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New World

Locke Regins.

That rare name is the only part about me that is special.

My entire life was ordinary. A good highschool, a great college and a 9-5 job with not-so-good pay. So introverted and shy that women didn't spare a second glance to me. Girls were daunting to speak to.

Then again, you can't win everything. That job was truly a loss. But I didn't have the courage to quit.

Honestly, the boss of the company should have been socked in the face already. Calling in on weekends and working us overtime while docking the pay for any minor inconvience.

5 years. It took that much time to gather up the courage to quit. Most of that courage was because of another, better job offer.

A good chunk of my youth had been wasted in that corrupt company. Buried under the power of seniority and nepotism-generated fools.

But it all ended today.

- Thud!

I stormed in the manager's office.

"I Love chuu too~ Kiss, kiss, heart, love~"

By the looks of it. he was talking to his wife. His face morphed into rage at the unwanted intruder.

"I will call you back, dear," He cut the call and continued, "What is it-"

- Slap!

A thin, white letter was slapped on his table, making him frown slightly.

"Is this the new proposal? Pass it on to Mary. I'm busy. Got it?"

With arrogance and annoyance in hs voice, he huffed. This bastard didn't even consider the possibility that it could be a resignation letter.

"Sorry, Manager, but I quit. That's my resignation letter. See ya!"

Unlike my jittery voice, there was a shocked expression on the manager's face.

Did he really not expect anyone to quit after whipping them like slaves?

Well, I wouldn't have quit either. But an opposing company offered a better job with great conditions. Money makes the world go around.


- Thud!

I walked out of the office, slamming it on the way out.

The employees and colleagues of this company watched this scene with amusement. Not that they knew what was going on. They simply loved seeing someone bash the door of the Manager's office.

- Bang!

Soon, the manager walked out with a flushed face. Red cheeks showing his rage.

"What do you think you are doing, you son of a bitch? Do you think someone will take a piece of shit like you after you quit like that!!?"

His words had no effect at all. Most of the employees were used to his verbal abuse, which was generally worse than this.

Pausing in my steps, I looked over my shoulder and gave him my warmest smile. Which looked frightening in this situation.

That man was taken back by that.

To be fair, I did hate him quite a lot and my head was quite nefarious too. Cursing him back may not even make him bulge so I did something way worse.

"By the way, manager, I saw your wife bang the HR manager on your anniversary! I personally stabbed their condoms with a needle too! Get a paternity test with your son!!"

I waved my hands and ran out. My feet never moved this fast, this felt amazingly marvelous.

- Bang! Bam! Bang!

Crashing and breaking sounds came from the office. He probably lost his anger and started throwing the nearest things.

Maybe a 'good' marriage would break after this. But who cared?

As I was running, I didn't check the lights at the street.

And as always, world wasn't going let a man be happy so easily. It needed drama to spice up the life stories of the people.

- Sshhhh!

A huge truck was rushing ahead without any worry. And a 2/20 vision was driving behind the wheel. He could barely see his own palm but kept speeding the vehicle to reach his destination on time.

- Bump!

"Hmm? Did I run over a dog or something?"

The driver shrugged and kept going on. 

Back on the road, I laid in a puddle of my own blood.

"Cough! Cough!"

It wasn't easy knowing that my killer didn't look back or stop the trunk. Simply moving ahead like I didn't matter.

World was like this. A single death wouldn't hurt it nor would it stop time.

"I-I qu-quit though..."

Why couldn't the trunk have killed me before quitting? I mean, why should I die when my life was changing around for the better?

Good luck is often balanced with bad luck. Nevertheless, isn't death a bit too much to neutralize quitting a corrupt company?

Tears filled up my eyes to the brim. Because the pain of mangled limbs hurt. Blood was flowing out of the crushed ribs like a river.


- Gasp!

Nearby pedestrians walked over and called for help. Someone was calling an ambulance while another was pacing around my body.

"Shall we do CPR?"

Whoever that was, I surely hope he doesn't try to save another human in the future. A CPR for a truck crash? Either guy is horny or dumb. In his case, he might be both.

