In the ward, Dongwoo finally calmed down and Seojun gave him the sleeve of his coat to blow his nose.
"I can't do that." Dongwoo said.
"Why not? You need to blow your nose." Seojun said but Dongwoo shook his head. "I'll wash it so don't worry."
"Still no." Dongwoo was adamant.
"That's what you get for now carrying a handkerchief along with you." Minwoo said as he walked in. He took out the handkerchief from his coat pocket and gave it to Dongwoo. "Here, use this." He smiled.
"Thank you." Dongwoo said as he took it from him. He blew his nose and said to Seojun, "I can't use your expensive coat of 5000 dollars to blow my nose." He said, to Seojun's surprise.
"How did you know the price?" He asked.
He got carried away in that last part, haha
But I believe we all agree that Shinwoo either needs to be run over by a truck or shot in the head