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MHA: Clover X MHA: Clover X original

MHA: Clover X

Autor: TheCringeGuy

© WebNovel

CHAPTER 1: New Life

It hurt.

It hurt too much.

Adam struggled to breathe. He clutched his chest and tried to shout. To ask for help. He couldn't speak and his stomach churned.


Something hit his back. 

The pain surged through his body.


Someone hit him again. 

"Wib bic hidddd me?!" He regained his voice and shouted.

The world around him shifted almost as if someone had hit the play button on a paused video. His ears began to work and register the noises around him.

"The baby is finally crying!" 

Adam's eyes snapped open when he heard the terrifyingly loud voice. He was held in the hands of a giant old lady. Fear gripped his heart. But as he tried to run, he realized his body wouldn't listen to him. 

"Wa is hapnin!?"

His… voice was different?

"How… is… he?" asked the woman lying on the bed.

She looked exhausted. Her sunken cheeks and shivering body made Adam think she had done a prolonged strenuous exercise. 

Of course, she was just as big as the old lady holding Adam.

"He looks healthy, my lady," said the giant old lady while she placed him on the bedside, ignoring Adam's confusion and fear. 

"Yuta…" the woman lying on the bed caressed Adam's cheek.

The situation was out of the world. Adam hadn't been trained to fight giant kidnappers. 

As much as it was weird to be alive after being hit by a truck, Adam wasn't paying much attention to the massive proportions of the room or the giant old lady. 

He was staring at the woman on the bed in fascination.

Her wavy mid-back length pink hair and purple eyes were strangely familiar. She looked like a character from one of his favorite battle shounen manga <Black Clover>. 

"Bo ar yuu…."

Adam continued to speak in a strange dialect.

However, an intense sense of lethargic soon overcame him. He couldn't keep his eyes open and slept.

Six months had gone by since Adam, now named Yuta, reincarnated.

It took him time to accept his situation. His mom was Vanessa, a major character from <Black Clover> and his father was a major antagonist from <My Hero Academia>, Kai Chisaki.

But maybe because this was a crossover world, the dad was quite different from the anime. 

He spoke with minimal words and wore a plague doctor mask similar to the anime, however, he was very kind and caring.

It was quite heartening and disgusting to see Mom teasing and flirting with Dad. Yuta would've done anything to erase their nightly love-making activities from his mind. 

But that ended today!

Yuta would be sleeping in his own room from now on! Away from mom and dad!

He was so happy he could cry. 

And that wasn't all. Today he would awaken his Quirk!

"Goodnight, boochan," the babysitter kissed Yuta on the forehead before she retired for the night.

Yuta shrugged the embarrassing moment like it was nothing. 

Six months of hell — shitting in his diapers, being breastfed by mom, having been stripped by adults to change his clothes — had given him an unbreakable iron will that would neither break nor bend.

[Yuta Chisaki]

[Age: 6 months]

[Quirk: ???]

[Level: 7]

>Strength: 0

>Dexterity: 0

>Stamina: 0

>Intelligence: 16

>Mind: 23

>Stat Points: 14

[5 minutes until Quirk manifestation]

Strength stat was related to his muscle strength. It dictated how fast and powerfully he could punch, run, jump, and do other physical activities. 

Dexterity stat showed his muscle flexibility, body coordination, and reflexes in numerical values. A higher dexterity would allow him to control his body better.

Stamina was easy to understand on its own.

Currently, Strength, Dexterity, and Stamina were '0'. In fact, they were somewhere around 0.57~0.89 and had been rounded off to '0'.

Intelligence was his brain's processing speed, and ability to memorize, understand and recall complex information.

Mind was… a weird stat? The system said Mind stat showed his mental capacity and mental resilience. However, it also explained that the Mind stat wouldn't show its real use until he was much older.


Yuta did not know. The system refused to answer.

10 was the value of an average adult in all stats. So, Yuta's 16 Intelligence and 23 Mind put him on par with geniuses. 

Level was the average of his five stats. And every time he leveled up, he would gain 2 extra stat points which he could use to increase any stat.

[Quirk manifested.]

[Gained 'Sword Choujin' Quirk.]

[Current Quirk Rank: F]

[Quirk Potential: Unmeasurable (Choujin X)]

Sword Choujin?

Wasn't that the Choujin ability from the Choujin X manga? Why did he gain it in this world? 

