don't need to hide your level anymore."

Shirou was silent for a moment, then asked quietly, "What do you mean, Loki-sama?"

Loki chuckled. "I've fooled Dionysius into thinking you've been level 3 for a while now, even before joining the Loki Familia. There's no point in hiding it anymore; they won't be able to verify it with the guild."

Shirou felt somewhat relieved, but also curious. "Why did you tell Dionysius that, Loki-sama?"

Loki shrugged casually. "Because I don't want them to underestimate you. You're part of the Loki Familia now, and I want others to know that we don't accept weak members."

Bete chuckled lightly. "So, we're bringing along a Level 3 supporter who's actually stronger than most of the other Familia members."

Lefiya smiled proudly at Shirou. "Shirou-san, that means you can fight more freely this time, without worrying about your status."

Shirou nodded, though a bit awkwardly. "Thank you, Loki-sama. I'll do my best."

Loki waved her hand nonchalantly. "Ah, that's what I like to hear. Alright, get ready and head out as soon as possible. Don't keep Aiz waiting too long."

Shirou, Lefiya, and Bete quickly went to their rooms to prepare their gear. When they exited the manor, Filvis was already waiting at the gate with a serious expression, wearing her shining silver armor.

Filvis looked at them calmly. "I hope you're ready. We can't waste any time."

Shirou gave a polite smile. "Of course, Filvis-san. We're ready anytime."

Filvis gave a brief nod. "Good. Let's go. We need to reach the 24th floor before dusk."

With thorough preparations and high spirits, the four of them set off toward the dungeon. Though their goal was clear, Shirou couldn't help but feel a mix of quiet anxiety—but also excitement—about what awaited them in the depths of the dungeon this time.

When they arrived at the dungeon, the group quickly moved. They descended floor after floor with high efficiency, their focus fixed on one objective: to reach the 18th floor as quickly as possible to catch up with Aiz.

Filvis led the group calmly and confidently. Whenever monsters appeared, she faced them with graceful but deadly movements. Filvis wielded her rapier with incredible precision and speed, each thrust hitting a vital point, eliminating the monsters instantly. Even in dangerous situations, her expression remained calm, almost emotionless, as if she was well accustomed to facing such peril.

Lefiya, following behind Filvis, couldn't contain her admiration. "Filvis-san... you're really amazing," she murmured, her eyes sparkling at how graceful Filvis was in battle. Not only was she fast, but every move looked like an elegant dance, leaving Lefiya mesmerized.

Shirou, on the other hand, maintained his pace behind Lefiya. He decided not to use Magecraft during this journey, keeping his abilities hidden from Filvis. Instead, he relied on his conventional weapons—Kanshou and Bakuya—which he kept securely, ready to use at any moment. Even though he wasn't using his full strength, Shirou still contributed significantly in battles, ensuring no monsters got close to Lefiya or Bete.

As they made their way through floor after floor, Shirou occasionally glanced at Filvis, impressed by her extraordinary combat skills. Though she didn't use spectacular magic like Lefiya or brutal speed like Bete, Shirou could see that Filvis was a highly experienced and well-trained fighter.

Bete, despite maintaining a grumpy expression, couldn't help but acknowledge Filvis' efficiency. "Hmph, at least we don't have to waste time with someone who can't fight," he muttered, half-praising her, though in a not-so-friendly tone.

Filvis remained focused on her goal, unaffected by any compliments or remarks. When a large number of monsters appeared, she quickly moved along the battle line, directing Lefiya and Shirou with calm yet firm hand signals.

"Lefiya, stay back and support us with your magic. Shirou, cover the rear and make sure nothing attacks us from the blind spots," Filvis ordered with a calm but authoritative tone, showing her experience in leading dangerous situations.

Lefiya nodded quickly, casting protective spells for the group. Meanwhile, Shirou, just as calm, ensured they weren't ambushed by monsters from behind. Although not using his full power, Shirou felt comfortable in his role, providing protection without drawing too much attention.

After some time cutting through the dungeon with high efficiency, they finally reached the 18th floor. This floor was relatively safer and served as a resting point for many adventurers. However, their group had no time to rest. They continued to search for Aiz, who had arrived earlier.

"Where's Aiz?" Lefiya asked, a bit anxious, her eyes scanning their surroundings.

"We can't stop now," Filvis replied without losing her composure. "She can't be far. Stay alert."

Shirou nodded in agreement, silently observing their surroundings. In his mind, he was already preparing for whatever they might face next. He knew the real challenge might still be waiting on the floors ahead.

Upon reaching the 18th floor, Shirou's group quickly headed to Rivira, a small town located on this relatively safe floor. Although this floor often served as a resting place for adventurers, they didn't want to linger. Their focus was on finding information about Aiz's whereabouts.

They began searching the streets of Rivira, asking residents and other adventurers if anyone had seen Aiz. But no one could provide a definite answer. Some simply shook their heads, while others had no idea at all.

"We haven't found anything," Lefiya said, a little frustrated. "Where could she have gone?"

