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2.7% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 7: The Game we Play

Capítulo 7: The Game we Play

I don't own Star wars...

There would be so much more twi'lek porn if i did.

Qalydon was a little-known planet in the outer rims and was occupied by the empire. It even had an imperial academy for those conscripted sentients from the other occupied imperial planets nearby. It was just too much money to send them to one of the other academies like the ones on Dromund Kaas or Korriban. It was a little backwater, and you could practically hear the tattooine banjo's playing as you landed your ship, but I know that I would've loved to attend the academy here…

Not just because the alien girls were in a far more plentiful supply but the academy guidelines were far less… restrictive.

Essentially academies were just trooper and officer boot camps on Dromund Kaas. Even the 'under the radar' parties, which were inevitably formed in secret, were censored. Fun fact, watching one of those parties from my room allowed me to realize that our administrator's beautiful Chiss secretary was an undercover Watcher. They weren't so much underground parties, as they were social events… Somehow our parents or sponsors would always find out and make us mingle rather than relax or, I don't know, get fucking laid.

I might have been born with a silver spoon in my mouth, but it was still covered in shit. My mother, Moff Altora never let me attend them anyway… my academy was for children from rich families, the nobles, the influential friends, and the sons of bastards to send their kids to. To learn an imperial life skill, not to have fun, and instead of getting lucky you'd get a job well done…

Fuck it was boring…

Now Qalydon, I have to admit for a backwater planet knew how to throw a party…

It must have been some sort of graduation. The imperial officer in charge of the academy was there as well, strutting around with a pair of human, well I'll call them 'entertainers' but they were essentially escorts, on each arm congratulating various students in dress uniforms… Both class of sentients were in uniforms: The graduating students and the faculty, and the entertainment.

Although the entertainment was far more pleasing… the entertainers were mostly human men and women. But thankfully for us (my team), and a few other aliens, anti-alien sentiment was still taught but was just a little more unavoidable here. They strutted around in pasties, thongs, and stripper heels that looked just uncomfortable to walk in. Apparently, the party ran on a sort of a ticket system from what I could tell…

From what Yura learned the students paid for essentially raffle tickets, thousands of credits a piece, and as many as they could afford. They would 'purchase' private time with one of the entertainers. Each ticket essentially functioned as a receipt for the escorts who would, at the end of the night, collect a set amount of credits from the academy for each ticket… So as they wander around the party, bargaining and dealing with the students, they put on their best smiles and pouting faces as they seduced, flirt, and teased for their nightly earnings. If they had no tickets, they got no money…

I watched a human escort, a pretty brunette with a long braid of black hair and enhanced work around her breasts that exceeded Milky just slightly manage to come to an agreement with a pair of twin black-haired imperial graduates. Leading them to one of the private rooms of the mansion the party was held at. It was a three-story building surrounded by a garden maze and a massive veranda roof where the party itself was taking place.

A third-floor room erupted suddenly into light as the woman's heeled feet flowed seductively across the floor. Strutting just a little more prominently to show that yes, she was that graceful. Her long braid of hair brushed against her ass temptingly as if to clean it up for them… They began talking again, apparently trying to continue the bargaining as one of the twin students walked past her, quickly stripping out of his clothes and presenting a massive and obviously enhanced dick… As he lay on his back, he let his erection point majestically to the ceiling as if ready to fire a blaster straight through it.

Finally after a few more seconds of talking the woman nodded her consent and, keeping her legs straight, and turning her ass towards the dressed twin she slipped her fingers under the string of her thong at her side and bent over pushing it to the floor and presenting herself to the dressed twin.

He seemed pretty satisfied about the sight.

Pasties and heels still on, she got onto the bed. She turned to face the dressed twin she squatted slowly down onto the naked one to ride him cowgirl style, one of her soft gentle hands slowly guiding him towards her asshole. She threw her head back dramatically as she lowered herself agonizingly slow upon him until finally, he was snugly inside her rectum. She didn't move at first, adjusting to his size inside as he began stroking her long braided hair, apparently deciding whether or not to he wanted to pull it…

Finally she began to move rapidly just as her body finished adjusting… a few bouncy and arousing strokes later the other twin, finally began undoing his belt but left the pants on. He pulled his own ready erection from his pants. He had clearly been enhanced too but unlike his brother who had clearly gone for length, he had gone for thickness. The escort took notice and suddenly she wasn't nearly as confident in her choice as she previously thought…

The twins noticed her sudden hesitation, and they didn't appreciate the look of it. It's not like she wasn't going to finish them, if she didn't she wouldn't be paid. That's simply how these parties worked. There was also no welching allowed. If she wasn't given tickets for her services rendered she would report them and the entertainer would be paid double from the offender's personal accounts, so double the offenders, double the pay.

