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27.27% The Awakenin / Chapter 6: Uncovering The Truth

Capítulo 6: Uncovering The Truth

"Ok let's break this down," Jack said, while clapping his hands. "First the mafia storms your office to take down your boss, but that didn't work, resulting in you unlocking these hidden abilities, killing 4 out of the five gunmen and only injuring the last one, who just came in here today to kill you," Jack says, looking at Sarah for confirmation. "Yes that's correct." "Then you also found out that Mr.Harrington is the leader of their rival mafia gang, that they are trying to take down and kill. Also Mike was kidnapped by some unknown entity in this situation and you're on the run from both the police and the mafia. Do I have everything right?" Jack asked. "Yes you do," Sarah says.

"Oh I forgot to show you this," Sarah says, as she reaches in her pocket to pull out the letter that they left her and handed it to Jack. "They left me this letter after they took Mike." Jack takes the letter and reads it silently to himself. "So they want you to do something for them in order to get Mike back?" Jack asked confused. "I believe so but I don't know why or what they want me to do," Sarah says. "It says to wait for their call, do you have any idea when they are going to call?" Jack asked. "No I don't, they didn't leave anything to suggest a time frame," Sarah states. "Hmm," Jack says, while he stroked his chin.

Just as Sarah was about to, speak there was a knock at the door. "Who is it?" Jack asked. "The water flows like a river through the mountains and the sun shines in the east," the person on the other side of the door says. Sarah looks on confused while Jack responds, "And the light shines upon me." "What the...," Sarah says utterly confused. Jack then proceeds to check the peephole and opens the door. A group of men walked through the door, with cleaning supplies, bags, military equipment, and began to pick up the mafia members that lied on the floor and cleaned up the mess from the attack. "Who are these people and what is going on here?" Sarah asks.

Jack pulls her to the side and tells her that these people are apart of the clean up crew in the navy, who would come in and clean up the scenes when things were done, so they could get in and out of their missions undetected," Jack stated. "And what was that weird wording/riddle that they said before you let them in?" Sarah asked. "Oh it's a code we say to make sure that we can identify our people," Jack says. "Uh okay," Sarah says, still weirded out. "The scene has been cleaned and cleared," the gentleman says to Jack. "Confirmed, thank you," Jack responded back. The man turned around signaling to the others and they packed up and left.

"You still have your Navy connections?" Sarah asked eagerly. "Yea," Jack response back taking a sip of his water. "That will definitely come in handy, to help us understand this entire situation," Sarah stated. "It could, but I don't know," Jack says. "We need to go speak to Mr. Harrington and see what is going on. Also we cant do anything about the Mike situation until they call." "Yea you're right," Sarah says sadly. "What I really want to know is where these hidden abilities came from," Jack said. "I honestly don't know it was just as if, apart of my body was woken up after being asleep for so long and I was able to channel it and used it like second nature," Sarah explained. "Interesting," Jack says calmly.

"After unlocking the hidden abilities have anything else ran through your head?" Jack asks. "Like what?" Sarah says questioningly. "Like old memories that would be tied to the reason you have these abilities in the first place." "No not really, nothing else has come to me since it happened." Silence fell upon the room as Sarah and Jack both started thinking, trying to figure out what to do. Sarah phone began to ring causing her to almost jump out of her skin, as she pulls it out of her pocket and looked at the caller ID. *Unknown Number* ran across her screen, she lifts it up nervously to show Jack. "Answer, it maybe them," Jack says.

Sarah slides her finger across the screen to answer, her fingers trembling, as she slowly raised her phone to her ear to listen. "He..Hello," Sarah answers, her voice trembling. "Come to 415 Pit Road in an hour, and come alone," the voice on the other end says "Is Mike.." *Click* the line goes dead before Sarah could even finish her sentence. "What.. What did they say?" Jack concernedly asks. "They just said to come to 415 pit road in an hour ,alone, and then hung up,"Sarah says as a lump began to form in her throat, as she tried to hold back tears.