Filvis remained calm, though a hint of confusion began to show on her face. "She can't be far. Maybe we just haven't found the right person to ask."

Shirou glanced at Bete, who looked more impatient than usual. "Bete, any other ideas?" Shirou asked, trying to keep the group focused.

Bete snorted and directed his gaze toward a suspicious-looking man in the corner of the street. "Wait here. I'm going to try something," he said in a flat tone before walking toward the man.

The man was Mord, a notorious adventurer known for being cunning and often involved in shady dealings. Bete approached him with a sharp look.

"Oi, you!" Bete called threateningly, making Mord turn quickly. "Seen a blonde girl with a sword recently?"

Mord glanced at Bete nervously, trying to act tough. "Oh, Aiz Wallenstein, huh? Maybe. But, you know, that kind of information isn't cheap."

Bete quickly closed the distance, grabbing Mord by the collar. "I'm not in the mood for games, Mord. You want to talk now, or do I have to make you?"

Mord tried to laugh, though fear was clear in his eyes. "Hey, relax, I was just joking. Yeah, yeah! I saw her... she left with a group of other adventurers heading toward the Pantry on the 24th floor."

Lefiya, standing near Shirou and Filvis, breathed a sigh of relief. "Aiz-san... alright, we know where to go."

However, before Mord could slip away, he glanced at Filvis with a strange look, almost as if he feared something unseen. "Hey, kids," he said, more serious this time. "Do you even know who you're bringing with you?"

Shirou and Lefiya exchanged glances, while Bete kept a firm grip on Mord. "What do you mean?" Shirou asked cautiously.

Mord gave a short, uneasy laugh, his voice trembling slightly. "Filvis Challia... or better known as the Banshee. Ever heard of that story?"

Lefiya frowned. "Banshee? What do you mean?"

Mord nodded, his gaze fixed on Filvis, who remained silent and calm. "She's the sole survivor of the Nightmare on the 27th floor about six years ago. Her entire party was wiped out, except for her. That's why they call her the Banshee... like death follows her wherever she goes."

Shirou looked at Filvis, trying to understand what she might be feeling as the story was brought up again. However, Filvis only stared straight ahead, her face showing no emotion, as if the story was nothing new to her.

Bete growled, disliking the direction of the conversation. "Shut up and mind your own business, Mord. You've said enough," he barked, giving Mord a hard shove that made him stumble backward.

Mord quickly backed off, not wanting any more trouble. "Alright, alright, I'm leaving. But remember what I said..." he muttered before disappearing into the crowd.

Lefiya looked at Filvis with concern. "Filvis-san... I'm sorry about what happened earlier. I didn't know..."

Filvis raised her hand, signaling Lefiya to stop. "There's no need to apologize, Lefiya. It's in the past, and nothing can change it. What matters now is finding Aiz and completing the mission."

Shirou nodded, though his heart felt heavy after hearing the story. He could sense the emotional weight Filvis carried, even if she didn't show it. "We should stay focused. Let's continue to the 24th floor," Shirou said, trying to refocus the group.

With renewed determination, the four of them resumed their journey, leaving Rivira and descending deeper into the Dungeon. Despite the shadow of the past lingering over them, Filvis walked with her head held high, focused on their real goal.

After getting information from Mord about Aiz and the other adventurers heading to the Pantry on the 24th floor, they pressed on. But the atmosphere between them grew tenser. Mord's story about Filvis being called the "Banshee" and her past as the sole survivor of the nightmare on the 27th floor six years ago echoed in their minds.

Lefiya looked uneasy, glancing at Filvis with sympathy from time to time, while Bete scowled in frustration, irritated by the growing tension. He finally couldn't hold back any longer. "So, you were the only one who survived that nightmare, huh? Why did you run and let them die?" Bete provoked, his tone sharp and his eyes fixed on Filvis.

Filvis paused for a moment, her face pale, eyes closed as if reliving painful memories. "I had no other choice," she replied quietly but firmly. "I couldn't save them… and I couldn't save myself. Every day, I live with the shame and regret for those who died."

Shirou, walking behind, felt deep sympathy for Filvis. He remembered his own childhood in the burning city of Fuyuki. He, too, had felt alone, powerless, and guilty for surviving when others didn't. But then, Kiritsugu had saved him and given him new hope.

"Filvis," Shirou called gently. "I know what it feels like to carry the guilt of being the only one left. I once felt that way too. But someone saved me—gave me a second chance to live and do more. Kiritsugu, the one who saved me from the Fuyuki fire."

Filvis turned toward Shirou, her eyes softening slightly, though sadness lingered in them. "Someone saved you?" she asked, her voice curious, as if searching for confirmation that someone else could understand her pain.

Shirou nodded. "Yes, and I believe at some point, we all meet someone who comes to save us and gives us new hope. Just like I was saved, I believe you will be, too."