The naked brother decided that she wasn't going to be given any choice, they had an agreement after all. He grabbed her braid and yanked it pulling her head back, I couldn't hear them from where I was but clearly, she had yelped. he wrapped his hand tightly around the braid and pulled while shoving deeper inside her as he presented her pussy to his brother for easier access. Now off-balanced, her hands dropped to the bed alongside him to steady herself as she struggled to keep his dick from tearing apart her insides just as the dressed twin loomed over her with his bantha tusk-sized dick like an ominous rain cloud…

She suddenly looked horrifyingly nervous as he placed the head of his dick along her pussy lips, and no longer hiding her fear, she clearly mouthed the words 'Wait! Go slow!' before he promptly ignored her pleas and pressed himself deep inside her to the hilt…

Seeing the mixture of pain and pleasure on her face made me harder, and suddenly thoughts of Yura and myself in a similar position entered my mind… Except, instead of her being rammed by two different men she was being fucked by twin mes… I even in my mind I was too possessive…

Apparently the twins had done this sort of thing before. Their rhythm was perfectly in sync, it wasn't double penetration 'in the wild' as it were… two men don't just sync up like that inside a woman. Men are greedy, I should know. When fucking not loving making, men are greedy and demanding, and with an escort even more so because they would want their money's worth. That in my opinion was the appeal of sex bought for money. For a brief glorious period, mentally you owned the product so you could do what you want with it, it was yours…

I'm not saying I approve or put it into practice but that's just my theory…

Regardless the double penetration had clearly been practiced thoroughly at one point. With who, or how many times I could only imagine but as the dressed twin slammed into her pussy the naked twin pulled out of her ass, not fully but just enough to get a significant portion of his length out of her before returning just as his brother pulled from her stretched pussy… Both of their hands were on her hips now, pulling and pushing respectively they were clearly doing all the work, fulling using the escort as an enhanced masturbation aid. A mixture of fear, pain, and more prominently pleasure formed on the escort's face as the physical feeling of the twins clearly practiced fucking took providence over her cognitive thoughts… her body had given out, her tongue lolled out, and deep in pleasure she collapsed roughly onto the naked twin as the dressed twin dropped on top of her pressing tightly between them making a flesh sandwich. There was no escape for her now. He cruelly ripped away one of the pasties on her breasts with his teeth and spit it away as he bit possessively onto her erect nipple. Sucking and chewing it like an overgrown baby…

She screamed again in more pleasure, or pain, I don't know, before screaming out the word Fuck as the naked twin finished inside her ass… thrusting himself completely inside her. He finished draining his balls and slowly began letting his dick slip erotically out of her ass. He held her steady as his dressed brother increased his own fucking, obviously trying to get to finish as well and clearly determined to do it inside… She wasn't quite as mind fucked as I thought because as the dressed twin obviously began declaring his release and intention, she began to yell at him in surprise; obviously desperate to tell him to pull out…

But the idea of ownership is a powerful aphrodisiac… grabbing her throat and squeezing to silence her he slammed the full length of his dick against her hips so hard her ass squirted some of his brother's cum onto the bed, unable to contain it. Squeezing so tightly around her throat, her face was turning blue and she began to slap against him. Then with a greatly satisfied look on his face, he came inside her. If she could gasp she would have as he slammed himself to the root of his dick and unloaded his seed as deep as he could.

…She was suddenly looking much weaker and her blows coming much more slowly, he wasn't noticing, to deep inside her and wallowing in his own pleasure to care. He didn't even stop choking her as he finished, too lost in thought and eyes closed in bliss...

Finally, his twin, realizing that a dead hooker was no way to begin an imperial career, easily slugged his brother off of her. Sending him pulling out and onto the floor as she gasped for breath… The naked twin, surprisingly checking to see if she was okay first, then punched his brother again, yelling at him and pointing at the woman now sadly scrapping thick droplets of cum from her gaping and dripping pussy… her eyes were watery but she didn't seem to be crying…

The dressed twin apparently had something to say as well but the naked twin gave him a cold look. The dressed twin looking dejected and angry put his flaccid dick back in his pants and slammed three party tickets on the dresser before stomping out of the room. The naked twin, placing two tickets himself on the dress said something to the escort, who said something back…

Then the twin hesitated and slowly, said something again, holding up two more tickets. The woman stopped scrapping her pussy and looked at him... after hesitating for a moment she said something else. Pulled the remaining pasty off her breast, and spread her legs once more as he put the extra tickets on the dresser and slid his rapidly hardening dick into her loosened pussy, quickly increasing his pace as she began performing once more.

The second time was a little quicker, now able to focus more on the naked twin, the fucking had become more personal and to some extent more arousing as she suddenly began to twitch from an unexpected orgasm. As he began rapidly thrusting she mouthed the words 'pull out' to him but cruelly he wasn't having it. He covered her mouth with his hand surprising her. With her clearly screaming her disapproval he shot more sperm inside her. Just by watching you could tell he wanted to possess her... his brother got to cum inside now it was his turn. He pulled his hand away and she spat angrily at him as he pulled out and smugly added another ticket for the creampie... she clearly cursed obscenities at him. Still smug, he held up two more tickets, and slowly she stopped... as if hypnotized... gaping at him in shock.

