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98.43% ENJOYING KOREA / Chapter 60: FATES

Capítulo 60: FATES

[Woo Mia's fate has completely changed]

'Humh?' – suddenly, a strange system message appeared.

The first time the system mentioned something to him about 'Fate' was when Robert first fucked Kim Seon-Joo, the owner of the gym he was attending.

At that moment he ignored her because she was in the middle of sex, and he concentrated more on breaking the woman's mind than anything else.

The second time happened when he killed the frail old man who came from a story called 'Take a Peek', the one he wanted to take advantage of his daughter-in-law.

The system mentioned this for the third time when it consumed the 'Panty Note' to awaken his innate ability.

And now the system mentioned this to him again, about changing a person's fate.

It was clear that with his intervention the destiny of said person would change, that was a logical thought. However, doubt arose within his mind.

Since his arrival, he had interacted a lot with Ijin, but a message never appeared telling him that the boy's fate had changed.

'System, what do you mean when you say I have changed someone's fate? Is it because I interfered in their stories, or is it something else?' - he asked curiously.

[As you know, each character you have become involved with comes from a different world, from different Manhwas and Webtoons, each with an established plot and known destiny. These plots are not conscious entities but are a kind of driving force that keeps each character's behavior in check. 'Fate' is the best definition of this.]

'Mmm, I see. It seems that my intervention has messed up the fates of several characters' - Robert murmured - 'But it's good, right? I mean, if I hadn't killed that old man, his daughter-in-law would have been turned into a complete sex slave'

[Affirmative, it is beneficial for those characters tied to their fates, as it frees them from potentially negative futures. However, for you, it becomes counterproductive]

'For me?' - Robert felt confused - 'Why would it be bad for me? Don't tell me I'll be punished for this' - he responded sarcastically.

[Host, you are an external entity that has become involved with these characters, so normally you should be rejected by these 'fates,' erased from this existence, as each of these characters must fulfill their roles. However, for now, these 'fates' cannot do anything against you due to the interaction of a force that surpassed the authority of each of them and allowed your arrival in this reality]

'A force that allowed my arrival… You mean the storm from a year ago, right?' - Robert murmured.

[Affirmative. That was not just a mere light show. The energy released by that gigantic teleportation matrix had three objectives: to unite as many worlds as possible into a single reality, to temporarily neutralize the various 'fates' of these worlds, and to send you to this new reality. Thanks to the action of ********, who adjusted the temporal structure of the different worlds for your benefit, you can now enjoy this partial tranquility]

[However, the 'fates' are recovering from that suppression, and they will gradually begin to resume their actions with each of their characters who have strayed from the 'plot' they are supposed to follow. Likewise, they will try to eliminate you]

[Remember, the 'Fates' are powerful and inexorable forces underlying the very structure of each of their worlds. Fate is considered the great corrector, the force that ensures the continuity and coherence of the timeline and the fulfillment of each individual's role in the story of their worlds. Its goal is to maintain balance and order, ensuring that the flow of time and events follow the predetermined course]

[When the host interferes with the natural course of events, the 'fates' deploy their corrective forces. These forces can manifest in various ways, such as seemingly random events, insurmountable adversities, or specific characters whose purpose is to restore balance]

'Haaa… this is a bad joke' - Robert laughed sarcastically.

However, he did not find this funny at all.

Robert was furious, very furious. The idea of being eliminated, of losing everything he had built, filled him with rage.

He was not going to let anyone take away everything he was achieving.

This world, the women he had met so far, the rest of the people he had formed relationships with during this time, he would not lose any of it.

'Alright, I don't know how, but you will help me eliminate those fates, right?'

[Affirmative. For now, there is not much problem for you, as the fates are not suppressing you directly. Instead, they have focused on a much more powerful and dangerous being for them. Once they annihilate that individual, they will try to do the same to you, but by then, they won't be able to harm you]

These words made him frown. 'Who is this individual? How strong is this person?'

[At the moment, I don't have that information, but we will be able to find out when you encounter them soon. ********* merged their world with this reality because they knew something like this would happen, so they needed a scapegoat who would be considered a real threat to the 'fates' while you can grow relatively safely]

[Don't worry, being suppressed by the 'fates', that individual will not be able to do anything to you, as his power is constantly decreasing. For you to counteract everything, you have to continue doing what you have done until now. In the case of women, you already have an idea of ​​how to change your destinies. In the case of men, making them your subordinates or killing them would be the way to change their destinies]

'Ja... damn, you are completely diabolical, aren't you?'

Robert felt his mood, which had been ruined by the topic of the fates, improve quite a bit after reading the system's suggestions.

