"I am certainly not her husband Aiden Handrix and we do not know who he is," Justin spoke. "Natalie and I got together to find that man. But then situations made her introduce me as her husband to you. You were not well and she was just worried you would be worried to know her situation that someone had tricked her into a marriage she is not aware of. At that, there is no way to find that man. If there was, we would have brought him to you."
Albert's expression shifted, his brows furrowing with concern.
"I know you're worried about her, but I'm here to assure you—nothing will happen to her as long as I'm by her side. I give you my word," Justin said firmly. "Will you trust me on that?"
Albert studied him in silence for a long moment, before he nodded slowly. "I trust you."
Though they had been deceiving him, Albert could see Justin was not a bad man.
"Now about the part when I said I have something to confess about," Justin spoke.
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