Slowly, he pointedly placed the tickets onto the pile... not looking away from each other as he did so. He left one firm finger on the tickets and watching her, pulled his finger away. Her body reflexively shook as she did, watching him intently. The room was still, as if on pause, and her mind seemed to be rapidly coming to a decision she was clearly going to later regret... She silently lied back once more and spread her legs, presenting herself. Ready to take him inside her once again. Then something else happened in that room... the naked twin pulled out yet another ticket and her body quivered as he placed it into the pile. Displaying clearly that he was going to creampie her again, her body shook even more as she herself realized it. Her face, previously disgustedly angry, was now showing just a bit of fear, and just a bit of arousal. Then he added two more tickets to the pile, implying that once he was done he was going to fuck her again. It was quickly becoming a lucrative night for her even if her integrity was slowly being killed by her desire for more money. And as he had before, with tears clearly rolling down the entertainer's face as her body twitched and squirmed, her pussy leaking his fresh sperm: he added yet another ticket, for another creampie...

'Oh gods...' her lips seemed to say, 'oh gods...' she repeated unable to look away from him as he just kept adding more tickets to the pile. She had agreed to this and now she couldn't get away or she'd risked losing all of it. He approached her while slowly crawling on the bed, staring into her eyes like a predator hunting its prey. Her whole body unintentionally continued to quiver as he kissed her gently and penetrated her once more, pushing hard into her sperm-filled pussy, displacing his own fresh seed by forcing it to leak around his dick and out of her pussy. She was simply no longer able to take anymore of his cum even as he shot more inside her, causing the older loads of cum to burst from her pussy as if her womb threw it back up. He smiled with aroused cruelty as he released even more of his seed deep into her. And what was worse was she was clearly getting orgasms from it.... He was obviously and disgustingly content in the knowledge that he and his brother had broken the woman, and condemned her to a night of creampies and shame... Which continued with a vicious cycle to run his taboo-fueled lusts.

As you all know by now, I'm not too into human girls and deep down I knew that what she was going through was utterly regretful and immoral... but man was that fucking hot…

But I couldn't keep being a voyeur all night I had a job to do and possibly it was the most dangerous job yet. I mean; a former imperial, son of a moff, collecting on a debtor to a Hutt on an imperial world? If I was caught my mother would send a star destroyer to hunt me down… probably two.

But luckily our plan, like the twin, was rapidly reaching its climax…

Milky half dragged a sandy-haired imperial graduate into the garden maze. Giggling like she often did when playing her role of holo-girl… She had taken to bounty hunting like a Gungan to water, if she wasn't so easily recognized you'd think she had always been one.

I heard them approach my position as the target spoke.

"Fuck me, I can't believe they got THE Milky Way to the party!" he laughed delightedly and a little drunkenly, clearly he couldn't believe his own luck.

"Yep. lucky you." She smiled that smile that made men, some women, and I do whatever she fucking wanted.

"Man, I have all your holo-vids on ultra!" he said, fanboying just like I would have in his position. "I heard you retired!" he said as she shoved him down onto a stone bench.

Like all the other 'entertainers' Milky was dressed in a thong, heels, and pasties… but she honestly might as well have worn nothing at all… I mean, it's essentially the same for all of the entertainers tonight but it was especially true for Milky.

The thong underwear she wore was black against the white of her fur to show that she was actually wearing something. It was probably a size too small, the cloth barely hid her pussy and the back was a little more than a string giving the illusion that she was bare ass. I mean her ass was so erotically big I think they had a completely different word to describe it…

Nal Hutta booty I think? Doesn't matter it was still erotically delicious… And the pasties themselves on her breasts were as white as her fur so… actually what the fuck was the point of them?

Regardless, her stripper heels clattered pointedly against the stone of the ground as she walked towards him, placing her hands on his shoulders and setting his hands on her hips she swayed slowly in front of him like a Kashyyyk snake hypnotizing its prey…

I shook my head. I needed to keep my eyes on the job. There will be plenty of time to watch Milky when we were done.

"Man this is like a dream…" he said blearily, watching her hips with his eyes and not trusting himself to move his head too much without getting sick. He wanted to keep this moment going for as long as possible.

"I'm your fantasy kiddo…" she said a little more briskly, causing me to smile at my location. Even undercover she was still… just perfect… and luckily he was too drunk to realize the sharpness of her voice. She was sensitive about the word 'dream' after all…

"Man I heard you retired!" he repeated drunkenly not remembering his earlier words, clearly more than a little woozy, "So you just entered the private sector? Can I get some private time?"

