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25% Jörmungandr / Chapter 5: Heavenly Father

Capítulo 5: Heavenly Father

Uriel and I flashed away before anyone could say anything else. Before we disappeared I spotted Lily clearly going off on James while the aurors were frozen in place. We reappeared in the middle of a courtyard and I couldn't help but smile at how clean the air was. Angels wandering around stopped what they were doing and flocked over to us. The memories I had inherited gave me all their names and I greeted them all with a smile while wrapping my aura around them. Many of the angels were tearful and smiling happily. 


"Alright, alright, I'm sorry it took me so long to come back. I have an explanation I swear." 


"Daddy!!!" A feminine voice cried out and I was nearly tackled to the ground by a blonde blur. 


"Gabriel, give him some room to breathe." 


I gently patted Gabriel's head as she buried her face in my chest while sobbing. Turning to Uriel I grinned. 


"Come now, no need to tell her off. I can tell you want a hug too." 


Uriel flushed, "I- I shall go retrieve Michael and the others." 


He flew off before I could say anything else. I continued to pat Gabriel's head as she got her emotions under control. 


"Come on, let's go see your brothers and sister." 


She nodded and wiped away the last of her tears. Smiling she grabbed on to my arm and lead me out of the courtyard. 


[Scene Break]


I soon found myself in a throne room surrounded by the rest of the archangels who looked at me expectantly. Gabriel still hadn't let go of my arm and was seemingly just basking in my presence. 


"I guess I owe everyone an explanation?" 


"A good place to start." Michael spoke out.


"Right, then I should start with… I am not originally from here." 


Looks of confusion and shock spread through the room. I raised a hand before anyone could speak. 


"I am still who I am, there's no need for alarm. What I mean is that when 'I' originally died. My soul was sealed away in the Longinus spear. Everyone should know this yes?" 


At everyone's nod I continued, "My name is, or was Henry Everett and I came to this world through a botched ritual. From there I regained consciousness as a Basilisk that was birthed by the magic of Salazar Slytherin. Long story short I eventually came across the True Longinus and bonded with it, absorbing the soul leading to where we are now. I may not look like the god that brought you to this world but rest assured, my soul is still the same, just slightly different now." 


Gabriel finally let go of my arm. "You're still our father, I can feel it in you. His light and soul lives on through you." 


The other angels nodded, alleviating my worries about them accusing me of being a fraud. I smiled at their acceptance of me, this was a step in the right direction. 


"I will do my best to live up to your expectations." 


"No father, it is us who must live up to yours." Michael said with a sad smile. 


"And you have, you carried on and took the burden of my system upon yourself." 


"Yet I cannot help but to feel as if I have mishandled some things." 


I shook my head, "Nevertheless, I have returned and I will make sure to raise heaven back to where it once stood." 


"You could not have come at a better time then, the devils and the fallen have become emboldened." 


"How so?" 


"The devils have abducted humans for their Sacred Gears. Azazel has also created artificial Gears in an attempt to give power to his faction." 


"I will speak with them soon, for now tell me about the state of our home." 


I still felt strange associating myself as the biblical god, but it got easier the longer I spent around the seraphs. Somehow I felt complete while I was here, like I had finally come home. I didn't know if this was an effect of having absorbed his soul and become his reincarnation, but it felt nice. Gabriel latched onto my arm again as Michael and the others started giving me a run down of what had happened in his /my absence. 


Apparently, just like the devils the heaven faction had suffered heavy losses and since they didn't have the luxury of the Evil Pieces, their numbers had remained unchanged. Now that I was back I planned on changing that. I had memories of how to make angels, and I planned on using them to replenish the ranks of heaven. I even already had a few candidates in mind. 


I frowned and winced in pain, the Seraphs jumped forward in worry. My head felt like I was being brained by a hatchet that had been superheated and was now being wiggled from side to side. Roaring in anger I fell over backwards and promptly passed out. 