Filvis fell silent for a moment, her face showing a mix of pain and a small glimmer of hope. She smiled faintly, though it was a bitter smile. "Dionysus… He was the one who saved me," she said softly. "He gave me a purpose, a chance to make amends, and a reason to keep living."

Lefiya, seeing this, tried to offer encouragement. "Filvis-san… you don't have to feel ashamed. Many of us would do anything to survive. But you endured, and that alone is remarkable."

Bete just scoffed. "Tch, whether you live with shame or not, that's up to you. Just don't slow us down on this mission."

Shirou shot a sharp look at Bete. "Bete, we all have our reasons for what we do. Maybe we should focus on our mission now."

Bete shrugged begrudgingly but didn't say anything more. The journey continued in silence, but the tension between them eased a little after the conversation. Though there was still unease, a sense of mutual understanding slowly grew among them. Filvis, though still anxious, seemed to feel slightly relieved by Shirou and Lefiya's support, and they continued onward with lighter hearts.

Lefiya walked beside Filvis, feeling anxious. She stole a glance at Filvis, noticing that her hands were trembling slightly. "Filvis-san," Lefiya called softly, trying to find the right words to comfort her. "I know... your past might make you uncomfortable, but you're still here, and that's what matters, right?"

Filvis lowered her head slightly, as if struggling to control her emotions. "You don't understand, Lefiya," she replied coldly. "These hands… they're stained with the blood of those I couldn't save. I don't deserve sympathy or understanding."

Lefiya felt a sudden surge of emotion. Without thinking, she reached out and gently held Filvis's hands, which were shaking with the weight of her guilt. "No," Lefiya said, her voice trembling but firm. "These hands... I'm willing to hold them, even if they're covered in blood."

Filvis was startled, her body tensing at the unexpected touch. She wasn't used to being touched, especially by someone who wasn't an elf. She looked at Lefiya, her eyes wide in disbelief. "Lefiya, you don't need to—"

Lefiya smiled gently, though her eyes were filled with tears she held back. "I know, Filvis-san… I may not understand everything you've been through, but I understand the pain and regret you feel. I want to be someone you can rely on… even if it's just by holding your hand."

Filvis lowered her head, her eyes beginning to glisten with unshed tears. "I... I don't want anyone to touch these dirty hands of mine," she murmured softly, almost in a whisper. "But... thank you, Lefiya."

Shirou, standing behind them, observed their interaction with admiration. He noticed how Lefiya, despite being clearly young and sometimes awkward, had the courage to approach someone known for her dark and painful past. Lefiya truly had a pure heart.

Filvis slowly loosened her grip on her sword, seeming a bit calmer. "Maybe... maybe there's more than just regret," she said quietly. "Maybe there's still hope..."

Bete, who normally didn't care, merely glanced at them with half-closed eyes. "Hah, elf drama," he muttered. "As long as you can fight, I don't care about your past."

Shirou gave a small smile at Bete's comment, knowing that beneath Bete's rough exterior, he understood Filvis's pain as well. "Let's keep going," he said, trying to lift the team's spirits. "Aiz is waiting, and we need to move quickly."

They continued their journey, and this time the atmosphere between them was a bit lighter. Filvis, usually cold and withdrawn, felt a small burden lift from her shoulders. For the first time in a long while, she felt like someone understood and cared for her, even though she was still hesitant to open up completely.

Shirou, Lefiya, Bete, and Filvis finally entered a dark cave on the 24th floor. The cave's eerie atmosphere made them proceed with caution, with only the light from their torches illuminating the winding corridors. The stone walls glistened faintly from the moisture, and the sound of dripping water echoed around them. Their careful footsteps echoed clearly in the stillness of the cave.

Filvis, leading the group, raised her rapier, carefully watching for any movement around them. When a few monsters emerged from the darkness, she stepped forward calmly, swinging her sword with graceful yet deadly precision. In the middle of the fight, Filvis began chanting a spell softly but firmly, attacking her enemies without pause.

"I-I can't believe it... Filvis-san can do it!" Lefiya whispered, amazed at how Filvis could fight on the front lines while performing a concurrent chant, casting spells while attacking.

Filvis glanced briefly at Lefiya, still focused on the battle. "Don't talk too much, Lefiya," she said curtly, slashing at a monster trying to attack from the side. "Focus your energy on your task."

The monsters attacked relentlessly, but Filvis remained composed. Her chanting continued, and every time she finished a spell, her magic blasts immediately incapacitated the enemies before her. "Dio Thyrsos!" Filvis called out, and a bright light erupted from the tip of her rapier, incinerating several monsters at once.

Shirou, watching from behind, observed closely. "Such an efficient fighting style," he thought. "She's able to combine physical attacks and magic at the same time... not many people can do that."

Bete, running on the other side, shouted a comment aloud. "Look at that, Lefiya! Learn from Filvis. She can chant while fighting on the front lines. Unlike you, who always needs protection," he jeered, slashing a monster with his metal claws.

