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85% Soul Land: Cultivator SI / Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Luck and smarts

Capítulo 13: Chapter 13: Luck and smarts

————Ju Lian Pov——

I felt my cold heart beat like a horse. I ran to them to check their safety.

I felt like the weight leave me when I found they were just unconscious.

I looked at Zhu Zhuyun, confused and frightened. While we were unharmed, I could feel that she was looking at me like I was a dead man walking.


Zhang Kun's shout of realization drew the eyes to him as he said, "I have been surrounded by these guys so much that even my own opinions morphed like them. I forgot the biggest obstacle to Dai Weisi's path to the throne. If it is her, it is easy for her to know our trap of Dai Huo and even spread evidence throughout the empire."

Zhu Zhuyun clapped as she said, "Impressive. You are really a smart one, Zhang Kun. That's right. For her, it is as easy as nodding her head to make you into traitors that killed the prince."

I know having the term traitors is not simple during the fight for the throne. The only ones who have the term attached to them are idiots who left evidence or political trap.

"The Empress."

The words chilled me because the empress was the chief supporter of Pince Dai Weisi and was also his mother.

A woman is only below the emperor in the Star Luo empire.

"We have been stupid. The heir to the throne was not decided. There is still another prince. The second son of the empress, Prince Dai Mubai."

Zhu Zhuyun grit her teeth in anger as she said, "Yes, she will never let her sons to kill each other. No matter what. Considering that Dai Weisi is too strong, she wants to knock him a peg down and give a warn to the rest of the nobles. Favouring one son over the other is forbidden for her. Basically, all the people here are the example prepared by her. Your death by Concubine Mu, because of the scheme of the Empress, will be a warning by her to keep the fuck out of the conflict."

"This is ridiculous. You mean to say we are pawns that can be discarded by you people? So, we are to die because she wants to prolong the inevitable and drag the fateful death between her sons as long as she can."

One of the noble kids, Jiang Kun, shouted out in frustration, but Zhu Zhuyun hummed for a second and said, "Yes!"

Not caring about everyone's depression, she asked Zhang Kun, "Would you mind showing me the soul bone?"

"Legs of Wind."

"AH ! So, he is dead. Good. Good."

Zhu Zhuyun took a deep breath and said, "Ideally, I should take the soul bone back, as it is part of the set that belongs to the emperor. Separated for the sake of the struggle for the throne. Fortunately for you, I am in a good mood and I owe a debt to humiliating Dai Huo a few days back. So, I will let this be. But, be warned Zhang Kun, Never in the history of the Star Luo empire did the Dai family cannot retrieve the soul bone lost from the dead body of the prince."

While the words of disappearing Zhu Zhuyun might seem like a friendly warning. I could easily see her cruel amusement at our struggle. Just like that, she and Zhu Wan, along with the saint, disappeared into thin air.

The depressing atmosphere continued for a while until Zhang Kun burst out laughing. "So that's what changed? The couple knew this beforehand but proceeded still to end Dai Huo, their greatest threat to the throne. That's why I felt uneasy."

I felt that he might have gone crazy considering his laughter. Because it was not one of sorrow but of happiness.

He got on the ground, started taking out book after book, reading them one after another. As if not caring about our impending doom.

"Have you gone crazy? You know, concubine Mu will arrive at any time to kill us."

Jiang Kun asked, burning in everyone's mind.

Zhang Kun seemed to think over those words for a while and said, "No. I have the confidence to survive the concubine Mu. So, what about you guys?"

This guy. The look on his face is the same as the time he went 'borrowing' from Dai Mubai. He wants something. "What do you want?"

Zhang Kun frowned while looking at me and said, "Frankly, you have nothing I want, Ju Lian. Instead, it is you who needs me. Think over it with your parents and come meet me 2 weeks from now in the capital of the Longhu kingdom if you need me."

Why does this guy seems to be the most happy among everyone here? Even more so than Zhu Zhuyun, who left just now.

Mon Luan had enough and roared out in anger, "You crazy asshole, this started because of a dog like you."

I saw him possess his flaming lion and attack Zhang Kun.

"Legs of wind."

Zhang Kun easily dodged the attack and flew into the air and landed on a tree far away. This is weird. It is not like him. He would have crushed Mon Luan for attacking him instead of taking a seat far away.

"Hey idiots! Do you want to return to the Star Luo empire? I can arrange that."

Anyone can do the same by walking towards the border, but everyone understood the meaning clearly that Mon Luan deflated like a balloon and looked at Zhang Kun like he was the hottest woman he had ever seen in his life.

"I can have you return to Star Luo empire with your head held high, with all your power and status intact, with not even a single loss for your family. Of course, it is for a price."

Jiang Kun asked the golden question, "What do you want?"

