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68.57% Fate x Danmachi: The Sword Prince (eng) / Chapter 24: Chapter 24

Capítulo 24: Chapter 24

The next day, as usual, Shirou and Riveria met in a secluded storage area at the corner of Twilight Mansion's garden. The fresh morning air surrounded them as Riveria sat with her eyes closed, focusing on her training. Shirou stood beside her, watching calmly, ensuring everything was going well.

Riveria took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. She began imagining the "trigger" she had created in her mind—a tree growing rapidly from a small seed, a mental trigger she had been practicing for the past few days. Gradually, she felt something warm begin to flow through her body, starting from her core and spreading throughout. That comforting sensation made her smile, knowing she had succeeded.

"Just like that," Shirou said softly, nodding. "You're almost there."

Riveria opened her eyes, and suddenly a glow of happiness shone from within her. She could feel the steady flow of energy from the Magic Circuit she had managed to open. Unable to contain her feelings, Riveria jumped for joy. "I did it! Shirou, I did it!"

Shirou smiled, but he couldn't help but chuckle softly at Riveria's excited reaction, so different from the calm and wise demeanor she usually showed.

However, when Riveria realized how excited she was, a blush spread across her cheeks. She stopped jumping and covered her face with her hands, feeling embarrassed for showing a side of herself rarely seen. "Ah, forgive me, Shirou... I... I don't know why I acted like that..."

Shirou laughed lightly, raising his hand to calm Riveria. "It's okay, Riveria. This is a great achievement, and you have every reason to celebrate. Besides, I'm happy to see you so enthusiastic."

Riveria lowered her hands slowly, still blushing, but she smiled softly. "Thank you, Shirou. This is all because of your help. I wouldn't have been able to do it without your guidance."

Shirou shook his head gently. "This is all your hard work, Riveria. I just pointed the way; the rest was your effort."

Riveria nodded, feeling more confident than before. "I never imagined I could learn something new like this. But now, I feel like a whole new world has opened up for me."

"And this is just the beginning," Shirou said with a spirited smile. "There's so much more for you to learn. This is the start of a new journey for you."

Riveria wiped away a few happy tears that formed at the corners of her eyes. "Yes, and I can't wait to see where this journey will take me."

Shirou could only smile, pleased to see Riveria's strong determination to keep moving forward. That morning, amid the sunlight streaming through the cracks in the roof of the storage area, they both felt they had achieved something special.

Shirou and Riveria exited the small storage shed in the garden corner, both still panting and sweating dripping from their foreheads. The morning sun had just risen, casting warm rays on their faces. Shirou wiped the sweat from his brow with his sleeve, while Riveria took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heartbeat after the intense training session.

In the garden, Lefiya stood with a watering can in hand, busy watering the newly planted flowers. When she saw Shirou and Riveria coming out of the shed, sweating and looking exhausted, her thoughts immediately went in the wrong direction. Her face flushed, and her eyes widened with a mix of shock and jealousy.

Lefiya approached them quickly, her eyes fixed sharply on Shirou. "What did you do to Lady Riveria, Shirou?!" Lefiya shouted accusingly, her cheeks flushed with emotion. "Don't tell me that you...!"

Riveria quickly realized what Lefiya was thinking and swiftly stepped forward, trying to calm the young girl. "Lefiya, calm down! It's not what you think," she said with a gentle smile, though there was a slight awkwardness in her voice.

Shirou raised an eyebrow, confused by Lefiya's sudden reaction. "Eh? What do you mean, Lefiya?" he asked innocently, unaware of the strange assumption that crossed Lefiya's mind.

Lefiya pointed at Shirou with a slightly trembling finger. "Don't pretend you don't know! The two of you… coming out of the shed… sweating… and—"

Riveria immediately cut in, "We were just training, Lefiya! Shirou was teaching me something new, that's all." She tried to explain calmly, though it was clear she was also a bit awkward about the situation.

Lefiya looked at Riveria suspiciously, but seeing Riveria's honest eyes and Shirou's genuinely confused face, she started to feel a bit ashamed of her own accusation. "R-really?" she asked, a bit quieter, though she still seemed doubtful.

