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87.75% [QT.BL] Phoenix Interrupted / Chapter 42: 1st World A/O/B: 30

Capítulo 42: 1st World A/O/B: 30


The Chef x The Movie Emperor 






Luna Bellflower



Nix's Party's P.O.V.: 





  "Good morning, Mama Phoenix, it is time for me to wake you so that you can get ready for the day. I wanted to let you sleep longer but I did as you asked and woke you now." The sweet voice of my cute little phoenix-dragon who is also my best friend and ironically enough my "system" rang out as he nudged his cheek against my own. 


  I slowly opened my heavy eye lids and tried to take in Solaris as my vision slowly cleared from the blurriness of a waking up. "Good morning my baby, sleep alright?" I ask in a voice still deep and rough from a long night's restful sleep. I could not help but smile as he slightly blushed and berried his head in my neck.


 "Aww, my baby is so cute when he gets all bashful." I really couldn't stop myself from teasing him. This only caused my baby phoenix-dragon blush even more. It was a sight to be hold watching as his pearl and opal scales turned pink and then a stunning opalescent red.


  I decided to take mercy on the poor little fella and stopped teasing him. I'll make sure to apologize to him, right in a moment, for now I want to wait a tic. Solaris just tried to bury his head while looking up at me through his long, lush lashes. His eyes were enlarged and dewy, making them sparkle like fireflies dancing in an open field on a moonless summer night. He had tried to bury his head under the covers but had pitifully failed to do so. The end result was a corner of the blanket draping over his snout.


 'Damn that little stinker can get away with anything when he looks at me like that, good thing he hasn't realized it yet. But even if he has, he is a good boy, would not ever use that knowledge to intentionally manipulate me.'


  'Nope, never, ever…' I could not contain my amusement any longer and broke out in full on guffawing belly laughs. That was, most likely, the best joke I have ever made, and that is say something.


  It is not that I do not trust Solaris nor feel that he is anything but the precious "good boy" that he is. I am neither naive nor stupid, unlike what people may or may not think. I mean really, who and what would actually believe that a child would not use their cuteness to manipulate people, so the child gets what it wants? It only gets worse as the child grows up too. Hence why it is important to instill proper your children good, positive manors starting from an early age, least the multiverse be completely filled with self-centered/entitled brats.


 I arose from the bed, stretched, and prepared to do my morning workout. My set morning workout was nothing fancy, just simple aerobics and hybrid calisthenics work out, that can be done anywhere and with no equipment. It that consists of a mixture of Tai Chi, Yoga, Pilates and a few other calisthenics. I hate the aerobics part, but I always feel awful if I do not do them.


-Nix: -(・´з`・) … - "Maybe I should start lifting weights… I mean I will never achieve the bigger muscles I desire if I don't increase the weight, I use in order to work the muscles. Then again, even when I do there is no improvement! Why? It is like this in every world, am I just destined to have a lithe, tight, toned muscular build?" I whined out loud just thinking about it.


-Solaris: -(ಠ_ಠ) … - "Mama Phoenix, you realize you are being incredibly insensitive. There are countless people in not just this world but multiple worlds that would give an arm and a leg ( a lot) in order to have the body composition you have, not even including the benefits you now get from me. It is wise to not poke and agitate karma. Be thankful for what you do have. Besides, whoever said you can't have the body of your dreams? That should be annoyingly easy for you!" Solaris could not hide the discontent and sneer in his tone.


-Nix:-( >﹏<.) … - "I honestly did not mean to come off that way, I realize that I am lucky to be able to have my body in peak condition for the shells I inhabit in every world but that does not take away from my frustrations or longing for the body I crave.

 I be more mindful of what I say but also try to remember that as my best friend I should be able to vent to you and be honest with you about my feelings. You are the only one who I can be myself with. Wait, what makes you say it would be easy for me to achieve? I have worked hard to achieve it for the last ten worlds and never once came close to getting the body I crave and need."


-Solaris: -(¬‿¬ ) … - "Oh, that is because you have just been going about it the wrong way. I know that we are best friends and I want you to always know and feel comfortable telling me anything and everything. I will always be here for you and care about you unconditionally. I love you and that won't change Mama Nix! But... it is also part of my job as your best friend to keep you grounded and help you continue to heal, learn and grow, just as you do the same for me!"


-Nix: -(θ‿θ) … - "Do you really think so? Hmm, then how so?"


-Solaris: -b(~_^)d … - "Easily, just get a man, or two or even three, that has the body you crave so much. In fact, it should be even easier to achieve it in this world. Then you will finally have the large muscular, manly *cough, alpha, cough* physique you desire so much."


