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28.12% Marvel: False God - Avatar of Ogdoad / Chapter 9: [9] Kitty Kitty Kitty, and a Multiversal Entity 

Capítulo 9: [9] Kitty Kitty Kitty, and a Multiversal Entity 

Chapter 9: Kitty Kitty Kitty, and a Multiversal Entity 

To no one's surprise, Peter Parker loved his new suit. While that was nice, there was a potential concern in Enrique's mind. While hanging out with Peter, he felt like he was being watched. 

His heightened senses didn't pick up any real clue, but the sensation persisted. With night approaching, he decided it was best for Peter to head home. If an enemy was indeed lurking around, and they weren't strong enough to take action in the presence of two heroes, Enrique didn't fear the situation.

"Let's head home then," Enrique said.

"Huh? But I wanna test out the suit!" Peter protested.

"Your friends took plenty of pictures of me and you, until I lifted you up in the sky. Now imagine if your aunt saw any of them, wouldn't she be wondering what's going on? She must be confused and scared. Do you really want to be late on top of that?"

Peter blinked, then slowly shook his head. "Ah, shit…"

"That's what I thought. Now go."

Peter sighed and swung off into the distance. After that, Enrique raised his guard up. He took a quick flight around the building to locate the source of the gaze but found nothing. That was pretty weird. Soon, the feeling vanished. To be certain, he followed Peter from a distance, ensuring the boy reached home safely. What if the enemy was after Peter, and not him?

Still, no threats appeared. Peter's Spider-Sense would likely alert him before Enrique's senses, anyway. In the end, Enrique had no choice but to ask his Goddess.

[Don't worry about it. I have a feeling that I know who it was,] Mut informed him. [You'll find out later.]

Great, more mysteries. He wondered what she was up to now. Then he called Anna to check in, and after confirming everything was fine, he decided to return home.

Today, he had saved six people but gained no new believers except for Spider-Man. He wasn't actively recruiting anymore; he had bigger, more beneficial plans. 

First, he'd amass a ton of money and then form some sort of crime syndicate, one that'd operate like a cult. Although a company worked too. If he were to go with the former, taking over an already-established criminal gang sounded smarter and sweeter. He had a name in mind already but he was going to leave them be for now. He wasn't planning to go full-out villain, so he was holding back. 

He needed a secondary, secret identity to play the villain. He'll have to stabilize things before revealing his true identity, if ever. That way, if the plan failed, his Hero image wouldn't be ruined.

…! Hm?

Just when he was wondering about those things, Enrique's eyes caught a black flash in the distance. He almost missed it in the darkness, but a hint of white in the middle of the black form stood out. It wasn't the person who had been watching him earlier, but they were definitely not normal either, given how effortlessly they moved across the rooftops.

Closing in, Enrique heard police sirens and saw a car waiting in the direction the figure was heading. Looking around, he spotted police cars surrounding a jewelry shop in chaos.


Black and white, police, and jewels.

The little criminal kitten had no idea how much that narrowed things down.


Shit. Felicia Hardy, currently disguised in her Black Cat outfit, cursed as she sprinted across the rooftops. And they say the police are never on time. Turns out they were lying.

Today was her first day at this job too, at least in this costume, continuing her late father's legacy as a burglar. She thought she'd be fine since Spider-Man rarely came to this area, and even if he did, he had bigger fish to focus on. She hadn't even considered the police a threat. But here she was, surrounded. The moment she would leave the roofs, she'd be spotted.

And the raid was going so well, too. How unlucky. Nobody noticed the ruby missing from its display before she was out of the shop, but a few police cars just had to be chilling in the corner! What a bad day. She blamed that Superhero guy for this. If he hadn't come to her school today, causing a useless crowd at the entrance, she wouldn't have been delayed and annoyed, and her guard wouldn't have been down.

"Nice leg work, you're not even stumbling."

She stumbled and barely caught herself from hitting the floor face-first. Turning around, she feared Spider-Man had arrived—but it wasn't him. No, it was someone far more dangerous. Supernova floated before her.