Shirou chuckled softly, realizing the misunderstanding. "Yes, really. I was just helping Lady Riveria with her training. Nothing else, Lefiya," he said with a smile.

Riveria nodded, adding, "We did some pretty intense physical exercises, so it's natural we'd be sweating."

Lefiya's face turned an even deeper shade of red, now from embarrassment. "I-I... I'm sorry, I jumped to conclusions too quickly…" she said in a small voice, looking down at the ground.

Shirou smiled wider and said, "It's okay, Lefiya. It's natural, you just care about Riveria."

Riveria nodded, gently patting Lefiya's shoulder. "Right, there's nothing for you to worry about."

Lefiya nodded slowly, still feeling embarrassed by her overreaction. "Yes... I understand," she said, then turned back to watering the plants with a little more force than necessary, while Shirou and Riveria exchanged glances and chuckled softly between themselves.

Lefiya looked at Shirou with enthusiasm, a new idea spinning in her head. "Then, Shirou… may I also join your training?" she asked with shining eyes. "I want to learn new things too, like Lady Riveria did!"

Shirou paused for a moment, looking hesitant. "Uh, Lefiya… Magecraft isn't something easy to learn, especially if you don't have a magic circuit," he replied cautiously. "And there's a big risk if you try something without enough knowledge."

However, Lefiya's enthusiasm was not easily shaken. "I'll be careful! I promise to listen to all your instructions!" she insisted. "Please, Shirou! I want to become stronger so I can protect Lady Riveria better."

Shirou finally sighed deeply. "Alright," he said with a small smile. "If you really want to try, I can't say no. But remember, Magecraft is very different from the magic you're used to, and it will require a lot of practice."

Lefiya's eyes sparkled with joy. "Thank you, Shirou! I promise to do my best!" she exclaimed happily.

Behind them, Riveria watched closely. When Shirou agreed to teach Lefiya, a small sense of discomfort arose within her, though she wasn't sure why. As the three of them walked toward the small training shed in the garden corner, Riveria felt like something was missing—a familiarity that was usually shared only between her and Shirou during their morning training. Now, there was a third person present.

Riveria bit her lower lip lightly, trying to dismiss the feeling that was bothering her. "Why do I feel like this…?" she muttered softly, almost inaudibly.

Shirou turned to her. "Did you say something, Riveria?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

Riveria quickly shook her head, smiling to hide her feelings. "Ah, no, nothing," she replied. "Come on, let's continue. Lefiya must be eager to start."

Lefiya followed them with a cheerful step, unaware of the mixed feelings that Riveria was experiencing. When they arrived at the shed, Shirou began explaining the basics of Magecraft to Lefiya, patiently repeating some things he had taught Riveria earlier.

However, Riveria could only stand behind them, feeling strange about having to share this moment with someone else. She realized something odd—that she felt a little uncomfortable and… perhaps, jealous?

'Why am I feeling this way?' she thought to herself. 'I should be happy that Lefiya wants to learn something new… But why does it feel like something's wrong?'

Despite her mixed feelings, Riveria continued to listen carefully to every word Shirou spoke, trying to maintain a professional and calm demeanor. However, she couldn't deny that her heart was beating a little faster than usual.

Shirou looked at Lefiya's body awkwardly, noticing the difference between the young girl's form and Riveria's more mature and developed one. For a moment, his mind began to wander into thoughts it shouldn't. "What am I thinking?" he muttered internally, shaking his head to dispel the unwanted images.

He took a deep breath and started placing his hand near Lefiya's shoulder, using Structural Analysis to check if there were any magic circuits in her body. "Just relax, Lefiya," Shirou said, his voice sounding calmer than before. "I'll just check this as quickly as possible."

Lefiya closed her eyes, holding her breath, but the tension was still evident on her face. Shirou closed his eyes, sensing the flow of energy within Lefiya's body. Just like with Riveria, there was a different pattern; this time more subtle, but clearly shaped like ancient runes. Shirou frowned. "It seems… you also have something similar to what Riveria has," he muttered thoughtfully.