-Nix: -(눈‸눈) … - "Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny Solaris, you know that is not what I meant. Also, how in the galaxies do you expect me to have a lover let alone more than one when you know about my trauma. Besides, my barely there "sex drive" has returned and only in the last world was it even enough for me to rise to it, physically and be able to take care of it. Hell, it is only this life I am able to actually masturbate and that is usually only to relieve my morning wand."


-Solaris: - … ᚍ〣( º ﹏º )〣ᚍ … - "…"


-Nix: - ... \(º □ º l|l)/ ... - "Even if I did find an alpha to be with in this life, I seriously do not see that happening, one alpha alone is a ton of work, sexually. More than one alpha lover or mate would be impossible for a broken person like me to be able to satisfy.

 ... (-ཻ _ -ཻ ) ... Even if I am a dominant omega no one wants a broken omega, with no sex drive and who cannot enjoy sex due to the pain. Are we even sure I can go into heat in this world? Even in the past A.O.B. worlds I was unable to thanks to being so broken from all my trauma.

 Abusers will not care if I only feel pain the whole time but a mate and even a lover is a whole other entity. Why do you keep pushing it when you know all this? It only makes it harder on me, I am all too aware of how dirty and broken I am.

 ... (|||❛︵❛.) *sniff, sniff* ... Why should I allow myself to have even a tiny amount of hope to find a significant other when no one will ever want me and even when they do it will turn to disgust when they find out the truth about me."


-Solaris: - ... Σ(°Д°;≡;°д°) ... - "Mama, you are not dirty! You may be broken but you can and will heal. You are and even have been slowly healing. Your soulmate is out there, and they will always love you, in every way, every life, every form, dirty, clean, broken or even brand new. They love you for you. They are in love with your soul not the physical form you take. 

 ... |・ω・)ノ ... _| ̄|○ ...|・ω・)ノ ... Please, I beg you Mama, don't look down on yourself so much.

 ... (╥_╥) ... You are a good soul, neither inherently good nor evil. You have a wonderful balance of light and dark in you, allowing you to do be well rounded. It also gives you the ability to see things from multiple sides or viewpoints. Your soulmate is a very lucky soul who is blessed to be allowed to be your soulmate and love you. Please have faith in them to love you unconditionally and for them to find, protect and nurture you, Mama Phoenix."


-Nix: - ... (ד ྊ ד ) ... - "How do you know for sure?" – I asked, voice trembling.


-Solaris: - ... (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ ... - thought about how to answer – "Because I can see the red string of fate that binds you to your soulmate, I cannot tell you who they are, nor can I give you any information on them. However, I can tell you that y'all have been bound since before you lost your memories. The same forces that locked you away are the same that conspire to keep y'all apart. I do not have the answers as to why, yet, but it is something I have been tasked to find out why. Please Mama, trust me, even though I cannot tell you more." – by the end his voice was cracking, and his eyes were glassy, with unshed tears.


 I was not sure what to say. Everything he said makes sense, but I can't make the negative voices and all the memories of my past verbal, mental, physical and sexual abuse flooded my mind. I took several deep calming breaths to stop myself from spiraling into full flashbacks. I am determined not, to allow my demons to rear their ugly heads today.

 I focused on a spot on the wall, while I touched my desk and chair as a way to ground myself in the here and now. It took a few minutes, but I was able to come back. I couldn't speak due to the large knot in my throat, so I just swallowed and nodded my head, to show my recognition of the validity of what he said as well as my tacit agreement to not just have faith in what he said but to try to be better about how I see and treat myself. 

  Solaris is correct, I need to treat myself better. If I keep treating myself like trash than others will always treat me as such as well. I do not know if this life truly has, a soulmate waiting for me but maybe, just maybe Solaris is correct, and they will love me regardless of how dirty and broken I am. Well, I guess I should not say that I am dirty since this body is still a virgin, but how I am ever to clean the black, putrid stains from my soul that was inflicted upon me all those god forsaken years I was imprisoned in that Nth level of hell!

  Maybe, I can handle a significant other or soulmate in this life or even the ones to come if they truly do love me unconditionally. It is not like I am incapable of allowing someone close to me, after all I did allow Draco to get close to me. But he is a special case, he never once judged me and remained a steady rock and constant pillar of strength and light in my life from the day we first met until the time he took his last breath. Who am I kidding, he still is. I wonder if I can find someone like him again, even just as a friend.

