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92.85% Messing With Canon With A Shop…Wait What!? / Chapter 13: Setting the Stage!?

Capítulo 13: Setting the Stage!?

Isekai use to be a uncommon, almost rare, genre. The first one I ever watched was the first digimon. Now a days we have vending machines of all things. Isekaied with a smartphone. Farming in another world. Well that last one isn't so bad. Re:Zero is a unique breed of Isekai. Where the MC is the most realistic representation of a normal guy getting Isekaied.


"I see. To think such I would find a cure for my boredom other then bubby. Come. I would see to it to learn Alchemy with you, I suppose."

"You got it Beatrice. Lets get ya started on learning basic chemistry first."

"Okay. Also…I should have it that you visit my library as payment. Knowledge for knowledge, I suppose."

Cobalt blinked but nodded, giving a book on the periodic table. The book you learn from in fifth grade maybe.

When she came through the door, it was more for curiosity sake or so he thought. She doesn't express emotions much until she noticed his failed contraption. So he gave her a run down on what happened leading to her asking questions. Unfortunately for her, even the very simple parts such as learning the chemical and atomic properties weren't something she recognized.

"I'm a great spirit of the library! To think that studies were done by others weren't in the many books. I would need to learn it as well!"

"Well that's because your in a another world. This one simply left a way for you to enter it."

"I see. That answers to why such breakdowns would escape me. Is my realm so behind?"

"Want to start learning?"

And so with that we come back to the present, she accepted without a second thought, not even a care or interest that they was in fact in another world. She introduced herself and jumped up onto his counter and sat down.

So now Cobalt had a loli reaching about chemistry on his counter as he waited for todays customers. His front doors open with to his first ever customer and friends.

"Hello Cobalt! How are you-oh my! She's so cute!" Mitsuri was gonna greet only to meet the sight of the blonde doll like girl reading on his counter.

Iguro, Tegen, Shinobu and the rare encounter of Gyuu came in after her. Gyuu gave a nod in greetings which he returned and a handshake for Tengen. Iguro gave a glance to Beatrice being dotted on by Mitsuri. "This is a new one. I hope she isn't like women."

"Actually she's the second. Got a kid training to be a hero come by before her. Great kid if insecure." Cobalt said watching Beatrice swat at Mitsuri with the book, much to her dissatisfaction. Tengen oohed. "A hero? That's quite the flashy ambition! Did he say what kind did he wish to be?" Shinobu went up to Cobalt and asked to lift his shirt to check on the scar.

Cobalt smiled while complying. " If I were to guess, a hero who can always smile. A hero that can say 'I am here'." Tengen grinned and nodded. "Quite the goal! Wouldn't mind giving him a hand! What say you Tomioka?"

Gyuu was picking out snacks and looked up with his usual fishlike eyes. "A hero…who can always smile? Is such a burden worth living in?"

Shinobu checked the scar over before looking at Gyuu. "While I too find it a bit too ambitious, we shouldn't judge when we take on the burden of slaying demons. Anyone can make goals but is us few who work for it that actually achieve it."

Beatrice glared at the annoying pink haired women but decided to add in. "A hero such as that would need to be expectably powerful. One cannot achieve such a dream without the power to back it up, I suppose."

"Well that's the easy part at least spirit." They all looked to find Urahara and the black cat entering the door. Cobalt eyes widened when behind them walked with no restraints was his attempted killer!

Iguro was quick to unsheathed his sword making the other Hashiras tense up. "Is there a reason that thing is not dead or in chains? Or have you lost all your sense?"

Beatrice looked at the new people before setting her sight on Elsa. "I see that I'm not the first of my world to enter here. Isn't that right Elsa, the bowel hunter?"

Elsa giggled and raised her hands in mock surrender. "Oh my! A great spirit as reach this fun little world too. And I see the little knight has recovered nicely. Though I guess I do apologize for being a bit rough for your first time."

Mitsuri glared hatefully, the usual kind girl was gone and now the love Hashira was in place. "Your that women that did that horrible thing to Cobalt! How dare you treat it in a joking matter!" She shouted, hand wrapped tightly around her own special katana.

Gyuu and Shinobu stared impassively at Elsa, waiting for a single step out of line. Tegen huffed and crossed his arms. "The fact your here means you've come to make a deal."

