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49.72% One Piece: Ace The Emperor of Flames / Chapter 90: Chapter 90: The Total Failure of Sengoku

Capítulo 90: Chapter 90: The Total Failure of Sengoku

"It's almost time."

Ace looked toward the execution platform, the corners of his mouth slightly raised. The Celestial Dragons' memory reading had come to an end. A fierce, thick purple-black color flashed in his eyes.

With a crackling thunderclap, three black and purple spears made entirely of Conqueror's Haki appeared in the sky above the three kneeling Celestial Dragons. This display of control over Conqueror's Haki made countless powerful individuals around the world widen their eyes in shock.

"Stop, stop! Portgas·D·Ace!" Sengoku roared as he saw the Conqueror's Haki spears materialize. He had no time to marvel at the display; his focus was on preventing the imminent execution.

Damn it! Because he had overexerted himself trying to use the Human-Human Fruit, Model: Daibutsu to uncover Ace's secrets, his spirit was severely damaged. He couldn't muster his own Conqueror's Haki quickly enough to stop Ace. Was this part of Ace's plan all along?

Sengoku gritted his teeth and stared at Ace, realizing that everything had been meticulously calculated from the start. From the destruction of the Devil's Triangle to the chaos at the Sabaody Archipelago, it seemed Ace had foreseen every step, outmaneuvering their powerful intelligence network.

Ace had even used the power of the Magma-Magma Fruit belonging to Akainu, as nourishment to upgrade his own Mera-Mera Fruit abilities. He had taken into account the abilities of the Human-Human Fruit, Model: Daibutsu, that Sengoku possessed. The depth of Ace's resourcefulness and strategy was terrifying.

There was no other way. He had to give it his all.

"Shichibukai! Take action! If you still stay out of this, then from now on, you will be deprived of the privilege

Sengoku, standing before the world, made a bold declaration without the prior approval of the World Government. As the supreme commander of Marine and the Marshal of Marine, he issued a direct order to the Shichibukai, the group established by the World Government and directly under its authority. Alongside the Naval Headquarters and the Four Emperors, the Shichibukai were one of the three great powers of the sea.

Typically, even as Marine Marshal, Sengoku lacked the authority to command the Shichibukai without explicit authorization from the World Government. He had no power to strip them of their titles or privileges. However, as the highest-ranking officer of the Naval Headquarters, Sengoku could direct Marine forces to hunt down the Shichibukai. This act, while contravening the privileges granted by the World Government, was a risk Sengoku was willing to take.

Sengoku, as the supreme commander of the Naval Headquarters, would shoulder this immense responsibility if it meant ensuring Marine's victory. Naval Headquarters, before the eyes of the world, could not afford to lose. Sengoku, the Marine marshal, along with the three Admirals and even Garp—considered the final line of defense—had mobilized all available power to wage an all-out war against the Entei Pirates.

Losing such a war publicly would be a catastrophic blow to the morale and confidence of every Marine officer and soldier. It would upend the very notion of Marine justice. Sengoku, as Marine Marshal, could not and would not tolerate such an outcome. Even if he had to face the consequences from the World Government post-war, the worst scenario would be his resignation. But as long as he held the position of Marine Marshal, he would fight with unwavering determination for the sake of all Marines.

This was his resolve as the supreme commander of Marine.

"And as Marine Marshal—Go!"

Garp, locked in combat with Rayleigh, wore a serious expression. Though often seen as reckless, Garp was acutely aware of the ramifications of Sengoku's drastic actions. By publicly coercing the Shichibukai with the threat of Marine hunting, Sengoku had crossed a line that would not go unnoticed. Even if they succeeded in preventing Ace's execution, Sengoku would face severe repercussions from the World Government, which would not tolerate any challenge to its authority, not even from the Marine Marshal.

"As expected of Buddha, Sengoku," Rayleigh remarked with a laugh, his eyes glinting with admiration and nostalgia. He glanced at Garp, his old rival, and the intensity of their shared past battles flickered in his mind. Fighting alongside Roger had been a different era, but now he stood with Ace, Roger's bloodline heir, who had proven himself even stronger. Ace's strategic brilliance had forced Sengoku to resort to his last desperate measure—compelling the Shichibukai into action.

Rayleigh's body crackled with Conqueror's Haki, purple-black lightning surging around him in a fierce storm. The sheer force of his Haki caused the entire Sabaody Archipelago's GROVE-1 to tremble. Despite years of seclusion and the inevitable decline in physical prowess, Rayleigh's Conqueror's Haki was as formidable as ever. This war was his whetstone, sharpening his resolve and power.

"I've made my decision," Rayleigh continued, his voice filled with determination. "Just like old times, Garp. But now, it's Ace who stands as our beacon."

