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29.31% Deity of Destruction / Chapter 17: Veldora vs Velgrynd and Velzard.

Capítulo 17: Veldora vs Velgrynd and Velzard.

Throw some stonessss.

Enjoy reading the long chapter~



As the three True Dragons surged to their feet, the air crackled with a raw, primal energy. Velzard's once-human form dissolved, replaced by a magnificent creature of frosted scales and icy wings. Velgrynd mirrored her sister, transforming into a magnificent Eastern Dragon, her scales shimmering a vibrant crimson, with long, flowing whiskers and a single horn protruding from her forehead. Veldora, his youthful face replaced by a ferocious draconic visage, roared with a joy that sent shivers down Noir's spine.

Reinhard, ever the pragmatist, saw the potential for catastrophic collateral damage. With a flick of his wrist, a shimmering golden barrier materialized around the sparring ground. It pulsed with a faint magical light, isolating the battle within while simultaneously expanding the enclosed space a thousandfold. From outside, the castle walls seemed to bulge slightly, momentarily defying physics before settling back into place.

The newly formed True Dragons paused in mid-attack, their primal rage momentarily tempered by confusion. The barrier emanated an aura of absolute power, leaving no doubt of its impregnability.

Reinhard gestured towards the barrier, his voice calm amidst the tense silence. "This will prevent any… unnecessary damage to the castle," he explained, a hint of amusement flickering in his eyes. "Consider it a training ground of sorts."

Noir, who had remained silent throughout the escalating tension, finally found his voice. He materialized beside Reinhard, his dark uniform a stark contrast to the vibrant magic swirling around them.

"Forgive my rudeness, Lord Reinhard," he began, his voice a low rumble. "But is this truly a test for Veldora? With all due respect, I cannot see him losing this fight, not against any single opponent, and certainly not against two."

Reinhard met his gaze, a knowing glint in his golden eyes. "Perhaps," he said, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips, "the test is not just for Veldora."

The booming laughter that erupted from within the barrier confirmed Reinhard's words. Velzard and Velgrynd, initially angered by Veldora's naiveté, found themselves caught off guard by his enthusiasm. Here they were, two of the most powerful beings in existence, preparing to spar with a hatchling who equated strength with brute force.

But beneath the amusement, a spark of something else ignited within them. A competitive spirit, a desire to prove their worth—not just to their nephew, but perhaps to each other and to Reinhard himself.

The battle commenced with a ferocious roar. Velzard unleashed a wave of icy breath that froze the ground within the barrier. Velgrynd responded with a torrent of searing crimson flames, melting the ice with a hiss of evaporating steam. Veldora, caught in the middle, roared in delight, his emerald scales shimmering as he dodged and weaved through the maelstrom.

From outside the barrier, Reinhard, Noir, and the remaining Primordials watched the spectacle unfold. The clash of magic and raw power shook the very foundations of the castle, a testament to the immense strength of the combatants within. However, despite the sheer force of the True Dragons, the barrier remained unyielding, a testament to Reinhard's absolute power.

The battle raged on, a dazzling display of elemental fury contained within the golden sphere. It became clear that this sparring session, intended to be a controlled display of power, had escalated into a full-blown battle. Yet, the unbreakable barrier ensured the safety of the castle and those outside.

The golden barrier pulsed with an otherworldly glow as the battle raged within. Velzard, the Ice Dragon, unleashed a blizzard that whipped through the expanded space, coating the ground in a layer of shimmering frost. Velgrynd, the Crimson Dragon, countered with a torrent of fire that melted the ice, creating a swirling vortex of steam and heat.

In the heart of this elemental chaos, Veldora, the youngest of the True Dragons, weaved through the attacks with surprising agility. His emerald scales shimmered as he dodged a gout of flame, his eyes bright with a mixture of exhilaration and… disappointment.

An hour into the battle, a growing frustration gnawed at him. He had expected a challenge from his formidable sisters, a clash that would test his newfound strength. Instead, their attacks, while undeniably powerful, felt predictable, almost sluggish. He could anticipate the trajectory of Velzard's icy blasts and effortlessly slip past Velgrynd's fiery breath.

Finally, after narrowly dodging a particularly clumsy swipe from Velzard's claw, Veldora landed on a patch of scorched earth, his voice booming through the confined space.

"Is this all you've got, sisters?" he roared, a hint of exasperation creeping into his tone. "Reinhard's attacks were far more… interesting!"

The question hung heavy in the air, a spark igniting in the volatile atmosphere. Velzard's icy demeanor cracked, replaced by a glacial fury. Velgrynd's crimson scales pulsed with an angry heat.

"Insolent whelp!" Velzard snarled, her voice dripping with frost. "You had the nerve to ask that?!"

"You call dodging a few measly attacks impressive?" Velgrynd roared, her voice like molten rock. "We haven't even begun to show you our true strength!"