Elsa eyes danced in amusement. "Oh am I so obvious? But yes that is indeed that I'm here for." Cobalt scoffed and slammed his hand onto the counter. "I knew I forgot to ban you from the shop! You came to my world and rip out my guts and now you expect us to make a deal with you!? Your more insane than I give you credit for!"

"I actually am gonna ask you listen to her Cobalt."

Deep blue eyes whipped to Uraharas in disbelief. He simply waved his hand in a calming faction. "I'm not asking you to forgive her. I ask you listen to her offer. Also don't worry she can no longer hurt you. I made sure of it."

"Quite~. In fact I would wish to make it up to you if you accept my deal. I'll pledge my very soul and being to you little knight."

Cobalt eyes widened and he want the only one. Iguro clicked his tongue and pointed st her with his sword. "Selling your body will not be a reimbursement to what you did. What's stopping you from stabbing him in the back." He argued, not wanting to see this disgusting creature anymore.

Elsa lost her smile and took on a serious face. "For two reasons. My first is my offer. I understand this world is a complete separate one from my own and I wish to use it to escape my…handler. Especially for my little sister. I ask you to take her here to avoid my handler. To avoid…mother's punishment."

Beatrice snapped the book in her hand close and looked at her with cold eyes. "And what's to say your little sister isn't a assassin like yourself? From what I hear you almost killed this man behind me. What's to say you won't try again."

Elsa did not falter she'll give her that. "I never wanted to be part of this organization. Nor drag my sister into it. But our leader…our mother isn't someone I cannot say no too. As for future betrayal. This man did something to my soul that prevents it."

Everyone looked at Urahara, who simply smiled. "In my world, we have special powers connected to the soul. With my studies on Elsa's immortal abilities I created a Bakudō that binds one's soul to a object. Her unique immortality was quite a prosperous study." He reached in his haori and pulled out a doll. It was a doll of a human with no features other then a spread of kanjis over the body.

"I haven't made a name for it yet. Only that as long as anyone who hold onto the doll she cannot act without their orders. If she were to step out of line." He frowned and stared at it in displeasure. "Her stomach will be ripped open and her powers will be taken by the doll. Leaving her to die."

Everyone was taken back. Tegen grinned in a mocking way. "Well how the tables had turned. I say return this flashy favor."

Shinobu shook her head. "It would be a waste. No doubt it took time to learn this…spell and the process for it. Though before Cobalt decides I ask for more on this mother of yours. Is she the leader of you and your sister?"

Elsa nodded, glaring to the side. "She's not our actual biological mother. That's what's she calls herself and us her children. Failing in a mission will involve cruel punishments under her. With her power, fighting back is not a option."

Gyuu narrowed his eyes. "What power does she possibly have over you?"

Elsa met his stare with her own. "In my world, she is know as Capella, the Archbishop of Lust."

Beatrice eyes widened before returning to normal. "I see. Now i understand. Your unfortunate to be employed by such a disgusting person."

Everyone looked at Beatrice. "In our world, there's a group known as the witch's cult. A cult that worships the witch of envy. I'll spare the details for now. Only know that they Archbishops each have a repulsive power. You seen Capellas, I suppose?"

"Yes. She once turned a man into a frog infront of us. She can turn any human to any creature she desires if I were to believe and herself into a dragon. Thats all I know."

Cobalt groaned and slid a hand down his face. This is becoming too troublesome. Turning people into animals isn't a crazy power from others he seen but he can see how becoming a dragon can be a problem. "I should throw you back into your world and leave you to your fate."

He looked at her with tired eyes. "Your sister…how old is she."

"Only thirteen."

Curses! His weakness! Children being forced against there will! He hated when kids in shows or books were forced to do a adults job. You telling him that Percy had to fight a Titan of time at sixteen? Chihiro had to turn her parents back to humans by working with spirits at 10? Cartoons don't help as most involve a kid saving a world. Persona also was a great example of kids being forced to fight a god of all things in the end. In most iterations involving child protagonist adults are seen to incompetent. Some going as far as being the ones responsible for most situations.

"I'm gonna regret this. Fine. I'm only accepting cause kids have no purpose of being assassins. But if you are to so much as to step out of line." He smiled viciously, his canines can be seen fully. "I'll leave you bleeding out for slimes to make use of ya. Understood?"

Elsa blinked before a wide smiled grew. "Understood master~."