However, he wasn't far from reality, as that was his way of thinking. It wasn't like he went around conquering all the women he met. Nevertheless, he would be an idiot to refuse this idea, as he had enjoyed the warmth of women both in his first life and in this one.

And now, with even more reason, he was experiencing feelings he had never felt before.

As for men, it was much simpler. Either join or die. He would try to keep the most useful ones, but those who were a waste would be sent to meet their maker.

'I guess that's why you didn't tell me any of this, right? Because it was more or less certain that everything would go well as long as I stuck to my plans'

[Affirmative, I only respond because you asked]

Robert just gave an ironic smile. He knew this was a simple system, but sometimes it had its troll moments.

It provided just enough information in certain situations, but sometimes it had more information than it could give, but you had to know when and how to ask.

He was sure that if he had asked about the fates at the time, he would have received this response. Therefore, he had to start paying more attention to the little details the system gave him.

'Well, then I need to change everything related to the characters connected to the main characters of each story… so I should start with those closest to me, which includes Ijin and his family, then Captain Kang, and so on… well, damn, this is going to be a complete mess'

With a sigh, Robert began to devise more plans to alter the fates of the people around him.


(Two days later)

It was a sunny Monday, and the school was buzzing with activity as students eagerly awaited their break.

Ding, dong, ding

The bell rang, signaling the start of the much-anticipated pause.

In a corner of the classroom, Robert, Anna, Mía, and Sophie were sitting in a group, discussing their plans for the break.

Well, strictly speaking, only the three girls were chatting among themselves, as Robert had spent most of the academic period asleep.

Anna, always full of energy, was the first to get up - "Let's go get something to eat! I've been thinking about those new snacks from the cafeteria" - she said, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Sophie nodded, standing up as well - "Yeah, a walk would do us good. I've been sitting too long" - she added, stretching lazily.

Mía got up with a smile - "I agree. It'll be nice to get out for a while."

Robert, on the other hand, was almost asleep in his seat; the class had been particularly boring for him - "Waaah… Yeah, I need some fresh air" - he murmured, standing up with a yawn.

Just as he finished stretching, the school's assistant teacher walked into the classroom and approached him.

"Jovanovich, Professor Dia Song is calling you to the guidance office!" - the assistant announced.

Robert frowned, a bit surprised - "Now?" - he asked, though he already knew the answer.

"Yes, now" - the assistant confirmed before leaving the classroom.

Robert sighed and turned to the girls - "It looks like I'll have to go to Professor Song's office. You guys go ahead and buy something without me."

Anna pouted, clearly disappointed.

Seeing the look on the dark-haired girl's face, Robert smiled and gave her a pat on the head, trying to calm her down - "I can't ignore Professor Song. I'll see you later, okay?"

Sophie nodded, understanding - "Don't worry, Robert. We'll go and tell you all about it later."

Mía gave him a pat on the arm - "Good luck."

Mía's concern, while seeming somewhat exaggerated from Robert's perspective, was rooted in the fact that Professor Dia Song was a very well-known figure at the school.

Among all the teachers at the high school, Professor Song stood out not only for her beauty and youth but also for her strict discipline and genuine care for her students.

And in Robert's case, the teacher might want to make trouble for him because of the things that her boyfriend has experienced during his time studying. Although she knew that no teacher could do anything to him, she still didn't care about him.

"I think it's more about missing last week's classes than anything else, so it's probably nothing serious" - Robert replied, giving them a final smile before heading toward the professor's office.

As Robert walked away, the three girls left the classroom, chatting excitedly about what they would buy and which snacks they would try first.

Robert walked calmly through the school hallways towards the guidance office where Professor Dia Song was. The hallways were relatively empty, as most students were enjoying the break outdoors or in the cafeteria.

The sound of his footsteps echoed softly as he moved through the building where the teachers' offices were located, observing the colorful murals and announcements on the walls.

"I didn't think it would take so long for them to call me in" - Robert murmured.

In all the time he had spent at the school, Robert had only attended a few of Professor Dia Song's classes due to his frequent absences. Strictly speaking, he had missed classes with many teachers, not just her.

That's why it was only a matter of time before he would be summoned by the school administration along with his guardian to explain those absences.

Of course, that would happen if Robert were an ordinary student.

However, the school administration was already aware of his 'special condition,' as, like students who are children of very important people, he had some benefits.

Nonetheless, he knew that not all teachers would agree with such preferential treatment. Some of them were very strict about the rules.

Dia Song was one of them.

When he arrived at the door of Professor Song's office, Robert paused for a moment before knocking softly.

"Come in" - came the firm yet kind voice of the professor from inside.

Robert opened the door and stepped in, closing it behind him. Professor Dia Song was sitting behind a nearly empty desk.