Veldora stared at them, his youthful exuberance fading. He hadn't meant to insult them, but their predictable attacks left him yearning for a challenge that forced him to utilize his full potential.

"Maybe not," he mumbled, his voice barely audible over the swirling vortex of fire and ice, "but I was expecting… more."

His words struck a nerve, a deep-seated insecurity buried within the hearts of the ancient dragons. They were the harbingers of destruction, the embodiments of raw power. Here, however, they were facing a hatchling, a newcomer who dismissed their attacks as mere child's play.

A primal rage surged through their veins, fueled by both the challenge and the perceived disrespect. They wouldn't reveal their full power just yet, not to this arrogant upstart. But they would show him a glimpse, a taste of their true might.

With a synchronized roar, Velzard and Velgrynd launched a combined assault. Velzard wove her icy breath into a swirling vortex, its edges crackling with a malevolent energy. Velgrynd channeled her flames into a concentrated beam, its heat so intense that the very air shimmered and distorted.

The combined attack bore down on Veldora, an unstoppable force of unimaginable power. The ground beneath him froze, the air around him crackled with superheated energy. This was a display of the immense power the True Dragons possessed, a force capable of leveling mountains and scorching the very sky.

Veldora, however, didn't flinch. Gone was the disappointment, replaced by a spark of pure, unadulterated excitement. This was the challenge he craved, a test that pushed him beyond his perceived limits. With a ferocious roar that echoed through the confined space, he unleashed his own attack.

A torrent of pure, radiant energy erupted from his sapphire scales, pushing back against the onslaught of ice and fire. It wasn't a precise attack, more of a raw outburst of power fueled by his newfound joy. Yet, the sheer force of it held back the combined might of his sisters.

For a moment, the two forces clashed in a dazzling display of power. Then, slowly but surely, the tide began to turn. Veldora's raw energy, honed by countless battles under Reinhard's tutelage, proved surprisingly effective against the more focused attacks of his sisters. The ice began to melt, the flames flickered and died.

Velzard and Velgrynd, their initial fury replaced by a growing sense of frustration, poured more power into their attack. The ground beneath Veldora turned to a sheet of glass, the air around him shimmered with an unbearable heat. His sapphire scales, though radiant, began to show signs of strain, glowing red hot as they absorbed the onslaught.

But Veldora held firm. This wasn't a test of endurance, not for him. He reveled in the pain, in the push and pull of raw power. He roared again, a sound that spoke of exhilaration rather than pain. The force of his roar pushed back against the combined breath attack, forcing it to recede.

Within the barrier, a stalemate had been reached. The two elder True Dragons, their expressions a mixture of anger and disbelief, watched as their younger brother, despite the obvious strain, continued to push back with a smile plastered across his face.

Unknown to Veldora, his sisters were experiencing a turmoil of emotions. Here they were, two of the most powerful beings in existence, struggling to contain a hatchling. Frustration gnawed at them, a sense of inadequacy they hadn't felt in millennia.

Yet, a part of them couldn't help but be impressed. This wasn't just raw power, not entirely. There was a skill, a control to Veldora's attacks, a product of his time with Reinhard. They wouldn't admit it aloud, but a grudging respect began to bloom amidst the frustration.

As the stalemate continued, a new question arose. How long could they maintain this display of power? Even with their immense reserves, the constant exertion was draining. And more importantly, what would they achieve by continuing?

A silent exchange passed between Velzard and Velgrynd, their icy and fiery gazes locking for a brief moment. They both knew it was time to end this… unconventional sparring session. With a synchronized snarl, they retracted their attacks, leaving Veldora panting but unbowed in the center of the scorched and frozen battlefield.

Veldora, still buzzing from the exhilarating exchange, watched with wide eyes as Velzard and Velgrynd transformed. Their auras blazed with an intensity that made the air crackle, a stark contrast to their previous display of power. A primal instinct, honed by countless battles under Reinhard's tutelage, sent a wave of unease crashing over him.

"I had enough, you brat" Velzard boomed, her voice echoing with a power that resonated through the very fabric of the expanded space. Icy tendrils erupted from her, shimmering with an ethereal glow, defying the laws of physics as they twisted and contorted, reaching for Veldora with an unnatural focus.

Velgrynd, mirroring her sister's transformation, roared, "Behave properly, Veldora!!" Flames erupted from her, coalescing into a concentrated orb of white-hot fire. However, this wasn't the destructive inferno of before, it pulsed with a terrifying serenity, as if holding the power to incinerate with absolute precision.

Veldora, his senses overwhelmed by the sheer power emanating from his sisters, felt a cold dread grip his heart. Unlike the attacks before, where he could anticipate their movements, these held a terrifying certainty. These weren't just enhanced versions of their previous attacks; these were infused with their Ultimate Skills, legendary stuff that rendered them absolute.