Coyly Milky smiled, looking past him above his head, "Something like that… but I still whip out the girls for cash sometimes… she playfully shook her large succulent breasts, letting them jiggle firmly in front of his bulging eyes. Keeping his attention… "But I'm afraid I don't do 'private' private time anymore…"

"Awe why not!" he whined childishly… Well if a child was allowed to touch a real-life holo-girl that is…

"Come on please!" he pulled out what was apparently twenty tickets. At least double of what I had seen everyone else paid tonight so far, "I'll give you all my tickets! Rando and Sebbile aren't even using theirs so I'll give you all of the ones they gave me!" pulling out what was quite possibly 20000 credits in receipts… honestly, it was four times the amount that Torga was paying me for him.

Milky defiantly although still sweetly, turned him down, "Sorry honey, you can look but don't touch…" then remembering his hands she added, "Well touch any deeper I guess…" she added cutely with a purr and a giggle.

The man-child pouted drunkenly, as he watched her. He was like a child having been denied the treatment of a lifetime which… you know he was. And to be honest I felt a little stab at the fact that all that money was just going to go to waste. But she promptly made me feel better as she answered his next question. "…but… but why?"

She smiled, her voice as silky as her fur and he purr as arousing as the idea of just a half-hour with her… "Because my boyfriend doesn't like it when I fuck other guys…"

I got hard immediately but I managed myself as the target scowled angrily, before drunkenly beginning to rant as she pulled his hands away from her ass. He had began 'subtly' lowering on her hips, thinking she wouldn't notice. "Well what the fuck does he know? What does he even do huh? Is he some fucking Moff's son? Or a moff himself?! Some rich fat fucking hutt?"

"No he's a bounty hunter…" she said honestly, smiling at him as the trap closed.

"What?" he asked, suddenly sobering up really quickly as my slugthrower butt slammed against the side of his head and he collapsed on the bench.

"What took you so long?" she asked playfully, taking the restraining cuffs from my duster pockets and binding his arms.

"…Got distracted…" I said honestly with a shrug as I thoroughly viewed her wondrously big ass as she bent over him. "Sorry won't happen again… today." We smiled at each other as she began easily dragging him to our escape route beside me. Her monstrous strength did nothing to deaden my arousal for her at that moment.

…Like I said long ago I like powerful women…

"Oh, almost forgot…" she collected the tickets gently pushing my duster open and shoving them deliberately slow into my pants pocket, smiling knowingly as she brushed against my hardened dick and quickly recognizing her handy work… "…Well now I know what distracted you…" she whispered huskily in my ear as we went on…

When we were far enough away from the mansion and clearly out of sight I took off my duster.

"What, right now?" she asked playfully, gesturing with her finger to the alleyway around us, "…You couldn't wait for somewhere cleaner?"

I rolled my eyes. She and Yura had become surprisingly fast friends, and Yura's sense of humor was clearly rubbing off on her. I however kept my silence and slowly, deliberately wrapped her in my duster. Standing in front of her as I secured it shut, gazing deeply into her eyes… I had as much practice dressing her as undressing her. I knew every inch of her by memory…

Without realizing it she was kissing me gently… a chaste kiss that bellied our relationship something fierce. We are lovers, we are friends, we are partners and equals. She had a talent for putting so much meaning into the simplest things… and as she gave me the 'Ewok Jungle Fever' eyes as I liked to call them I knew tonight was going to be loud…

I didn't want to wait. She abruptly dropped… Fuck what was his name again? Carlo? Cabbo?...Chris? Fuck it, it didn't matter...

She dropped him as I pressed her against the wall. My hands were on her ass, squeezing possessively as I pressed her bountiful tits tightly against my chest plate. Using the alley wall as an 'immovable object' I reminded her of my 'hard place'. …Fuck Yura's humor was getting to me too…

I was trying as hard as possible to become one with her without entering her… I hadn't planned on fucking her in the alley, and it was a miracle that I didn't. But I wanted her to understand something; she might have been leading him on, not meaning anything she said. But she called me her boyfriend and that made me wild with desire for her. Our relationship on the ship and in the business with Yura was as simple as it was complicated. We fucked and made love with and without Yura and Yura and I without Milky. It was like someone dropped rancor heat pheromones into the air vents…

Hell, I wonder if Short-round actually had. I caught him with a Gand environmental mask on once. Wouldn't tell me why...

I might be a randy, sex-obsessed, breed fetishist xenophile. But when they essentially told me they loved me? A horde of horny female Twi'lek's couldn't keep me from them, no matter how much I could fantasize that they try.

