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100% God of Play Crossover Sandbox / Chapter 3: Heart to Heart

Capítulo 3: Heart to Heart

So I told Asia mostly everything, I told her I was a human who died and somehow came back with this power that makes me a real life video game character. I even told her that I technically wasn't human anymore or at least not fully human, both cause of how my power affects my body and cause of the Saiyan biology I got. 

Asia: "So your... like a god now?"

minus: "God of Play in progress more like, nonetheless... does this change anything between us?"

She then hugged me which somehow surprised me the second time. 

Asia: "It's ok minus... I don't care if your a Saiyan or game character or whatever you are, because your still my friend. A-And friends help each other! so I'll help you"

She's going to give me a heart attack from sugar overdose one of these days I can tell, I hug her back though and I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. 

Achievement complete: Tell at least one person the truth about you

Gift for achievement: You've now unlocked the maps feature! 

Maps? this seems promising 

You only have access to the two default maps you can play in vanilla Garry's Mod but eventually you can possibly unlock more. You can use these maps to train or chill or whatever in a place where nobody else can see or find you, also time moves slower in the maps compared to the outside world. 

Then a lightbulb went off in my head... oh I definitely can abuse this later on hehe. 

Notice! Gatcha has been updated, now you can spin for specific categories.

Weapons and Tools Gatcha

Maps Gatcha

Skills & Techniques Gatcha

Heritage Gatcha 

NPC's Gatcha

Vehicles Gatcha

Miscellaneous Gatcha

Oh Sweet! still completely random what I get but this at least helps narrow it down for me... hmm looks like some costed more than others now but not the worse amounts at least for the most part. 

Me and Asia hugged for a bit longer until we let go, I think for a second before asking. 

minus: "Hey Asia? you told me you were an ex-nun before so... if your ok with telling me, why aren't you still a nun?"

She seems to think for a second before she decides to tell me.

Asia: "I got in trouble with the church because... I healed a devil... they excommunicated me for it"

minus: "...well did you heal the devil out of malice?" 

She shakes her head quickly

Asia: "I didn't know what he was, I just saw someone in need and I wanted to help him... but I should have been more carful I guess" 

I put a hand on her shoulder gently 

minus: "Asia, I'm only gonna say this once so listen close... you did nothing wrong"

She seemed surprised by this and is about to speak but I put a finger over her mouth. 

minus: "Let me finish, you healed a devil sure but you had no idea if they were a bad person or not. You just saw someone in need and did a good thing helping them, personally I think the church was wrong for casting you out over such a thing because your one of the kindest souls I've met"

Asia: "But-"

minus: "Don't you remember the story of the good Samaritan? that man was kind even to the one who should have been an enemy, because he cared for his fellow man. Of course things don't always work out and sometimes you might help the wrong person yes, but never think you did anything bad just because you showed kindness to someone"

She paused for a bit before hugging me a third time, this time more tightly than the previous hugs.

Asia: "...t-thank you..."

I think I heard her sniffling now, I pat her head and let her get any emotions out until she's calmed down. 

After she's calmed down she lets go and wipes her eyes before looking at me.

Asia: "....your a very nice person minus"

minus: "heh well... only to those I consider friends or like"

She smiles as we sit in silence for a few more seconds. 

Asia: " what's your main goal? why do you wanna use your power to get stronger?... you won't try to take over the world will you?"

minus: "HAHAHA! Ohhh that was funny heh... sorry, anyways no I'm not gonna do that... I think. See my main goal is I want to just have fun with my life, make friends and play games with them. Above all else my power is so I can get the freedom to do that without others being able to put me down for it"

I had a dream! that one day games could be used to settle our conflicts! So that nobody had to lose family members that got sent to war to die, a healthy form of competition and battle that wouldn't cause misery like war. 

It wasn't a perfect dream and I doubt I'd be perfect, but it would still be better I believed. 

Asia: "Ohhh... wanna play a game with me then? If you like them a lot"

I perk up a bit 

minus: "Oh? well sure! what did you have in mind?"

Asia takes out a pack of cards she had with her. 

Asia: "I only know go fish... is that ok?"

minus: "That works perfectly for me"

We spend the next hour or so playing a few rounds of go fish until we stopped... I had won every round. 

