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5.17% Deity of Destruction / Chapter 3: Flawless Victory

Capítulo 3: Flawless Victory

Please throw some stones.



"What is the meaning of this brother?! You had a child?!" Velgrynd shouted, she couldn't believe that her brother returned already carrying a son with him. She should've realized that Reinhard was actually the blob before but because of her love for Veldanava, her judgment was clouded. "Spectral Race? Terrifying… he's really taking this as his child? What is he thinking?" Ramiris murmured to herself taking glances at Reinhard who just raised his eyebrow.

Veldanava chuckled at their reaction as if he expected it. "L-Lord, is this some kind of test for us? T-Then we will do our best to finish it!" Feldway stuttered thinking that Veldanava was joking. There is no way they can easily accept this, especially when their first impression with Reinhard was far from good. He ignited an emotion within them that they rather not experience, it would be hard to accept him without an opinion.

"Hahaha, I understand your concerns however I am determined with my decision. There is no one that can disprove me otherwise. Reinhard here is my child and no matter what you say, I won't change my mind" Veldanava was quite fired up about this, he grabbed Reinhard and patted his head to show his affection. Sensing that Veldanava has no intention of backing away, Velgrynd could only click her tongue while stepping back. Velzard on the other hand had a different reaction, she dived into Reinhard's arms and then began embracing him.

"Oh, my cute nephew! Yes, your beauty is indeed close to brother. If you grew, you might even surpass him" She just appreciated him ignoring the instinctual fear of him. Reinhard was dumbfounded but so did the others who were watching. Velzard was really something else, perhaps she just poured the longingness that she felt from her missing brother to his child. The familial love is pouring out of Velzard's body, enough to blind even Velgrynd.

Reinhard started moving around trying to get out of Velzard's grip, because from the light novel, he knows very well how Velzard presents her love to her family. "Hm? Why are you trying to run? Your aunt still wanted to pour her love to you though? That can't be a good sign. It appears that you need some discipline!" Velzard spoke while smiling happily and before Reinhard could even react, he was already blasted away to a nearby mountain shattering that said mountain into bits.


Veldanava massaged his head at the show, "Eh? Brother… is he perhaps very weak?" Velgrynd asked, watching her sister being stunned. Veldanava shook his head, "That is not the case. Energy wise, then he is doubled compared to both of you combined. The problem is… he was just born 5 minutes ago!" Velgrynd's face paled up as she sped up to the place where he was dusted. She believed that Velzard was going too far with that, and family kind should be treated with proper care. "H-Hey, are you okay?!" Velgrynd shouted, jumping beside him.

She took a closer look and saw that there was no visible damage to his body. Even his suit was not blemished by the attack. Velgrynd herself admits that receiving that attack would damage her but her nephew took it without problem! "What was that…?" Reinhard muttered squinting his eyes, he really disliked what just happened. Although he expected it, it was still displeasing. "Please bear with your aunt. That is just the way she shows her affection" Velgrynd hurriedly explained to him while shielding him against the incoming Velzard.

Velzard appeared as she analyzed Reinhard. She was relieved inside that he has no wound but was displeased by the glare he was giving her. "Ohoh? You still dare to rebel against your lovely aunt? That cannot be. I'll need to fix that attitude" Velzard descended as she clicked her tongue towards Velgrynd. "Get out of the way dear sister, I would not like it if you were injured in the process of disciplining our nephew. Or did you perhaps also miss my love?" Velzard gave a small smile, warning Velgrynd.

"Shut up! I won't let you harm brother's child!" Velgrynd barked back showing no signs of backing down. And while they were confronting each other, Veldanava and the others were discussing the show. "V-Veldanava, are you sure that you should let them be? Your child might die at this rate" Ramiris spoke of her concern to Veldanava who was admiring the three monuments floating in his hand. He minimized the size since it would disturb the others.

Veldanava chuckled hearing that, "This would be a good first fight for him. Besides, I doubt that he would die. His body is sturdier than any of them. His race is a bug you see?" he shook his head disregarding her concern. The only weakness Reinhard has is magic but that is hardly a problem considering that he has absolute 90% resistance against it. Primitive Magic is included in that resistance.

Ramiris tilted her head but analyzed Reinhard's physical body, she shuddered from fear of what she discovered. "I-Is this real?! What kind of monster is he!?" She shouted pointing at Reinhard who already stood up and patted the dust from his body. It appears that he was ready to face Velzard and there was no more panic on his face.