As my tongue entered her mouth I immediately wondered what she had eaten at the party… she tasted like cinnamon and vanilla. Two of my favorite flavors by the way were scents both she and Yura naturally smelled like. Well Milky smiled like a mixture of cinnamon and bantha milk, and Yura had sort of a Naboo apple smell with the vanilla but regardless they always smelled amazing. So amazing that I wanted more. My tongue, ignoring her own as she desperately tried to get its attention, scrapped lovingly on the insides of her mouth. Trying to get as much of her sweet-tasting saliva into mine… she whimpered and moaned as she tried to embrace my tongue with her own, opening her mouth temptingly wide against me…

Finally, I had enough of drinking her in… and by that I mean if I tried to exchange any more spit with her I was going to screw her brains out in the alleyway and that just wasn't sanitary. As I pulled away her head moved forward, desperate to keep the lip contact, she looked at me begging me with her eyes to continue…

Fuck…. I really wanted to… She could harden a eunuch with that look! Seriously if you saw her doing it you'd understand!... Go watch Ewok Jungle Fever it's seriously not as weird as it sounds.

"…What's wrong?" she whispered sadly. "…was it my breath?" she asked, giving me a weak unsure smile. One time she kissed Yura after giving me a blowjob, (deducing correctly that it would get me hard again quickly) Yura had playfully given off the impression that it was a foul experience, gagging loudly. (which also helped my arousal strangely… I am not proud) It was a private joke that probably would've been funnier if we didn't already know that Yura was so used to my taste…

"Nothing…" I said softly, sincerely, "Noting is ever wrong when I'm with you, I just…" 'Bill': who I decided was his name since I can't fucking remember, began to groan on the ground. Our attention dropped to him briefly as we returned to look into each other's eyes and completely honest I added, "…I just want you all to myself tonight… no unwelcome asshole getting a free show."

She smiled lovingly at me, kissed me chastely again and 'gently' pushed me away. She liked to be dominated, but she was strong enough to wrestle a horny full-grown rancor to the ground. And I'm not just comparing myself to that for my own ego. She was clearly the strongest on the team, maybe even in Torga's whole gang… She was good at controlling it, turning it off and on like a switch, and being as gentle as she was dangerous…

But when she was aroused enough she just couldn't hold back completely. I learned that the… (fucking Yura) 'hard' way after a few bruised hips.

"You ruin everything." She hissed at 'Bill' as he work up, horrified that he couldn't break Milky's grip on his ankle as she dragged him easily along.

"Who the…" he glanced at me as I followed behind them, my eyes glued to the sway of Milky's 'booty' in my duster which did nothing to hide her curves. "Who the fuck are you?!" he shouted up at me, apparently I had knocked the drunk out of him, he sounded sober.

"Well my name's Aiden and you've met Milky." I replied politely as Milky gave him a disturbingly cruel, but still fucking hot, smile over her shoulder at him. "Congratulations by the way on graduating… hope you live long enough to enjoy being shot at."

"I… what?" the solar winds seemed to be pulled from his sails as the realization of the predicament he was in hit him and he realized exactly how armed I was.

I had my modded rifle of course. I always had that, but now I packed a pair of blasters that Short-round hooked me up with and my brand new collapsible slugthrower… along with a vibro-knife and sheath sewed above my right greave as a mocking reminder of a job I'll tell you about another time.

"Well… Torga doesn't like bet welchers." I replied, "But if you were going to piss off a hutt about money you made a good choice. As long as you pay him, he won't make an example of you…" then thinking on the previously mentioned vibro-knife incident I added, "…Unless of course, this is your second offence."

He relaxed just enough to silently tell me that it was only his first offence. but still, was enough of a prick to sound offensive "Torga? Shit is this about that pod-race?! It was fucking rigged man!"

Milky laughed harshly, I could practically feel the eye rolls she gave him. "Yeah tell him that…" I replied chuckling, "…See how far it gets you." I added and to push the point I lowered my rifle barrel towards him, "Bang bang…" I said, trying to make it a little clearer.

…He got the point… but then tried to yell for help. Milky stopped dragging him as I covered his mouth with my hand and pressed my rifle barrel painfully on his forehead.

"You really want to do that? Even here he has friends. How do you think we found out about you and your…" I glanced at a smugly smiling Milky before I shifted the smile she gave me to him, "Well personally. Very good tastes… but you do that and I'm going to have to hit you again. I don't carry stunners anymore, my girls do, and as I'm sure you are well aware that Milky has practically nothing on underneath that coat." I pressed so hard on his head with the blaster barrel it left an imprint. "If you're smart, you'll keep your mouth shut." I said pointedly, "And this whole thing will become a minor inconvenience and you'll come back home only missing credits instead of kneecaps." As his eyes welled up with tears… He nodded his understanding…

But he wasn't smart.

"HEL-" the butt of my rifle crashed against his temple and he was out.

"Dumbass…" Milky added impatiently as we headed towards the hidden hanger cove.

Milky literally tossed him like an old rag into one of the holding cells Short-round had set up as Yura entered, shifting through the contract com. It's a device that essentially lets freelancer bounty hunters access to bounties out on the net, but even contracted hunters like us were allowed to do so as long as we had our patron's permission.