He ignored that. Women tried to kill him, so if she thinks being seductive is gonna gain points, she's dead wrong. Remember kids, don't put your penis in crazy. Or at least crazy that'll kill you.

Urahara threw the doll at Cobalt for him to hold onto. Beatrice looking at it in interest, studying the markings. "Go and get your sister. I'll see it that she has a place here. For that I'll need to grind out some credit. It's time to expand!" He dramatically raised his fist, shouting his plan.

"Oh is it time?" Urahara asked, which Colbat nodded. Mitsuri titled her head in confusion looking at Cobalt. Cobalt sighed. "I was hoping for everyone to be here but I'll explain now. This world is mimicking of a game I use to play. A game that is based on killing big enemies to progress the world itself. For that I'll need to gather materials and explore this world. Urahara and the cat helped plan it out."

He went over to his computer went through the market. He was gonna buy a cheap map ability when he spotted something.

Boss Checklist-Map

A to-do list of bosses and events in order from weakest to strongest. Lore and item drops can be check here once a boss/event is defeated. The map will auto update areas you've been, areas where bosses resides, what available resources they are.

Requirement: None

Credits: 30

Well that made his life easier. They watched a as a book materialized onto the counter with gold letters spelling out Calamity. Cobalt doesn't know what that meant so he can only hope it wasn't important in the future. He opened the book, a holographic screen appeared.

The map glowed as a overview visual is shown of the area. In the middle was the shop in a large circular area in the middle of a forest. The forest stretched for a mile in all directions, anything beyond was covered in clouds.

Cobalt touched the shop and a list popped up next to it along with information of the location.


Enemies(PHM) Day: slime, Wulfram Drone, Wulfram Rover, Wulfram Hovercraft, Wulfram Gyrator, Wulfram Slime, Wulfram Pylon

Enemies Night(PHM): Zombie, Demon Eye

Resources: Wood, Dirt, Fruit, Small game

Area of Interest:

Shooting Star- Safe-Low Danger

Beatrice looked over everything with a hand on her chin. "So it can show the area including what it offers. This place is more quite advance, I suppose."

Urahara looked it over as the cat jumped onto the counter. "As you all can see, we are in the shop surrounded by a forest. Cobalt in the quest to get stronger wishes to explore the world but it's quite a difficult place to be. The forest being the weakest area of the game as he said." The cat in its deep masculine voice presented.

Cobalt pointed at the clouds around the forest. "Like the game, unexplored places can't be seen without going yourself. The world is made up different biomes that connect to one another and can be random at most. One minute you can be in the forest and the next the desert or even a snow biome."

Tengen hummed before point at the enemy list. "What's the PHM stand for?"

Cobalt winced. "Most likely Pre Hard Mode. After forfilling a requirement, the world will open up to new enemies that are harder and stronger along with a new type of…biome I guess you can say."

Urahara nodded. "Don't forget to mention that this is only the surface. You said in the game it involves mining underground."

"Thats right. To gain most resources, you would go into caves or dig underground to gain resources such of lead or iron. I don't know about this world but in the game, treasure chests can be found that gives useful items such as a Magic Mirror. A mirror that can and you back home in a instant."

Shinobu lightly gasped. "That's incredible! How does it work?"

Cobalt grinned with a finger up. "No idea!" She deadpanned at him with a unamused face. "All I know is, the mirror with always send you where you set your spawn or home and it will always take you there no matter where you are in the world. You can find more then one too."

Mitsuri smiled with stars in her eyes. "Ooh that's sounds amazing! We can find treasure and get stuff to maybe upgrade our weapons!"

"That is you don't die first."

Mitsuri entire body froze. "Eh?"

Cobalt sighed, scratching the back of his head. "The point of the game is survival. You gather resources, fight bosses to unlock more resources, rince and repeat. Catch is, everything is trying to kill you. Traps, enemies you name it." Cobalt said with barely any emotion.

"Next is that since we aren't just game characters, we can die in even more ways. Zombies are rotting corpses so who's to say they don't have diseases? We don't recover like them so we can be cut up or eaten."

He pointy looked at the Hashiras in the room. "I don't know how the strongest demons hold up against some bosses in the game, but I doubt they stand a chance to the third boss you usually fight. Depending on a certain biome it's either a giant worm that is big enough to swallow buildings or a giant brain that can use illusions to kill you."

