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44.19% One Piece: Ace The Emperor of Flames / Chapter 80: Chapter 80: The Son of the Pirate King!

Capítulo 80: Chapter 80: The Son of the Pirate King!

"The bloodline of the Pirate King! Your real name is Gol D. Ace!" Akainu's voice echoed, reverberating across the world.

People everywhere, glued to the live broadcast of the public execution, were stunned into silence. The atmosphere grew tense, then erupted into chaos.

"Roger?! The bloodline of that Pirate King, that most sinful bloodline, actually still survives!" a reporter exclaimed, collapsing to the ground in shock.

"The fifth emperor of the sea, Portgas D. Ace, is actually a descendant of the Pirate King?! Big news, super big news! Hurry, spread this news, we want to occupy the headlines!" another reporter shouted, his voice trembling with excitement.

The Whitebeard Pirates

The sound of a wine bowl shattering broke the tense silence aboard the Moby Dick. Whitebeard, who had remained stoic even while witnessing the public execution of the Celestial Dragons, was now visibly shocked.

"Roger's bloodline?! Portgas D. Ace is the son of Roger?!" Whitebeard stood up abruptly, the infusion tubes detaching from his arm.

"Dad!" Marco and the other commanders were equally shocked. They had followed Whitebeard for years, knowing well the deep, almost familial bond between their captain and Roger.

"Roger, you still have a descendant? And he's making the same kind of waves you once did. No, he surpasses you, Roger! Gu la la la!" Whitebeard's laughter boomed, his Conqueror's Haki exploding outward, pushing back the clouds and sending waves crashing through the sea. The sky and sea trembled under the might of the world's strongest man.

"What joy!" Whitebeard's eyes gleamed with a violent purple-black light. "Young ones!"

"Dad!" Marco and the other captains gathered around, sensing the shift in their father's mood and purpose.

"Sail in the direction of the Sabaody Archipelago! Gu la la la! Roger's bloodline is about to do something big. How can Whitebeard not help out? The ship of the new era has begun to set sail!" Whitebeard laughed heartily. Though he knew he couldn't reach the Sabaody Archipelago in time for the battle, the movement of the Whitebeard Pirates towards the archipelago was a powerful statement.

"Marine, World Government, if you want to touch Portgas D. Ace, ask the Whitebeard Pirates first!" Whitebeard declared.

"Set sail!" he commanded, his voice filled with determination.

"It's sailing!" came the collective shout of his crew.

With that, the Four Emperors, the Whitebeard Pirates, set their course for the Sabaody Archipelago at full speed, ready to support Ace and challenge the forces of the Marine and World Government.

"The captain's bloodline, so that's what it is, huh?" Shanks' face trembled with emotion as he stared intently at the screen, his right hand instinctively reaching for the missing part of his left arm.

"Shanks, are you thinking about Luffy?" Beckman asked, exhaling a puff of smoke.

"No, it has nothing to do with Luffy. I'm just... very happy." The smile on Shanks' face widened, transforming into a hearty laugh. "The captain's bloodline survived, and he's done something this big. I am even more convinced that betting my arm on the new era was the right choice!"

Shanks' laughter abruptly ceased as he drew his sword, his eyes narrowing with resolve. "So, I can't let you get in the way, Kaido!"

The sky above was filled with dark, swirling clouds as Kaido's massive dragon form descended. "Are you going to get in my way, Redhead?" Kaido's dragon head snarled, eyes blazing with fury.

"The new era has arrived, and you do not belong to it!" Shanks declared, his voice ringing with authority. He wielded the famous sword Griffin, its blade glowing with the power of his Conqueror's Haki.

With a sudden burst of speed, Shanks disappeared from sight, reappearing right in front of Kaido. "Divine Departure!" he roared, swinging Griffin with all his might. The slash, infused with Conqueror's Haki and the legacy of Gol D. Roger, blazed toward Kaido.