"Any trouble guys?" she asked giving us a quick glance over before fingering through more contracts on the com.

"Nah." Milky replied dusting her hands pointedly as the bars to the cell slammed shut and the security field erupted into pink light. "This guy was easy." She then showed Yura a wrap of the tickets she had taken from him and smiled sweetly, "Think you and Short-round can uh… change these out in the city?"

Yura was about to ask why she should take Short-round to do something so simple, but she exchanged a quick look with Milky and smiled faintly, "Oh yeah. Sure, he'll probably want to scavenge in the shops so…" she began taking out and counting the tickets, "…we'll probably be out for HOURS…" she said, laying it on a bit thick as she turned out the room, "I'll keep looking at the CC (contract com) while I wait for him in the city.

I always found it fascinating that Milky, a former holo-girl, a business stereotypically known far more for its beauty than its acting quality, was a far better actress than Yura.

"Oh dear…" she said softly, letting her hand move backward towards me and giving my cod-piece a gentle squeeze, "…Whatever shall we do?"

See? If I didn't know better, I would have thought she was ACTUALLY asking…

The ramp to the ship had hardly shut behind Yura as we stumbled into my room not even bothering to close my door, already rubbing and caressing each other she barely had enough time to unclasp my chest armor. Tossing it easily to the side as if it were lighter than a pillow. It rang loudly, landing heavily on the metal floor… She was kissing me now, desperate to continue our moment in the alley. Burying her tongue into my mouth as if she wanted it to stay in there forever…

And I wasn't going to complain…

She laughed as she fell backward onto the bed, arms above her head and still in my duster she just looked so… vulnerable… like I could do anything I wanted to her…

And you know, I technically could, but there's nothing hotter than the realization…

She gazed lovingly up at me as I stood over her, just taking her in… I didn't know what it was about Milky, or Yura for that matter… But every time was like the first time, no matter how many times we did it… all together or individually… "So…" she said huskily, putting her best breathless voice into the air and letting it embrace my ears and fire my loins. "…Do you want me to be Calypso? Or Milky Way?"

There was a sort of… (bond, I guess?) Between us that went maybe a little unspoken, if that makes sense. On the ship and in the field we all called her Milky: pretty much all the time. Calypso: her real name, was a very rare word spoken on the ship. Only used when Yura was furious with her or she was absolutely alone with me…

It functioned as a code… Did I want a tender lover's experience in bed with her that night; Calypso. Or did I want to fuck her, breed her, dominate her… claim her as my pet pussy and for my exclusive use: Milky Way. It was usually a simple decision depending on the mood we were both in.

The problem was that right now… I wanted both… I was so in love with her that I wanted Calypso. But I was so inwardly pissed at 'Bill' for touching her that mentally, I wanted her to understand that she was mine and I had to remind her of that physically… Somehow I managed to do both.

Without answering her I gently loosened the strap of my coat. Unsure at first of what I wanted but still moving forwards with our night, she gently shifted the coat away from her body by writhing beneath me but keeping her arms above her head as if restrained by imaginary ropes…

Like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon her breasts slipped from my coat, bouncing enticingly at me as if to say 'hello'. They might have been enhanced but they always moved so naturally regardless of their firm round shape. Slowly her hips moved upwards and the duster fell away like a revealing curtain, and with great muscle control, she slowly lowered her hips back down. Her breasts continued to bounce gently from the movement, begging me to touch them…

She was like a present opening up just for me…

I gently pinched one of her pasties and her mouth opened as she began gently panting in anticipation. It was a tell that I don't think she realized she did when she was this aroused. Slowly I pulled away, the adhesive keeping them in place gently pulling against the fur of her breasts and her hardened nipple. It was agonizingly arousing for her… she whimpered and moaned as the light pain of her fur being pulled hit.

"Fuck…" she groaned slowly out as the pastie finally gave way, "…Shit I need to wear those more often…" she looked at me and, shaking her other breast like it was jello she grinned playfully "…Go on." She commanded softly. It was just as good, if not better, the second time… She was determined not to move, to will herself to stay perfectly still as I played with her like an expensive new toy. But her hips still flinched as the tiny cloth of her thong soaked up her fluids like a towel, ruining them forever and turning them into no better than a wet rag… "FUCK!" she hissed out, twitching as I pulled the pastie away and tossed it aside. "By the force... fuck me…" she said, staring at me breathlessly pulling her arms out of my duster and caressing my face. "…Think how good it will feel inside me…"

"Not yet Calypso…" I said quietly, taking each of her erect nipples in my mouth and taking one forceful suck, leaving a trail of my saliva. "…not yet."