Iguro glared at him but looked away. Demons despite having a advantage over humans are usually human in shape. One swipe of the head and their dead. But a worm big enough to eat a building? A illusion making brain?

Cobalt continued. "I already told you Urahara but I don't even think you can beat the final boss of the world. A being who is practically a god."

"A god!? That's impossible, I suppose!"

Cobalt glanced at the fuming loli spirit. "While I don't understand what game you refer to, but for the supposed final boss to be a god, would require you to become one as well to even have a chance to beat it!"

"Well that's because you do kind of become one."

Everyone gawked at him. Even Urahara and the cat looked at him with narrow eyes. "In the game even in the highest difficulty, a player can gather enough items to beat it. A being who is said to be practically a god. Now let's look at it not as a game."

Cobalt speculated this during the duration of being in a world mimicking Terraria. Base game, you are able to gather enough resources to fight godlike enemies. Plural cause Empress of Light is a Fae Goddess in the game. Lore wise, your character is able to craft, collect and use the many items of the world to slay gods. Does it make it a mortal god or a godkiller?

With the shop giving him access to sell and buy anything and everything….

"We only have one life each. One life to spare. If we play this safe. Play it like how the game is designed?" His eyes brimmed with mirth. Shinobu and Gyuu picked up what I was picking down as they looked at me as if I was insane.

Which I probably was for thinking so deep into it.

"We too can have the power to kill gods and more."

The Asauchi shuddered…

Cobalt pointed at the map. A tab opened next to the enemy list to reveal the first name of many. "First we make credits. Next we suit up. Finally.."

"We start hunting."

He also leaned over to the cat. "Remind me to make a pamphlet. I'm not gonna keep explaining everytime I get a customer."

The cat rolled its eyes with a chuff.

Omake(Might make it Canon)- The Horror of UNO

"You guys still have a chance to keep your friendships. I'm telling you it's not gonna go well." Cobalt tried to warn the group sitting at a table. It consisted of Rebecca, Rukia, Tengen and Mitsuri. Shinobu and Iguro watched from the sidelines with Lucy, Gloria and Ichigo.

Ichigo rolled his eyes. "Come on. This game cannot be that bad. It's not like monopoly or something."

Cobalt shrugged, munching on a pocky stick. "Well don't say I didn't warn yall. If you guys start gambling I'll end it."

"Just tell us how to play already! I'm losing years over here." Rebecca groaned, bored already.

Welp, this was gonna be a cluster fuck, Cobalt thought going over the rules and what each card does.

——————-1 hour later ———————




Aw they moved onto insulting each other. Who knew Mitsuri had it in her. Maybe giving her that book of modern insults was a mistake. He had to clear up his closet somehow.

Cobalt calmly ducked under a stray bullet from Rebecca and watch while deadpanning at the scene in front of them. Four games later and Mitsuri and Rebecca started targeting eachother, Rukia being caught between them cheating, Tengen always with half the deck in hand looking ready to start hacking and slashing. Ichigo looks seconds away from leaving, Shinobu was watching with a blank look while preventing blood from flowing out Iguros head when Mitsuri threw her chair. He unfortunately didn't move fast enough.

He forgot to mention that this deck wasn't just regular uno. He gotten this in his daily trash spins.

Uno(10th Anniversary)

A deck that consists of the regular cards with three new cards! Plus 10, Wild Grab, Double skip!

Lucy and Gloria watched on while munching on snacks and drinks already use to this behavior from Rebecca. "You should see when we did poker night. You ever seen a seven foot tall man cry? Wasn't pretty." Lucy said stealing a chip from Gloria.

Ichigo face palmed when a card slipped out from Rukias hair. "Alright this was a mistake. Oi midget we're going home!"


"Wait not you!"

Rebecca cheeks buldged and blasted a Dragon Rage at the orange strawberry. It hit his chest launching him into a wall, his shirt burning off.

Kyojiro poked his head through the front door, took one look, left without even saying a word. He really needs to invest in a gaming room? Credits need to flow faster if he ever plan on surviving these ruffians.


Sorry for the late chapter. I was cooking up three other stories I had in mind and got lost in time. Also lost internet for two days which didn't help. Also does anyone know a Marvel or DC character that isn't usually used? One or a couple that isn't seen in most novels?

Heve a good day~

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