"You're talking nonsense, you red-haired brat!" Kaido bellowed, his dragon head crackling with energy. "Death Destroyer: Thunder Bagua!" He launched his own attack, the force of his Conqueror's Haki transforming into a terrifying phantom.

"Boom!!!" The air shook with the impact as the Conqueror's Haki of the two Yonko clashed violently. The sky split, and the sea roared beneath the weight of their power.

Shanks and Kaido's Haki collided, the sheer force of their wills creating shockwaves that reverberated through the heavens. The sky darkened, and the sea churned as the two titans vied for dominance.

The Legacy of the Pirate King.

As Shanks faced Kaido, his thoughts briefly flickered to Roger. The bloodline of the Pirate King had not only survived but was poised to ignite a new era of change and upheaval. Shanks' belief in the future, in the new generation, was unshakable.

In that moment, as his blade clashed with Kaido's might, Shanks felt the weight of the legacy he carried. The world was changing, and he was determined to see it through, to protect the new era and those who would lead it.

The clash continued, each blow resonating with the force of their convictions. The sky, the sea, and the very air around them bore witness to the monumental struggle, as Shanks and Kaido battled not just for victory, but for the future itself.

Holy Land, Mariejois

"Have you exposed the bloodline of Portgas D. Ace to the world? Akainu, you always go to extremes," Saint Mars muttered as he watched the screen intently. The exposure of Ace's lineage was intended to sever any escape routes, ensuring the eradication of the Pirate King's bloodline before the eyes of the world.

After Gol D. Roger's execution, the Marine and the World Government had relentlessly pursued any trace of his lineage. They had mercilessly hunted down and eliminated all pregnant women and newborns in regions Roger had visited, fearing the continuation of his bloodline. Despite these efforts, their fears persisted, leading to a sustained campaign in East Blue to unearth any remnants of Roger's legacy.

When Ace emerged as a formidable new pirate, his rapid rise and provocations against the World Government intensified their suspicions. Investigations led them to Baterila Island, where they discovered the extraordinary circumstances surrounding a woman named Portgas D. Rouge, who had carried her pregnancy for twenty months to protect her child.

The truth was unveiled: Portgas D. Ace was indeed the offspring of Gol D. Roger and Portgas D. Rouge. This revelation stunned the world. Rouge had endured prolonged hardship to safeguard Roger's child, defying the relentless pursuit of the Marine and the World Government.

Saint Peter, observing the screen, remarked, "Announcing it now works in our favor. The world's focus will shift to the Pirate King's bloodline. If things go awry, we can blame any fallout on the sinful bloodline of Gol D. Roger. Ace's attempt to expose the Celestial Dragons is futile."

The World Government's control over public opinion was formidable. Even if the Celestial Dragons' misdeeds were exposed, the narrative could be twisted. The populace would be led to believe it was a conspiracy orchestrated by the Pirate King's sinful lineage. Memories could be dismissed as fabrications, and the Celestial Dragons' wrongdoings could be blamed on impostors. Most ordinary people would accept this version of events after prolonged indoctrination.

Saint Peter and the other Five Elders were confident. They believed the World Government, with its eight centuries of dominance, could weather this storm as it had during the Great Pirate Era sparked by Roger's last words. The Five Elders chuckled at the idea of their power being truly threatened.

However, unbeknownst to them, Ace had anticipated these reactions. He knew that a single public execution wouldn't topple the World Government or reverse its control over public opinion. Ace's true goal was far more profound: he sought a transformation that would turn the corruption of the Celestial Dragons, the World Government, and the Marine Headquarters into nourishment for his own Haki and strength.

Ace's ultimate aim was absolute power. The schemes and machinations of the Five Elders would be rendered meaningless in the face of his overwhelming might. Victory and transformation were within his grasp, and the era of change he envisioned was on the horizon.

"Akainu, you extreme bastard."

Sengoku gritted his teeth as he watched the screen. Akainu's announcement of the Pirate King's bloodline at such a critical moment was a ruthless move, designed to eliminate any retreat. By revealing that Portgas D. Ace was Roger's son, Akainu ensured that Ace's broadcast would symbolize the eradication of Roger's legacy before the entire world. However If Ace were to escape after such a revelation, it would make a mockery of the Marine's justice.