Lefiya bit her lip, feeling a bit hurt. "Bete…! I… I'm trying…"

Shirou noticed the disappointed look on Lefiya's face and tried to reassure her. "It's okay, Lefiya," he said gently. "Everyone has their own way of fighting. You have your own strengths and abilities."

Filvis, meanwhile, continued fighting. "Every adventurer has their own method," she said without turning around, her eyes still locked on the enemies ahead. "The key is to understand your own strengths and weaknesses and use them wisely."

Lefiya nodded slowly, though she still appeared slightly embarrassed. "Yes, Filvis-san... I'll keep learning," she replied in a softer voice.

Ahead of them, the monster attacks intensified, but Filvis remained undeterred. "Stay alert," she said curtly. "There are more coming."

Shirou nodded, feeling inspired by Filvis's calmness and bravery. He realized there was much more he needed to learn about this world and the people in it. Raising his bow, he prepared to face the next wave of enemies, observing and learning from Filvis, who seemed to never lose focus amidst the danger.

They pressed on until they reached a larger cavern. Inside, a horrifying sight greeted them: a group of adventurers from Hermes Familia were surrounded by plant-like creatures known as Violas, which extended their massive roots, ready to tear their prey apart.

Amid the chaos, a group of fanatics could be seen, having strapped bombs to their own bodies, making the situation even more dangerous. At the center of the group stood a shirtless man wearing an antelope skull mask, looking like their leader. His eyes blazed with madness, and his aura radiated a power that couldn't be underestimated.

Without hesitation, Bete lunged forward, directly challenging the fanatics' leader. "You think you can wreak havoc here and get away with it? Fool!" Bete yelled angrily before charging at the masked man. They exchanged blows at a terrifying speed, each trying to find an opening to bring the other down.

"Don't let them get close!" shouted Filvis, while continuing to fend off the Violas surrounding her. Meanwhile, Lefiya began chanting her spell, concentrating her magical energy to assist the others.

Shirou, positioned slightly behind, quickly realized the danger posed by the bomb-strapped fanatics. He drew his bow and fired with precision, aiming at the bombs on their bodies. "This has to be precise," he whispered to himself. His arrow flew and struck one of the fanatics, triggering an explosion.

The effect was a chain reaction. The bombs on the other fanatics' bodies began to explode one after another, creating a series of blasts that destroyed most of the Violas around them, also injuring the remaining members of the fanatics' group.

Filvis, fighting on the front lines, flinched when the leader of the group suddenly turned his attention to her after realizing what Shirou had done. He leaped forward with incredible speed, ready to strike Filvis with full force. But before he could reach her, Shirou had already positioned himself between them.

Using Kanshou and Bakuya, Shirou blocked the masked man's brutal attack, protecting Filvis. The sound of metal clashing echoed throughout the cave, showing just how powerful the attack had been.

"Don't underestimate us!" shouted Shirou, pushing the leader back with his own strength. The leader staggered, clearly surprised that someone had effectively blocked his attack.

Filvis, touched by Shirou's actions, gave a quick nod of gratitude before resuming her assault on the remaining Violas. Together, they began to gain control of the battlefield, ensuring that no enemies remained.

Meanwhile, Bete and the fanatic leader continued their fierce battle, each trying to overpower the other with their strength and speed. However, with the dwindling number of fanatics and Violas around them, the tide of the battle began to turn in favor of Loki Familia.

As the final explosion subsided and the dust began to settle, the cave grew silent. Shirou, Filvis, and Lefiya stood in the middle of the battlefield, panting but victorious. Meanwhile, Bete stood triumphantly over the body of the defeated leader, signaling the end of the intense fight. However, the opponent he thought was down kicked him in the chest from his lying position.

Bete Loga staggered backward after taking a powerful kick from his opponent, causing him to be pushed back several meters. He landed hard, kicking up dust around him. The antelope mask the man had been wearing shattered into fragments, revealing a familiar face to one of the adventurers present.

Asfi Al Andromeda, captain of Hermes Familia, stared sharply at the now-exposed face. That face… she knew it. Her blue eyes widened as memories from a painful past surged back.

"Olivas Act…," she whispered, her voice barely audible, choked by shock and deep fear. "You were supposed to be dead... you died in the 27th Floor tragedy six years ago!"

The man known as Olivas Act stared coldly at Asfi, a wicked smile curling his lips. The wounds on his body, which should have been fatal, began to heal rapidly, his flesh and skin regenerating like an unstoppable monster.

"Oh, Captain of Hermes Familia, Asfi Al Andromeda... you still remember me," Olivas spoke in a mocking tone. "Yes, I was supposed to be dead... but 'she' didn't want that."

"She? Who do you mean?" Asfi asked, her voice trembling, though she tried hard to stay composed.

Olivas raised his hand, looking up at the dark sky, as if searching for something among the invisible stars.

"She… the one who brought me back from the depths of an endless hell. She wants to see the sky again, to feel the sunlight on her hateful face... and to destroy Orario," Olivas's voice became raspy, filled with terrifying intensity. "She wants all the monsters trapped below, in the dungeon, to crawl out and destroy this city. This is all part of her plan."

