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Capítulo 4: Being born.

As soon as his ears became un-muffled, he heard the cries of his mother from the pain of birth. He heard shocked gasps and murmurs from the nurses. He opened his eyes, stunning the people around him further due to his irises being a fiery golden colour. He aided them by wriggling in a slow, rhythmic manner and slowly inching forward while allowing the nurses to pull him. He has been released.

They set him down on a pillow of tallowed skin, more than likely elk for its rough yet durable texture. He views the room he is within; A bare, wooden structure with few furnishings, the bed his mother was laid upon had ivory sets underneath a leather sheet. It appeared sufficient, yet was unhygienic. 'It seems that hygiene is something that I must develop first.' David mused. He sits up, startling the people. They see him raise his right hand, in a gesture that appears simple, yet has holy connotations.

The Amniotic fluid made his skin glisten under the light, rather than appearing viscous and slimy. They move in front of him, they appear with apprehensiveness and fear. 'They see me as an unknown being, I should show them I mean them no harm, what would be the best way. . . Ah, a Bible Verse, I could adapt the wording and I believe one about birth is best!' David jests to himself, showing a kind smile to them.

Thanks to his pitch-adjustable vocal cords, he speaks in a low, baritone voice:

"Psalm 71:6-8: 'From this birth, I have relied on you; you brought me forth from my mother's womb. I will ever praise you. I have become a sign to many; you are my strong refuge. My mouth is filled with your praise, declaring your splendour all day long.' Rachel Lee Rourke, Colonel Jackson Rourke. I thank you, for providing me this opportunity to help humanity again. One I shall not waste." He says, in a way that appears hospitable.

They freeze, not expecting one not even 5 minutes old to say such words. They see his features, and they conclude religious contexts; the six-fingered hands, skin that appears glowing, and eyes that are golden and hold age beyond their years on a young, pure face. They then register what he said. 

The nurses, who also work as nuns in local churches soon signal others to bow in reverence.

David responds promptly "There is no need to bow in front of me, for I am no longer a being beyond what humanity is, please. Raise your heads, as we can both bask in the splendour of God as mortals and be merry." The nurses short-circuited at first, but soon all of them began making the same assumptions, they began believing he was a magnanimous, benevolent being. They slowly raised their heads, soon putting genuine smiles on their faces, The oldest of the nurses spoke.

"O, wise one. You showed that you know our names already. But we shall greet you again, I am Mother Ambrosine Mullins from the Antioch Christian Church. May we know the name of one so generous?" She spoke in a Gaelic accent, others soon saying their names from oldest to youngest. His mother and father were there, frozen. As if turned into statues, not expecting such a situation to occur. 

"What my name once was, does not matter. I lost this privilege as soon as I came to Earth from Heaven. I was brought due to God's weeping, seeing the state of this world. He tried to send many in his stead through the centuries. Yet many could not succeed; Some became revered, with many names to be said. Yet they could not develop the world meaningfully. I was given greater leverage in my prospect, as you see. For no other mortal could be like this from birth. Additionally, I wish for a new name." David said, appearing 'honest' yet pensive.

"We do see, if not - we would be blind to the truth. You appear enchanting, radiant even. As if you are not meant for this world. You MUST be an angel sent from above, one great enough once to help humanity." She says this in a way that appears too fanatic, almost falling into a hysteria due to what she is experiencing. Through this she sees David as a figure of myths, easily falling into his illusion of grandeur.

"I am now just as human as any of you, I breathe, live and die. Once my mission is complete, I will return to the aether; To be reunited with God, as such. I do not have many of my powers any more, but I can still produce 'miracles' if necessary. I can develop this world the way it was meant to be, to save it from destruction." He stated, falling into the role of a guardian angel in human form. Otherwise, it would lead to major headaches if he began to act as a 21st-century human.

"Destruction? What form of destruction can there be if what you say that a new person such as yourself gets sent every century or so?" One of the younger maid/nuns comments. Believing that such beings can come down from Heaven, like the one in front of them. Then humanity can be easily guided towards a more prosperous future. Even if what 'they' said is true; he has 'greater opportunity' compared to previous saints.

"In the future, Atheism will become predominant in society. Due to the developments of agriculture, natural sciences, and material sciences, a greater understanding of astronomy and processes on how the Universe came to be was developed- which they get partially accurate, an example is Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution; It is mainly correct, with a few caveats under the development that Humans, as you will know soon, came from ancestral Marine Life from the oceans that developed lungs to live on land, instead of a 'little pond'.