Beside Sengoku, Garp watched with a complex expression. The truth about Ace's lineage had finally come to light. Garp clenched his fists, silently urging Ace to survive. Despite his outward calm, his internal conflict was palpable. He knew Ace's strength, but the revelation had put his life in even greater peril.

"Ala la."

Aokiji exhaled a cold breath, his eyes fixed on the screen displaying Charros' memories. The Admiral had known about Ace's lineage for a while, but unlike others, he didn't judge Ace by his bloodline. To Aokiji, Ace's actions were more significant than Roger's. Watching the vile deeds of the Celestial Dragons unfold, Aokiji's eyes reflected his inner turmoil. He had long known of their corruption, but witnessing it firsthand reinforced his disillusionment. The Celestial Dragons' indifference and cruelty were laid bare, challenging his belief in Marine's justice.

Even though Aokiji recognized that not all Celestial Dragons were this corrupt and useless, the overall disdain they had for the common people was undeniable. In a Marine ruled by such powerful yet indifferent individuals, Aokiji doubted whether true justice could ever be achieved. Could a world where everyone had enough to eat really exist under their rule?

"Fleet Admiral!"

A Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral rushed in, shouting in panic.

"What's wrong?!"

Sengoku's veins popped out on his forehead. Each time this Rear Admiral brought news, it was never good.

"Four Emperors Red-Hair and Kaido are fighting! The Whitebeard Pirates have left their territory and are heading towards the Sabaody Archipelago!"

The Rear Admiral's panic was evident.


Sengoku's pupils shrank suddenly. He turned his sharp gaze back to the screen. Kaido's arrival undoubtedly meant trouble for Ace. The fact that Red-Hair was fighting Kaido indicated his involvement and support for Ace. Whitebeard's sudden movement towards Sabaody after Ace's lineage was exposed confirmed his support for Ace and an attempt to pressure Marine.

With Red-Hair and Whitebeard potentially joining the fray, Sengoku realized the situation was spiraling out of control. Sweat poured down his face as he gritted his teeth. The public execution needed to end quickly, before Whitebeard and Red-Hair could reach the battlefield.

"Head towards the Sabaody Archipelago!"

Sengoku clenched his fists, his joints cracking as the purple-black color of Conqueror's Haki flashed in his eyes. The Naval Headquarters Fleet Admiral, Sengoku the Buddha, was preparing to take action.

"Descendant of the Pirate King?!"

Fujitora was shocked when he heard Ace's true identity. The fifth emperor of the sea, the man who had destroyed Enies Lobby, turned out to be the son of the Pirate King. This revelation shook Fujitora to his core. The bloodline considered the most evil by Marine and the World Government had been inherited by this remarkable man?

But something didn't sit right with him.

Using his Observation Haki to sense the memories of the three Celestial Dragons, Fujitora's grip on his cane tightened, veins bulging from his hand. Though his eyes were blind, his Haki allowed him to perceive the true ugliness and sinfulness of the Celestial Dragons. The memories painted a gruesome picture: slaves tortured to the brink of despair, only to be freed by death from the sadistic games of their masters. Greed, rage, lust, despair, numbness, sadness—every vile aspect of human nature was embodied by these so-called world nobles.

Despite his many travels and encounters with the depravity of mankind, Fujitora had never witnessed evil as profound as that of the Celestial Dragons. Was blood truly a sin? If so, how could one justify the heinous actions of the Celestial Dragons? Using their noble status to turn people into slaves, treating them worse than animals—wasn't this the greatest sin of all?

In contrast, the man deemed the heir to the greatest crime was executing justice by exposing these atrocities to the world. Even with the threat of the Marine and the World Government bearing down on him, Ace was determined to broadcast this execution.