Garp laughed heartily, a wild glint in his eyes. "Are you aware? I'm also a Marine," he retorted. Garp understood the stakes and the burden Sengoku bore as Marine Marshal. He shared Sengoku's resolve but also held unwavering faith in Ace's capabilities. The young pirate's strength and strategy would withstand even this all-out assault.

As Garp's eyes glowed with an intense purple-black light, the air crackled with Conqueror's Haki. Violent, purple-black lightning erupted from their clash, dissipating the oppressive heat of the battlefield. The clash of their Haki sent shockwaves through the area, a testament to their legendary status.

In this moment, two titans from the old era—Monkey D. Garp and Silver Rayleigh—declared to the world that their era had not yet ended. Their legacies, their strength, and their wills remained unbroken. The legend continued.

The clash between Garp and Rayleigh sent shockwaves throughout the battlefield, igniting a storm of exclamations from onlookers worldwide. Amidst the chaos, Doflamingo's maniacal laughter rang out. "Fufufufu, do you want to force us to take action? You are truly bold, Sengoku," he sneered. As a former Celestial Dragon, Doflamingo understood the severe consequences awaiting Sengoku for his drastic measures. Regardless of the war's outcome, Sengoku would no longer serve as Marine Marshal. However, failure to act meant the Shichibukai would face relentless pursuit by the Marines.

"Then, let's act. Being hunted by the Marines would be quite troublesome. Doflamingo, why don't you help Sengoku?" suggested Hawkeye calmly.

Doflamingo's eyes narrowed beneath his sunglasses, his thoughts racing. Portgas D. Ace had long been a shadow over him, his Haki stagnating due to their previous encounters. In this war, Ace had demonstrated even more terrifying power, surpassing the limits of the Mera-Mera Fruit and wielding abilities of other Devil Fruits. His strategic brilliance had forced Sengoku into desperate measures. Facing such a formidable opponent, Doflamingo felt a cold sweat break out on his back.

"You don't even have the courage to face that man? That's ridiculous, Doflamingo," Hawkeye taunted, his eyes gleaming.

"Dammit!" Doflamingo spat, sending several Haki-infused Parasite Strings towards Hawkeye.

"Clang!" The black sword Yoru, unsheathed, met Doflamingo's attack. The Parasite Strings, normally unyielding, were sliced through effortlessly.

"It was you who struck first, Doflamingo. All the responsibility rests with you!" Hawkeye declared, his sword slicing through the air.

Doflamingo, realizing his predicament, retreated hastily, unable to defend against Hawkeye's relentless assault. Despite his use of Armament Haki and the String-String Fruit, he was no match for Hawkeye's supreme black sword, Yoru. If not for Hawkeye's lack of killing intent, Doflamingo would have fallen.

As he retreated, Doflamingo cursed inwardly. Hawkeye had been provoking him since they gathered in the Holy Land, using Ace as a catalyst. On this battlefield, Hawkeye had goaded him into a reckless attack, ensuring Doflamingo bore the blame for any internal Shichibukai conflict.

Meanwhile, Moria cackled, his fanged grin wide. "Hehehehe! Now, the responsibility for not taking action is not ours. It was this guy Doflamingo who destroyed our Shichibukai's internal stability."

Kuma observed the battlefield silently, his thoughts turning to Ace. "Ace, I see the possibilities you showed me. Bonney, I finally have the opportunity to say happy birthday to you in person."

Jinbei remained calm, reflecting on Ace's declaration that the mermaids of the participating countries could not be protected and would face judgment. He had resolved not to act against his will, even if it meant facing Marine pursuit. With Doflamingo shouldering the blame, Jinbei felt some relief.

"Yes, is this the red-haired layout?" Jinbei pondered, watching Hawkeye's calculated move. Whitebeard had also sent him a message, and knowing Whitebeard was on his way, Jinbei strategized on how to prevent the other Shichibukai from joining the fray. Unexpectedly, Hawkeye had already made the first move.

Hancock gazed at Ace from afar, her hand covering her pretty face. Her usually composed and charming demeanor was replaced by a deep blush, her breathing becoming uncontrollably rapid.

"What's happening to me?..." Hancock murmured, confusion mingling with the flush on her cheeks.

"Little Hancock... this, this is..." Shakky, watching the screen intently, blinked at Hancock's appearance. As a former emperor of Amazon Lily, Shakky was intimately familiar with the symptoms Hancock was displaying. Every Amazon Lily empress had to face the fate of lovesickness at some point.

"Is Hancock infatuated with little Ace?" Shakky wondered aloud, her mind racing to piece together the situation. The sight of Ace publicly executing the Celestial Dragons had stirred something deep within Hancock. Given Hancock's past traumatic experiences with the Celestial Dragons, Shakky quickly deduced the root of her affliction.