He could feel the frigid tendrils of Velzard's attack reaching for him, their touch promising a soul-crushing oblivion. The orb of fire in Velgrynd's grasp pulsed with an otherworldly heat, a promise of complete annihilation. Panic surged through him, drowning out his earlier exhilaration. He wasn't facing a challenge anymore; he was facing complete and utter destruction.

Abandoning his aggressive stance, Veldora twisted and turned, a blur of sapphire scales. His inexperience as a True Dragon screamed at him, urging him to fight back with all his might. However, the lessons learned from countless battles under Reinhard, the master of strategy, forced him to prioritize survival. This wasn't about pride or proving himself; this was about staying alive.

The playful sparring session had become a desperate dance, a frantic fight for his very existence. He pushed his newfound powers to their limits, dodging with a precision that belied his age. But with every near miss, with every brush with their absolute attacks, the terror gnawed at him. Could he even survive this dance for long? The question hung heavy in the air, unanswered amidst the swirling vortex of ice and fire.

Veldora twisted and weaved, a blur of sapphire scales against the onslaught of absolute power. Panic gnawed at him, but amidst the terror, a flicker of something else caught his eye. Through the swirling vortex of ice and fire, he glimpsed a flash of something cold, calculating – the emotionless expression of Reinhard watching from outside the barrier.

That single glance ignited a spark in Veldora's mind. All the grueling training, the countless battles under Reinhard's tutelage, flooded back into his consciousness. Lessons on strategy, on efficiency, on utilizing power with control and precision. He remembered Reinhard's words: "Strength is not just about brute force. It encompasses wisdom, control, and the ability to use your power for your 'own' good."

A grin ripped across Veldora's face, replacing the terror. He may be younger, less experienced than his formidable sisters, but he wasn't just some reckless hatchling. He was Veldora, student of the mightiest being in existence. He had the potential, the raw power that even surpassed his sisters.

With a deep breath, Veldora delved into the very core of his being, accessing the wellspring of magicules that resided within him. It was a vast, untapped reservoir, even exceeding his own understanding. Among all True Dragons, Veldora possessed the greatest reserves of magicules, a testament to his unique creation.

The moment he tapped into that power, the very atmosphere crackled. The air thrummed with an energy that equals the combined might of Velzard and Velgrynd's. Veldora's sapphire scales seemed to glow with an inner light, radiating a power that forced a surprised gasp from the watching Primordials.

From outside the barrier, even Reinhard's expression flickered with a hint of surprise. He knew Veldora was powerful, but the sheer magnitude of magicules emanating from the young True Dragon was staggering.

Within the barrier, Velzard and Velgrynd recoiled, their absolute attacks faltering under the unexpected pressure. The ice tendrils froze mid-air, the orb of fire dimmed in its intensity. Their faces, etched with absolute confidence moments ago, now held a flicker of dawning dread.

Veldora, now radiating with power, straightened his posture, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Seems like we need to even the playing field, wouldn't you agree, sisters?" His voice boomed with newfound confidence, echoing through the confined space.

The tide had turned. The playful spar, that had escalated into a desperate fight for survival, now stood poised on a precipice. Veldora, the young, inexperienced True Dragon, had tapped into his true potential, forcing his formidable sisters to confront a power they may not have anticipated. The battle was far from over, but the dynamic had shifted dramatically.

The air crackled with a different kind of tension now. Veldora, no longer a frantic blur of scales, stood tall in his human form, a mischievous glint in his eyes. His sapphire scales, once radiating raw power, shimmered with a subdued glow as he channeled his magicules with newfound control.

Velzard and Velgrynd, their initial shock morphing into a simmering anger, glared at their younger brother. The tables had turned, and they didn't like it. Their absolute attacks, the embodiment of their ultimate power, had faltered against the sheer magnitude of Veldora's magicules.

But underestimation was a luxury they couldn't afford. They knew Veldora was inexperienced, a hatchling still mastering his newfound power. This new confidence, this human form, spoke of a different kind of threat – a strategic approach honed under the tutelage of the mighty Reinhard.

Velzard unleashed a torrent of icy shards, each shard imbued with the power of Lord of Patience, Gabriel. Their movement wasn't haphazard this time, but precise, aimed to exploit the vulnerabilities of Veldora's smaller human form. Velgrynd mirrored her sister, launching a volley of condensed fireballs, each one a miniature inferno capable of melting steel.

Veldora, however, had anticipated their response. Drawing upon the lessons learned countless times under Reinhard, he weaved through the onslaught with an almost nonchalant grace. His smaller stature, once a disadvantage, now became his advantage. He ducked and twisted, his movements fluid and precise, dodging the deadly projectiles with an uncanny ease.