Lefiya opened her eyes with hope. "Really, Shirou? So I can use Magecraft too?"

Shirou sighed slowly. "Not exactly," he carefully explained. "The runes are there... but they seem incomplete. The patterns are broken in several places, which means they can't be activated."

Lefiya fell silent, disappointment clearly visible on her face. "So… I can't use Magecraft?" she asked sadly.

Shirou nodded slowly, feeling bad for raising false hopes. "It seems that way, Lefiya. I… I'm sorry," he said sincerely.

Lefiya lowered her head. "It's okay… I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up," she replied softly. "Thank you, Shirou, for trying." She pulled her clothing back on, ready to leave. "I'll return to the mansion," she continued, walking away without looking back.

Riveria watched Lefiya leave, and although there was a slight feeling of guilt in her heart, she also felt relieved. "Now my time with Shirou doesn't have to be shared…" she thought for a moment. But soon after, the guilt crept back. "Why am I feeling like this?" she asked herself, frustrated by her conflicting emotions.

Shirou, still feeling a bit uncomfortable with the situation, tried to change the atmosphere. "Alright, Riveria," he said, smiling gently. "Let's continue our training. I think there's still a lot we can learn today."

Riveria nodded, trying to push aside the guilt and refocus. "Of course, Shirou," she replied with a small smile. "I'm ready." They resumed their training, the atmosphere becoming calm again despite a lingering bit of nervousness.

During the morning practice, Shirou stood facing Riveria in a warehouse filled with fresh air and a faint scent of damp wood. Shirou gave a small smile, "Today, I want to teach you how to sense magical energy more clearly," he said, his eyes radiating the enthusiasm of a teacher.

Riveria nodded, showing her interest. "How do I do that, Shirou?" she asked, her pointed ears twitching slightly as she focused on his words.

Shirou stroked his chin for a moment, thinking. "I've always felt my nose is quite keen when it comes to sensing mystical things," he said. "Like how a hunting dog can detect the scent of its prey."

Riveria gave a small smile. "So, you want me to be like a hunting dog?" she teased.

Shirou chuckled lightly, "Not quite! But, I mean, maybe you can rely on another sense… What about your ears? Have you noticed any changes since opening your magic circuits?"

Riveria nodded, recalling her experience. "Yes, it seems so. My elf ears have become more sensitive to sounds… like hearing soft whispers or tiny vibrations that I never heard before," she answered seriously.

Shirou nodded enthusiastically. "Then let's test this theory. I'll use a little magical energy to create subtle vibrations in the air. Try to listen for them and sense them with your ears," he said, raising his hand.

Riveria closed her eyes, trying to concentrate, and focused all her attention on the surrounding sounds. Shirou began channeling a small amount of magical energy through his hand, creating gentle waves that were barely audible. A soft sound, almost like the rustling of leaves in the wind, began to flutter in the air.

Riveria suddenly opened her eyes, her ears twitching. "I hear something… like the rustle of wind, but softer and more directed," she said, looking pleased with the result.

Shirou grinned widely. "That's great, Riveria! That's the magical energy I released. You really can hear it!" He seemed satisfied with their experiment's outcome.

Riveria smiled happily, her eyes sparkling. "I can't believe this is possible! With a little more practice, maybe I can become even more sensitive to unseen things," she said excitedly.

Shirou nodded, "Of course, Lady Riveria. You have a natural talent… Plus, we can keep developing this technique further."

Riveria looked at Shirou with a grateful smile. "Thank you, Shirou. I'm truly grateful that you're sharing this knowledge with me."

Shirou shook his head with a smile. "I'm also glad to be learning together. We're both learning from each other," he replied.

They continued their training, trying various ways to sharpen Riveria's sensitivity to magical energy, while Riveria felt more confident and enthusiastic in her new journey.

That morning's practice continued with high intensity but also full of laughter and fun. Shirou kept guiding Riveria to focus on the subtle vibrations of the magical energy he created in the air. However, something caught his attention more than usual—Riveria's long ears that twitched with every change in sound. The ears seemed very sensitive, and Shirou couldn't help his curiosity.