However, Shakky knew that mere revenge against the Celestial Dragons wouldn't be enough to cause such a profound reaction. Ace's combination of immense power and striking presence, particularly after mastering the Residual Fire Style, was irresistible to Hancock, who had consumed the Love-Love Fruit. This powerful combination, along with Ace's bold defiance against the Celestial Dragons, had left Hancock hopelessly lovesick.

As Shakky contemplated this, Sengoku stood on the battlefield, feeling increasingly overwhelmed. The chaos and intensity of the conflict were unlike anything he had ever faced, and now, with Hancock's unexpected reaction to Ace, the situation seemed even more complicated.

Sengoku watched Doflamingo, who was being slashed by Hawkeye with a black knife and fleeing with his head in his arms. The sight of Doflamingo disrupting the internal stability of the Shichibukai left Sengoku feeling numb. His plan, which involved risking almost everything to coerce the Shichibukai into action by threatening Marine pursuit, had completely collapsed.

And it had done so in such a humiliating manner, with Shichibukai fighting amongst themselves in front of the entire world.

"Doflamingo, you idiot!" Sengoku gritted his teeth, his cheeks twisting with anger.

Doflamingo, once a Celestial Dragon, had left the Holy Land with his family due to his father's decision, thus losing his status as a world noble. Even when he returned with his father's head, he could not regain his noble status. Despite this, Doflamingo retained certain privileges. For example, he joined the Shichibukai by plundering the heavenly gold tribute to the Celestial Dragons and blackmailing the World Government into granting him the title. Any other pirate would have faced severe repercussions, but Doflamingo's bloodline protected him.

These privileges allowed Doflamingo to act with impunity, believing himself superior to others. This sense of entitlement was deeply ingrained, and under certain circumstances, it manifested uncontrollably. The current battlefield, with Hawkeye's relentless psychological pressure and the terror of facing Ace, pushed Doflamingo over the edge. Subconsciously feeling entitled, he attacked Hawkeye in front of the world.

This was a trap, exploiting Doflamingo's uncontrollable subconscious. Hawkeye, typically straightforward and not one for intricate plots, played a crucial role, likely under external influence.

The mastermind could only be one person.

"Red Hair Pirates, Ben Beckman!" Sengoku gritted his teeth, uttering the name of Shanks' right-hand man. Beckman's strength was comparable to the Four Emperors, and his strategic mind was unparalleled, earning him a reputation as the most intelligent person on the seas. Unlike Sengoku, whose wisdom stemmed from the Human-Human Fruit, Model: Daibutsu, Beckman was naturally gifted with a higher-than-average IQ and a demonic way of thinking.

The Red Hair Pirates, with their combination of Beckman's intelligence and their own formidable power, were known as the indestructible, iron-walled pirate group. Despite currently clashing with fellow Four Emperors, Kaido, Beckman had evidently planned this out in advance. Knowing that each Shichibukai had their own agenda and would be reluctant to join forces with the Navy against Ace, Beckman manipulated Doflamingo's privileged mindset. Hawkeye's constant provocation, using Ace as a psychological trigger, led Doflamingo to lose control and attack Hawkeye.

Although Doflamingo quickly realized his mistake, it was too late. Hawkeye had already shifted all responsibility onto him. This was precisely what Beckman wanted—a moment of loss of control, causing the rest of the Shichibukai to hesitate and withdraw. The force Sengoku had gambled everything on had collapsed instantly, with Doflamingo bearing all the blame.

It was a devastating, calculated blow, highlighting Beckman's mastery over human nature. Sengoku, now acutely aware of Beckman's involvement, felt the weight of the situation press down on him. This was wisdom on another level entirely.

"I saw a wonderful scene, Ben Beckman," Ace murmured as he gazed into the distance. The Shichibukai, who had been coerced by Sengoku with the threat of Marine pursuit, were now in disarray due to Doflamingo's actions. The internal balance of the Shichibukai was shattered, leaving them unable to act. Ace's lips curled into a slight smile.

"You! Are you connected to the Red Hair Pirates?!" Sengoku's head snapped up, his forehead beaded with cold sweat.

"Who knows," Ace replied, his smile widening. "Want to know? Then use the wisdom and spirit you got from the Human-Human Fruit, Model: Daibutsu, to analyze it. But can you handle the consequences, Sengoku?"

Ace watched as Sengoku, clutching his head, began to ponder the implications of using his Devil Fruit power excessively. Sengoku's eyes, brimming with wisdom, reflected his growing headache. The situation was evolving into a battle of wits, an intriguing challenge for Ace.