HE sheepishly grinned at me while wearing my face, "Tehee, sorry about that Henry. I've just missed my kids." 


"Still, to repress my mind and m-


"I'm sorry, once you organized my, our, memories, I found that I had some control over your actions." 


"You didn't respond to me for years! Why now? What's changed?" 


"Nothing. As I've said, I merely missed my children and having been freed from the Hallow with your absorption of my slash our soul, I wanted to see them." 


"So you mentally suppressed my own thoughts while at the same time made me do things you wanted in the guise of those things being my own thoughts? Fuck you." 


"I- uh, I admit I could have gone about things in a different way." 




I wanted to throttle the fucker, it was bad enough the asshat was still wearing my face. It had taken me no short amount of willpower and sheer rage to break free of his hold. I really had fucked up when I sorted through the memories. It was like; one second I was learning about how platypuses were conceptualized and the next I was waking up chained to a chair while some dingleberry was wearing my face and talking to a bunch of angels. 


I couldn't even remember how or when he began making me do shit, and seeing that there was a huge decades long gap in my memories I knew he had fucked around with my body without my knowing since I went off to master Occlumency. 


"Before I choke the life from your eyes, please tell me you didn't do anything stupid?" 


"Errr… I looked through your memories and dealt with the one named Voldemort and the old manipulative man."


"Fine, that's not too bad I guess. I was going to deal with them one way or another." 


"There was also this woman." 


I froze, "What did you do?" 


"I- er… we, may have had relations with her?"


"WHAT!!!!!!" My voice thundered through my mindscape. 


"She was very beautiful and it has been a while since I've ha-


"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?! Would that be concidered rape? It was my body you used while I was unable to- what the fuck is that look on your face. What else happened?" 


"I- she may have been someone like you." 


"What? What do you mean by that?" 


"When looking through your memories I learned that you came from another world originally." 


"Right, what does this have to do with the woman? Do you think she was brought to this world too?" 


"I am almost certain she was…" 


"Fine, where is this woman now?" 


"I am not sure, last I saw her was two years ago." 


"Fuck, I knew it wouldn't be that easy. I absorbed you too easily." 


"Obviously, you still needed to meet me here so that I could fully merge with you. You only merged with me physically." 


"Please don't phrase it like that, it's sound dirty." 


"Regardless, once you merge with me mentally we will become one and the same." 


"The fuck do you mean?" 


"I mean that everything I ever was and everything I would ever be, will be in your hands."


"Will you be influencing me some more like you have for the past forty years then?" 


"No," a sad smile was on his face, "with this what I once was will be no more." 


"Why didn't you tell me this would happen before I absorbed the power from the Elder Wand?" 


"To be honest I forgot." 


"How do yo- you know what? Never mind, can we just get this over with, you've complicated things by getting involved with heaven. Now I'll actually have to interact with the world beyond enjoying myself." 




"Enough apologizing, I guess I needed this push to do something other than sitting around twiddling my thumbs. Cause that's what I would have done rather than getting involved with the story." 


"Thank you Henry, for giving me a second chance." 


"We all deserve second chances." I shook my head, waving him off. 


"I'm glad you became my host, you've reminded me that there's more to life than just punishing and smiting those who have wronged me." 


"Alright, enough with the sappy shit. WE have a family to get back to. They're probably worried about us." 


"Give Gabriel my love, apologize to them all for me. I- I got a lot of their siblings killed for my hatred of the devils." 


"I will, go rest old man." 


With one last smile he was gone leaving me standing alone in my mindscape. I felt a rush of something brush past me and winced as I felt the connection to my powers strengthen. A sense of calm settled into my mind and I looked around at my massive mindscape. 


I could feel new emotions surging around inside me. Love for my children and creations, a barely concealed loathing for devils, a strange fascination with mirrors. 


'Mirrors? Maybe a Sacred Gear of some kind? Why do I feel so horny think about mirrors? What the fuck did that ass do while controlling my body?'