Faced with such a man, Admiral Akainu, a high-ranking official and potential future Marine Marshal, seemed indifferent to the Celestial Dragons' crimes. Instead, he focused solely on condemning Ace's bloodline. Fujitora felt a profound disappointment. If Akainu were to lead the Marines in the future, could they truly protect the people?

Had fate brought Fujitora to this moment to meet Ace? Was his destiny to join the Entei Pirates and support Portgas D. Ace? Fujitora's grip tightened on the dice in his hand as he pondered his future. Could someone with his steadfast sense of justice really become a pirate? Would joining Ace allow him to protect the people as he desired?

He needed to "see" more clearly. There was also the former princess of Alabasta aboard Ace's ship. Fujitora had investigated the Alabasta incident and still had lingering doubts. He hoped to resolve these doubts during this trial. If joining the Entei Pirates would indeed allow him to uphold his sense of justice and protect the people, then what was wrong with becoming Ace's ally?

After all, Fujitora had never cared much about such things as titles or identities.


Fujitora suddenly turned his head, sensing the strong emotional shift beside him.

"Roger's bloodline? Portgas·D·Ace, that's it! No wonder he's called that."

It was Silver Rayleigh, the man known as "Pluton" and the right-hand man of the Pirate King, who was now crying uncontrollably.

The smile on his face was liberated and joyful, tears streaming freely down his weathered cheeks.

"Hey! Your ship is fantastic! Perfect for sailing."

"Join my crew, my name's Gol D. Roger!"

"Come with me and turn the world upside down, Rayleigh! Hahahaha!"

Those words from long ago echoed in Rayleigh's mind, the invitation that had changed his life forever.

"Roger, you're still alive!"

Rayleigh's eyes softened as he watched Ace's back, his smile growing broader.

The man carrying on your legacy is turning the world upside down now.

No, he's surpassing even your ambitions, causing even greater upheaval!

Rayleigh's smile widened further.

"Who are you?"

Fujitora, sensing Rayleigh's shifting emotions through his Observation Haki, turned to him with a puzzled expression.

"I had retired and didn't want to be remembered by that name anymore, but..."

Rayleigh looked towards Fujitora, his smile turning into a knowing grin.

"I'm Silver Rayleigh."

The corners of Rayleigh's mouth curled upwards with a hint of Haki.

"The Dark King, Silver Rayleigh."

A smile mingled with astonishment.

The legendary pirate, the Pirate King's right-hand man, the Dark King.

"Are you coming out of retirement, Pluton?"

Fujitora's tone was serious.

"Who knows."

Rayleigh's smile took on a mysterious edge.


At that moment, both Fujitora and Rayleigh froze.


Rayleigh's gaze flickered as he looked towards Ace's crew.

"Ace is the descendant of the Pirate King?"

It was the first time the girls had heard about Ace's lineage, and they couldn't help but narrow their beautiful eyes in surprise.

The Pirate King held legendary status in this era and across the seas.

With his famous declaration, "You want my treasure? Go find it! I left everything at that place!"

The Great Pirate Era had begun, inspiring countless dreamers to set sail in search of the elusive One Piece.

"I've never heard Ace mention this before..."

Kaya covered her mouth in shock, her eyes fixed on Ace's silhouette.

"No wonder... No wonder Ace faced his execution alone at Loguetown."

Tashigi, her posture upright, looked at Ace with a mix of wonder and respect.

For Tashigi, who had brought Ace to the execution platform, learning of his lineage was akin to joining a crew of Pirate King descendants—like living a dream.

"It's not that he didn't mention it. It just wasn't necessary."

Robin quickly regained her composure, her eyes gleaming as she observed Ace's back.

"Ace's goal surpasses even Roger's legacy, doesn't it?"

Her smile was both beautiful and thrilling.

"Since the day you saved me, I've believed in you."

"Ace, you'll become the king of the world!"

"Your strength and freedom far exceed those of the Pirate King himself."

"To me, your bloodline means nothing compared to your potential to become the world's ruler."

"Yes, Ace. That's who you are."

Nami's smile was radiant.

"This changes nothing for me."

Kaya bit her lip, her gaze locked on Ace with a mix of concern and admiration.


