The Sheikh's spouse, Shayah, fulfilled her promise to ensure their security and comfort, even creating a homey atmosphere so Joan could enjoy her stay at the palace.
The palace was stunning, with its vast grounds, elegant courtyards, and sumptuous rooms exuding an elegant Laura could never have imagined.
Joan and Prince Ahziz were fast friends, and the two children would spend their days chasing butterflies and giggling hysterically about living in the palace.
"Hahaha! Catch that butterfly over there." Joan pointed at a butterfly by the flower bed to Prince Ahziz, who was holding a stick with a net at the end.
"Shhh, be quiet, or the butterfly will fly away. Stay still, and I'll catch it for you."
"Oh, okay!" Joan hushed her mouth and stood frozen, holding an opened bottle in one hand and the lid in the other.
Thank you!