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32% The Inheritance Cycle: Getting My Wish Fulfilled (Eragon) / Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Secrets in the Spine

Capítulo 8: Chapter 8: Secrets in the Spine

Eragon awoke to the soft morning light filtering through the leaves, dappling the stone floor of his small cave in the Spine. The forest outside was alive with the morning's activity—birds chirping, the wind rustling through the trees, and the distant gurgle of a stream flowing somewhere below.

Beside him, Saphira lay curled up like a cat, her smooth scales shimmering faintly in the pale light. She had grown just slightly over the past few weeks, but she was still small enough to nuzzle against his side comfortably. Her chest rose and fell in slow, even breaths as she slept, her sapphire blue skin blending with the shadows of the cave.

'She is beautiful...' Eragon lay there for a moment, simply enjoying the quiet peace of the morning as he watched Saphira's scales. His mind drifted back to the events of the previous day—his first successful use of magic.

Even now, a surge of pride welled up within him.

But as much as he wanted to bask in the joy of his accomplishments, he knew there was still much to be done. There was still so much more to learn, and Saphira would only continue to grow. He had to keep pushing himself, for both their sakes.

As the morning grew brighter, Saphira stirred beside him, stretching out her limbs and yawning in a manner that reminded him of a house cat. Her eyes opened slowly, locking onto his. She chirped softly in greeting, and he couldn't help but smile at the sight.

"Good morning, Saphira," Eragon said, his voice gentle. He reached out to scratch under her chin, earning a pleased rumble in response.

After a simple breakfast of dried meat and fruits, Eragon decided it was time for them to hunt. Saphira had been growing hungrier lately, and she needed more than just the scraps he had been able to provide. It would also give them a chance to bond further.

"Come on, little one," Eragon said as he strapped on his knife and bow. "Let's see if we can catch a few rabbits today."

Saphira chirped in excitement as if she understood, her small body wiggling with enthusiasm as she followed him out of the cave. The forest was still and tranquil as they made their way through the underbrush. Eragon spoke to Saphira as they moved, his voice low and steady as if explaining the hunt to a close friend.

"You'll have to be patient," he said, crouching low as he scanned the area. "Rabbits are quick and clever. But we're quicker, aren't we?"

Saphira watched him with bright, intelligent eyes, her tail swishing back and forth as if in agreement. Together, they stalked through the woods, Eragon's movements careful and precise while Saphira padded silently beside him. When they finally spotted a rabbit grazing in a small clearing, Eragon motioned for her to stay still. He nocked an arrow and drew his bow, releasing the string with a soft twang.


The rabbit didn't have a chance to flee as the arrow struck true.

"Got it," Eragon whispered triumphantly as he walked over to retrieve his kill. Saphira chirped happily, though she was still too small to participate in the hunt itself. "One down. Let's see if we can find a few more."

They spent the next few hours hunting together, Eragon taking down three more rabbits while Saphira observed with increasing curiosity. Each time he caught one, she would nudge it with her snout, sniffing at it curiously before backing away to let him handle it.

When they finally returned to their makeshift camp near the cave, Eragon let Saphira eat one of the rabbits slowly while he began to train with a different kind of magic this time. He stood a few feet away from her, gathering his thoughts as he focused on the natural world around him. He attempted to push his thoughts outward, trying to connect with the animals and plants around him, just as he had read in the books.

It was harder than he had expected—reaching out mentally to the world beyond himself—but he kept at it, sweat beading on his forehead as he concentrated.

Meanwhile, Saphira watched him from the side, her head tilted curiously as she tried to make sense of what he was doing. She didn't seem to understand fully, but she remained close, as if she could sense the importance of what he was attempting.

Like this, the days passed, and soon three weeks had flown by. Saphira grew rapidly during this time, now standing bigger than a golden retriever. She had also begun to understand Eragon's words more clearly. While she couldn't yet speak with him mentally, she responded to his thoughts and commands with increasing intelligence. Eragon had made a point of speaking to her often, sometimes with his mind, sometimes aloud, and it seemed to help their bond grow stronger.

During this period, Eragon hadn't stayed in the Spine entirely. A week ago, he had gone back to Carvahall to check in on Garrow and Roran, ensuring that they didn't worry about his long absence. But even then, he hadn't stayed at the farm overnight. Instead, he had snuck out under the cover of darkness to return to Saphira's side, sleeping beside her in the Spine while pretending to be at home.

Now, as the sun rose on another morning, Eragon stood in front of Saphira's cave. She looked at him expectantly as he prepared to leave for a few hours.

"I need to go to Carvahall for a little while," he said softly, stroking her snout. "Stay here and wait for me, alright? I won't be gone long."

Saphira tilted her head at him, her eyes filled with understanding, even if she couldn't respond with words. She gave a small, almost imperceptible nod, which made Eragon smile.

"That's my girl," he said affectionately. After one last pat on her head, he turned and began running fast towards Carvahall.