"I didn't even get to see if Mike was okay," Sarah says sadly, as a single tear ran down her face. "I believe Mike is okay and they said they wouldn't hurt him as long as you do as they say," Jack stated matter of factly. "You're right," Sarah respond back. "What am I going to do?" Sarah says, as she placed her head in her hands. "I don't know, but what I do know is that you can't go there alone," Jack says. "I know, but I don't want to defy them, in fear that they might kill Mike," Sarah says petrified.

"Okay calm down now, let's think," Jack says. "Is there any way to go in and you can listen to our conversation at the same time?" Sarah asked "Ah," Jack says snapping his fingers. "There is a way. Give me a second." He says as he takes his phone out and calls someone. "I need some listening and tracking devices, make sure they're undetectable," Jack says through the receiver before hanging up. "Who was that?" Sarah asked. "That was one of my Navy buddies, he should have what we need." "That's wonderful," Sarah happily replied.

"Okay we have an hour before you need to be there,"Jack says. "He should also be here within 30 minutes to give us what we need." "Ok we just need to wait," Sarah says, as she walked over to the couch to get comfortable. 20 to 30 minutes passed and there was a knock on the door. "Who is it?" Jack sternly asked. The person on the other side of the door said their code to prove their identity and Jack checked the peephole, making sure before opening the door. "Hey man," Jack's buddy says, while giving Jack a friendly hug, which he returned. "Here is what you asks for, this is the listening device and this one is the tracking device, and you press this button to make them work and this button so it can be untraceable by any metal detector or scanner," the guys says. "Thanks Brian, I greatly appreciate it,"Jack says. "Anytime, call me if you need anything else," Brian says, as he takes his leave.

"Okay let's quickly get you hooked up," Jack says, as he immediately turning around, to start hooking Sarah up to both devices. "Okay you are ready to go," Jack says as he finishes up. "Thanks Jack for everything. I greatly appreciate you for everything,"Sarah says. "No worries, you'll just owe me a life on line type of favor," Jack says, while laughing. Sarah laughs to, "I will definitely come to your rescue, whenever you need me," Sarah says with a smile. "You ready to go Sarah?" Jack ask as he prepares for them to leave. "As ready as I'll ever be," Sarah says with a nervous laugh.

Both Sarah and Jack headed out, locking up behind them. Jack took Sarah through a back alley of his house, so no one would be able to see them leave, before getting in his car and driving off. Sarah chest felt heavy, making her feel like she couldn't breathe, as Jack drove towards the location. Jack looked over and could see Sarah having a mini anxiety attack. He gently takes his right hand, softly placing it on Sarah's left hand and gently squeezed it. Sarah looks up at Jack and Jack can see the fear in her eyes.

"It's gonna be okay I'm here listening in and I have the tracker on you, to know where you are if something goes wrong," Jack says reassuringly. "I believe you," Sarah says scared, while turning back towards the window. "Please let this go right," Sarah says to herself, as she says a silent prayer. Both Jack and Sarah sat quietly for the rest of the ride, both nervous about what was going to happen.

Jack finally reaches the destination. He parks about a block away from the location, in the cuts, so he can see if anyone is guarding the place and to see who is coming in and out. "Okay Sarah we are here," Jack says, as he parks the car, and turn off the lights. Sarah looked up to see where they are. It was a deserted area with a large abandoned warehouse on the end of the street, and nothing but street lights and the light of moon, lighting up the streets for miles. The warehouse looked like it was engulfed in darkness. Sarah internally screamed, as she shakily try's to open the door.

"Breathe Sarah, and remember I'm right here," Jack says. "If anything goes wrong I will be there to protect you and Mike." Sarah turns around and looks at Jack. "Thank you," She says, as her eyes watered. Jack bowed his head in response. Sarah closed her eyes and took a deep breath in and out, before slowly getting out of the car trying to be as quiet as possible. "Okay Sarah you got this," she says to herself, as she pushes forward, forcing her legs to move. Sarah slowly and stealthily walks towards the abandoned warehouse, calming her breathing and her racing heart, as she got closer and closer. It was eerily quiet outside and inside the warehouse. As Sarah finally reached the warehouse, she opened the dusty doors and ventured deeper inside.