Zhang Kun smiled and said, "Everything you know. All the juicy secrets, knowledge of your clans given to you assholes, considering your luck to be born in the right place. Instead, I will return you to the same place safely."

I could see all of them reflexly clench their teeth in anger and offense felt by them. After all, other than the resources, this knowledge is the reason they are the ruling class of the empire.

"Don't be idiots. As far as I can see, everyone here were the second sons who sucked up to Dai Weisi or Heirs of lowly clans or have spare brothers in their powerful families. So, your families won't make much of a fuss if you get killed. While it might hurt Dai Weisi's power base a bit, it won't matter considering the empress will not anyone to fan the flames between her sons and force a decisive duel between them."

A decisive soul master duel between the contestants to the throne is also called 'Tiger parade'. The oldest tradition in the world which can strip the losers of all rights for the throne. I can understand the empress's thinking. She is not really optimistic about the third prince, rather she wants to save his life. Involving the nobles leads to a fight to the death because of their schemes. But, a duel between them, no matter who wins, she will force them into sparing the loser who has no rights.

The problem is us who are unfortunate casualties for her scheme.

The murmurs between the Nobles ended when Jiang Kun said, "Zhang Kun. Can you truly do as you say?"

Zhang Kun simply said, "I can't do that. I would scare the hell out of myself and be like you guys."

Jiang Kun nodded and said, "Fine, I agree with your deal."

"Brother Jiang, are you serious?"

"My friend, this is insane."

"Yes, he is a greedy civilian that wants our-"

Jiang Kun said while gritting his teeth, "I wouldn't be surprised if my father had already banished me from my clan and named my brother as the heir. No, I believe he would put a bounty on averting concubine Mu's anger. I sure as hell know that my father won't do shit to the queen for this scheme. As for Prince Dai Weisi, we don't need to think about it."

Prince Dai Weisi is known to the most ruthless of the Dai Family, that is saying something considering their cruel streak.


Zhang Kun happily nodded and said, "Very good. Now, let's start with the soul power paths for your 2 soul rings and your cultivation. No, even before that, is it true that your martial soul has a connection to the divine beast Kun Peng?"

"I don't know about that. As for the soul power paths, it might be useless to you, considering mine are based on the soul paths unique to my martial soul."

Zhang Kun's eyes lit up and said, "It doesn't matter. Say them, no, it is better to draw them out for me."



"You, I am not stupid like you. Are you telling me the Mon clan's dick is dysfunctional for generations and everyone is a cuck?"

"Zhang Kunnn."

"What? That's what happens if one follows the soul power path like you into the kidneys. Fucking idiot. Stop lying. I am not an idiot like you. So, spit out the real thing."




"You idiot, do you think I don't know about the manipulation of fire by your flaming lion's martial souls? Write it down."

"How the fuck you know about that?"





"Why are you sleeping? The concubine Mu might be here at any time. Hurry if you want to leave. Write, say or die."

Zhang Kun spread his arms out, "*YAWN*, I will sleep for a few hours. Keep grinding the ink and papers."



Seeing the rising sun, I realized that Zhang Kun might really be mad. Everyone was forced to sit here all this time in the same clearing that Zhu Zhuyun gave her the warning the previous day.

Looking at the noble kids that are furiously writing as Zhang Kun looked over at them like a predator.

"Is he crazy? We should run right now."

Hearing my father, Ju Lian's words, I replied, "No, Father. He is crazy, but one thing Zhang Kun is not, that is an idiot."

Ju Lu, my mother, said to us while taking a seat, "It doesn't matter if we run or not. Don't you remember how easily we were captured?"

Father went silent on her question. It seems their capture left a mark on their confidence.

Well, they are not the only ones.

Looking at my peers and the tracking unit who don't know what to do with their lives, I realized everyone is marked. Even Zhang Kun, though in his case it seems as if he blossomed into his newfound freedom with ease, the dangers not withstanding.

I wonder, are his eyes glowing?

It seems I really need sleep, to think the reflection of sun rays made me think his eyes are glowing. But why were they purple ?

"She's here."

The moment his words ended, I felt the world rejecting me and suffocating me. No, it is really suffocating me.

I felt thick and viscous fluid that surrounded the entire clearing immediately.

Just in a blink, we were captured and held hostage by a flood of maple syrup. No wonder everyone stayed together and even grasping the last straw, Zhang Kun.

Running is useless and the most scary thing is facing this alone.

"As expected of the martial soul avatar of soul saint. We don't even have the qualification to fight."

Zhang Kun's words, while he still read the secrets of the noble heirs, ignited the clearing into blood. No, no, no, I Am dying.

NO, I am not yet dead.

No, I am dying.