Because of Atheism and groups that begin to doubt 'true' deities such as God. They lose influence over time in local areas- that is how miracles form. They work in a symbiotic relationship with sapient psyches to then alter reality as they see fit. Of course, some circumvent those natural laws, but they are few and far between." David bull-shits in a way that sounds plausible. Knowing God(s) like Watcher can alter reality freely, without worship.

"We came from Marine Life? Unbelievable. . . What creatures did us Humans once come from?" They murmur with each other, they wouldn't believe it if not for the being they see in front of them. Some are still suspicious about its authenticity, but they will see the evidence soon enough from the knowledge that he will impart. "May have parchments and brush, I wish to draw the creature that you once came from and how it processed." He asks in a friendly manner. 

"Of course, we have enough parchment to give you!" They responded happily. Running to the nearby cabinet to then pass to him. "Thank you," David responds. Soon using his extreme hand-eye coordination that was developed in the womb and a good mental image to draw the fossil of a Tiktaalik "In the future, you will find skulls like these from Ellesmere island, these fish-like creatures that existed began to develop 375 - 380 Million years ago, 

these creatures, due to ecological development, began to diverge. Some stayed within the oceans, while others began to develop wrists and ankles. Believing they were safer on the empty ground with fewer predators, moving between the ocean and land. They laid their eggs on shallower waters, where large predators had less chance to see them. However, the predators learned of this, and soon they began hunting further inland. Due to this, many died, but the few survivors had adapted to the land and developed harder egg shells.

From this, due to issues of breathing on the surface. They sadly began to die in droves, those who survived began creating an instinct between the boundaries of water and earth, and they developed lungs over many generations. You may find evidence by looking at the African Lungfish, which were 'discovered' in 1830 by Western/Middle Africa. From there, they. . ." He explained it further simply and effectively. With drawings and direct evidence.

"If not for the first trees and the development of air by the primordial algae, you Humans would never have come to be, and you would still be similar creatures within the oceans. Never knowing the righteousness of God." Speaking in a way that sounded like a pastor who was proselytising the absolute truth. Even though he didn't believe in a singular deity as he guessed there could be many like God (Yahweh) in existence. The multiverse is too big for such a singular being to exist and rule a domain unless it is a direct concept of reality.

"Truly, there would have been infinite possibilities on how humanity could have ended, as was seen by other civilizations among the stars. And through me being sent here, I wish to guide humanity to a path that would not be run through the separation of Religion, Science and Human Decency." He closes his argument, through the realistic, yet quickly drawn portraits, evidence that they could read and direct semblances, they believed him.

". . . You are truly who we would ever need, why must your stay only be temporary?" Mother Ambrosine stated with fervour. Understanding the knowledge that was given to them in easy-to-digest systems. Wondering why he would only stay for a single human life when he could stay for many. "I would have assumed you were slantindicular, if not for your understandable descriptions. Why weren't previous saints much like you?" She asked because if others in the past were like him, it would have helped humanity prosper.

"Because God believed in Free Will as a concept. Adam and Eve were the first biologically modern humans that were at least similar enough to humans that could form consciousness, the allegory of the Garden of Eden meant that this 'immortality' of your ancestors was simply the continuation of your line, the fruit of Knowledge was what punctuated the spring of technology, the 'fruit' was the fire that allowed you to cook food. That spurred innovation.

As such, the people of the planet developed better ways for the home and people with ways to live, without as much of a risk of death. But the same people figured out ways to kill easier. As was the cycle of balance. Everything was split between better safety and better ways of protection and killing. As would always will be, but now that I am here. I wish to develop humanity, so death is something of the past. Or as best I could in a limited time frame." David stated, with full conviction with his words.

"But what is in it for you? Why do you help us?" One of the less-believing Maid/Nuns said. Others looked towards her as if she spouted a curse. "The happiness of knowing you won't suffer from sickness, cold, famine or war as much. Such brutalities sadly were part of Free Will, as God believed they would have been solved by now, but the corruption of the highest orders occurred within governments.

That's why the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse: War, Conquest, Famine and Death were changed to War, Famine, Death and Pestilence in some books. Because some of the echelons of Human Society saw it as a critique at first. And sadly, some are starting to perpetuate that message without understanding the basis of it. The conquest of people who could be enlightened, such as. . ." He explained what racism, classism, sexism and theophobia were, also working with Abraham Lincoln's beliefs for freeing slaves.

"Your people were segregated due to the dogmas of a few who saw how to spread fear, discord and misinformation through pseudoscientific beliefs of other sapient people, what should have allowed all peoples to make the world the very Garden of Eden that was sought, is rather being kept as an ideal against life." David deliberated towards them, and through his persuasive arguments, they had little to no thoughts of derision.