Sarah walked through the warehouse seeing and hearing nothing, wondering if Mike is here or if this is some sort of trap. Sarah keeps walking deeper and deeper inside the warehouse, the view of the street behind her now a blur. The air was thick with dust and tension, the silence pressing down upon her like a physical weight. You can hear the sound of her footsteps echoing throughout the building. Sarah heard a muffled cry, the sound piercing the stillness, causing Sarah's heart to leap in her chest. Quickening her pace, she followed the noise, eyes darting from on shadowy corner to the next. The warehouse seemed to stretch on endlessly. A maze of corridors and empty rooms that threaten to swallow her whole. But Sarah refused to stop pushing forward, her focus solely on reaching the source of the cry.

She just knew Mike was out there, somewhere in this labyrinth of darkness, and she was determined to find him no matter the cost. With each step, Sarah's resolve hardened, her mind racing with a thousand possibilities. Who had taken Mike and why? What did they want from her, and how did they know about her hidden abilities? The questions swirled in her mind, but Sarah pushed them aside, her sole focus on navigating the maze before her. She had to find Mike, and she had to do it quickly, before the trap she had walked into closed in around her. As Sarah rounded the corner, a faint sound reached her ears - a muffled cry for help. Her heart pounding in her chest, she quickened her pace, her eyes scanning the dimly lit corridor for the source of the noise. Rounding another corner, Sarah's breath caught in her throat as she caught sight of a familiar figure, bound, gagged, and bloody, his eyes wide with a mixture of relief and fear.

"Mike," she breathed, his name barely escaping her lips, swallowing the vomit that formed in her throat threatening to escape. Sarah moved towards Mike, but before she could fully move to rescue him, a dark figure stepped out of the shadows, with a gun pointing directly at Sarah's head. Sarah froze, her mind racing as she took in the sight of the man before her. He was well dressed, his features unremarkable, but there was an air of authority and menace that sent a chill down her spine. "Welcome, Miss Jenkins," the man said with a thick Russian accent, his voice calm and measured. "We've been expecting you." Sarah's heart pounded in her chest so fiercely it felt like she was having a heart attack. As she tried to process the man's words, her gaze darting between him and the bound figure of Mike. The pieces of the puzzle were slowly falling into place, but the picture they painted was a chilling one. One that Sarah never expected at all.

"Who are you?" Sarah demanded, her voice laced with a mixture of fear and rage. "What do you want from me?" The man's lips curled into a thin smile, his eyes glinting with a predatory gleam. "Oh, I think you know who we are and what we want Miss. Jenkins," he said his tone dripping with a sinister calm. "After all your performance earlier today was quite impressive." Sarah stared in confusion, her thoughts a whirlwind of possibilities, as she tried to make sense of the situation. This man, whoever he was, seemed to know far more about her than she ever imagined, and the fact that he had taken Mike for leverage, one of the only people she trusted, only added weight of the impossible choices that laid before her.

"So you really don't know who we are?" The man questioned menacingly. Sarah shook her head no, as her lips didn't dare move. "Interesting," the man says creepily, while inching closer to where Sarah stood, with the gun still pointed at her temple. "Well, he sinisterly laughs, "I guess you wouldn't considering your memories were suppressed," the man replied. "Supres...," Sarah's voice caught in her throat, " my memories were suppressed?! She questioned her voice barely audible. "Yes, your memories were suppressed a long time ago to protect you from us," The man replied. "Why would..?" Sarah froze as she tried to make sense of what the man in front of her said, Mike stared in confusion behind him. "So you still haven't figured it out yet?" The man replied with a sinister grin. "Okay, let me spell it out for you," he said with glee. "My name is Dimitri and I'm with a secret agency within the Russian government," he states.