Ace knew the greatest negative effect of the Human-Human Fruit, Model: Daibutsu: if the user's strategizing exceeded their limits, the wisdom and spirit of Buddha bestowed by the fruit would turn into a poison. This double-edged sword of Devil Fruits had its advantages, but the disadvantages could be crippling if not managed.

Sengoku, radiating an increasingly dazzling golden light, embodied the wisdom and spirit of the Buddha granted by his fruit. Ace's smile grew more pronounced. This embodiment was a sign that Sengoku was pushing himself to his limits.

"No, there's no way there's contact," Sengoku said, his voice trembling. "Although you could use a Den Den Mushi, we, the Marines, can intercept any communication. However, we haven't any detected sort of connection between you and the Red Hair Pirates."

Sengoku's eyes bore into Ace. "In other words, you completed this layout without any communication at all. Is it a tacit understanding among wise men?"

Ace raised an eyebrow. "Ben Beckman's reputation for strategic genius is well-deserved. His intelligence network is vast, making such layouts possible. But you, Portgas D. Ace, are different."

Sengoku panted heavily, the golden light around him dimming. The strain of rapidly analyzing vast amounts of information through his Devil Fruit's wisdom was taking its toll. "All plans are based on intelligence. Without it, even a demon's intellect can't form a strategy. You've been at sea for only a year and haven't reached the New World. How did you know Ben Beckman's details and behaviors? How do you know the relationship between the Red Hair Pirates and Hawkeye? How did you learn about the God Valley incident and the Knights of God? Your perspective is that of a god's!"

Sengoku's voice was hoarse as he struggled with the implications. The golden light flickered as he approached his limits.

"Wonderful analysis, Sengoku," Ace applauded, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Do you understand how I know all this?"

Sengoku's eyes narrowed. "Devil Fruit! Have you obtained a power similar to the Time-Time Fruit, allowing time travel? No, even that wouldn't explain your knowledge. Time travel only allows for future journeys, not revisiting the past. Could it be an unknown ability not recorded in the Devil Fruit encyclopedia?"

Sengoku clutched his forehead, feeling as if a fog obscured the true nature of Portgas D. Ace. Despite his Buddha-like wisdom, he couldn't penetrate the mystery.

"As a reward for your wonderful analysis, I will tell you the results," Ace said, his tone calm and collected.

Sengoku looked up sharply.

"Unfortunately, your analysis was wrong."

Even with the spirit and wisdom of a Buddha, Sengoku's status as an anime character limits him. No matter how smart he is, He could never guess that I watched an anime that revealed nearly everything about this world of One Piece.

"Wrong? Is the analysis wrong?"

Sengoku gritted his teeth, his head pounding with pain. The presence of such a formidable man, capable of manipulating power and plans so skillfully, couldn't be here to deceive him. His analysis had, indeed, gone astray. With the Shichibukai plan in ruins, the Marines had almost no chance of preventing the public execution of Portgas D. Ace.

Sengoku had hoped to use the wisdom granted by his Human-Human Fruit, Model: Daibutsu, to uncover Ace's secret and use it as leverage. From all indications, Ace was hiding a terrible secret, and Sengoku had thought that trading this secret might prevent the execution. But now, that plan had also failed. Was there any hope left?

The golden light around Sengoku quickly faded. He reverted from his Buddha form to his human form, panting heavily and drenched in sweat.

"It seems you have accepted failure, Buddha Sengoku," Ace remarked, a slight smile playing on his lips.

Sengoku's teeth clenched in frustration, his face full of reluctance. But he had exhausted all his options. In this battle of wits, Portgas D. Ace and Ben Beckman had outmaneuvered him. The Naval Headquarters' attempt to prevent Ace's public execution had failed. The time had come.

Rozwald's memory reading had just ended.

"I pronounce the verdict: the Rozwald family is guilty. The punishment is death!"

In front of the world, Ace issued the sentence to Rosward, Charlos, and Shalria.

The Conqueror's Haki spear above the three Rozwalds roared fiercely. The Rozwalds, sensing their impending death, collapsed completely, revealing their true, ugly selves to the world.

A massive magic circle suddenly appeared in front of the execution platform, with strange black lightning flames rising from it.

Accompanied by harsh roars, an inexplicable force moved to counter the Conqueror's Haki spear. An evil presence loomed.

"Five Elder, Saint Saturn has arrived! All military ranks below Commodore must stand down and are not allowed to look directly at Saint Saturn! Anyone watching the live broadcast around the world who dares to look directly at Saint Saturn will die!"

The loud shouts from warships echoed throughout the Sabaody Archipelago.

"Do you think I'm playing a boring game of rescuing hostages with you, Saint Saturn?" Ace's mocking voice cut through the tension.

Three gunshots rang out suddenly.

Three blood flowers bloomed on the bodies of the three now-dead Celestial Dragons.

The world Exploded.

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