Bete, now rising from his fall, glared at Olivas with hatred. "You're insane if you think we'll let that happen. Whoever 'she' is, we'll stop her, and this time, I'll make sure you really die!"

Olivas only laughed, a piercing sound that echoed amidst the frozen tension. "Try if you dare, Loki's dog. This world is fleeting, and I've already died once. Death no longer frightens me."

Asfi gripped her magic staff tightly, fear creeping into her heart. Yet, she knew they had to stop Olivas and the sinister being that had resurrected him. Her eyes met Bete's, and in that silent exchange, they both realized one thing: This battle had only just begun, and the fate of all Orario was at stake.

"We have to prepare," Asfi whispered to herself, but her words were loud enough for Bete to hear. "No matter what happens, we cannot let him succeed."

With hearts full of resolve, they prepared to face a more terrifying enemy than they had ever imagined. Olivas Act, who was supposed to be dead, now stood before them as a greater threat than ever, wielding a mysterious power they had never known.

Suddenly, a hole appeared on one side of the cave, while on the other, the sound of rumbling echoed, signaling that a fierce battle was taking place. Aiz Wallenstein, with her sword drawn, shot forward like lightning, attacking the figure of Revis, a powerful warrior standing before her. With stunning speed and strength, Aiz managed to push Revis back, causing her to stagger.

Revis halted at the edge of a narrow chasm, gripping the rocky ledge tightly to stop herself from falling. Her red eyes burned with deep hatred for Aiz, who now stood gracefully before her, unshaken.

From a distance, Shirou and Lefiya watched the battle. Their tense faces brightened as they saw Aiz standing tall, bringing hope amid the darkness of the cave.

"Aiz-san…," Lefiya whispered with a relieved smile, watching her idol fight with unmatched courage.

Shirou nodded, feeling Aiz's strength boost their morale. "With Aiz here, we can definitely get through this. She's an extraordinary fighter."

However, their happiness was short-lived when the sly laughter of Olivas Act echoed throughout the cave. He gazed at Aiz with eyes full of hatred and a desire for destruction.

"So, this is the famous Sword Princess…," Olivas grinned, then raised his hand into the air. "Revis, you've failed. Let me handle this."

Revis grinned, though wounded, and quickly retreated, allowing Olivas to take over.

With a swift movement, Olivas summoned a large, terrifying monster—a creature called Viscum. The monster had a massive flower-like body, resembling the red Violas with steel-hard skin. Its red petals glowed in the darkness of the cave as it stared hungrily at Aiz.

"Viscum, destroy her!" Olivas commanded with a voice full of hatred.

Viscum roared with an ear-splitting sound and leaped toward Aiz with its massive fangs ready to crush her. Yet Aiz remained calm, showing no trace of fear. She raised her sword into the air, and wind began swirling around her, making her blonde hair whip wildly.

"Tempest," Aiz uttered her spell with a voice full of determination and power.

The wind swirled faster, creating a small storm around Aiz. In an instant, the storm transformed into a destructive force, surging directly toward Viscum. The attack struck the monster with full force, shattering its body into fragments in the blink of an eye.

Shirou and Lefiya watched in awe as Viscum was obliterated without resistance. Lefiya beamed, amazed by Aiz's strength.

"Aiz-san is truly incredible!" she exclaimed, her spirit ignited with excitement.

Shirou nodded, though his focus remained sharp. "Yes, she's an extraordinary force. But we need to stay alert. Olivas won't stop here."

Aiz lowered her sword, staring at Olivas with a cold gaze. "If you think these monsters can stop me, you're gravely mistaken. I won't let anyone threaten Orario."

Olivas simply laughed, even though his plan had failed. "You're strong, Sword Princess. But this is only the beginning. There's much more to come, and I'll ensure Orario falls into chaos."

Despite his arrogant words, there was a slight tension in Olivas's expression. He realized that Aiz's strength far exceeded his expectations, and it made him reconsider his next move.

"Lefiya, Shirou," Aiz called without taking her eyes off Olivas. "Get ready, we're moving soon. This enemy isn't finished."

The three of them braced themselves for whatever might come, determined to protect Orario from the looming threat. The cave, once quiet, was now filled with an escalating aura of battle, signaling that the next great fight was just around the corner.

Seeing the situation turn against him, Olivas Act made an unexpected move. With a quick and sudden motion, he sprinted toward the edge of the cave and leaped into the large hole that had opened in the middle of the battlefield.

"Hey, where do you think you're going, coward!" Bete Loga shouted angrily, clenching his fists as he summoned his strength to give chase. Without hesitation, he leaped into the same hole, pursuing Olivas.

Shirou, witnessing the scene, felt a sense of urgency in his heart. He knew that if they allowed Olivas to escape, his evil plan could continue. "Lefiya, help Hermes Familia!" he called out. "I'll chase after Olivas!"

Lefiya looked at Shirou with concern but knew their mission. "Alright, Shirou-san. Be careful!"