Hopefully, I die before he tries to perform a CPR.

Darkness took over the red that filled my vision. My heart slowly stopped beating, taking the very last breath.




"Argh! My head is crushing me."

A jolt of agonizing pain flood my senses, setting the nerves on fire. Blood was dripping down my blue hair.

'Wait, blue?'

My eyes scanned the surroundings, which seemed new and refurnished. It was a hall reminiscent of any highschool's prom.

'Am I in a highschool? What the fuck is that!?'

Velvet decorations and gentle song in the background with the dim lights, perfect for a duet dance. However, that wasn't the real attraction of this place.

- Boom!

Rubble and drebris taller than a grown man was thrown towards one side. Bursting the wall and the building.


One bulkly, green monster was destroying his surroundings. Slamming his tail at the pillars that held the building up.

- Boom! Bang! Bang! Bang!

While some policemen were shooting at him. It did nothing but agitate him more. The police personnel weren't even trying to lead him away.

They stood still and dashed out bullets at him like they were invulnerable.

'Is this how Gen-Z proms are carried out?'

[Welcome, Host! We wish you a happy, new life!]

And before my eyes, there was this message. Floating in midair, with a blue screen and black text.

'Fuck! What do the fuck do you mean 'happy'? There's a fucking monster here!!'

My heart was beating harder than rock music, rivaling King Engine. It was the horror, confusion and despair all mixed in one.

Still, they couldn't overcome my instinct to survive.

I jumped up to my feet and rushed towards the stands, hiding underneath them. My body felt quite different from ealier, it was agile and shorter.

This highschool prom was being held in their gym so there was plenty of space to hide. Though it provided no protection, it better than attracting attention by rushing out the front door.

- Bang! Bang! Screams! Crunch!

Ignoring the background music, I clapped my cheeks and calmed the beating heart. The fear and pain from the recent death could still be felt in the bones.

Dying was off the table for now. And it would stay off the table forever.

"Okay, it looks like I have reincarnated! Good, Locke. Do it just like all the times you practiced in your mind and daydreams!"

Years of otaku experience were finally coming in handy.

First of all, this seemed to be a modern world. And it wasn't normal. Surely anyone could understand from seeing the monster blowing human heads in a single slap.

- Crunch!

Blood splattered across the gym with another head being blown off. 

"Hu! Hu! Hu! Calm down! Damn it, don't you dare freak out on me, Locke!? You survived the work abuse, the caffiene-filled nights and lonely days! You can do this, Locke!!"

Closing my eyes, I turned away from those deaths. There was no way to help those guys.


I called out the only thing I felt could save me in this situation.

[System is currently locked! Complete Main Quest (1) to unlock its features!]


Okay, having the head blasted off may sound gruesome but it couldn't be more painful than a truck crash, can it?

'Nuh-uh, I'm not dying today!'

Grinding my teeth, I hissed in a low, angry tone, "Whatever, show me the quest!"

[Main Quest (1)

 - Don't Let The Spider Fall!

 - Description : Gwen Stacy, the Ghost Spider, is destined to sacrifice herself countless times! Stop the death of Peter Parker and let her receive the fame she deserves!

 - Reward : System Initiation/???]

Gwen Stacy? Ghost Spider?

'That-Isn't that one of the Marvel universes!? Wait, so that means Peter Parker is...'


The Lizard screamed at the top of his lungs, intimidating everybody present.

A white robe on his shoulders and torn pants on his lower half. It had a dressing sense similar to a human yet the clothes were too small for him.

"Please tell me you bought the wrong size!"

If not, then this Lizard was Peter Parker. And this world was one of the Marvel comics or one of its multiverses.

"Don't fear! If that thing escapes, there will be countless deaths!! Shot him here!!"

The captain of the police screamed at his men, sending them to their deaths. He himself was standing on the front line and shooting at the Lizard.

[George Stacy]

The name tag of his police uniform attracted my attention, along with his brave voice.

'Gwen's dad? Wait, I remember that Lizard-Peter hurts him and then, Gwen beats him up in a rage and kills him as his healing factor stops!'

Of course, this guy always had to ruin his daughter's life in every world.