"Russ..Russian government?" Sarah says as her voice trembles. "Yes the Russian government," he says mockingly. " Now, I was hired to take down all the U.S. government sleeper agents, and I was able to kill a few, but as I was closing in on the rest, they ended the program and suppressed all the sleeper agents memories and abilities until further notice to protect them," he psychotically states, as his words seeped with rage. Sarah feeling sick to her stomach, as he continued his monologue. "And you are one of them Sarah," he says with a deep sinister and menacing grin. Sarah stares blankly, completely frozen in place, while Mike eyes widen in confusion, and Jack who is still listening in, jaw drops in astonishment. Sarah's mind is racing so much, it was as if the room was spinning, causing her to stumble backwards, she tries to speak, but her words won't dare escape her lips. "I see that you are in shock," he laughs. " did you find me? Why are you doing this to me?" Sarah ask her voice shaking so much it caused her to stutter.

"Oh," he says with a smile, "the answer to that question is easy, "all the remaining U.S government sleeper agents, when they suppressed their memories, they placed a device that would alert them if a sleeper agent unlocked their memories and abilities earlier than they intended. Which is what you happened to do Sarah," he says as he points at her laughing to himself sadistically. "Since you unlocked your abilities early it alerted the U.S government, which then in turned alerted us, since we have spies who have infiltrated the government." He says as we walks back towards Mike. "Now, why am I doing this to you, you asked?" He says as he stands on the side of Mike and places a hand on his shoulder.

"Because you were the first to unlocked your abilities early," he smiled. " Now, imma need you to kill all the remaining sleeper agents for me," he says, as he walks slowly around to the backside of Mike's chair. "You want me to kill all of them?" Sarah asked disheartened, "Why?" "One, the U.S government is already after you, I just happened to get to you first, and two, it will be alot easier for you to get to them then me since you are apart of the program." Sarah looked at Mike with tears in her eyes and says, "I can't do that," her voice barely above a whisper.

"Well okay then," he says as he immediately raises the gun to the back of Mike's head. Both Mike and Sarah's eyes widen with fright. "No! Please don't kill him!" Sarah screamed. "You either do the task you were given or I'm going to blow his brains out," he said coldly, his eyes dark with no signs of life. " You have 5 seconds." "One!.. Two!" Trapped with Mike's life hanging in the balance, Sarah knew she had no choice but to comply. "Three!" Swallowing her fear, she met the man's gaze, "Four!" He says, as he stares into her soul, cocking his gun and pressing it deeper into Mike's head. "Fiv..." he tries to say, before Sarah screamed, "Alright!!! I'll do it!" While she dropped to her knees and cried.

A smile slowly creeped across his face, "Good girl," he says, as he slowly drops the gun to his side. "Now here are the files on all the remaining sleeper agents who you need to kill," he says, as he throws the stack of files on to the floor in front of her. "Once you are done and I have confirm that all of them have been killed, I'll let your little boyfriend go," he states. Sarah slowly looks up at him from the floor, tears streaming down her face. "Alive? You will let him go alive?" She asked through tears. "Yes, you have my word," he says pressing his hand against his chest, as he smiles grimacingly. "What about me?" "I'm apart of the sleeper agents you want dead, are you going to kill me?" Sarah ask as she slowly gets up.

"Oh!" He psychotically laughs, "I won't need to kill you, the U.S government will do that for me, as you will be branded a rogue sleeper agent, an enemy of the country. They will have no choice but to kill what they created before things get to outta hand." Sarah fell back to her knees, trying to contain her anger and internal turmoil. "So you trick me?" She said utterly disgusted. "I guess you can say that," he chuckles to himself. "You have until the end of the week," he stated coldly, as he took Mike and disappeared into the night. Sarah sat on the floor, now alone, in deafening silence, the files scattered around her, as she just broke down and cried, wailing like a baby.

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