Nami noticed Kaya's expression shift and bit her own lip, her eyes full of concern as she watched Ace's back.

"Ace... bearing the Pirate King's bloodline must have been incredibly difficult for him from a young age."

"I can't fully understand, having never experienced it myself, but once his lineage became known, Marine would undoubtedly pursue him relentlessly."

"Growing up under such scrutiny and condemnation..."

"It's a testament to his strength and kindness that he remains so gentle."

"And that he saved me."

"Yes, growing up under constant denial and scrutiny from the world would be incredibly tough."

"Yet Ace remains so kind-hearted."

"He dreams of a world where everyone can eat well and celebrate together."

"Ace is truly the greatest man."

"He will become the world's king!"

Vivi's eyes welled with tears, but determination shone through.

"I want to be your strength, too."

"My current abilities may not be sufficient, but..."

"Sand-Sand Fruit, answer my heart's desire."

"I want to aid Ace, the future king of the world, as the 'Desert Princess'."


Ace's personally crafted lucky charm around Vivi's neck began to glow intensely.

"Yes, Ace. You're destined to be the world's king!"

Kaya wiped her tears away, her heart filled with longing.

"Ace is strong. In fact, he's incredibly strong."

"To me, he's the strongest."

"But the path to becoming the world's king will be fraught with challenges."

"Let me use my Healing Fruit to ease Ace's suffering, whether physical or emotional."


The lucky charm Ace made for Kaya flashed brightly around her neck.

"Reduced form of the realm of understanding, fully enveloping Vivi and Kaya."

"This... What is this?"

Rayleigh's eyes widened in astonishment.


The moisture in the air evaporated rapidly, and the earth, rocks, and vegetation decayed and turned to sand.


Countless yellow lights emerged in the atmosphere.

"Withered vegetation rapidly rejuvenated and regained vitality under the yellow lights."

"Devil Fruit Awakening!"

Rayleigh watched in awe.

"Sand-Sand Fruit, and this must be the Paramecia's Healing Fruit, awakened."

"What's that mysterious light surrounding the bug?"

"Without it, Vivi and Kaya wouldn't have been able to awaken their Devil Fruit abilities."

"Is this Ace's doing, too?"

"But unlike Devil Fruit powers, what exactly is this..."

Rayleigh pondered deeply.

"Become the world's king and create a world where 'everyone can eat well and celebrate'..."

"Even with his lineage being denied by the world, Ace's ambition is truly admirable, Portgas D. Ace."

Fujitora listened intently to Vivi and Kaya's declaration.

His expression was one of profound shock.

Having traveled extensively, Fujitora had witnessed firsthand the scourge of hunger across many nations.

Blind but perceptive through his Observation Haki, he understood the true terror that hunger inflicted upon people.

"Can we truly create a world where everyone eats well and celebrates?"

"That's been my goal all along!"

"Hahaha! You don't aim to be Pirate King, but rather the world's ruler?"

"I had intended to ask if you wanted to know about the final island, but it seems unnecessary now."

Rayleigh gazed skyward, laughing so hard tears streamed down his face.


A dazzling light suddenly flashed in mid-air.

"It's terrifying... Devil Fruit awakening. I can't just stand by and watch."

Accompanying the dazzling light, a voice echoed with an eerie scatter.

"Navy Headquarters Admiral, Light-Light Fruit user, Kizaru!"

Robin's eyes narrowed abruptly.


Kizaru materialized, his figure slowly forming as he aimed his finger at Vivi,

The power of the Light-Light Fruit concentrated swiftly at Kizaru's fingertips.



Two blades sliced through Kizaru simultaneously.

Kizaru transformed into a streak of yellow light, colliding with the desertified ground in a devastating explosion.

"Kizaru, could you perhaps show a bit of restraint?"

Rayleigh gripped his lengthy blade, a faint smile playing on his lips with Haki flowing.

"I agree too Rayleigh."

Fujitora withdrew his staff from its sheath, smiling deeply.


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