As he ran through the forest silently like a flash, Eragon's thoughts drifted to the plan he had been developing over the past month. 'Brom needs to know', he thought to himself. He wasn't going to wait for the old storyteller to figure things out on his own. Eragon had been careful—far more cautious than his counterpart from the original timeline.

He hadn't shown the egg to anyone, and he had kept Saphira hidden from prying eyes. There were no imperial soldiers or Ra'zac coming to Carvahall this time—not if he had anything to say about it.

But he needed to learn more. He needed someone to guide him, and Brom was the only person around who could do that.

But he needs a reason for why he will show Saphira to Brom, and Eragon had already come up with a way to appease the old man doubts when they arrive—a pretext that would get Brom satisfied without revealing too much.

When asked Eragon would just put the blame on magic. That should be enough to get Brom's off his back.

'There is nothing to lose by telling Brom, and everything to gain by do telling him.. I just need to be careful not to reveal much and it will be alright' Already having a plan in mind Eragon continued his fast movement down the Spine.

While running, looked at his resistance skills, deeply satisfied with his progress and the new skill he got when he touched the magical fire created by saying the word brisingr.

[Pain Resistance Level 136]

[Radiation Resistance Level 148]

[Fatigue Resistance Level 160]

[Abrasion Resistance Level 126]

[Heat Resistance Level 150]

[Blunt Force Resistance Level 96]

[Oxygen Deprivation Resistance Level 69]

[Vertigo Resistance Level 61]

[Irritant Resistance Level 23]

[Cold Resistance Level 137]

[Poison Resistance Level 37]

[Sleep Deprivation Resistance Level 142]

[Alcohol Resistance Level 12]

[Cut Resistance Level 24]

[Hunger Resistance Level 70]

[Pressure Resistance Level 20]

[Dehydration Resistance Level 60]

[Sickness Resistance Level 3]

[Virus Resistance Level 3]

[Sensory Overload Resistance Level 43]

[Magic Resistance Level 23]

The resistance skill Magic Resistance description was something that still thrilled whenever he looks at it:

This skill grants a passive ability to reduce the impact and effectiveness of harmful magical attacks, weakening their potency and providing greater resilience to detrimental spells and enchantments.

'This skill is going to be the key to my invincibility, I must work hard on it and raise its level as soon as possible!' He thought this to himself the moment he received the skill and so he did, resulting in its rapidly rising level. 'Using brisingr also help me raise both heat resistance and magic resistance at the same time, though that leaves cold resistance behind. Mmm... I will need to do something about this later on'

With thoughts and plans running through his head, Eragon reached Carvahall. The village was waking up, its stout log houses surrounded by mist and the morning dew. The streets were alive with activity—people heading to their daily chores, traders setting up their stalls, and children playing outside their homes. As Eragon made his way through the village, he greeted the people he passed. They responded with enthusiasm, many of them calling out his name and offering words of admiration for his successful hunts in the Spine.

Eragon couldn't help but smile at the attention. His reputation as a hunter had grown considerably over the past year, and he had earned the respect of many in the village. But there was no time to dwell on it. He had a mission today.

Knock~ Knock~

After a few minutes, he arrived at Brom's house and knocked on the door. It took a full minute before the door creaked open, revealing Brom standing in the doorway. The old man's face was initially expressionless, but a flicker of surprise crossed his features when he saw Eragon standing there.

"What do you want, boy?" Brom asked, his tone gruff as always, though his curiosity was evident.

Eragon offered him a small smile. "Good morning, Brom. The matter is like this, I have something important I want to show you, something that can't be explained. It's in the Spine."

Brom's eyes narrowed suspiciously. "And what exactly is this 'something'?"

Eragon shook his head. "I can't tell you. You have to see it to understand."

Brom frowned, his gaze piercing as he studied Eragon's face. The old man was silent for a long moment, clearly pondering whether or not he should go along with whatever this was. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Brom spoke again.

"And why should I come with you?" Brom asked gruffly.

Eragon leaned in slightly, lowering his voice. "I promise, you won't regret it."

Brom continued to stare at him for a few more seconds before he sighed heavily. "Fine."

Without another word, Brom shut the door in Eragon's face. Eragon blinked, stunned for a second, but before he could fully process the old man's abruptness, the door opened again. Brom stepped out, now wearing a coat and carrying a long staff in hand. He locked the door behind him and turned to Eragon.

"Lead the way," Brom said curtly. "Let's see this 'important thing' you're so eager to show me."

Eragon nodded, a small grin tugging at his lips. "Alright follow me."

They left Carvahall together, walking in silence for a while as they followed the road that led towards the Spine. Brom seemed to be in no mood for small talk, so Eragon refrained from saying much at first. The old man was notoriously gruff, and Eragon knew better than to push him too hard too soon.

After some time, though, the silence started to feel awkward, so Eragon decided to ask a few questions, hoping to ease the tension.