As far as Yuta knew there were only quirks in this world and no mana or magic. He had a suspicion that mana existed, since this world was part <Black Clover> world, and it was being hidden from the public eye. 

Yuta's blood boiled with excitement.

As an ardent fan of My Hero Academia, he knew the limitations of Quirks. But since his Quirk was a Choujin ability, those limitations did not apply to him.

Every choujin had Super Strength, Super Agility, Super Endurance, and Super Healing. This was just the basics. 

Their abilities would grow in versatility and if they had good potential they would gain more abilities such as telepathy, gravity control, foresight as they grew stronger. 

Yuta had the potential to become Choujin X – The Strongest Choujin of the era. He was guaranteed to gain those unique abilities as long as he trained diligently!

Hurray! Choujins were OP!

The biggest bonus was the "Raise" that came with Choujin ability. 

If Yuta was nearly dead or only a few moments had passed since his death, he could use "Raise" to instantly heal himself and gain a massive temporary boost that had a very small chance to become permanent.

The downside of Raise was the high probability of losing one's mind to "Chaosification" that happened when a Choujin used Raise. The probability of losing one's mind was over 90%.

"Huh, wait a second, is Mind stat related to this?"

Yuta had a sudden realization. Wouldn't he not lose his mind to chaosification as long as he had a high mind stat?

This was it!

This was his path to become the strongest!

The moon was high in the sky but Yuta did not rest. He fought against the intense sleepiness and began his training.

He was still a child. No doubt his training would bear more results if he did while he was an infant.

In his cradle, Yuta kicked his blanket aside, raised his arm and concentrated.

Beads of sweat rolled down his forehead.

A sword appeared in the air!

It did not materialize slowly or with a glitch and it was not summoned through a magical treasury. 

The sword… was just there. It was as if it had always been floating above Yuta and he was only able to see it now.

Increasing his concentration, Yuta tried to control the sword.

He could summon a second sword if he wished. But it was difficult with his current abilities. Yuta wanted to train his basics before he moved onto more complex stuff.

The sword shot forward like a bullet and stabbed into the fluorescent lamp. The lamp exploded with a loud crash.

Yuta paled.

He hadn't expected the sword control to be this powerful.


His nanny was inside the room before even ten seconds had passed. Yuta hurriedly de-summoned his sword and started crying, acting as if he had been scared by the noise and did not know what had happened.

Before long Vanessa and Chisaki came running.

They stared at the deep gash in the wall with fury — against whoever did it — and fear — worried that Yuta had been harmed — and hugged the crying Yuta.

"It's alright, honey. Mommy is here," Vanessa patted his back. It was a rare moment where she was serious.

Yuta apologized to them in his heart. But he did not reveal his Quirk. 

It wasn't time yet.

Four Years Later

Yuta sneaked through the mansion.

His senses were on overdrive while he kept his eyes peeled open to catch the slightest of movement. He must not get caught.

Despite his incredibly sharp senses, he failed to notice the noose made of a thread below his feet. 

It tightened around his ankle in an instant and pulled him into the air, leaving him hanging upside down.

"It's time to go to school, dear." 

The voice of shinigami made Yuta's skin crawl. He saw Vanessa coming towards him with a smirk and tried his best to escape. The damn noose was made from a single thread and yet it was stronger than steel.

"I'm not going!" he protested.

"You don't need to if you can manage to not get caught."

Vanessa laughed. She tugged her finger and the thread moved, carrying him behind her, towards the bus outside on the road.

"What if my Quirk misfires and harms someone at the kindergarten? I still can't control it," Yuta asked.

"We can't delay it anymore, dear. You're already a year behind everyone," Vanessa answered with a bitter smile.

The incident from a few years ago, where Yuta bedroom's fluorescent lamp was destroyed, had been concluded as an accidental activation of Yuta's Quirk.

Even now, Yuta couldn't control his Quirk. It would activate on its own at random times and regularly cause accidents. 

He had not gone to kindergarten for one year due to this reason. 

Of course, all of it was a lie. Yuta could perfectly control his Quirk and it had reached D-rank a few months ago. However, he purposefully caused accidents to show that he might harm someone with his swords, and thus had managed to avoid school for a year.


Because it was a waste of time if he went to school! Worse, he wouldn't be able to train his Quirk there!

They stepped out of the mansion gate and noticed the bus had left for the kindergarten.