"Weapon… weapon, I need one" Reinhard muttered immediately, turning his gaze at the monument; however he quickly destroyed that idea. He believed that it won't even be a fight if he dares to bring that thing out. Only true and undoubted death shall become the conclusion of such action. 'Raphael, form me a spear' he thought as the skill swiftly went to action.

«Understood. Implementing excessive magicules to form a spear similar to your Longinuslanze Testament»

Reinhard was satisfied hearing that. Raphael was quick on her hands as the spear immediately materialized within his grip. He took a closer look at it, realizing that the conjured spear was equivalent to God Class. Enough to cause significant damage against True Dragons. He slowly began walking to the two with grace. Each of his steps seemed to represent a concept of gracefulness. Nothing could hinder his path for all bellowed under his aura.

"Hahahahahahahaha.." Reinhard laughed like a madman yet his mere laughter appears to have some seduction added from how beautiful it was. "I understand both presentations of your love, dear aunts. Unfortunate as it may be, your love cannot be compared to mine… for my love is nothing but pure. It is the epitome of love, the love that treats all things equally." Despite coming from Earth, his mind was already getting influenced by the original Reinhard. This path he is weaving is dangerous, towards the world even. But that does not matter anymore.

"Now, let's step up to the calling!" Reinhard shouted before stepping in the ground moving at the speed of light. He reappeared between the two sisters and lightly swung his spear to them.


Because the two were mesmerized by Reinhard moments ago leaving them open. Reinhard's attack was successfully received by the two blasting them away. "I shall give you the honor to experience my love. It would be the most delightful event of your life. Fear not of darkness but love instead" Reinhard smiled taking a small step back, narrowly avoiding the claws of his aunts that returned to pay back. Within millisecond, he gazed at both of them before smiling. "Perfect" he muttered, thrusting his spear at Velzard. The spear's tip suddenly brightened before a beam of light gushed out blighting her away.

Because he prioritized Velzard, Reinhard could not avoid the second claw that Velgrynd threw. His body was sunked into the ground as the pressure of it threatened to destroy him… or that's what Velgrynd thought. "I would like to congratulate you for finding out one of my traits. Have you realized by now, dear aunt?" Reinhard asked, getting out of the crater before floating in the sky by stepping in the air. Normally illogical but with his body, fairly natural.

Velgrynd narrowed her eyes at the cheeky nephew of hers. She just wanted to help him but to think he would salvage her instead. That really infuriated the Scorch Dragon enough that she wanted to discipline him too. But from the look of it, that seemed to be a difficult task. She took a look at Velzard and spotted her grasping her shoulder. Upon closer inspection, it was verified that the beam of light did manage to burrow deep into Velzard's flesh.

'That is really bad. The pain must be excruciating' Velgrynd thought but she focused more on the problem at hand. She was absolutely sure that she pushed at least half of her strength into that claw yet this nephew of hers not only managed to get out unscathed but also spoke some complex words. 'Does he have immunity to physical attacks? Even if he does, it won't work against us since True Dragons are absolute in everything. We are the peak of existence, bypassing physical immunity is natural for us… so how?' she began thinking.

Reinhard who gazed at her was disappointed. "I see, even with the evidence boldly revealed at your face, your delicate ego still cannot accept a factual truth. I wept at your discomfort and if it may convince you, please start attacking again" he said, opening his hand at Velgrynd gesturing her to continue. Velzard reappeared beside Velgrynd as she glared at Reinhard. "That hurts you know? Like a lot! I admit that I underestimated you but do you really need to peel off my flesh? It was troublesome" she complained to Reinhard.

"Is that so? Then I apologize, I failed to recognize how low a True Dragon can be. It was to my failure that I caused you some pain, dear aunt. Perhaps limiting my strength furthermore would be appealing to the world" he said while smiling bitterly. His words caused some psychological damage to the two though. Their pride was deeply gouged and it became a good source of anger for them. "You've gotten really cheeky now! We will teach you a proper lesson you will never forget!" Velgrynd shouted as the two dashed towards Reinhard.

It might be unfair but they are determined to punish him for his insolence. "Very well, you are permitted to become my adversary. As a handicap, I will inform you that my body is devoid of Laws that rule the world. Attacks coming from a physical angle would be of no effect. Energy is just an independent variable and temperature induced breaths are useless. Keep that in mind" Now Velgrynd and Velzard lost all interest in conversing. They believed that continuing would only lead to loss of brain cells. But they still kept in mind the note that Reinhard gave them. Absurd as it may be, they have no choice but to reluctantly accept it.