I growled, if he wasn't already me , I'd have found a way to beat the shit out of him. I rubbed my eyes and smothered the rage that had been building up. Seeing that I was in my mindscape I decided to try and find out exactly what had happened while he had free reign. 


[Scene Break]


I sat up with a strangled gasp, looking around at the worried faces of the Seraph I looked down and found myself sitting on a golden throne. 


"Father, are you well?" 


I looked over at the heavily armored archangel and smiled, "I'm alright Michael, just some memories settling." 


"I- I was not aware, I am sor-


"Don't apologize to me my child," I bit back the strangeness of it all, "You could not have known." 


"I- I thank you father." 


I raised an eyebrow, "For what?" 


"For coming back, for coming home." 


"It's good to be back." I replied with a smile. 


"Get some rest, father. Sit on the throne. It will allow you to recuperate faster." 


Nodding at the seraph I sat back down after having stood up to pace while talking to Michael. Closing my eyes I let my body rest while my mind went over everything that had happened thus far. It was a technique a shaman had taught me in India, it let me rest my body while still being fully aware of everything around me. It was almost like lucid dreaming, only with my magic I could interact with the real world. 


The throne was an extension of heaven's power. If an Angel sat on it they'd be able to hear prayers and perform minor miracles. If I were to sit on it as the God of the bible, I could also hear prayers, but my miracles would be much larger and I could theoretically be everywhere and anywhere in the world at once. It was how was known as an 'all knowing' 'ever present' god. From my memories no god was truly omnipotent, omniscient, or omnipresent. With heaven's throne I had a way around that. It's how Christianity became so much more widespread than the older pantheons religions. While I knew for a fact that the other pantheons existed, they didn't have the luxury of my throne. That led to a lot of their followers and believers abandoning them for a religion/god that they could count on. After all, having angels perform minor miracles when they prayed was much more convincing of my existence than sacrificing a goat in the hopes that maybe they'd have a good harvest. 


Personally I felt that it was cheating and more than a bit underhanded but I was God now. I couldn't exactly call my invention or advantage 'unfair' for the sake of the others. It would make me a hypocrite. I was brought to this world as one of the most overpowered creatures, trained and adopted by a legendary wizard, gained power at an alarming rate, and I had now become the god of an entire pantheon. 


'I'm a fucking Gary-Stu…' I thought in annoyance. 


I basically had power, looks, and wealth fall right into my lap with little to no effort. My luck had gotten me to where I was now, I was reminded of this every time I looked at myself or my surroundings. 


'I'll have to make up for it somehow, I can't just keep letting the word just give me shit without working for it. Sooner or later karma is going to bite my ass and I'll have really shit luck. Hell it's probably already started with how that fucker took over my body for nearly forty years to do me knows what. There was that woman that was mentioned… hmm, let's see if I can find her.' 


An hour later I cursed at having failed to locate the mystery woman. It was as if a greater power was hiding her from me. The only ones greater were potentially other gods so that thought wasn't very comforting. A woman that had the support of a being just as strong or stronger than me having such a connection with me and I wasn't even aware of what had happened.


I grumbled for a bit before deciding to entertain myself by listening to prayers. There were a lot of them, millions of people praying at the same time. All their voices echoing in my head. I tuned it down to the most important ones and smiled when I heard Lily Potter praying to me thanking me for saving her family and apologizing for the wizarding world being idiotic. I almost laughed, feeling that she warranted a reply I woke my body up and opened my eyes. Changing out to stereotypical flowing white robes I opened my wings and flashed back down to Godric's Hollow. Appearing inside the master bedroom I floated lazily midair while Lily gaped at my sudden appearance. 


"I- wh- what? Oh God, I'm sorry, erm- you must have heard me praying." 


"Relax," I chuckled, "I'm not going to smite you, that would be a dick move." 


Lily hummed and looked at me while still on her knees. 

"You're not what I expected." She muttered. 