She half laughed, half whimpered as I lowered myself to her thong. I slowly pulled it down she shifted to help me with it. and stretched her long wonderful legs straight up as I pulled them away. Briefly, letting them hang on the end of her long high heeled… heel? Anyway, I was going to make a waving flag joke but I lost my train of thought. I put the soaking thong gently aside for later as she lowered her legs, but I caught them at the calves, gently stroking her silky-furred and toned legs. She watched me carefully, confused but eager.

Naturally being a Cathar, and regardless of her unnaturally enhance muscles. She was so flexible, it was as if she was boneless. I gently spread her legs apart, presenting her increasingly aroused wet pussy to me. "Hands." I asked, and taking her's in my own I placed them to grab their respective leg. Firmly shaking them, "…Keep them there… don't let go no matter WHAT." I said kneeling in front of her.

The heat of her pussy was practically wafting at my face. Her eyes widened in wondrous amazement as she quickly realized what I was about to do. I had never done that to her before, and she didn't tell me at the time but she had never had anyone DO it to her before. Her pussy pulsed as if it were a separate sentient mouth (a little weird I know but accurate.) begging me to kiss.

"Oh my force…" she said a little afraid and far too arouse, "Oh my force, are you-?" her head slammed onto the bed as my mouth closed over her clit and my tongue pierce her pussy. "SWEET FUCKING JEDI!" she yowled in utter bliss as the pleasure from the act and the sensation of my tongue hit her. Her legs violently twitched as they stayed outstretched, her claws piercing deeply into her skin as she struggled to keep them from closing around me…

Which if her strength had anything to say about it meant I would've died… I would've been happy, but you know still dead.

I stopped only briefly to slap her thighs playfully, "Keep them there…" I repeated firmly, referring to her legs as she stared down between her breasts at my face, "…Or I stop."

"N-no!" she shouted horrified as I returned my tongue to her tunnel, sucking her clit harder, "Fuck no! Please no!" she screamed as if I had just threatened to kill her in a horror holo-vid. She soon came again, yowling, screaming... I'm sure even though the ship hull and miles from the city, somebody was complaining about a shrieking cat. I stuck in two of my fingers inside her as my tongue scrapped the roof of her tunnel. As my tongue went in, my fingers went out. As my fingers went in, my tongue scrapped out. I had only begun doing this for half a minute as I stared up at her before she was declaring her orgasm again…

"Oh fuck!" she stared down at me in horror, "OH fuck I can't hold it!" she slammed her head down against the bed as her back arched and her hips thrust upwards against my face as best she could. "I'm sorry! Oh fuck I can't hold it!" The damn burst and she squirted right into my face, flowing like a shower head. She was crying as I continued regardless… relishing in her natural taste as if it was ambrosia. "I'm so sorry…" she whimpered like a scolded child caught being naughty… "Oh fuck… I'm so sorry I didn't mean to…" she said breathlessly, looking down at me as if she hurt me and was begging for forgiveness. "…Is… is that what it's like when you cum down my throat?" she asked hesitantly, as if not sure if she really wanted to know the answer, "…Yura's too? Is that what it's like?"

In some sick, gender reversal way I was proud to make her squirt orally, I now understood the looks they gave me after they had given me head to completion; A sort of 'job well done' feeling and 'I love you enough to do this for you' feeling. I didn't really care that my hair smelled just a little fishy or that I knew I now desperately wanted to take a shower. I was proud of my accomplishment.

"Well… maybe. I guess…" I shrugged, "…I'm mean, I don't know what to tell you. You two are always amazing…"

She looked at me in a strange new light… as if seeing me for the first time. Then her face slowly gave me a catlike smile full of unsaid affection. A knowing, playful smile that told me she wanted to reward me properly for all my efforts and that I would definitely enjoy it.

"Get inside me. Right now…" she commanded, shaking her hips in front of my face. "Time for your reward…"

But unfortunately/fortunately for her, I had my fill of Calypso love… literally I guess.

"Nope." I said bluntly, standing up. Her smile vanished as she looked increasingly more angry and more confused.

"What?!" she said fiercely and with some fire behind the words. About to release her legs but I held her hands firmly in place.

"NOPE." I said, equally as commanding, "Did I say let go of your legs?" and added deliberately slow "…Milky?"

Her brain clicked instantly, "…No…" she said suddenly very meek, and so soft. Her dominated switch had flipped as the game now continued with slightly different players. "I'm sorry…" she replied pitifully.

That's okay…" I said kindly while stroking her legs close to her still-wet pussy, causing her to quiver reflexively. "But look at the mess you made?" I said in mock anger, "…Look at what you did…" I scolded while picking up her soaked wet thong, holding it close to her face. Letting it hang softly against her cheek as I held it above. Fuck, it was like her own fluids were an aphrodisiac to her.

"Oh no I made a mess…" she whimpered, fidgeting under my stony gaze, "Do you want me to clean it up?" she asked innocently.