"Tell me, do you have any thoughts against what I said? It's fine to speak your mind." David asked, genuinely curious if what he said was being absorbed. ". . . A few, before there was this fish you described. Was there an even more ancient example?" One who was curious asked, as though David's explanations gave them ways to view how the creation of life occurred. "There was, before this fish. There was another, let me draw it for you." David drew a panderichthys. "Now, I can show you the major species each came from."

David then drew a diagram of each fossil and living example of this evolution, from the panderichthys came the platycephalicthys > the tinirau > the tristichopteridae > . . . "These are the oldest examples of evolution and how Humans came to be. Before these, came even more archaic creatures." David stated. Then began drawing the creatures before the eotetrapodiformes classification came to be. Creating roots that spanned thousands.

"You can see an overall body shape that kept on morphing to its ever-changing environment. It would always work towards total assimilation of itself to reduce any chances of death. And before came these creatures were so small, you could not see it. And were so simplistic that it would otherwise be thought impossible to view. I can show you them once I use Hans and Zacharias Janssen's invention of the Microscope to see them." He commented, knowing that being an unscientific community, they would not adapt unless they knew its impact.

The people around them became flabbergasted, there was a wide array of examples of evolution in front of them through these examples with detailed time frames and developments. All were shown to them and drawn in under 2 hours. "Were you there, when we were 'evolving' as you say?" Mother Ambrosina asks. "I was in a timeless void, the only thing to view was the many worlds, after all. Technically due to that, I only truly existed now.

Because of that, first I must develop this community and its belief in expulsing the Native Cherokee Americans, for this is their home. And while we can help them advance, their ideologies should be kept. All religions fall under the purview of God, and much like how every language of this world came from a singular people once before expanding, the same was done with religions. Before Christianity, there was Paganism > then Judaism > . . . > then Zoroastrianism > then Hinduism > then Vedic, a now-dead religion. And many beforehand.

Just like Christianity, one must adapt with better knowledge and understanding, or die with their ways. Like how Christianity borrowed certain designs from religions before it. That in itself is a form of evolution, a memetic evolution. Does that make sense?" He asks, hoping that his explanation worked well in developing an understanding. He sees that everyone has nodded, though some appear listless and confused. Probably because it is beyond their understanding, which is expected. Maybe he can use the ability he wished for after birth?

Enough time had passed, and he had wished for the new ability of memory transfer through the direct consumption of the transferee's living tissue, its genetic information would then be translated through a synthesis of neurons that then forcefully create a new memory without overwriting others. But rather than doing it with Snails, he shall do it with humans. The example shown below:

It took 8 hours to do so, but thanks to the influence over these people having become greater as he directly communicates with them, it was more efficient than expected. He alternated the genetic code and manually copied and placed it within his fingers' skin, concentrating the information enough, then peeling them off cleanly with a knife that wasn't as oxidised as others in the drawer. It healed at a visible rate without blood leaking. Others reacted by screaming, and then acting in an overprotective manner.

"You need not worry, friends. I have an ability that allows me to transfer knowledge and memories through the consumption of my skin. By consuming it, it will give you everything I tried to describe and give you its understanding." He placated them, being truthful of his powers. They didn't know what other powers David had, so they all calmed down and expected other unknown shenanigans to occur. 

They each consumed a single finger's skin, much to their dallying. Their eyes diluted and they began feeling lightheaded as their brains downloaded the input; As it required more energy than they expected, each tried to keep standing, but they couldn't for long. They either sat down or fell onto their knees. . . Soon, this knowledge was assimilated into their biology, and each person had eyes that showed they felt they saw how life was directly manipulated. Appearing as if each of them psychically aged a few decades.

Soon, they turned their heads to David. Seeing him with so much reverence that it appeared they saw him so above them that he would be an archangel to God. Even without the knowledge of the microscope, they now understood everything necessary about life and how it was created from the primordial oceans' volcanic vents spewing necessary nutrients that would then create proteinase and adapt further into the first Archaea and further. . .

This flustered David, feeling as if the people had such a greater misunderstanding than he expected to create that it was too far gone to leave behind now. 'Guess I am now stuck as a deified being now, eh?' David muses to himself. "Soon, I will introduce more knowledge about the necessary processes for developing humanity. I hope you can rely on me from now on." He comments in the manner of a responsible boss. But they instead saw it as a god-given miracle brought to reality. 'Almost acting as the House Elves to Humans in Harry Potter.

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