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"So I guess you managed to patch things up...?" asked Kiba, entering the classroom to find Seikun in his former seat, sandwiched between Sakura on his left and Ino on his right.

"Even better," mused Ino, unabashedly linking her hand around Seikun's arm as she revealed, "The three of us are dating now, so keep that in mind when you invite Seikun to hang out. We have first dibs on his free time, so you should let us know in advance if you want to borrow him."

Unsure of how to respond to Ino's words, Kiba just scratched his head and directed a pitying look at Seikun. The latter didn't wholly agree with what Ino had said, but as he didn't want to refute her in the presence of their classmates, his only response was a wry smile...




Though there were varying reactions to the revelation he was dating Ino and Sakura, Seikun found Hinata's...odd. Ordinarily, the first thing she did after entering the classroom was stop and look around, her pale lavender eyes invariably meeting his before she looked away and made her way to her seat. That particular morning, however, she didn't so much as sneak a glance his way, her expression as serene as a lake on a windless night as she made her way up the aisle and sat down without greeting Shino or her other deskmate.

"If you're trying to make Sakura and me jealous, it's working..." whispered Ino, slipping Seikun a piece of paper that read: We discussed things with Hinata. For now, you should focus all your attention on us. Once she's in a better position with her clan, you can try dating her then.

After reading Ino's message, Seikun's eyes widened, but his expression remained unchanged. Various questions appeared in his mind, but as he would have plenty of opportunities to ask them in a less public setting, he gave a curt nod and kept his eyes to the front. At least, that was his plan until Ino wrote a second message, this one reading: If you dump us just because there's a chance you can get with Hinata in the future, I'll never forgive you.

Taken aback by the message, Seikun turned his head to meet Ino's gaze, the look in her baby blue eyes the most serious he had ever seen. When he looked to his left, Sakura had an equally serious expression, so while he had questions he expected answers to, Seikun ultimately picked up his pencil and wrote: I wouldn't have agreed to be your boyfriend if I weren't serious about making things work.

"Good," said Ino, taking the initiative to grasp Seikun's right hand. Sakura did the same with his left, so for the remainder of the time before Iruka's arrival, Seikun held the duo's hands. Ino took advantage of this to inspect his hand and fingers, but since she largely behaved, he allowed her to do as she pleased...




Waiting until they were on their way home from the Academy, Seikun, walking between Ino and Sakura, asked, "So, mind telling me what the two of you discussed with Hinata...?"

"What's there to tell?" countered Ino. "You should be better aware of Hinata's situation than we are. When we talked, she mainly asked us to take care of you. She also explained that what happened between you was related to her family but didn't provide any specifics. Only that she was doing her best to ensure you wouldn't be taken advantage of..."


Preventing a lengthy silence, Sakura revealed, "That's not all we talked about. We also asked if she wanted to date you as well, but she said she wasn't sure and couldn't answer until she had secured her position in her clan."

"When you asked her that, were you talking about me dating all three of you...?" asked Seikun, his expression understandably incredulous.

Scratching her right cheek and adopting a wry smile, Sakura admitted, "To be honest, I'm not sure things will work even with just you, me, and Ino. If you dated Hinata as well...I think your feelings for her would cause you to neglect me and Ino..."

Punching her right fist into the palm of her left hand, Ino exclaimed, "Then we just need to make him fall so head over heels for us that he can't even imagine neglecting us...!"

"So long as you remember our agreement..." said Seikun, feeling touched by Ino's enthusiasm but also concerned. She had the disposition of taking a mile when given an inch, so he would need to stay on his toes to avoid a scenario where she pressured him and Sakura into trying things better put off to their mid to late teens...

"Yeah, yeah, I know you want to wait until we're older..." said Ino, waving her right hand dismissively as she added, "I don't really understand why, but since it matters to you, I won't tease you too much. But, since we are boyfriend and girlfriend now, things like holding hands and kissing on the cheek should be fair game. If not, what will have changed from when we were just ordinary friends...?"

"You're not wrong..." conceded Seikun, rubbing the back of his head. He was tempted to point out that their lack of boundaries wasn't something ordinary friends shared, but since he had tolerated it before they became an official couple, he didn't have a platform to stand on.

"Then, this is what we'll do...!" exclaimed Ino, stopping in front of Seikun and Sakura, leaning forward slightly with her right index finger raised as she asserted, "From now on, whenever you see us, you need to give us a hug. It doesn't need to be long or anything. Just enough to reinforce that you're happy to see us. Then, whenever we part ways, you kiss us on the cheek. That shouldn't be too big an ask."

"It's not entirely unreasonable..." responded Seikun. "But before we take things too far, I have demands of my own. First and foremost, the two of you need to talk to your parents. If they don't approve of you both dating me simultaneously, we should respect their decision. I don't want to make things complicated between you and your parents..."



Taking advantage of the duo's silence, Seikun added, "Furthermore, until we graduate, our focus should be maintaining our grades and training to become as strong as possible. It's not uncommon for Genin to lose their lives on missions outside the village, so until we become Chunin, we can't be satisfied with our strength..."