The battle of the three started under the eyes of various creatures wanting to witness the debut of this proclaimed son of Veldanava.





The battle lasted for a whole week and the effect on the surroundings was far from good. It was so bad that Ramiris kept nagging Veldanava to stop the fight already as barren lands might really appear at this point. No, such lands were already created. Ramiris is just looking for an excuse to please her mind and keep her away from the fight. She felt a huge headache thinking of her cleaning the battlefield after the fight.

Veldanava was also contemplating whether to stop this or just let them rampart. Based on what he witnessed, Reinhard was already getting used to his abilities and it wouldn't be long before he could fully crush the two. During the first few days of the fight Veldanava can still sense Reinhard using Raphael to help him navigate the fight but the longer it keeps, the more insane Reinhard is becoming. And now after 7 days, Raphael has become a decoration that couldn't help Reinhard anymore. The only use she has left is keeping Reinhard's aura from spreading, lessening the chance of causing permanent damage to the surroundings.

Her calculations are having a hard time controlling Reinhard's aura as it was in turmoil. Always unpredictable and no signs of proper path. Sometimes it would rampage, and other times would become gentle poison. As far as Veldanava is aware, Reinhard is only using Velgrynd and Velzard as a way to experience unpredictable fights. He is obviously stronger than them at the beginning, experience was his only disadvantage.

"Are you really not gonna stop it?! My work is piling up!" Ramiris shouted at Veldanava who chuckled in amusement. "Don't worry, it will end soon" he said, waving his hands in dismissal. Ramiris became even more pissed at that statement, "You said that a few days ago! Look what happened!" She grumbled about Veldanava's unfair decision. In Ramiris' mind, Veldanava should have thrown the three away far in the space to avoid casualties but now everything in sight is just plain hell.

The earth melted and most of it turned glass from the Dragon Breaths that the two girls blasted throughout the fight. There was an unending fire that cannot be put out because of the characteristics of their Breath. Smoke was rising from the ground while ashes floated in the air. The climate also kept changing, from hellish heat, terrifying blizzards and disastrous storms. The earth is slowly dying and Ramiris is groaning from the thought of cleaning things up.

"Hahaha, I am serious this time. It appears that Reinhard has finished packing and learning his abilities. He should be fixing things soon" Veldanava laughed as he patted the head of Ramiris. Just like he said, the battle of the two flying dragons against a single Spectral is reaching its climax.

"What seems to be the problem, dear aunts? It appears that both of you are slowing down" Reinhard taunted the two who just spat another Dragon Breath at him. Unlike the first few days of the fight, Reinhard is not afraid of the breath anymore. He can now fully utilize the benefits of his body. Law of Thermodynamics? Thrown out the window. Law of Friction? Law of Motion? Conservation of Energy? Not for him.

Reinhard lightly deflected the breaths with his arm as they changed in directions. "Come on, I have already experienced every fight in here. Is this what they called Deja vu? This cursed Foreknowledge sure is pissing me off. Surely there is a better way for you to attack me right? Dragon Breath doesn't work on me. Your Ultimate Skills are far too untrained to handle me. No attacks of you worked on me anymore" As Reinhard stated, there is literally nothing the two could do at this point. Their trump cards were easily nullified by Reinhard and they are just resorting to brute strength that doesn't even work.

"Curse you! We will make sure that you at least suffer pain!" Velgrynd shouted maneuvering in the air. Both her and Velzard already took their dragon forms long ago. It was hard for them to fight him with human form because of how broken his body is. "Hah, do better. I will now put an end to this!" Reinhard declared brandishing his spear. It may be a replica but it still holds close value to the original.

Golden light overflowed as a galaxy itself was compressed within the spear on Reinhard's hand. He pointed the spear at the two and smiled, "This victory is flawless. Here I come. Take this" he said with the last trigger.


The spear flew, surpassing the speed of light as it skewered the two True Dragons directly at their cores. The two could not even react before the attack ended their life. Fortunately for the two, Reinhard wasn't using his real Holy Relic, if he did then any chance of them being reborn would be null.

"My victory is definite… after all my love is always above"

With this, the battle of 3 powerhouse has come to an end. The winner held his peace for 300 years before the reincarnation of his troublesome aunts.



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