Before Yuta could celebrate, Chisaki arrived with his Bugatti La Voiture Noire.

"Get in. I'll drive you to the school."


Vanesaa put him on the seat, tied the seatbelt and stepped back to the mansion gate, waving while Chisaki drove Yuta to the school.

The father and the son remained silent.

Yuta was watching the cars on the road being left behind them when Chisaki removed his mask and spoke. 

"Yuta, do you know what my job is?"


Chisaki's expressionless face twitched. A few seconds later he couldn't hold back and exploded into a fit of laughter. He wiped his tears with one hand as he asked.

"What made you think like that?"

"Because we are rich and I haven't seen any heroes in our neighborhood and it seems that everyone is following your orders?" 

If it was anime, Yuta would've died after saying those words to Chisaki. However, the dad ruffled Yuta's hair.

"What kind of shows are you watching?" Chisaki smiled.

Yuta did not say he had answered after cross referencing his knowledge from the anime. 

Of course, Yuta had done his own investigation. He knew Chisaki wasn't part of the Yakuza organization, Shie Hassaikai, in this world and he was a former Ranked Hero.

In mom's own words, Chisaki was a supernova in the hero world when he was still active. She had fallen for him – like many others – when saved her from a villain. Yuta supposed she meant rescuing her from the Witch Forest, though she never explicitly revealed the answer.

"We aren't mafia. I'm a Warlord who rules over the Special Zone Number 007."

"Special Zone?" Yuta asked. He had never heard the term in <My Hero Academia> or <Black Clover>. 'Special Zones sound similar to Grand Magic Zone. Are they related?' he thought.

"There are seven Special Zones in our country. Heroes don't enter these Special Zones and the normal laws of the country don't work here. Everything is decided by the Warlord ruling the Special Zone, including law and order."

"That sounds illegal. I thought you were a former hero." 

The words had left Yuta's mouth before he understood the underlying accusation. It was too late to retract them. Thankfully, Chisaki didn't take ill to his words.

"It is legally illegal."

"What does that mean?"

"I'll tell you later. Come on, let's go. We've reached the school," Chisaki openly sidestepped the topic and wore his mask.

The father and son duo entered kindergarten.

It had spacious, brightly colored classrooms filled with natural light. Each room was equipped with state-of-the-art learning materials and technology. The furniture was ergonomic and child-sized, fostering comfort and engagement. 

Outside, there was a beautifully landscaped playground with safe, high-quality equipment. Inside, there were specialized rooms for art, music, and sensory activities, as well as a cozy reading corner filled with books. Security was paramount, with controlled access points and surveillance systems. 

Yuta soon noticed the teachers and the staff moving nervously around Chisaki and himself. Their behavior did not change even after Chisaki left.

The classes were normal except for the attention everyone was giving Yuta.

'So this is why Dad told me about those things. The teachers can't help but be anxious since I'm a Warlord's son. It's like having the child of a prime minister or a king in front of you.'

He was bored while waiting for the day to end when he noticed something in the back of the class.

There was a little girl in the corner who was being ignored by everyone. Not just ignored. Others were staying away from her.

"Eri?" Yuta was stupefied.

Why was Eri here? She shouldn't have even been born yet.

Just as he moved towards her, a teacher grabbed his wrist.

"Yuta, you shouldn't go there. Why don't you play with those boys?" Revchi, the teacher, asked.

Yuta frowned when he recognized the teacher as an antagonist from <Black Clover>. However, he recalled how Dad was not a villain and gave Revchi the benefit of doubt.

"She looks alone. I thought I would play with her," Yuta pointed at Eri who had a constant downcast expression.

Hearing his words, Revchi looked troubled. His brows moved while he carefully pondered over his next words.

After much consideration, he decided to come clean.

"Yuta, that girl is dangerous. She can't handle her Quirk. You might be erased if you go near her."

Only then did Yuta notice the fear in Revchi's eye as he looked at Eri. 

Yuta scowled and pulled his arm away.

"I'll decide what is best for myself," he strode towards Eri.

She was just a young girl. And these people were treating her like a monster. As a teacher, Revchi should've given extra consideration to Eri and taught her how to handle her Quirk.

Not… Not this!

He felt his blood boiling with anger when he noticed the cut marks on Eri's hand. The girl had clearly tried to end herself more than once.

"Hi!" Yuta tried his best to act jovial when he approached Eri.

She flinched and burrowed her head further down.

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