Without thinking, his hand reflexively moved to touch the tip of Riveria's ear. "Hmm… your ears are really interesting, moving on their own," he muttered quietly, his eyes still focused on her ears.

Suddenly, Riveria was startled. "Sh-Shirou...!" she exclaimed, her face turning bright red, but she didn't immediately pull away. Her ears twitched under his touch, as if responding very sensitively to it.

Shirou realized and quickly withdrew his hand. "Ah, sorry! I didn't mean—I was just curious… really!" he said quickly, guilt clearly visible on his face. "I didn't know it was inappropriate."

Riveria, though her face was still red, simply nodded slowly. "Most elves don't like being touched by non-elves… especially on their ears," she said in a slightly nervous voice. "It's a very sensitive part for us."

Shirou immediately bowed his head deeply. "Sorry, I really didn't know. I won't do it again."

But Riveria shook her head slowly, a slight smile gracing her still-flushed face. "It's okay, Shirou. For you… I'll make an exception," she said, her eyes looking at Shirou gently. "You may… touch my ears… as you wish," she continued in a softer voice, almost whispering, as if embarrassed by her own words.

Shirou was surprised. "Eh? Really?" He could hardly believe what he had just heard.

Riveria nodded slowly, though her cheeks grew even redder. "Yes… as long as it's you, Shirou," she replied, lowering her face slightly, trying to hide the blush on her face.

Shirou smiled, feeling both relieved and confused. "Alright, but I don't want to make you uncomfortable… Thank you, Riveria," he said in a softer tone.

Riveria looked at him for a moment, then averted her gaze, unable to hide the small smile that appeared on her lips. "I don't mind…," she whispered again, more to herself than to Shirou.

They continued their practice, but the atmosphere between them now felt warmer, with a growing understanding between them, as well as a new closeness that hadn't been there before.

A few days after that incident, Riveria couldn't erase the smile that constantly appeared on her face. Whether while having breakfast at the large table in Twilight Manor, leading magic training, or just walking through the corridors—that smile was always there. The other members of Loki Familia began to notice and wonder, but none dared to ask Riveria directly. They could only exchange confused looks.

"Riveria-sama, is there something that has made you very happy lately?" Lefiya asked one afternoon in a gentle voice, trying to figure out what was going on. As someone who always idolized Riveria, Lefiya felt the need to know what was making her mentor so different lately.

Riveria, who was holding a magic book in the library, just smiled softly. "Ah, it's nothing, Lefiya. Maybe I just… feel a little more calm and happy lately," she replied in a casual tone, trying to hide the truth behind her smile.

Lefiya looked at her with a curious gaze but decided not to push further. "Alright, Riveria-sama. I'm glad if you're happy," she said before returning to her own magic training.

But nighttime was the time when Riveria truly reflected. Every time she lay on her simple bed in her small room in Twilight Manor, her thoughts always returned to the moments in the small warehouse with Shirou. That place, which was once just an ordinary training space, now held sweet memories that always warmed her heart.

"Shirou..." she whispered softly in the dark, her soft voice almost drowned among the pillows and blankets that wrapped around her. Remembering how Shirou always looked at her with full attention, how he was always patient and never pushed her, made Riveria feel very special. Not just because Shirou was kind and wise, but because he saw Riveria as an equal, not just as a mentor or a respected member of Loki Familia.

"Why are you the only one who can make me feel like this?" she thought, allowing herself to be lost in feelings she had never felt before. As an elf over a hundred years old, Riveria knew she was considered mature and wise by many. But behind all that, she was still a young girl in the age of the elves—a girl who also wanted to feel affection and care.

Riveria's green eyes gazed at the dark ceiling of the room, recalling Shirou's warm smile, his attentive gaze, and how he always knew what to do to make her feel comfortable. "You are truly special, Shirou…" she murmured, a small smile reappearing on her lips before she slowly drifted off into a peaceful sleep, her mind filled with the image of the man who had made her heart flutter for the first time.

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