In a suit whiter than snow, with a flashy lightning symbol on his chest, bubbling with black orbs, Supernova hovered in front of her, his cape fluttering behind him.

Ah, fuck me. Of all people, it had to be the guy who looked like he did justice for breakfast. She had seen the video of the train fight, he was out of her league.

"Uh," Black Cat smiled nervously, sitting up swiftly. "Hi?"

"I don't get it," Supernova said, dropping in front of her and leaning closer. At his sudden gesture, she closed her eyes in fright, remembering his ruthless fight, but he only grabbed the pouch from her belt, taking out the red, gleaming ruby she stole. "What's up with cats and jewels? And cats and burglars, too?"

Aha… Black Cat relaxed somewhat. Looks like someone's chatty, unlike how he looks. Since he seemed chatty, she could use that to flee. But not without getting the ruby back. She wouldn't give up her first real heist so easily.

"Your first crime?" the man asked, and she nodded quickly, hoping for leniency. "Ah. Then should I send you to rehab? Maybe that'd fix your habits before they grow uncontrollable?"

Shit…?! What the fuck do you mean? Fuck you. Felicia cursed in her head. This guy was nuts. Wait, should I play innocent? Maybe that'd help me.

She stood up, dusting off her jacket as she walked over to him confidently. "Why rehab?" she asked, throwing her arms around him. "Couldn't you fix little old me by yourself?"

Hmm, I was planning to play innocent, though… Maybe she mixed things up in the heat of the moment. Well, seduction should be better anyway.

"Depends on the problem," he replied, putting an arm around her waist, and leaning closer.

Nice, her trick worked. She smirked. "I suffer from the problem of not being touched properly. These nimble, soft hands of mine don't cut it. Perhaps you could help me, lightning?"

She was beautiful. Electrifyingly so. She had avoided the opposite gender since high school when she got drunk at a party and was nearly raped. Her powers had saved her then, and she had avoided everyone in her school since. But she didn't hate men, just the kids and teenagers in particular. They were too weak against their hormonal desires, so it would be odd to blame their entire species for that one incident.

However, in front of a dashing grown-up man like this guy, she saw no reason not to use her body as a weapon. Her goal was to grab her ruby and run. He could fly, but she was more flexible. She'd figure out a way.

"Little kitty wants to be touched, looks like someone loves attention," Supernova said, his hand cupping her fleshy butt shamelessly while his other hand scratched her lower chin with a finger, making her moan accidentally.

Oh shit. I never noticed this, fuck. Felicia cursed in her head. Did she have a cat's weaknesses too? She never noticed since tickling herself didn't work.

The hero raised an eyebrow at her sudden moan and squeezed her butt harder, going for another scratch attack under her chin. However, she was ready this time. She held back the moan, twisted her body, and threw her leg around his neck, forcing him down on the floor. She grabbed the ruby from his hand and tried to make a run for it.

But she couldn't budge from her spot.

His cape had wrapped around her waist, and his hand had grabbed her arm. "What a cutie, I thought you wanted to be touched? Why're you running?" He looked at her with an amused smile. "Quite slow, you need to be faster."

Like she had expected, he was out of her league. In desperation, she chose to activate her powers. She straightened the fingers of her free hand, causing her nails to grow and sharpen as she swiped at his face. He grabbed her hand before it could reach him, stopping her claws just an inch from his head, staring at her in fascination.

"Whoa, look," he said, looking on top of her head where… her ears had popped up. That was the side effect of bringing out her claws. "You're actually a real cat-girl. But why are your ears white-furred? Tail too? Why do you call yourself a black cat, then?"

Ugh, he had seen her cat form. How embarrassing.

"Also, I wouldn't suggest attacking me with claws. You're lucky I stopped your hand. Otherwise, they'd have snapped and it would have hurt," he patted her thighs and said. "The last guy who did so can confirm my claims, although now he's in jail." 