Shirou nodded and without hesitation jumped into the hole, following Bete and Olivas. Below, thick darkness enveloped him, but Shirou summoned Kanshou and Bakuya into both hands, ready to face whatever awaited them.

Meanwhile, Aiz Wallenstein still faced Revis, who, despite being cornered, showed no signs of surrendering. Revis rose again from her precarious position, fresh blood flowing from the wound on her arm. Her eyes burned with madness.

"You think you can stop me, Sword Princess?" Revis spat her words with hatred. "I won't fall that easily. My strength far exceeds what you think!"

Aiz remained calm, her eyes focused on every movement of her opponent. "I won't let you or anyone else threaten Orario. Prepare yourself, this is your end."

With an angry shout, Revis attacked again, her sword spinning viciously, but Aiz countered every strike with extraordinary composure, the storm of wind around her continuing to swirl. Their battle became a deadly dance, both moving with incredible speed.

Elsewhere, Lefiya and Filvis had joined Hermes Familia. They were facing a new threat—a large group of monsters called Violas that suddenly appeared from the cave's corners. The monsters were moving plants with poisonous tentacles and sharp claws, viciously swinging at the adventurers.

"Lefiya! We have to take them out before their numbers grow!" Filvis shouted as she quickly cast her spell, summoning her magic power.

Lefiya nodded, though fear gripped her heart, she couldn't back down now. "I'm ready, Filvis!"

"I beseech the name of Wishe!" Lefiya began to chant her spell. "Ancestors of the forest, proud brethren. Answer my call and descend upon the plains. Sing, sing, keep singing."

"Connecting bonds, the pledge of paradise. Turn the wheel and dance."

She chose her Summon Burst. The magic she invoked would replicate Riveria Ljos Alf's spell, capable of annihilating everything in sight. With this immense magical power, she could wipe out every monster at once.

"Come, the ring of fairies."

"Elf Ring."

Her golden magic circle suddenly turned emerald green. Lefiya began chanting Riveria's magic spell.

"The horn of battle sounds aloud, come crimson flames, the ruthless inferno, you are the avatar of hellfire and bring the great war to a close."

"My name is Alf."

Asfi, who was on the front line with Hermes Familia, jumped back while tossing several smoke bombs toward the Violas to give the other adventurers time to regroup. "We can't lose here! Defensive formation, quickly!" she commanded her team with authority.

"They're coming too fast! We need more magic attacks!" one of the Hermes Familia members yelled, fending off the rapidly moving tentacles of the Violas.

Lefiya tried to focus amid the chaos, raising her staff with both hands, finishing her chant with force. "Rea Laevateinn."

A storm of fire erupted in the air, consuming the Violas that were attacking them. In an instant, most of the monsters were incinerated into ash, clearing the way for the other adventurers to counterattack.

Filvis smiled slightly, seeing Lefiya starting to take control of the situation, but she knew it wasn't over yet. "We need to destroy them completely, Lefiya. Don't let a single one escape."

"Understood!" Lefiya replied with determination. "We can do this!"

Meanwhile, in the dark hole of the cave, Shirou and Bete continued chasing Olivas, who seemed to be moving with unexpected speed, as if he knew every nook and cranny of the cave.

"Don't let him escape, Shirou!" Bete shouted angrily. "I'm going to smash him once I catch him!"

Shirou could only run at full speed, making sure not to lose sight of Olivas. In his mind, he kept thinking of a plan to stop Olivas before he could do something more dangerous.

"Olivas... what crazy plan are you hiding here?" thought Shirou as he continued to chase, his resolve growing stronger to stop the revived man.

The battle in the cave was heating up, with each side struggling fiercely to survive. Though surrounded by monsters, the fight against this great threat had only just begun.

Shirou and Bete ran at full speed through the dark corridors of the cave, their footsteps echoing off the cold stone walls. They could feel Olivas Act's presence ahead of them, getting closer. But suddenly, the cave ahead split into two paths.

"Damn! A fork in the road!" Bete growled, his eyes scanning the two routes in front of him.

"I'll take the right," Bete quickly decided without waiting for Shirou's response. "You take the left. We can't let him get away!"

Shirou nodded without hesitation. "Be careful, Bete!" he called, before running toward the left.

Bete just grunted before darting down the right path, his determination to catch and destroy Olivas unshakable.

Shirou sped through the narrow corridor he chose. The light diminished, making visibility more difficult, but he pressed on without hesitation. At the end of the hallway, he arrived in a large chamber within the cave. The room was full of massive roots extending from the walls, and there stood Olivas Act, a wicked smile on his face.

"Ha! I didn't expect the one chasing me to be someone so insignificant," Olivas laughed, his voice echoing through the cave. "I almost hoped it was Bete 'Vanargand.' It would have been more fun to crush that dog of Loki. But it seems luck is on my side today."

Around Olivas gathered a group of Violas, the terrifying creatures that had already slain many adventurers with their deadly tentacles and poison. They moved restlessly, as if awaiting Olivas' command.