  'How wonderful would it be to have a lover who treats me even half as good as Draco always did. Too bad we could not have been soulmates; it would have made things so much easier. Maybe then this overwhelming suffocating tightness in my chest, caused by the thought of Draco faithfully awaiting his soulmate, would ease up. Why does it even bother me so much? I honestly want nothing but happiness for him no matter where he is. Yet, I cannot help but feel greedy and wish for him to remain solely devoted to me like he had been. Ha, it is not my place to desire his devotion as anything more than a friend and even then, I don't deserve that much. I really was an awful friend. I will definitely strive to be a better friend in this life and the lifetimes to come.'

  I thankfully did not realize that I forgot to block that private thought from Solaris, nor did I notice the look on his face or the flash in his eyes when I thought of all that. If I had then maybe it would have given me a sign that I desperately needed and would benefit from. Instead, I was lost in my own whirlwind of thoughts as I processed that I am truly not a good person, but I want to be.

  Well, it is time to get my butt in gear and workout because if I want to make positive changes within myself then it starts with doing something. Just wishing for something won't help one to achieve their wish(es). As a certain person used to say, "wish in one hand and shit in the other, and see which one fills up quicker." As crude as that saying is, it rings true. So, with this in mind I go up and focused as I began my morning workout. 


  Upon completing my morning workout, I sauntered off to the bathroom to take my morning steam shower. The shower in my en suite bathroom may not be large, it is enough to fit two adults intimately, but it was luxurious. There are few things better then starting my day by relaxing both my body and mind in my hot steam shower with full body jet massage system. Not to mention the rain shower, waterfall, and handheld shower wand, they are all amazing.


  That shower makes one feel as if they had never been truly clean before. I have lived in a varying range of time in numerous, I lost count, worlds I have been to and even in the most advanced worlds and times I have never experienced a cleaner feeling. I have discovered that there were places I never realized could or even should be cleaned. No, I am not sure how I will ever be able to go back from this! That said, I will find a way to get me one of these bad boys in The Nursery!


  "I will not leave this world without one… probably… no I definitely will leave with one. I have to think positively as well as make it happen, somehow." I spoke it into existence, so it should come true now. If that does not work at least I know Solaris heard me loud and clear so he can make it happen. After all, Solaris loves this shower as much as I do, though we may need a bigger one for when he gets bigger. I am not sure just how big but dragons a really big, or so Solaris says.

  I turned and gave an ambitious and blinding smile at Solaris who had finally sat back up straight. It is not that I sought to manipulate the little phoenix-dragon. Really, I did not, but I started to doubt and then became sure that is how it appeared when Solaris responded to look I gave him.

  The little phoenix-dragon tilted his head to the left with the cutest perplexed look on his face. "Mama Phoenix, why do you look and smile at me like a 9-tail fox? It makes my feathers stand up and shiver…" Solaris said in the most innocent and sweet tone with a face to match. I thought I saw something flash in his eyes, but it was gone so quickly I could not be sure. 

 I could feel my face, ears and neck heat up; certain, I looked like a ripe strawberry. I was so embarrassed that I ran straight for the en suite bathroom while yelling without looking back. "Come on Solaris let's go wash up. We have a big and long day ahead of us and we are already running a bit behind schedule." 

  Stepping into the shower stall I decided not to think about anything for the moment. For now, all I want to do is clear my mind and center myself to prepare for the joys and stress that today would bring. I used to meditate right after relieving my blader and right before my morning work out every day, but I now do it in the shower. It allows me to relieve more than just my blader, along with washing clean and having my body relaxed and ready for the day in a way that I have never been able to achieve before.



  After an hour-long shower I hoped out, toweled off then followed up with my morning skin care routine. After I was finished with my extensive skincare routine, it's a ten-step routine and that is just the morning one. Once that was completed, I blow-dried my hair and then styled it making sure it had just the right amount of volume and curl to it, sliming my already delicate facial features as well as making my face appear smaller. I may not wear makeup like other male omegas, but I still took care of my skin, although I probably don't need to with Solaris helping me keep this body in its peak condition. 

 These little self-indulgences are just that they are for my own benefit and not to attack others. Though I should be more mindful of how others perceive me now that I will be in the public eye. I am not sure when the official filming will begin since this is technically a reality-tv show and a lot will be live streamed, so it is best I wear something says, sophisticated, not snobbish, stylish but also casual, but not gawdy, effortless but not lackluster, approachable. I need to make a statement without being a walking billboard for a brand or brands. I pondered on it for a bit before an idea for an outfit came to me. 

