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39.13% Fantasy May Cry: The Red Demon / Chapter 9: I hate bad luck...

Capítulo 9: I hate bad luck...

"Congratulations, you've reached Rank E!" Elisa said with a smile. I sighed and replied, "Finally... Damn, how do I get to D-rank quickly? I want to do this fast."

Elisa responded, "Missions, that's the only way." I groaned in frustration and asked, "Hey, Elisa, don't you have some harder missions or something?"

Elisa sighed and shrugged her shoulders. "Unfortunately, there aren't many challenging missions available at the moment. I'm sorry to disappoint you, Dante."

I nodded, understanding her dilemma. "Well, give me another mission, at least the most difficult one for Rank E..."

Elisa nodded. "The most difficult mission for Rank E is to venture into the Red Zone of the city. Your task is to stop some low-rank terrorists. Are you interested?"


"Something is better than nothing," I said with a smile. My bracelet vibrated, and I glanced at the notification.

[Terrorist Takedown:

Capture or eliminate members of a recognized terrorist group operating in the Red Zone of the city. Destroy all evidence and resources related to their activities.]


"Hey, Elisa, I'm curious," I began. "How does the guild obtain this kind of information before the authorities do?"

Elisa answered, "We have a network of informants throughout the city who provide us with this intelligence."

Ah... Well, it's a bit strange, but okay. I guess it's part of the job, and I don't need to involve myself in those details.

"Well, bye! I'm off to the mission!" I said, waving goodbye and leaving the guild hall.


Night had fallen, and the moon illuminated the city of Lunaria. I sat on the ledge of a building, enjoying a slice of pizza, my eyes scanning the surroundings. In the distance, I spotted a dilapidated building—my target location. So, terrorists, huh...

This should be easy...

I jumped down from the ledge, landing quietly in a nearby alley. Fortunately, I didn't make much noise. I approached the back door and tried the handle, but it was locked. I applied a bit more force, and the handle broke, allowing me to open the door. Well, at least it's open now.

I entered the building, and the darkness enveloped me. To navigate the shadowy interior, I infused my eyes with demonic energy, enhancing my vision and allowing me to see clearly in the low light. 

{You have unlocked: Demonic Vision!}

Great, a new ability.

I walked further into the building, passing dusty boxes piled in corners. This is the right location, right...?

I continued down a hallway, the moonlight streaming through some windows. Suddenly, a noise made me stop in my tracks. I squinted, trying to peer into the darkness, but saw nothing.

As I resumed walking, I reached the end of the hallway and peered out. Holy...

There were people dressed in dark robes, standing around a large five-pointed circle drawn on the floor. It appeared to be some sort of demonic invocation ritual. Suddenly, the crimson circle began to glow, and a surge of crimson energy rose towards the ceiling, filling the room with an intense aura. What the hell...?

The energy subsided, and a figure appeared in the circle—a man with gray hair and a brown robe. His crimson eyes fixed on me, and suddenly I felt a presence behind me. Damn... How did I not sense that?!

"Stop..." A female voice spoke from behind me. I raised my hands and said, "Ah... I just came to deliver some... fast food?"

"Come in..." the woman said, her voice commanding. I stepped into the room, and the robed figures turned to look at me, as did the gray-haired man.

"My lord, look what I found..." the woman said, addressing the gray-haired man. Damn it... I had walked into something dangerous, hadn't I? God... Why am I even saying this? It's fucking obvious...

The woman knelt before the gray-haired man, her voice filled with reverence. "Welcome, Prince Nazareth..." she said, her tone conveying deep respect for the demon prince.

The gray-haired man, Prince Nazareth, looked at me with a hint of curiosity and amusement. "Oh... But who do we have here...?" he asked, his voice carrying an air of authority.

"Haha... I'm just a fast-food delivery guy..." I said, forcing a nervous smile. 

Prince Nazareth turned his attention to the woman, and said, "My servant... Caeris... It has been a while..." His tone was soft and carried a hint of familiarity.

I couldn't help but notice the woman, Caeris. Her hair was as black as night, and she wore a dark purple tunic that accentuated her curves. Damn... she had a tremendous ass... 

Wait... Calm down, Dante... Carnal thoughts can wait for another day. Besides, I'm only 15 years old...

"Prince Nazareth, here is your servant..." Caeris said, her voice filled with reverence.

I had expected demons to have a more monstrous appearance, with horns and crimson skin. I was a little disappointed, but perhaps this was their human form.