However, Shirou didn't seem fazed by Olivas' taunts. Calmly, he drew Kanshou and Bakuya, the twin blades always ready to aid him in battle. "You might think this is luck, Olivas," Shirou spoke with calm but firm confidence, "but it won't last long. I'm going to stop you here."

Olivas stopped laughing, eyeing Shirou more seriously, though a gleam of contempt remained in his gaze. "Do you really think you can stop me, alone? These monsters will tear you apart in an instant."

"Maybe," Shirou replied as he advanced steadily, "but I won't back down. I'll destroy your plans and make sure Orario doesn't fall into chaos."

"Foolish idealism," Olivas waved his hand, commanding the Violas to attack. "Tear him apart!"

The Violas hissed, their tentacles moving swiftly, ready to strike Shirou from all directions. Shirou tightened his grip on his swords, bracing himself for the lopsided fight.

"Trace on!" Shirou invoked his signature spell, reinforcing both his weapons and body. He moved forward with swift steps, dodging tentacles attacking from left and right, slashing Kanshou and Bakuya with deadly precision.

In no time, he had cut down several Violas, turning them to ash, but there were still many left. Olivas stood back, watching with hateful eyes.

"No matter how hard you fight, Orario's fate is already sealed," Olivas said coldly. "This world will burn, and you'll be nothing more than dust beneath our feet."

Shirou glanced at Olivas, his eyes glowing with unshakable resolve. "As long as I'm standing, I'll fight. You won't win, Olivas."

The battle in the cave grew more intense. Shirou faced wave after wave of Viola attacks, but he held his ground, swinging his swords with strength and precision. Though under immense pressure, Shirou showed he wasn't a foe to be underestimated.

Meanwhile, deep inside, Shirou knew he had to end this quickly. If not, Olivas would escape and continue his sinister plans. With each swing of his blade, Shirou resolved to stop this nightmare before it was too late.

Olivas Act began to feel anxiety creeping into his heart as he watched Shirou Emiya swiftly dispatch the Violas he had commanded to attack. Each slash of Kanshou and Bakuya sent the monsters to their deaths, turning them to ash in seconds. Tension started to build on Olivas' face as he realized Shirou was not the weak opponent he had thought.

"This boy... How is he defeating them so easily?" Olivas muttered to himself, feeling a mix of anger and fear welling up inside him.

Seeing Shirou busy with the Violas, Olivas decided to take action. Without warning, he dashed toward Shirou, exploiting a brief opening as Shirou cut down the last Viola. With immense strength, Olivas launched a powerful kick at Shirou, aiming to crush him in a single blow.

Shirou sensed Olivas approaching, but it was too late to fully evade. He twisted his body and raised his shoulder to block the attack.


Olivas' kick landed hard on Shirou's shoulder, sending his body flying backward with great force. Though he managed to block it, Shirou felt the tremendous impact of the strike. Pain coursed through his body, reminding him of the significant power gap between himself, a level 3, and Olivas, a level 6.

"Argh...!" Shirou grimaced in pain, his knees hitting the ground, but he clung tightly to his swords, refusing to fall.

Olivas grinned sadistically as he saw Shirou in pain. "You blocked it? Impressive, but it won't be enough. You're too weak to fight me, boy. You should surrender now before I completely crush you."

Despite the pain coursing through his body, Shirou's mind remained sharp. He quickly assessed the situation. The cave was too narrow to use Noble Phantasms or Magic Arrows—such attacks could cause the cave to collapse or backfire on him. He needed a smarter strategy, something that could counter Olivas' physical strength.

Then, in a flash of memory, Shirou recalled Archer's Signature move, a technique used only in critical situations: the Triple-Linked Crane Wings. It was a combination attack with Kanshou and Bakuya that could deceive the enemy and deliver lethal strikes from multiple angles.

"This is the only way...," Shirou thought, gritting his teeth and pushing through the pain spreading from his shoulder. He slowly rose, his gaze locked on Olivas.

Olivas raised an eyebrow, surprised by Shirou's determination to keep standing, despite the clear difference in strength. "What now? Are you so eager to die?"

Shirou didn't respond, his eyes full of resolve. "I won't lose... Not here, not now."

Despite the pain coursing through his body and blood trickling from the corner of his mouth, Shirou stood tall. He knew that Olivas Act was physically stronger, but retreat was not an option. With Kanshou and Bakuya in hand, Shirou closed his eyes briefly, feeling the flow of energy within him, focusing on the one technique that might save him.

He opened his eyes and stared sharply at Olivas, who began advancing toward him, burning with anger.

"This is it...," Shirou murmured to himself, ready to unleash an attack that might change the course of the battle.

With swift movements, Shirou raised his swords and began chanting a spell:

"Spirit and technique, flawless and firm..."

Olivas paused, sensing a shift in the air around Shirou. A powerful, dangerous aura began to radiate from the young man.

"Our strength rips the mountains..." Shirou continued, channeling his energy and determination into every word. His twin swords started to vibrate, responding to the power Shirou was invoking.