"What? Did you think I'd be all 'worship me or burn in hell!!!'?" 


"Well, you did smite that Auror." She replied. 


"Had it coming, he was a child abuser." 


She narrowed her eyes, "Did you know that before hand?" 


"Of course, I'm god, I know everything." I bluffed, while I wasn't lying about being God. I had learned about that Aurors habits through legilimency and not through my godly nature.


Lily was reminded of who she was talking to and paled.


"Right! Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to question you." 


"Like I said, relax. You're not getting vaporized for asking me questions." 




"Why what?" 


"Why save my family? There are countless others suffering too." 


I sighed, "I have been watching your world for a long time Lily Potter. You interest me, for one I've never met a wizard or a witch who still believed in god and I had a bit of a grudge against Tom Riddle, who you knew as Voldemort." 


"I was raised in a god fearing family, those fears waned a bit since leading about magic. I never stopped believing in you though." 


I smiled at her, "Right, we can keep talking but how about you get up off your knees before your husband gets the wrong idea." 


Unfortunately the door to the room opened before she could and James walked in and froze. Seeing Lily on her knees while I stood in front of her with my hands at my hips. 


"I swear it's not what it looks like mate." 


"R-right, er… I'll be outside." He quickly shut the door. 


I could hear the sounds of his retreating footsteps and groaned. Lily hurriedly got back on her feet and rushed out after him. I had half the mind to just flash back to heaven and go back to listening in on peoples prayers. 


A few minutes later we were seated around the kitchen table while a kettle was on the stove heating some water. James fidgeted in his seat while Lily asked me questions. 


"What's heaven like?" 


"Annoyingly bright to be honest, the air is clean though, anything you could ever want is easily attainable." 


"Hmmm," Lily hummed, "so back to my question. Why my family?" 


"I told you didn't I? You two interest me, and I've been watching Tom Riddle since he was a first year in Hogwarts. I had hoped that by changing some things around him that he wouldn't turn out to be such a dick but I was wrong." 


"But you're God, how could you have been wrong?" 


"Despite what people say I'm not actually all knowing, and I wanted to avoid getting involved up until I found myself growing increasingly bored just sitting in the side lines." 


"What about humanity? Couldn't you prevent all the terrible things that happen around the world?"


"The age old question… yes I could deal with everything and make the world a utopia, but would it really remain that way for long?" 


"What do you mean?" 


"Humans, while not inherently evil, will always have a capacity for it. It's in your nature, an inherited proclivity for sinful conduct. Some never act on it, some embrace it. Nothing short of removing free will can ever change that." 


"So you just let it happen?" 


"Of course not, the worst of the worst get punished reflecting their crimes, however heaven is not what it used to be and humanity has spread across the world in great numbers." 


"I- I guess that makes sense. You can only get to so many people at once." James nodded in understanding. 


"What now?" Lily asked. 


The kettle began whistling and she stood to take it off the heat while readying a few teacups. 


"I just came by to check on you after hearing you praying to me. I wanted to make sure that you three were safe after having left you with those idiots."


James chuckled, "The ministry is looking for you, they think you're some kind of crazy halfbreed." 


"Mmm, are you not an Auror anymore?" I asked him. 


"Not since Harry was born, I prefer to be around for my son rather than galavanting around the country for a government that can't tell when they've fucked it up."


Lily served the tea, "Sometimes I wish we could just disappear into the muggle world." 


"Why don't you?" I asked. 


"It's not that easy, even with the Potter family fortune. Not only adjusting to a whole new lifestyle but also the fact that we are too well known as a family. Disappearing would only lead people to come looking for us." James replied. 


"I could give you a minor blessing." I shrugged. 


"W-what?" Lily stuttered out. 


"Yeah, you'd be able to live your own lives and you'll get a significant increase in your magical strength." 


"And you'd just give that to us?" 


"Well yeah, I'm God. I can do whatever the fuck I want. Is it something you want?" 