Slowly, he released her. His cape didn't, but his hands released her and reached out to feel her ears. She could do nothing but let him, realizing the power gap between them. She tried to contain a moan at least as he caressed her ears. "Mhm. It's the real deal. Weird… Did a cat bite you?"

What the fuck was he talking about?

"I don't know…" Felicia decided to answer, hoping to buy time. "They just appeared one day. Maybe I'm a mutant or came into contact with some weird chemical. I have no idea."

"I see," he nodded and let her ears go. "How different... Anyway, I'm not aware of your financial situation but stop stealing and focus on your studies instead." He handed her the ruby, making her blink. "Next time I won't let you go so easily."

…She had a feeling he actually would. Maybe a bit harsher, but he didn't seem like the type who'd throw her fine ass in prison. Also, she was financially better off than most people in America. She did this because she enjoyed it. Though she probably shouldn't tell him that.

"Alright," she said, accepting the ruby and quickly pocketing it before retracting her claws, making her ears and tail vanish. She got off him, her butt lifting off his abdomen, as she jumped on the wall. 

"Damn, leaving so fast?" the playful Hero asked, and she giggled.

She hung against the wall and said, "Thanks for keeping me up here, the cops are gone. May we meet again on a stormy night, lightning, mwah." Sending him a flying kiss, she jumped off the roof.

[Image Here]


Pretty. She was beautiful. Enrique shook his head. "No, let's not lose focus."

[By the way, I've noticed a pattern. Amongst the four girls you've interacted with the most since coming here,] his Goddess spoke in his ears. [Three of them have white hair, while another's hair is partially white too. Heck, your hair turns white in your tiger beast form, too. Is that your type?]

Enrique deadpanned, shaking his head. "Alright, Goddess, let me debunk your claim. The first woman, you – I didn't meet out of my own will. You pulled me here. Secondly, Anna's hair wasn't my fault. Third, I didn't want to sexually harass Storm, you told me to. Fourth, encountering Black Kitty was purely random. Lastly, screw you."

He explained the situation, but she just scoffed. [Excuses.]

How could a Goddess be like this? No wonder her Pantheon fell.

In any case, Black Cat was as intriguing as she was beautiful. Unlike the Black Cat he remembered, she had actual cat-like powers. What was up with that?

Perhaps she had already, somehow, been experimented on by the Kingpin like in one of the comics? If so, did she have Bad Luck powers too? Did she bring misfortune wherever she went? 

If that's the case, he should probably stay away from her. That's one reason he let her go quickly instead of playing Tom & Jerry with her. So many questions, yet so few answers.

Not seeing any point in spending more time here, Enrique decided to fly back home.



Enrique had returned from his hero patrol and fallen asleep, but he was certain he was awake right now. Yet it was dark. He couldn't open his eyes, speak, or hear Mut say anything about the situation.

Was this sleep paralysis? Or…

Could it be, perhaps, all that—going to Marvel and living a week in that world—had been a dream? Was this the void? Or a side effect of his mutant power?

Both possibilities ended when a voice rang in Enrique's head. It was feminine, but it didn't belong to Mut. It didn't belong to any woman, either, just an imitation of it.

"Ekke siåmou?"

Enrique knew six languages—French, English, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, and Mandarin. But he couldn't decipher what language that voice originated from.

The voice rang again,

"Can you understand me now?"

He could. It still didn't sound very human, but he could understand it.

"Good," the voice said as if reading his mind. "Only the surface thoughts. A very peculiar being you are, indeed."

Surface thoughts, huh? Enrique groaned but made a note to be careful about what he openly thought.

'I'll take that as a compliment, but who am I speaking to?' Enrique asked carefully.

"The Great Weaver," the voice said softly. "Your Goddess should know better."

'Alright,' Enrique hid his surprise. He remembered her name but couldn't point out who she was exactly. He refrained from thinking about that subject, in case he thought something he shouldn't. 'What can I help you with?'

"You can't," the being said. "Let your goddess come, I'm waiting for her."

Enrique frowned. Then why bring me here? 'And how can I call for my Goddess?'

