Head of the Meyer family, Marquis Blood Flames, "Skyfire" Flamme Meyer.
He had always been the national hero of Rhea, the number one knight in the East in many Rhean hearts, and for decades, the idol of many people in the Eastern Continent.
Upright, noble, courageous, humble, and resolute, all the knightly virtues were reflected in "Skyfire" Flamme.
The famous Blood Flames Knight Order, Rhea's strongest knight order, didn't actually swear fealty to the Meyer family. All fifty-two of its extraordinary exponents followed only the commands of Skyfire alone, and if Flamme were to disappear or die, the Blood Flames Knight Order would likely disband on the spot.
Those Blood Flames Knights hailed from all over the Eastern Four Kingdoms, attracted by their admiration for Skyfire and stayed because of his charismatic personality.
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