"I- we'll have to discuss this with Sirius, Remus, and Peter." 


"Take your time," I downed the tea, "thanks for the tea Lily, you know how to get a hold of me." 


Waving at the Potter's I flashed away back to heaven and collapsed on the throne after letting out a tired sigh. I did want to check on the Potter family but ended up getting side tracked by Lily's questions. I actually liked them so I was truly planning on giving them a shot at living normal lives, blessing included. 


Life had gotten stagnant, while I was excited at the new pace things had taken I also wasn't too pumped for how complicated I knew things were going to get. Being god changed things a lot, I knew that before the full merge, but I was also curious as to how things would develop. 


My memories of the titty anime was already shoddy at best, the inclusion of a crossover world and the fact that I had definitely just fucked canon up, I didn't know how things were going to turn out. 


"A problem for another time I guess." 


"Problem father?" 


I turned to the new voice spotting Uriel, I gave him a small smile and nodded. 


"Before all of this, I had… knowledge about events. Major events that would change things. Now though, I am not sure." 


"Visions of the future?" 


"Something like that, things have changed and we'll be going into the future blind." 


"The future is not set in stone, you taught us that. Besides, you are the Heavenly Father, the god of gods, it is impossible for you to lead us down the wrong path." 


"I appreciate your confidence in my Uriel." 


The Seraph shook his head with a smile, "I am simply stating the facts father." 


He walked away to resume whatever he was doing. I watched as he disappeared a few moments later. It reminded me of a point; that the absence of a true leader that the heaven faction had been blundering around. I had to fix that soon, heaven was currently weak despite the front they put up. With the timeline scrambled and my foreknowledge next to useless I closed my eyes and focused on the world. 


My senses extended out to earth, I searched for the churches and began to note down all the potential traitors and undesirables hiding out. I remembered something about the twink swordsman in the redhead devils peerage. While I was still decades away from canon I knew that the church was already fucking around with sword fragments. 


It was one of the plot points that stuck with me through the borderline hentai of an anime. Mostly because I had been a big Arthurian nerd and Excalibur lore was something I liked to read about. 


Focusing on my memories I went over what I remembered from the show. Apparently the Excalibur of this reality had been shattered for some reason and the church held all the pieces. I recalled that there were around several or so pieces of the sword with each granting a unique power. 


I don't quite remember why the church experimented on the swords but I knew that they killed a bunch of kids for no other reason than to figure out how the swords worked. To me that was sickening. Who wouldn't be furious when assholes killed innocent children in their name. 


I watched the Vatican for some time, nothing strange was going on so far. At least nothing that I could see. I knew that there were wards powerful enough to hide things from even gods. Those were rare though and difficult to put up. The other factions were also still clueless about my return. So there was no way that they'd know to put up those kinds of wards. My guess was that they hadn't started the experiments yet. 


I backed away and scanned the rest of the world. Nothing of note leapt up at me. There was a cult popping up in the Americas but it wasn't anything a few angels couldn't fix. I felt a pull underneath the British Ministry building. 


Remembering that the veil of death was underground I focused my attention at the strange energy reading and frowned. The veil of death was acting up, rippling more than it should. I had researched it back when I was still wandering the world in the early 13th century. I didn't want to risk my life though so I didn't look too deeply into it. 


With my 'restored' memories I learned that the veil was actually a portal to the Dimensional Gap. A doorway left behind from a bygone age. Standing from my throne again I teleported myself to the veil room and looked at the unassuming archway. Regular humans would be ripped apart when they went in. The Dimensional Gap wasn't a hospitable place for mortals. I was now a god though and I could come and go as I pleased. The tiny bit of humanity left in me still screamed at me to leave it alone. 


Curiosity eventually got the better of me and I stepped into the rippling darkness.

Vargr_the_Skald Vargr_the_Skald

I’m in your walls… I’m in your walls… nightmare… nightmare… nightmare… nightmare…

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