"My dear Caeris... We are inside, correct...?" Prince Nazareth asked, his voice soft and calm.

"Yes, master..." Caeris replied.

I looked in a direction and spotted a disturbing sight. A person dressed in a black suit lay on the ground a short distance away, their headless body next to a bloodied sword. Nearby, there were others who had met a similar fate. These must have been the terrorists...What bad luck... and there goes my money... 

I sighed, feeling conflicted. "my mission..."

One of the robed figures who had been performing the ritual earlier shouted at me, "Uncivilized bastard—." Without hesitation, I materialized Ebony and shot him in the forehead. No questions asked, these guys were obviously up to no good.

"Well... I guess I'll be a demon hunter for a while!" I said with a smile, ready to take on whatever came my way.

I saw a fist coming at me, mere centimeters from my face. I dodged swiftly and kneed her in the stomach, sending her flying backward. However, she quickly stabilized in mid-air and landed on her feet. Shit... Her skin is tough...

The gray-haired man, Prince Nazareth, commented, "Oh... Not bad..."

Without hesitation, I began firing at the robed figures, taking them all down. I dodged an attack from the woman and shot her multiple times in the chest, causing her to fly like a rocket towards the wall. The impact created a massive crack in the wall, and she fell to the ground. But in an instant, she disappeared like a blur, and I felt a powerful blow to my chest.

I flew backward, crashing through the wall and landing in the hallway of the building. Damn...

That hurt...

The air was thick with dust where she had been standing.

I stood up, smiling nervously. "Seems like it's time to get serious, right...?"

I put away my pistols, and Rebellion appeared in my hand. I swung the sword, dispersing the dust, and said, "I will kill you, bitch..."

A sense of unease washed over me, and I scanned the walls and floor, searching for any signs of danger. Although I couldn't see anything amiss, I felt a lingering presence.

I activated my demonic vision, and my eyes widened at the sight before me. "Damn..." Red five-pointed circles adorned every surface—the walls, ceiling, and floor. They were everywhere, probably throughout the entire building.

It seems these circles appeared when Prince Nazareth showed up...

I sighed, steeling myself for the battle ahead. "Well... Looks like I'll have to get serious!"

I tightened my grip on Rebellion, infusing it with demonic energy. The sword began to glow with a bright red aura. "Try to stop this!" I shouted, utilizing the Triple Dash ability to close the distance in the blink of an eye. I swung Rebellion, slicing her chest and drawing blood. I noticed the torn fabric of the black suit, partially revealing a hint of pink skin. "Oh, some nippl--"

Before I could finish, she struck me in the face, sending me flying. I crashed into the wall, feeling the impact on my teeth. But even as I stood there, I felt them beginning to regenerate.

"My lord! Allow me to use my full power to eliminate this uncivilized, stinking creature!" the woman shouted, her face red with anger.

Prince Nazareth replied, "I'll allow it... Don't worry, no one will know what transpires here..."

So these circles on the walls can conceal our energy? If that's true...

Suddenly, a dark red energy erupted from the woman like a volcano. Ah... I'm screwed...

A blow to my chest sent me flying once more, and I went through the wall. I thought I would exit the building, but something stopped me. I turned to see an ethereal red wall blocking my path. Damn...

The woman had transformed. Crimson tattoos covered her body, and she seemed taller and more muscular. She even had a crimson halo above her head. What the hell... that doesn't belong to the angels or something...?

I shook my head, stood up, and said, "Damn... That really hurt... Haha..."

Suddenly, I was sent flying again, crashing into the ceiling. Damn... This shit hurts...

I landed on the ground, my back bleeding. I quickly began to heal, knowing that I had to stay in the fight. This bitch... She's strong...

"Haha... Could you at least let me catch my breath...?" I asked, still maintaining my smile.

She appeared in front of me in an instant and struck me in the stomach. "No..." she whispered in my ear, and I went flying again, crashing through another wall. Shit... My head hurts...

I needed a way to escape or turn the battle in my favor. I was running out of options...

System... Orbs...

{ORBS: 32,230



Shit... It's not enough...

Just 3,000 more orbs...

I got up, my body aching.

Calm down... Think... You need to strategize... I'm not going to die here, at least not without a fight. I want to go out in an epic battle against cosmic beings or something like that...

I closed my eyes, channeling my demonic energy throughout my body. I was going to tap into all the potential of the Trickster.

I exhaled slowly and murmured, "Good... Now you'll see how a demon hunter takes down his prey..."