Before I know it, I am vomiting my guts out on the ground along with everyone. Zhang Kun finally put down the book and looked into the sky and said, "C-Concubine M-MU, You are b-being used as a pawn by the empress. Please, retract your killing intent" "

I saw her for the first time.

A 5'7' woman, dressed in black, matching her black eyes and hair and a sorrow that crushed any kind of lust one would have felt when seeing her sensual body for the first time.

Now, it was not the Killing intent speaking; I know for a fact that we are dead.

"First soul skill, Maple syrup Heal."

I felt the wounds from the battle heal, but the maple syrup crushed us, breaking bones and tearing muscles.


"AGHH, Fuck."





—Zhang Kun's pov———

Fuck, this is too much. At this rate, I will die from the sheer force of killing intent itself.

Time to show my background and trump the card against her. The reason, I can pat my chest and say I can save all of them.

"Concubine Mu, Your son is alive."


Feeling my ears ringing from the sound of Dai Huo waking up, I felt a headache coming.

I walked to see him looking at his amputee leg, at the remains of them left after I cut them open to retrieve his soul bone.

"Now, Now. Prince Dai Huo, Stop screaming like you are dying."

"You, You, Y-You, I am going to kill you."

I rolled my eyes at his words and punched him in the face.


"The only reason you are alive is because you are lucky and I am paranoid."


"I wanted to kill you to tie up loose ends, but then remembered I might also be a loose end for your brother. To my shock, it is your stepmother that was pulling the stings."

It was scary even now if I think about the situation where I have killed Dai Huo after trusting Dai Weisi.

Dai Weisi, Zhu Zhuyun and the empress, every single one of these three had their own goal, but the common point was sacrificing us. My icy back, wet from sweat, made me shiver because of the passing winds.


I stopped hitting Dai Huo when I noticed he has calmed down.

"Ok, prince Dai Huo. You have two options die or become the emperor of Star Luo empire."

To make my point, I crushed the wound where I amputee his leg.

"ARGH! You are insane."

I nodded and said, : "I might be, but I am not an idiot."

As I clenched my palm further, the closed wound reopened. Not caring about the oozing blood, I continued with my task, "Zhu Zhuyun just left after warning me that this is a part of Empress's scheme. Under which, your mother already heard the news of your dead. I wonder how you feel knowing your mother became a thug for her love rival and sworn enemy, the empress, due to you not controlling your dick."

"YOU, YOU, * HUFF* What do you want?"

As expected of an amputation, it helped him grow and mature.

100% recommended for personality development. Who cares about trauma? We got a mature and stable prince without pettiness and greed. I can only say I am salty with Dai Weisi and I am planning to leave a tremendous gift while I leave the Star Luo empire.

"Well, like I said, do you want the throne? I can help you with that. I can get a large base of nobles to support you. Then, combined with the civilian support you already have, I am sure you can stand as equal to Dai Weisi. So, dear prince, Dai Huo, are you ready for a deal?"

"You? What do you want?"

I smile Broadley and said, "You see, the Zhu Zhuyun just gave me a lot of texts accessed by the Dai family. I want the knowledge from you, the prince/heir of Dai family, the only one below the emperor."

I must say that Dai Huo is far better than the noble kids who are throwing a tantrum right now. He took my enormous appetite in stride. I am sure he must have knowledge regarding the mutations of marital soul, the soul power manipulations and, most important to me, martial soul evolution.

"You, the price you have given me is good, but I want time to consider."

I huffed in amusement and anger. "I am no idiot, prince Dai Huo. The longer the time, the more advantage you have. I can give you 10 minutes only."

"YOu asshole, you dare. You cut off my leg and my future, you then blackmail me. I will fucking kill you."

Now, now, I want him to hold the crazy mothers and Dai Weisi back when I leave the Star Luo empire, not to chase me. So, my trump card against him is, "I see, I will give you your leg back."


I smiled broadly and pointed at the remains of his stump and leg, saying, "I made significant efforts to cut it neatly properly, so that reattachment is possible."

"You see, as long as the leg has lost total connection with your body, the soul bone condenses around your bone in the severed leg."

It was simple to remove the soul bone surgically while leaving minimal damage to nerves and vessels of the severed leg.

"Most importantly, prince, you don't need to find or spend an enormous fortune for rare immortal herbs for reattaching the limb or for healing it. I can suture your leg back. I am a genius in medicine."

In a way, I am a genius with the support of my AI and my experience from past life.


"Meet my junior sister, Ye Lingling. The soon to be best healer in the world, together we can reattach the limb. Think fast, my prince. You only have 5 minutes left, because after that the leg will start decomposing, risking your future."

That was the most severe blow to him, and it worked like a charm.

"Very well."

"Good. I will reattach the limb and slightly heal you, so that you can happily write or say your knowledge. It won't do for you to have the fear of losing your limb in the back of your mind. After that, with enough time, we will complete the treatment."