[You don't have to do anything, I am here,] Mut's voice entered the darkness. [Nice to meet you, O' Great Weaver,] she said in a tone that Enrique swore was sarcastic. 


[It alone was bothersome that you were gazing down on my lovely avatar, but you also happened to kidnap his consciousness?]

Ah. So this being was the gaze he felt with Spider-Man? The Great Weaver, from the Spider-Man… Enrique stopped his thoughts. 

"This is simply a warning," the other voice replied. "You were playing with my Avatar, you realize? Spider-Man, Peter Parker. So I thought I would get back to you about that. Quite brazen of you to convert him to your religion, Maut."

Oh. Shit. Right, Peter was the avatar of some multiversal spider. That's the Great Weaver. Thinking again, how many characters were actually somehow Avatars of cosmic entities? Most were rarely openly named, but the number was more than Enrique realized.

[Is that so? I am afraid I didn't know that,] Mut said softly, but Enrique felt as if she was lying.

"I hope you didn't, if not I might misunderstand and obliterate your Avatar on a whim." the feminine voice said in gentle calmness.

Enrique couldn't feel his body, but he still felt his throat becoming dry. Goddammit. He almost forgot what sort of verse Marvel was. Only a small part of it was Tom & Jerry with Black Cat, the rest was filled with beings he wasn't even aware of that could obliterate him without him ever knowing why.

Mut sighed. [Stop, you will scare him. I actually did know and did this anyway. In compensation, Spider-Man can keep the suit even if he stops worshiping me. That sounds fair?] The other entity hummed in response. [As for why I did this—well, honestly I just wanted to meet, it's been a while hasn't it?]

"Don't waste my time."

Mut laughed. [Learn to joke a little, you are too old and dry. But right, in truth, I wanted to know when my husband will be freed.]

A short silence fell in the darkness before the other voice sighed.

"Really? Calling me out for such a thing? Does your Pantheon not have any seer of fate?"

[It does, but you are the best player in this game. Are you not? Why would I take help from those uncertain baboons when I can reach out to you via that spider boy?] Mut said before her attention shifted to Enrique. [Ah, here is some context for my dear avatar. My husband—Amun Ra, the Sun and Creator God of Egypt—resides in the sun, but not out of his own volition. He is imprisoned there. Every few generations a random Avatar will spawn with his powers in the mortal world—but that's not the real him. I wish to know when he will return, and that information will help me determine my next plans. Such as your advancement, growth, and other stuff.]

'Good to know,' Enrique thought, though he doubted Mut could hear it. He knew about the story of Amun-Ra's avatars. Each of his avatars was called the Sun King and had been continuous enemies of Moon Knight.

As for the last part of her explanation… he felt somewhat mad. Did she endanger his life just for that? Just to plan her next moves?

After a long silence, the other voice spoke. "Oh well. Let's just be done with this since you're here anyway. Honestly, the future of your timeline has been confusing, changing, and going through doodads since you summoned this creature as your avatar."

Calling him a creature outright? That was rude.

"Previously, your husband would have naturally broken out of the sun's imprisonment around the year 2039. But with this new variable in place, that time might be prolonged or lessened. Truthfully, in none of the possibilities where you use [Call of the Void] does this creature come to help. He is a variable to the flow of the multiverse," the web entity finished. "I am not telling you any more of this. Revealing the future makes things more confusing, and I have enough on my plate already."

That she spoke that much was surprising to Enrique on its own. Just how influential was Mut for her to receive help from such beings? Heck, Mut wasn't even the current Queen of Egypt, it was Isis, while Mut was more of an 'elder', a former queen, though still respected, for the Gods of Egypt. Yet she was so influential in the grand scheme of things. 

She surprised Enrique every day.

As for the part that he was a variable? He wasn't that surprised, coming from the real world into this comic book one shouldn't be that common. It felt good to know that there was only one Enrique in all of the Marvel multiverses. He doubted he would like to meet his other selves.