"Man, really know how to take the wind out of a girl's sails..." muttered Ino, rubbing the back, right side of her head. She felt they were already plenty ahead of the pack, but Seikun's words gave the impression they were slacking off.

"I'm serious..." said Seikun, his expression and tone conveying as much as he explained, "It hasn't been that long since the previous war ended, and the standards of Konoha have relaxed considerably. If we had been more prepared nine years ago, we would have had a much easier time repelling the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox. If another attack happens, I want at least the people I care about to be safe and prepared..."

"Seikun..." muttered Sakura, grasping his right hand reassuringly. It wasn't something she or Ino thought about often, but they knew that Seikun had lost his parents during the Nine-Tails' rampage. With that in mind, it made perfect sense that he would want them to prioritize their training and studies. After all, had his parents been stronger, they would still be alive...

" win..." groaned Ino, crossing her arms and turning her head to avoid Seikun's gaze as she said, "I'll talk to my parents, and when we train together, I'll be sure to give it my all. Any other demands? Because this is the last time I want to have such a...heavy conversation..."

"None..." responded Seikun, shaking his head and adopting a faint smile that made Ino feel embarrassed, but only for a moment. She wasn't the type to dwell on depressing subjects, so as they neared Sakura's home, she switched the subject to dates, pressing Seikun to relent to at least three outings per month. They would be training and studying together nearly every day, but since those weren't proper dates, she expected him to invite them out to eat or watch a movie on their day off. She didn't care if she had to foot the bill. The important thing was that he was the one to plan and invite them...




After dropping the two girls off at their houses, punctuated by kisses on their cheeks, Seikun returned to his apartment and sat silently for a long time. When he awoke that morning, he was prepared for Ino and Sakura to join Hinata in ghosting him. It had never crossed his mind that he would end the day, not with one, but two girlfriends...

'Is this what I desired...?' Seikun wondered, viewing the situation through the lens of him being within the Infinite Tsukuyomi. In the eighteen years he lived outside, he never seriously considered pursuing Ino or Sakura, so it was difficult for him to associate the current situation with his innermost desires. He was almost certain that he had never seriously yearned for a harem, but now, instead of establishing the distance he intended, he was in a relationship with two separate heroines...and, at least for a fleeting moment, he had been excited by the prospect of a third entering the mix...

'Well, it's too late to backpedal now...' felt Seikun, burying his face into his hands and moving his head up and down. He had felt disjointed since he awoke roughly five months prior, but now that he had stepped onto a path that would fundamentally alter events to come, it was high time he got his shit together...

With such thoughts in his mind, Seikun got up from his desk, made his way over to the end of his bed, laid down on the floor, and began doing crunches. Ino and Sakura both had roles to play in the original canon, so while he had originally been content with remaining in the village, he now had a far more concrete reason to become as strong as possible...




As Winter gave way to Spring and the temperature became hotter by the day, the Academy began preparing for its longest break of the year, a 40-day period spanning from April 9th to May 19th. By then, Seikun, Ino, and Sakura had been dating for well over a month, so the three of them were hanging out in the latter's room, studying for the end-of-year written and practical exams. At least, that's what Sakura told her parents they would be doing. Instead, she was lying on her stomach, reading a thick medical text atop her bed while Ino played her recently purchased game console, reclining against Seikun with a large cat plush separating them.

"Damnit, this balancing of this game is complete shit...!" complained Ino, moving about non-stop as she played a game remarkably similar to the very first Monster Hunter but with Chakra Beasts and the main character being a Ninja. She had already reached the highest rank attainable in the game, Super Kage, but she pretended to be bad at it to justify her moving around as much as possible.

"Can you please stop shaking the bed...?" asked Sakura, an annoyed frown adorning her face. She was already envious that Ino had won the right to utilize Seikun as her backrest, so if she couldn't at least distract herself with a book, she might use it to smack them both.

"Maybe if Seikun stops me from moving~" mused Ino, unconcerned by Sakura's grousing as their positions had been reversed on more than a few occasions. Seikun usually only capitulated to their demands when they performed particularly well on an exam or made a breakthrough in their training, so, if anything, Sakura received significantly more rewards than her. Thus, Ino found her pink-haired friend's protests quite pleasant.

"Your time is up..." said Seikun, coinciding with the failure of Ino's in-game mission. Their agreement was that she could recline against him until she either completed or failed an SSS-Rank mission. Ino managed to stall out until the timer was up, but instead of getting up, she tilted her head back, narrowed her eyes, and said, "Kiss my forehead. I just lost a ton of points, so I demand consolation..."

Using his fingers to poke Ino's cheeks, Seikun's expression and tone were flat as he repeated, "Time's up..."

Though she eventually got up, Ino first blew raspberries to express her dissatisfaction. She wasn't truly angry, but since Seikun rarely gave her ground after she inadvertently turned to face him while he was trying to kiss her cheek, she felt like protesting...




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