Late in the night, inside one of the rooms, a woman had gone mad, shouting at everyone in sight.
"I told you I don't want to be treated! I don't care if you've got the bone marrow. I'm not stepping out of this room!" she yelled, glaring at the doctors and the tall man standing in front of her, who remained unfazed.
"You've been saying the same thing every day, and I've been listening," the man said calmly. "But you know nothing's going to change. You can keep repeating it; we don't mind. Now listen to the doctors and cooperate with the tests. Tomorrow, you have a bone marrow transplant procedure."
"I am not cooperating!" she retorted angrily, taking a step toward him. "Aiden Shaw, stop using my last name and get the hell out of here!"
"Then tell me what last name I should use," he replied calmly.
Next chapter in 15 mins
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