[Hm...] Mut hummed. [I see. I am glad I decided on using the "Call of the Void" then. By the time my husband would have returned, Egypt may have been no more.]

"I don't know about that. The chances are 50/50, but I am not explaining anything more," the other being's voice said. "That is all. Do not bother me again, I am far busier than you can imagine. Be sure to keep your promise with Spider-Man's suit, do not take it back. Now, goodbye, and hope we don't meet again."

The voice then disappeared, and so did the darkness. Dim lights in the bedroom filled his vision, and Enrique jumped up on the bed, gasping as he looked down at his body. He was sweating buckets.

He clenched his jaws and snapped his head in the air to glare at it. "What if she actually killed me? It wasn't a smart move."

[Oh well,] Mut shrugged. [Even you don't know everything, it seems. But in whatever case, since you are still alive, everything is fine. Right?]

Enrique opened his mouth to say something but closed it and sighed in the end.



Anna Marie woke up from the moonlight that fell over her eyes from the open door of the balcony. She was surprised when she didn't find Enrique beside her on the bed, noticing his built back on the balcony.

Anna rubbed her eyes before walking up to the other side, finding him looking at the moon with an unblinking gaze with a… cigarette hanging from his lips.

He smokes? Anna was surprised. He looks… so distant with that expression. Did he have a bad dream?

"Sorry, did I wake you up?" Enrique asked, not even turning to look at her.

"It's fine, I would have missed this shade of your handsome face if I didn't wake up," she tried to joke, watching him smile as he turned to look at her. That made her smile back. "Honestly, though, you didn't seem the smoker type, sugah. Professor Logan stinks of alcohol and smoke, but uh, you smell clean."

"I don't usually smoke. Just on special occasions," he said, grabbing the half-finished cigarette, putting the fire out, and throwing it outside. She was feeling uncomfortable because of the smoke, is that why he did that? How caring.

"Special occasions?" Anna tilted her head. "Such as stealing a little girl's heart?"

He snorted out a laugh, his weird melancholic demeanor vanishing as he pulled her by the waist and kissed her. She wrapped her hands around his neck and kissed him back. The taste of nicotine wasn't something she was a fan of, but if it was him, she could see herself adapting to it.

When it ended, he looked into her eyes. "Special occasions such as the realization that I am but an ant in this enormous universe, so insignificant," he looked serious. "There are beings who can erase people like you and me with just a thought, Anna."

Anna didn't know if such beings really existed or not, but if Enrique was saying so, it must be the case. However, she didn't feel fear.

"Well… If that's the case, isn't that a problem that can be fixed just by growing stronger than everyone else?" Anna asked, making him shrug. She was trying to cheer him up, but she had no idea he was thinking the same.

"That's the plan."

"Then why were you sulking?"

"I wasn't sulking. I was planning," he said, making her look at him with a confused frown. "Hmm, allow me an analogy. Let's imagine you make a habit of taking a walk whenever you are trying to think of something super-duper creative and let's say it works. In the future, whenever you go take a walk, something creative might pop up in your head, would you agree?"

"I guess."

"That's my relationship with smoking and moon gazing. Whenever you see me smoking, gazing at the moon, remember I may not be feeling insignificant, but rather using my time creating plans in my head that'd fix the problem at hand." Enrique ruffled her hair. "I wouldn't suggest you smoke though."

Anna listened to his words in silence with a smile. "I won't. Um, well, unless you want a smoking companion?" she giggled, seeing him shake his head with a sigh. "Anyway. Did you come up with a plan like that?" Anna looked at him curiously, making him nod.

"I did," he grinned. "Dozens, actually. A whole outline of things to do. But the first plan is to learn how to fight, though. I have strength, quite a bit of it in the context of this planet, but I lack techniques to use that strength properly and efficiently."

"So you need a teacher who can teach you how to fight?" Anna added, putting her arms around his neck. She embraced him softly, whispering, "You got someone in mind?"

"Yes," Enrique smiled. "Two of them."

Finally, it was time to hunt some tigresses.




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