I charged towards the woman, who also rushed towards me. I kept my eyes locked on her.

I dashed forward with a Triple Dash, appearing in front of the demoness in the blink of an eye. I dodged her powerful blow, which created a sonic boom that destroyed the wall behind her. With Rebellion infused with demonic energy, I swiftly slashed her back, sending blood spraying through the air. She fell to the ground, but I remained vigilant, crouching just in time to avoid a kick that seemed like an afterimage.

In a swift counterattack, I kicked the demoness's leg with all my might, propelling her into the air. Without hesitation, I gripped Rebellion tightly, infusing it with demonic energy. With a powerful thrust, I stabbed her in the chest, impaling her to the ground. The force of the blow caused the ground to crack and shatter into huge pieces.

I channeled demonic energy into my leg and delivered a powerful kick to the demoness's head. The force of the blow caused her head to slam into the ground, creating a large crater.

However, the demoness attempted to escape. She tried to destroy Rebellion, but my sword remained unscathed. Suddenly, I was hit from behind, and Rebellion slipped from my grasp. Shit!! Rebellion!!

As I fell to the ground, I watched in disbelief as the demon woman stood up, the sword no longer impaled in her chest. I turned my gaze to Nazareth, my eyes narrowing. That son of a... I thought, realizing he had removed the sword.

I looked up and saw the gray-haired demon, Nazareth. "What an exceptional sword," he said. "I'll give it back to you..."

In a swift motion, Nazareth threw my sword, Rebellion, with incredible force. I felt a searing pain as if I had been impaled on a wall.


I stared at Rebellion, my sword, now impaled in my chest. "What the fuck... my own sword..." I muttered, my voice laced with disbelief and pain.

I had never felt such intense pain. My blood felt like it was boiling and burning uncontrollably. I felt dizzy and disoriented.


"Don't f...fuck..." I muttered, my vision going black.


"Shit..." I muttered, opening my eyes to find myself in an unfamiliar place. I was lying on the ground, gazing up at the blue sky. Where the hell am I!?!" I exclaimed, touching my head in confusion. I only remembered the intense battle with the demons and being impaled...

"Ah, come on!! Why the hell did they have to empale me with my fucking sword!?!" I screamed in frustration. I sighed and looked around, but something strange was happening. The ground began to shake, and a table-like structure emerged from the sand. I approached it and saw two crystals, one red and one blue.



"What do I do now...?" I mumbled, unsure of my next move.

I was faced with a choice between the two crystals, or so I believed. However, to my surprise, the crystals began to float in the air and swiftly merged together, creating a new, unified crystal.

A bright red crystal formed in the air, and I reached out to grab it. However, the crystal flew upwards, and suddenly, monsters—or rather, demons—began to emerge from the sand.

White spiders with numerous legs, beings wielding dark scythes, and a creature with raven wings on its back carrying a massive ax appeared before me. Damn...

Ah... Do I have any weapons, or will I have to fight with my fists...?

Just then, a sword descended from the sky and embedded itself in the sand. Above the sword, words appeared in an unknown language, but I could understand them.

"Prove your worth, heir to Sparda..." I said, smiling at the challenge.

I grabbed the sword and held it at the ready. "Looks like I'll have to take out the trash~"

{Complete Sparda's trials and unlock the full potential of your inheritance!}

The sword felt familiar, emitting an intriguing aura. It resembled a typical medieval sword, but I could sense its power.

I surveyed the demons roaring and approaching me. I tightened my grip on the sword and shouted, "LET'S ROCK!!"

With agility and precision, I leaped into the fray. I dodged the swing of a scythe and impaled its wielder with my sword. I swiftly cut down another demon, and it turned to sand and vanished. I crouched low, avoiding the demon with raven wings, and jumped towards it, slicing it in half with a powerful blow. It, too, disappeared into nothingness as it fell to the ground.

I sighed in relief. "Well! I think there are more to come, right?"

Suddenly, huge structures emerged from the sand and floated into the sky. I looked up and exclaimed, "now I have to play a platform game?"

Smiling, I added, "Well, I don't think it'll be that bad..."

I ran towards the nearest structure and climbed onto a platform, infusing my legs with demonic energy. With a powerful jump, I propelled myself into the air and landed on a platform high above the ground. I surveyed my surroundings and said, "Damn..."

Dozens of demons in dark robes and wielding scythes stared at me. I smiled and said, "Well, I guess I'll have to be a bit more...cutthroat with them..." God... what a terrible joke...

I leaped towards them, sword at the ready.

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