"Yep…" I said, "Open your mouth…" I said firmly and obediently she did, "Tongue out Milky." I said and the fleshy rough organ flowed from her lips like a pink frozen waterfall. I placed her wet thong slowly on her tongue, making sure as much as the tiny cloth got onto it. "Suck this clean Milky…" I said, as so closed her mouth and inhaled her own fluids with practiced care. "While I punish you…"

Staring into her eyes as my palm smoothed over her clit pulling out a pleasured squeak, my fingers slipped upwards back inside and began moving like pistons as I rubbed my palm up her aroused clit. She moaned and her eyes closed as she sucked on her thong.

"Eyes, Milky." I half warned half commanded, stroking the many braids in her hair "I want them open Milky, open them." She obeyed, and her catlike yellow eyes stared lovingly at me, desiring me as I stared deeply into her. "Good girl…" I replied, moving my fingers faster as she squealed delightedly, but struggled to obey my wishes. "Suck it clean." I repeated, "Suck it clean and cum for me again…

Sucking her juices, holding her legs, eye contact, and finally, my desire to watch her orgasm was just too much for her and she came hard once more. Screaming through the gag of the thong, she yowled her release as my hand was soaked in yet more of her juices. Her mouth opened to release the sound and I yanked away the cloth. It was still wet of course mostly from her spit, but it had achieved its purpose and I threw it aside.

"Good girl…" I said softly again, pressing my forehead against hers and continuing to stoke the rough braids of her silky white hair, whispering softly to her. "Did you like it?"

"I love you…" she said breathlessly, staring determinedly into my eyes.

I smiled at her, it was not the first time she said it, after or during sex. It also wouldn't be the first time I ever said it back to her, or before her. But I was still playing a game with my wonderful toy… "That's not what I asked…" I chuckled, gently caressing her pussy lips and pulling out another moan from her.

"I love you…" she repeated through the groan of pleasure, panting slightly as I roused her to orgasm again. her hips instinctively thrusting into my hand "…I love you…" she whispered. She was desperate. Begging…

Oh, our game was paused… sometimes it was hard to tell.

"I love you." I said back to her, kissing her gently as she sent gasp after gasp of air into my mouth at my ministrations, just because the game was paused doesn't mean I was going to stop.

"Fuck, you are such an ass…" she laughed as I pulled away, "I love you, but DICK…" she hissed at me.

"Well, that's not nice…" I laughed but suddenly she was angrier.

"Dick. Dick. Dick!" she repeated, glaring at me as I continued playing with her pussy lips with my hand.

"What? Geez I'm sorry, I thought-"

"No you asshole!" she screamed at me, thrusting against my hand as her arousal returned in full force. "GIVE ME DICK!" she bit my ear lightly, mumbling with a full mouth, "I want your dick juice now!" she tugged at my ear, not hard enough to damage it but painful enough to get the point across, "Fucking fill me!"

Game un-paused then… Who was I to deny her?

I practically tore my pants away. Her legs were still outstretched, and me holding onto her high heels as if they were handlebars, I pulled myself into her. Warming her up first so rigorously had provided a new feeling, a slip-and-slide kind of feeling, it was a pleasant experience… she seemed happy enough, her mouth open as I filled her up with my dick. Her breasts bounced together in front of me with each thrust as if clapping and cheering me along…

I had riled myself up hard earlier that night so I was really in no mood to wait any longer, and collapsing onto her chest and biting at her nipples as I thrust inside her she giggled at the new game I invented she called 'catch the bouncing tit'. She took pity on me and pulled her hand away from her leg (her natural flexibility keeping it in place) long enough to hold it in place and let me suck before promptly placing her hand back onto her leg…

I looked up at her, her tit still in my mouth as she noisily sucked it. My eyes told her what was happening, and she silently nodded, giving me permission. "…I want it." she said, soft and with clear feeling. I knew what she meant… this was something reserved only for me. The one thing she never did on the holo-vids no matter what…

I pressed against her hips with my pulsing dick and filled her womb with a bucketful of my seed. This was only for me, the privilege to release inside her pussy… She told me she would never let anyone else have this no matter what. If she left me, and married some guy on some backwater world where wives were valued a little less than property she would never let him inside her folds… that was her love for me. How important and meaningful this act meant to her…

It meant just as much to me… As I collapsed exhausted onto the soft silky fur of her breast pillows and she finally let her legs wrap protectively around me I let her know it.

"I love you." I said drearily, utterly exhausted "I fucking love you…"

"Yeah yeah…" she replied with a dismissive chuckle, "…Wait until Yura gets back and see how you feeling then…"

I groaned pitifully and she stroked my head while it rested between her breasts and gently pressed one up against my face. "…I love you too…" she had whispered back finally, but I was already long asleep…

It's fine though. I already knew…

Especially later after Yura returned and we did it all over again, but with her in Milky's position…

End of Chapter

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