 Once I had finished getting dressed and making sure I had everything I would need for my overnight stay in the capital, I exited my room to bid my family farewell for the time being. This will be the first time since Beyol Bong Tae-Hwan presented as a dominant omega has stayed out all night without any of the family members chaperoning him.

  It is not that they did not trust Beyol Bong Tae-Hwan but rather they did not trust everyone else. If he were a regular omega, they would not be this worried or paranoid. D.O. are so highly sought after and valued that the empire monitors them and D.A. in order to help secure their safety against those who wish to kidnap them, either to sell them or for their own nefarious plans. 

 Luckily, I have Solaris so it will take a hell of a lot to take me down, capture me or force me to do anything I do not want to, so I am not too worried. However, I know the same cannot be said for the rest of the Beyol's. I truly am very lucky to have gotten a shell with such an amazing family. I just hope that the original Beyol Bong Tae-Hwan is able to find peace and enter the cycle of reincarnation again. 

 I headed downstairs to meet everyone for breakfast, I quickened my pace upon noting that no one else was still upstairs, not even Joon-ah. Entering the dining room, I saw my whole family around the large round table we always used for our family meals. It was made even better when I noticed that all mine and the original's favorite foods where on the table, including a few new dishes I thought them. They all fell in love with the spicy dishes I shared with them and agreed to keep it under wraps until I officially debuted them to the empire on The Chef & The Celebrity. 

 "Good morning, everyone. I hope you all slept well! I am sorry I am late." I said as I took my seat at the dining table, eager to dig into all the yummy goodies in front of me. I could not help but smile brightly as a chorus of "Good morning, I slept fine, how about you?" and a cacophony of mumbles and grumbles about the day ahead of us all. I know they are not really okay with me going to the capital and staying there on my own but at least it is just for a night. It is not as if I will be staying there indefinitely or even for the duration of The Chef & The Celebrity. 

  The Beyol family are all good people who love the original and now me, unconditionally and though they are very supportive they are also a little too overprotective. For a good reason but still, they will need to come to terms with the fact I am a grown adult about to graduate university with my Ph.D. as well as possible win my dream job, in the capital.

  I will most likely have to move out sooner rather than later. I wonder if they would handle it better if I were happily mated or would they expect and want us to remain living here with them? Sigh, kids grow up and move out and typically start families of their own, that is how it should be. I do not wish to hurt the Beyols but I also wish to fulfill not only my dreams but the original's dreams as well and to do that I have to move out.

  We discussed different topics as we shared and ate our breakfast together, making sure to reinforce the bonds we have as a close-knit family. I was not surprised when each of them gave me loving lectures about what to look out for, what to avoid, what to do if I feel unsafe, etc. I know they mean well but seriously they act as if this is my very first time away from them period. I am on my own all the time while at university and traveling back and forth. Perhaps it is due to them realizing this all means I will be moving out soon.

  I did my best to reassure everyone and hopefully ease some of their worries and stress about this overnight trip. They all seemed to calm, even if it was just a facade. Before any of us realized it was time for me to depart when the associate from production department of The Chef & The Celebrity arrived to pick me up.

  "Hello, my name is Bai Yu Ning, and I was sent by the production department of The Chef & The Celebrity to fetch and escort Beyol Bong Tae-Hwan-ssi to the capital to sigh his contract. I will also be his assistant for the duration of the filming. I also would like it to be known know, I am a beta and have no romantic interest in Beyol Bong Tae-Hwan-ssi, nor will I develop any, so please rest assured that he will be safe and in good hands with me." She bowed both at the beginning and the end of her introduction, with the elegance and grace of someone from a prestigious background, yet somehow humble and meek at the same time. 


  The young woman by the name of Bai Yu Ning, is a beautiful, petite, beta woman with obsidian large peach blossom eyes framed with long butterfly lashes and delicate arching brows. She has shiny, long, wavy black hair, smooth, pearl like, smooth and unblemished skin, full pillow red lips, a V line jaw and chin and an hourglass figure that had just the right amount of curves for her small stature. She was a stunning sight to behold and my hyung Beyol Young-Jae could not take his eyes off her.

 'Well this will be interesting.' I thought to myself, as I gave hyung Young-Jae a knowing smile and a wink when our eyes finally met. I was rewarded with him turning red all the way to his ears. It is fun teasing this hyung of mine and I look forward to doing it more!



Hi my lovely phoenix-dragons. I know it may not seem relevant but the details about the steam shower will be not only come back up later but have an important role to play later. ;-) So please bare with me for now. That said what do yall think of this first meeting?

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