With a flourish, Veldora raised his hand, channeling his magicules. A shimmering barrier pulsed into existence around him, deflecting the remaining ice shards and fireballs. It wasn't the raw, brute force barrier he'd used before, but a focused shield, a testament to his growing control.

"Impressive," Velzard growled, a hint of grudging respect creeping into her voice. "But how long can you keep this up, hatchling?"

Veldora grinned, a playful glint in his eyes. "Long enough, sister," he retorted, his voice laced with amusement. "Besides, the real fun begins now."

With that, he launched into a series of hand-to-hand combat techniques, a deadly dance of precise movements and concentrated magicules. These weren't raw displays of power, but focused strikes honed to perfection. They were the techniques instilled in him by Reinhard, techniques designed to exploit weaknesses and bring down even the most formidable opponents.

Velzard and Velgrynd, used to overpowering their foes with sheer force, found themselves struggling. Veldora's attacks, though lacking the raw devastation of their own, were precise and relentless. They were forced on the defensive, their massive dragon forms a disadvantage in the close-quarters combat.

The once confident expressions of the elder sisters were replaced by a mixture of frustration and surprise. They were facing a new Veldora, a strategic fighter who understood the value of control and precision. He was proving to be a more challenging opponent than they had anticipated.

The battle raged on, a dazzling display of martial prowess and magical manipulation. Veldora, fueled by his newfound confidence and strategic thinking, held his own against his vastly more experienced sisters. The playful spar, intended to be a test of strength, had transformed into a showcase of skill and adaptation.

The outcome remained uncertain. Could Veldora, with his newfound control and human form, exploit the weaknesses of his formidable sisters? Or would Velzard and Velgrynd, forced to adapt to this unexpected style of combat, overpower their younger brother with their raw, destructive power? Only time would tell who would emerge victorious in this clash of strength, experience, and strategy.

The golden barrier pulsed with a frantic energy as the clash within reached its peak. Veldora, a whirlwind of human agility, dodged a swipe from Velzard's claw by a hair's breadth. A concentrated blast of fire from Velgrynd scorched the very air where his head had been moments ago. Frustration simmered on the faces of the elder dragons. This hatchling, this upstart, was proving to be a thorn in their side.

Just as Velzard and Velgrynd exchanged a glance, a silent communication passing between them, a chilling premonition washed over Veldora. His playful grin faltered. This wasn't just another attack – it felt different, ominous. The sisters raised their hands, their magicules swirling with an intensity that dwarfed anything they'd unleashed before.

A gasp escaped the watching Primordials. They recognized the telltale signs – Velzard and Velgrynd were about to unleash their ultimate trump card, a combined attack fueled by their very essence, a technique so devastating it could reshape entire landscapes.

But before the attack could coalesce, a chilling silence descended upon the space. The swirling magicules within the barrier faltered, like startled birds. A single word resonated through the confined space, a word that echoed with the weight of absolute authority.


The word didn't boom, it didn't roar. It emanated from the very air itself, a whisper that carried the force of a hurricane. The barrier, once shimmering with chaotic energy, solidified into a perfect sphere of golden light, the very air resonating with a subliminal hum.

Velzard and Velgrynd, their forms halfway through their transformation, froze mid-gesture. Their eyes widened in shock, their expressions a mixture of disbelief and a primal fear that resonated deep within their ancient souls. They had faced countless battles, defied countless gods, but nothing had ever instilled in them such a sense of absolute powerlessness.

With a flick of his wrist, still unseen outside the barrier, Reinhard dissolved the golden sphere. The silence shattered as it dissipated, replaced by the gasps and murmurs of the recovered Primordials. They had witnessed the unthinkable – the taming of True Dragons with a single word.

Veldora, panting slightly but otherwise unharmed, stared at the spot where the barrier had been. He felt a mixture of relief and awe. He had witnessed firsthand the true power of his mentor, the power that transcended brute force and raw magic – the power of absolute authority.

Reinhard stepped into the now open space, his golden eyes scanning the scene. He met the gazes of his aunts, a hint of amusement playing on his lips.

"Looks like someone overstepped their boundaries," he said, his voice mild yet carrying the weight of his immense power. "A friendly spar doesn't call for world-ending techniques, does it?"

Velzard and Velgrynd, their initial defiance replaced by a sheepish silence, bowed their heads in a gesture of submission. Even the proudest dragons knew when to yield in the face of overwhelming force.

Reinhard's gaze shifted to Veldora, a hint of pride flickering in his eyes. "Not bad, for a hatchling," he said, a faint smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "You've learned well."

Veldora puffed out his chest, a mischievous glint returning to his eyes. "Of course I have, Did you expect anything less from me? The Storm Dragon?"

The assembled Primordials watched in stunned silence as the master and student exchanged a playful banter. The display of unparalleled power, followed by the casual demeanor, cemented a single thought in their minds – the world had entered a new era, an era dominated by the enigmatic Reinhard.



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