Asia: "Your really good!"

minus: "Tis both the blessing and curse of being the new God of Play I suppose" 

I chuckle as I pack her cards up, I then get an idea and take out my tool gun as I copy the card pack and make a dupe of it on the table. 

Asia: "Wow! you can copy stuff?"

minus: "Yep! I can use this handy device to make copies of things, now we both can have a pack of cards"

Asia seemed to think for a moment and looked at me curiously. 

minus: "What is it?"

Asia: "You need more money for your... Gatcha thing right?"

minus: "Yeah? what about it?"

Asia: "If you have this odd looking gun that can copy stuff then... can't you just make more money with it?" 

I raise a finger to respond then stop as my eyes widen and I close my mouth and put down my finger. 

minus: "....I didn't think of that..."

Now I looked very embarrassed and flustered that I didn't think of such a simple yet good idea until now! Asia giggles at my response and hands me some cash.

Asia: "Here, now you can copy this so you don't have to keep looking or asking for money... silly" 

Oh she really is a sweetheart

I rub my head sheepishly and thank her as I use my Tool Gun to copy and save a dupe of the cash she gave me which was about 50 bucks. I then start to spawn in a lot of copies of this money for myself and hand her the original back. 

Notice! Achievement complete: You figured out a way to cheese the system! Congratulations, treat that girl well for her help. 

Gift for achievement: Portal Gun from Portal 2

Sweet! Definably going to play around with that later, should be very fun! Granted just cause I can now spin whenever I want doesn't mean I'll always get good things but it helps at least a huge amount. 

minus: "...hey Asia? how did you heal that one devil anyways?"

Asia: "Oh that's my sacred gear! twilight healing I've been told"

Now let me think... nun with magic power that lets her heal... plus me who has Saiyan Biology... oh yeah, it's all coming together. 

minus: "...would you be up for a little trip?" 

*time skip* 

I brought me and Asia to the gm_construct map dimension as she looked around the place in awe. 

Asia: "It's incredible that you can make a whole new world like this"

minus: "Well not really, this map is limited so it's not like I made a whole planet.... maybe some day though" 

Asia: "So what did you want my help with again? also I can't stay too long"

minus: "Don't worry, time moves slower in this place than the outside world so if what my system told me is right then one month in here would be just a day in the outside world, we have plenty of time until you'd have to go back" 

She nods

Asia: "That makes sense I think, so what now?"

minus: "Simple! I get stronger the more I fight, so I'm going to spawn a bunch of enemies and battle them, where you come in is I need you to heal me if I get too damaged... is this ok?"

Asia: "Well I'd rather not see you get hurt in the first place but I understand why your doing this... so I'll help!"

minus: "thank you Asia, perhaps one day I'll have the power to make people play by some simple rules"

Asia: "...what rules?"

minus: "...solve every conflict with a game, it wouldn't be perfect but I think it would be better than normal types of bloodshed and wars where people die permanently. I love a good fight and all yeah but I also have morals" 

I smile and Asia smiles back at me. 

What followed is me starting with basic foes, I spawned and fought the zombie things and soldiers from Half-life 2 as I'd practice using both Ki attacks and my weapons against them. I made sure Asia wasn't caught in the cross fire as she watched from a safer distance. 

Why did I still use guns and weapons when I had Ki? Cause it would be boring to only use Ki from now on, I like guns and sometimes just wanna blast something with them is all. It's fun to have variety! 

I could turn my Ki on and off so when it was off I went back to basic super solider level of strength but turning my Ki on and powering up made me stronger just like in dragon ball. I fought the basic fodder enemies for awhile until they became very easy for me to deal with. 

I then did a few Gatcha spins to get some NPC's hoping I get some good ones for fighting against. 

You won: Dead by daylight killers pack! 

You won: Mario series Goomba's and Koopa's pack!

You won: Classic Doom Demons pack!

Now these gave me some better opponents to fight against, I spawned some of the DBD killers along side the Mario enemy's and fought them for awhile, some killers had special abilities that allowed them to damage me more too but Ki was useful against the more supernatural ones thankfully. 

It was also fun to toss Koopa shells at them and I even rode one like a surf board. 