"You evil man."

"Yes, my prince. You better be fast, right now, all the nobles planning to support you gathering to give me their information right now."

"You talk as if you are in two different places."

"I am in two places, price Dai Huo."


"You'd better bite down. This is going to hurt."


So, here we are as a carriage rolled in front of the stunned concubine from which Dai Huo got down with the teacher holding him in place, along with Ye Lingling.

"Little Huo, is that you? You life lamp fell into darkness. I thought you died."

I answered her, "It was because he was severely injured and went into a coma temporarily, almost like death."

"Yes, mother. It is me."

I didn't even need to show further proof or explain as the concubine seem to recognise her son with such ease that she left everything behind. Meaning the lives of everyone being and checked him over from the top to bottom.

"Dai Huo, are you alright? Who hurt you? I will tear them apart."

"It is me, concubine Mu. But I also healed him. So, what I mean to say,-"

I couldn't end my words as my vision fell to the ground while my headless body fell to the other side. Fuck.


I despaired seeing the overwhelming power as the teacher and Ye Lingling were torn apart.

As the last words, I uttered, "I will be back Star Luo empire, so enjoy the gift I left behind."





I opened my eyes from the meditation needed to connect with the Mirror forge clone.

[Mirror forge clone : The most restricted clone soul skill but the most versatile.

Restriction: Can never grow beyond the current level.

Success rate: 5%

Requirements: Full soul power on usage, forging skill, Metals syncing with target of cloning, 50 liters of blood from clone, consent from clone, Target soul power for operation of clone, Lightning hammer….

Soul beast : Mutated Mirror beast-7000 years

User : Mo Tian-4th ring]



Looking at Teacher and Ye Lingling that are vomiting from feeling the vast power of a soul saint for the first time, I smiled.

"Teacher, you are really the luckiest guy I ever met. How in the fuck do you get such outstanding skill?"

He snorted in response. "What's the use? The soul skill is useless in combat or even forging."

"But, it is the most precious life saving skill. With proper preparation, we escaped from the Star Luo empire and fleeced much knowledge from its nobles. You know the advantage of these things, just the location of the mutated mirror beast for you was also such knowledge. Imagine, What we can do with this?"

He shook his head and said, "You are incredible, to think you remember all the things you read and heard from the nobles with the mirror forge clone."

I grinned at that.

I want honest in my dealing with the nobles. Now, they have a prince to support and a way back to the empire. The prince now has maturity, trauma and a significant power base for losing a soul bone.

Now, the ball is in the other court.

But, I with luck and a lot of preparation turned the game into utter chaos. Prince Dai Weisi's faction filled with aversion to the cruel mother-son pair, who also have a rift right now.

The second prince whose faction comprises nobles who tried to kill him a few days back. Of course, the minister still remembers the second prince sleeping with his wife.

Now, Dai Mubai is pulled into Dai Weisi's eyes as a target.

"HAHAHA, the chaos filled Star Luo empire gives us enough time to find a new shelter and peace. HAHAHAHAHA."

I laughed for a long time, venting my feelings, as I was under a lot of oppression in the time spent under Dai Weisi.

At least, it has the benefit of giving me some much needed cruelty.

"So, Teacher. Will the blacksmith association be effected by our actions?"

Knowing his feelings for the association, I asked him.

"No need to worry. The thing about profiting from war or conflicts is that we would not be touched by any faction lest the blacksmith association join their opponents and flood them with weapons. The only thing needed till now was to prove that our weapons hold significance, which you did splendidly. We only need to lie low for a while."

I shook my head. "No, in fact, we must be as conscious as possible and build an even better image. I know how these guys think, considering their hands tied and strangling with each other. They will start by slandering our names and let the slander become the proof of our evil nature. Then they will officially issue a bounty on our names. So, we must build our reputation. What better way than saving life and awakening marital souls to build a reputation? Ye Lingling, it is up to you and me to decide our future."

I hope her use of her martial attack the other nine-flower apple use from Heavenly Dou academy. after all, to survive the wrath from the Star Luo empire, we need shelter from either Heavenly Dou empire or Spirit hall?

But luckily, the Heavenly you academy can give both because of the current crown prince studying there. More like the person disguising as the crown prince.

Fuck, I am really becoming like Baliesh or Aizen. Schemes upon schemes, chaos as a ladder. Especially with my plans to use Ye Lingling to enter the academy and contact Dugu Yan.

The last thing I need is to become a pervert like Issei, catching 'pokemon'.

"HAHAHAA, fuck, my own jokes will kill me one day."

"My student, I believe you have gone crazy."

I am crazy. Because only a crazy guy can aim for the godhood and attain it.

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