First, it was the Andrew's Spider-Man. Then here, where he would do his best to capture the hero who saved his life. He also attempts to arrest Gwen after finding out her sercret identity.


Lizard growled and glared at George, falling on his limbs and ready to pounce.

In this moment, I had two choices.

1) Stay down. Let George get hurt and make it harder to stop Gwen when she is killing Peter. Decreasing the chances of unlocking the system.

2) Run out and try to save George, easening out the future process. Unlock the system and survive for a long future.

Once before, I had chosen my present over my future by not quitting the black company. There was no way I would repeat that.

- Tak! Tak! Tak!

With gusto and determination, I ran out of the stands. My body was nimble and decisive than what I remembered.

Lizard was faster but he also had to deal with the other officers. Which fell like dominoes until only the captain remained.

- Bang! Bang!

However, George didn't lose hope and kept shooting.


I screamed at him while Lizard pounced at him.


George was shocked to see that a student was still around, especially running at him.

- Bam! Slash!

I crashed into him, rolling the two of us on the ground while 4 long, claws passed on the place he stood.


A searing pain struck my back. Something warm and wet was dripping down my back, dousing the suit in it.

"Are you okay!?"

The Police Captain asked with fear and care in his voice.


However, this was no time for small talk. Lizard realized that his attack missed and pulled his arm back for another slash.

George, like the hero he was, shielded me with his body.

- Bam!

But before the Lizard's claws could hit him, a furious kick flung him across the hall.

- Crash!

He crashed against the wall, cracking the cement. There was no visible injury on his body as he growled and rushed back at the intruder.

The intruder stood tall in a black and white spider costume. Her curves accentuated by the 'uniform' but this was no time to enjoy her beauty.

Though one couldn't see her expressions, they could imagine it twist in anger and wrath.

Her father only an inch away from death. And many people had already died to the monster before her.

Ghost Spider dashed at Lizard. The latter lunged at her head, his claws ready to rip her apart.

- Bam! 

She ducked under the claws, fell to the ground and kicked both her legs at his chin. Lizard stumbled back a few steps while a spiderweb struck his leg, pulling it back.

He fell on the floor as the Spider vigilante jumped atop of him and began a merciless beating.

- Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

Her friends, acquaintances of her father and her father! The revenge for all their pain and suffering. Ghost Spider would take it all from this monstrous villain.

- Slap!

A green tail slammed her body away while the Lizard stood up in fury. He was beaten up by a weak, lower organism. Lizard stood at the top of the food chain and his desire to prove it burned fiercely.

- Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

The duo was ducking it out. Their fists flying faster than the human eye could see.

On the other hand, George Stacy carried me towards the stands.

"Are you okay, son?"

His eyes were drowning in guilt and regret. The police had vowed to save civilians and yet he had to be saved by what he swore to protect.


Grinding my teeth, I barely gave him a reply. The blazing pain from my back was irritating me.

An irrational anger was bubbling up.

Why did I die? Why was I thrown in this world? Why do I have act so soon? Why do I have suffer as such!?

A myriad of questions swirled in my mind.

"Thank you, son!"

But George spoke a few words to dispel it all. Gratitude that came from the depths of his soul.

George may act rough and indifferent. Nevertheless, he was a family man. He loved his daughter more than anyone else and he would gladly give up his job and life for her.

Had that claw struck him back there, he may not have met her again. And he would have regretted that in his death.

For that reason, my image in his eyes skyrocketed.

"By the way, is your girlfriend dead?"

At that question, I shot him a 'Is this crazy!?' look. George coughed in his palm and explained himself.

"Well, you see, my daughter is single so I was-like, you know."

Erasing his 'daughter-matching services' from my mind, I took off my shirt. And wrapped it around my injuries. It may have been shallow but excessive bleeding could lead to death.

Especially since there was no one around with enough medical experience. Now, we had to hold on until the reinforcements came in or Ghost Spider defeated the Lizard, whichever was first.

"Captain, tighten this!"

I asked for his help, which he was glad to do. George was trained enough in the police's first aid technique, which stopped the blood loss.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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