"Our swords split the water..." With each word, Shirou's strength grew, and the air around his blades seemed to ripple like waves on the surface of a lake.

Realizing the looming danger, Olivas prepared to strike preemptively, but Shirou pressed on with unwavering confidence.

"Our names reach the imperial villa..."

The twin swords now whirled around Shirou, forming a complex and deadly pattern, signaling his readiness for the final strike.

"The two of us cannot hold the heavens together!"

With a final shout, Shirou hurled Kanshou and Bakuya into the air. The swords flew at incredible speed, spiraling unpredictably as they encircled Olivas from multiple directions, creating an inescapable web of strikes.

"Triple-Linked Crane Wings!" Shirou called out the name of the technique with full conviction as the swords attacked from three different angles.

Olivas, once confident, was now trapped in a whirlwind of attacks he couldn't evade. Kanshou struck from the front while Bakuya slashed from the side. In the confusion, Olivas managed to parry one blade, but he failed to notice the other slicing toward his back.

"Gaaah...!" Olivas screamed as Kanshou pierced through his defenses and Bakuya slashed his side. Blood splattered as deep wounds opened across his body, causing him to stagger backward in agonizing pain.

The swords returned to Shirou's hands flawlessly. He stood, panting heavily but with a triumphant gleam in his eyes. "This isn't over, Olivas. You will fall here."

Olivas, now gravely wounded, struggled to remain standing, his body weakening. "You... you're no ordinary fighter...," he muttered weakly, still filled with hatred.

Olivas Act, barely able to stand, trembled as blood continued to pour from the deep wounds inflicted by Kanshou and Bakuya. He tried to summon his regenerative abilities, the power that had always brought him back from the brink of death. But this time, the wounds wouldn't heal. Panic began to grip Olivas' heart as he realized that Shirou's swords were no ordinary weapons.

"Why... why can't I heal?" Olivas asked, his voice trembling with fear. His eyes widened, trying to comprehend what was happening as his consciousness began to fade.

Shirou, still standing despite his exhaustion, looked at Olivas with unwavering resolve. "It's because of Kanshou and Bakuya," Shirou explained calmly, though fatigue was overtaking him. "These swords have anti-monster properties. They prevent regeneration in beings like you. The wounds they inflict won't heal."

Olivas was silent, his body shaking with pain and fear. "No... this can't be... I can't die here..." But before he could utter another word, his body wavered and finally collapsed to the ground. Blood streamed from his mouth, and his eyes remained wide open, devoid of life. Olivas Act was dead.

Shirou stood there for a moment, staring at the lifeless body in front of him. He felt a mix of relief and emptiness, knowing that though this battle was won, more dangers awaited them.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps approached quickly, and Bete Loga appeared from one of the tunnels in the cave. His eyes widened as he saw the scene before him. Olivas Act, the enemy he had considered a major threat, lay dead on the ground, while Shirou, whose level was clearly much lower than Olivas', stood with his twin swords, panting heavily.

"What... happened here?" Bete asked, disbelief evident in his voice as he looked at Shirou with a mixture of shock and admiration.

Shirou gazed back at Bete, realizing he had to act quickly to protect himself. Despite his victory over Olivas, he knew his ability to wield Kanshou and Bakuya would raise many questions, especially from the Hermes Familia and the Guild. He needed to keep his status hidden.

"Bete, I have a request," Shirou said in a low but firm voice as he approached Bete. "Please... tell Hermes Familia and the Guild that you were the one who defeated Olivas."

Bete furrowed his brow. "Huh? What do you mean? You did this, didn't you? Why should I get the credit?" His voice was gruff, but curiosity lingered in his tone.

Shirou sighed, feeling the exhaustion settling deeper. "I have my reasons for keeping my status hidden. If they know I could defeat Olivas, they'll start asking questions. I can't explain everything now, but trust me, it's important. Please, help me with this."

Bete stared at Shirou sharply, as if trying to gauge the sincerity behind the request. Deep down, he felt confused and slightly disturbed seeing Shirou, who was much weaker by level, take down an enemy that had been difficult even for him. But on the other hand, he respected Shirou's request, knowing the young man must have his reasons.

"Hmph, this is weird as hell...," Bete muttered, then shrugged. "But fine, I'll do it. But remember this, Emiya, I don't like owing favors. So you'll have to repay me someday."

Shirou gave a weak smile, relieved that Bete had agreed. "Thank you, Bete. I promise I won't forget this."

Bete approached Olivas' body and nudged it with his foot to ensure the enemy was truly dead. "Alright, let's get out of here. We'll tell the others I handled it. You can play along."

Shirou nodded, sheathing Kanshou and Bakuya. Though his body still ached with exhaustion and pain, he knew the battle wasn't over yet. But for now, he could rest a little, having successfully hidden the truth from those who didn't need to know it.

Together, Shirou and Bete left the cave, leaving the body of Olivas Act behind them, a threat finally vanquished.

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