She was a beautiful woman with a youthful appearance, with short dark blue hair that matched the color of her eyes. She was dressed formally, in a short-sleeve white blouse and a professional skirt.

She was reading some papers in a folder when her eyes lifted to meet Robert's, and a slight smile appeared on her face, though it soon turned a bit serious.

"Ah, Robert. Thank you for coming so promptly" - she said, gesturing to a chair in front of her desk - "Please, have a seat."

Robert complied and sat down calmly, maintaining a relaxed but respectful posture - "Good morning, Professor Song. How can I help you?"

Professor Dia Song nodded - "I wanted to discuss something important with you, Robert. I've been observing your performance in class, as well as your attendance at school and some of your interactions with your peers"

Robert raised an eyebrow, slightly intrigued by her words - "Is there a problem, Professor?"

Professor Dia Song watched him for a moment - "While your exam grades have been excellent, you have only attended my class twice this semester. Additionally, you've been absent from school for several days, even weeks"

Robert nodded - "That's true, Professor, but I have special permission, didn't the main office inform you?" - he replied calmly.

"Yes, that's true. The administration informed me that you have special permission" - continued Professor Song, frowning slightly - "But they didn't provide any specific reasons. I understand that some students have valid reasons for their absences, but yours has been too frequent. I want to understand why. If there are any issues you need to discuss, I'm here to listen"

'Ah… she projects a very pleasant image, but…'

Robert murmured mentally at his professor's words and the concerned look she gave him while reviewing the information the system had provided about her the first time he met her.

[Song Dia - Human Race: She is a main character from the manhwa 'Silent War.' She is a teacher with a strong concern for her students. However, due to her religious upbringing during childhood, she developed a submissive personality, seeking acceptance from any display of authority, which led to the development of a masochistic personality]

[Age: 28; MP: 00; HP: 10; STR: 08; AGI: 08; VIT: 10; INT: 10; PERC: 10]

From the first day Robert learned about this woman's personality, he kept an eye on her. Not only because she was a main character associated with his new world, but also due to the information the system had given him.

However, he hadn't done anything about it until now because he was busy with other things, and because he wasn't going to try to woo his teacher while building a good relationship with Anna, Sophie, and Mía.

First, he would romance the students and then he would go for the teacher.

Moreover, since he had been occupied with missions and training, he hadn't had enough time to have a decent conversation with his professor.

But now, the situation was favorable.

Robert took a deep breath - "Professor, I've had to deal with some personal and family matters that require my attention. The school administration is aware and has granted me permission due to the nature of these issues"

Professor Dia Song looked at him with a mix of concern and skepticism.

"I understand that you may have important matters, but I also have to consider the impact on your education. Additionally, there's another issue I need to discuss with you: the fight you had with Cheo Gunner. The administration informed me that the matter has been resolved, but no one has told me anything further"

Robert smiled wryly upon hearing the name of the redhead, recalling the confrontation he had with him - "Ah, yes, the fight with Gunner. That was a minor issue. But it's been resolved, and the administration decided not to take any further action"

"I want to hear your version of the events" - said Professor Song, folding her hands on the desk - "It's important for me to understand what happened, as I want to ensure there are no more issues in the future"

'Well, it's time to begin'

"Do you want me to tell you why I hit that guy?" - Robert sighed wearily.

"Yes, I want to know what motivated your fight" - Dia Song replied with a serious and concerned expression.

To her, Robert was a complicated student to understand, and despite his excellent grades and evident maturity, several aspects of him left her perplexed.

From the first day Robert had attended her class, Dia had noticed something special about him. On the few occasions he had been present, he had demonstrated remarkable intelligence and a level of understanding that surpassed many of his peers.

His responses were always well thought out and showed a depth that impressed her. Not only that, but his grasp of literature from other cultures even exceeded her own.

However, the other side of the coin was equally evident.

His frequent and prolonged absences were a major concern for her. She couldn't understand why someone with so much potential would waste so many classes.

The school administration had given him special permission, but they hadn't explained the reasons behind it, which only added to her frustration and confusion.

Moreover, there was an incident with his classmate. Robert had been involved in a serious fight, and although the administration had decided not to take further action, Dia Song couldn't simply ignore it.

For her, violent behavior couldn't be easily justified, and she needed to understand what led to that situation. She didn't believe it was something 'minor' as Robert claimed.

Cheo Gunner was another complicated student who easily got into fights and had a bully-like attitude according to some students. However, he wasn't academically as strong as the young man before her.

"Well, where should I start?" - Robert stood up and walked toward the window, which surprised Dia Song greatly - "You know this school is a complete mess, and you're part of that mess?"

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