"So, Brom," Eragon began casually, "have you always lived in Carvahall?"

Brom glanced at him from the corner of his eye, his expression unreadable. "No," he answered shortly.

Eragon waited for more, but when none came, he pressed on. "Where did you live before?"

Brom sighed, clearly not interested in the conversation. "Many places," he replied tersely.

Eragon realized he wasn't going to get much out of Brom that way, so he gave up on trying to pry into the old man's past. They continued walking in silence, the only sounds being the crunch of gravel underfoot and the occasional rustle of wind through the trees.

As they approached the Spine, the road ended, and they began walking over rocks and between trees, the terrain growing rougher as they moved deeper into the forest. The canopy overhead thickened, blocking out much of the sunlight, and the air grew cooler and damp.

They walked for two hours through the dense forest, and Eragon could hear Brom's breathing becoming labored. The old man's steps grew heavier, and he was clearly struggling to keep up with the uneven terrain. Eragon slowed his pace and turned to look at Brom, concerned.

"Do you want to take a break?" Eragon asked, trying to sound considerate rather than condescending.

Brom waved him off gruffly, though his voice was rough with fatigue. "No, no. How much further is it?"

"About twenty more minutes," Eragon replied.

Brom grumbled something under his breath but didn't ask for a rest. Instead, he squared his shoulders and continued forward, his face set in a determined scowl.

Eragon shrugged and kept walking, the old man trailing behind him. After another twenty minutes of walking through the dense forest, they finally reached the clearing in front of the cave. Eragon stopped at the entrance, turning back to Brom with a small smile.

"We're here," Eragon said. "What I wanted to show you is inside the cave."

Brom, sweating and breathing heavily, gave him a tired, skeptical look. "I hope this is worth all the trouble," he muttered as he wiped his brow with the back of his hand.

Eragon chuckled softly. "Oh, it will be. Just… don't have a heart attack when you see what it is, alright? I didn't bring you all the way out here just to have you die on me, old man hehe."

Brom shot him an irritated glare and grumbled, "Disrespectful brat." Then, with surprising boldness, he pushed past Eragon and stepped into the cave without hesitation.

Eragon followed closely behind, just in time to see Brom freeze in place, his eyes wide with shock. Standing in the center of the cave was Saphira, her deep blue scales shimmering faintly in the dim light. She was curled up but raised her head as Brom entered, her bright, intelligent eyes locking onto the old man.

Brom stood there, staring at her in disbelief for a moment before he suddenly rushed forward, moving faster than Eragon had ever seen him move before. But before he could get too close, Saphira bared her fangs and let out a low, warning growl, her body tensing defensively.

Brom skidded to a stop, his eyes still wide as he took in the sight of the dragon. "By the gods…this is...." he whispered, his voice filled with awe and wonder. He remained frozen in place, unsure of how to approach her without provoking a more aggressive response.

From behind him, Eragon chuckled softly. He stepped around Brom and walked confidently up to Saphira, reaching out to stroke her smooth scales. Saphira relaxed immediately at his touch, her growl turning into a soft purr as she nudged his hand affectionately.

"Eragon, what are you—" Brom began, his voice filled with shock and confusion. But before he could finish, he stopped short, watching in disbelief as Eragon continued to pet Saphira as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

Something seemed to click in Brom's mind at that moment. His expression changed from confusion to realization as he looked from Eragon to Saphira and back again. "Are you… her Rider?" he asked, his voice filled with awe.

Eragon smiled at Brom and stepped back from Saphira. "If that isn't obvious by now, then maybe this will help," he said as he pulled off his gloves, revealing the shining silver mark on his palm—the gedwëy ignasia.

Brom's eyes widened even further as he stared at the mark. His mouth opened slightly, but no words came out for several seconds. Then, without warning, his face lit up with unconcealed joy. "You… you're really a Dragon Rider…" he whispered, his voice trembling slightly. "By the gods, it's true…"

Brom seemed to be in a daze as he took a few unsteady steps forward, his gaze never leaving the dragon. But then, his expression changed to something more serious as he turned to Eragon, his voice suddenly urgent. "Who else knows about this? Who else have you told? Did your uncle Garrow or cousin Roran know? did you tell them?!"

"No one," Eragon replied quickly. "You're the first and only person I've told."

And then as if imagining a funny scene, Eragon chuckles a little as he says "Can you even imagine me appearing in front of my uncle with a dragon in hand? He would probably faint on the spot hehe"

Brom let out a long sigh of relief, his shoulders relaxing slightly. "Good, good," he muttered under his breath. Then, after a moment, he looked at Eragon with a strange expression, as if trying to puzzle something out. "But… why are you telling me this? Why me out of everyone?"

Eragon smiled knowingly. "Because," he said calmly, "you're a Dragon Rider too, aren't you?"

For a brief moment, Brom's face showed complete shock, but he quickly masked it with a confused frown. "What are you talking about, boy? I'm just an old storyteller."

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