Asia healed me when I was done with those rounds and I moved on to the DOOM demons, let me tell you I was not at the Level of Doom Guy yet because those demons gave me a run for my money and dare I say came close to killing me even. I can respawn yeah but Asia is here and I'd rather her not see me seemingly die so I fought harder and pushed my Kaioken more as well against the bigger demons. 

It was very fun to kill these demons, I must feel like how Doom Guy felt when he does it haha. 

I started with the smaller demons before the bigger ones and eventually took on the Spider-Mastermind plus a few extra demons for a challenge, Akeno was right I really need proper martial arts training. 

Despite this I can see why Saiyan's are a warrior race once again because the longer I fight these demons the more I seem to learn as I battle against the different types of demons. After I dealt with the others it was just me and the Spider Master mind... I decided to try busting out the move I had been working on and waiting to use. 

I smirk at the demon and push my Kaioken to x6 and then I cup my hands and get in a familiar pose with blue energy forming into a ball in my hands. 

minus: "Kaaaaaaaaaaa meeeeeeeeeee-"

The demon screeches and starts crawling towards me. 

minus: "Haaaaaaaaaa meeeeeeeee-"

It roars and tries to leap and pounce on me. 

minus: "....HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!"

I thrust my hands forward and unleash a brilliant beam of blue light as I blast the Spider-Mastermind to high heaven... or hell in it's case. When the light and dust cleared after I stopped my attack the demon had a huge hole blown straight through it's head and body as i finally slayed it. 

You learned the Kamehameha move! Or the Turtle wave as it can also be called. 

I breathe heavy as I power down and my muscles spaz out from how hard I was pushing my Kaioken plus my body. Asia quickly runs over and heals me up as I feel that rush of a Zenkai boost once again from being healed and I get even stronger with my Ki reserves increasing.

I jump up feeling great after being healed as I look myself over and chuckle a bit. 

minus: "Saiyan's truly are something" 

I then feel a light bop on my head from Asia

Asia: "You pushed yourself too hard! that was reckless of you!" 

minus: "Sorry Sorry, I just got caught up in the rush I guess" 

Asia: "Just... can we take a break now? Do something else for awhile?"

minus: "I... yes, Sorry Asia I didn't mean to be reckless and scare you"

Asia: "Just try to be more carful please?" 

I nod as we go take a break, we go to this cozy little room inside a building of the map as Asia and me chill for a bit. I managed to get some entertainment from my Gatcha spins like a TV and a Wii pack with some Wii games and remotes we could play with as well. 

Mainly I got Mario Kart and Super Smash brothers brawl, besides that I decide to also spin for a new NPC as well as a new weapon or tool. 

You won: Senator Armstrong! From MGR

.....ohhh he was going to be just great to fight....

You won: The Yamato from Devil May Cry! 

I spit out some juice I was drinking as Asia looks over at me.

Asia: "You ok?"

minus: "I'm fine... just got a really good Gatcha was all"

well now I had a reason to learn how to use katana's! 

I spin again but didn't get something as good. 

You won: The Vorpal Blade! From American Mcgee's Alice

I mean the vorpal blade was still a really cool weapon and all... just not on the level of the Yamato of course, sweet design though and very sharp and it does go snicker snack to leave enemies dead. 

I spin one more time before calling it for the day. 

You won: Nerf Dart Gun pack!

Aaaaaand that's my cue to take a break from the Gatcha stuff for awhile. I go sit next to Asia who was playing Mario Kart Wii. 

minus: "Can I play?" 

Asia: "Sure!" 

I play with her on that for awhile, she came close a few times to beating me but in the end I took first place and she got second. She didn't take the loss to heart though and just complemented me on my skills and had fun regardless. 

I made sure to complement her on how well she did too... I am going to protect this girl with my life I fully decided. 


*To be Continued* 

Hope you guys like it so far! minus is making some better progress with how he's growing and his relationship with Asia as they've become proper friends. 

PlayfulGod PlayfulGod

minus and Asia opened up to each other a little more and now Asia is helping minus get stronger.

He still has to work on getting proper training but he's making good progress with Asia's help, they also grew closer as they spend more time together.

Eventually minus is going to have to deal with some... opponents who are fallen from grace.

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