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66.66% How I Made The Apocalypse My B*tch / Chapter 6: I Knew You Were Here

Capítulo 6: I Knew You Were Here

Atlanta wasn't in nearly the shape I was expecting it to be in. It was far, far better.

There was no huge stream of empty dead cars lying on the highway out of it, and a completely clean one on the way in. The railyards weren't in bad shape either, there weren't trains just lying in wrecked heaps as well.

Dale reported through his binoculars. "My guess is they send men and material through other QZs."

"What're you talking about?" asked Glenn, as myself and the rest of the strike group observed the town from afar atop a tall hotel building.

"My brother worked with Union Pacific for almost his entire life. That sequence of cars is standard for a working rail-line, PGU has things going somewhere."

I smiled. "No wonder you and Chuck get along so well."

Dale grinned back slightly, for such an old guy, he really was quite skilled with both his rifle and knowledge of survival. Rather nice gentlemen too.

"Does it help us at all?" wondered Shane.

"Not in the slightest." Dale sighed a bit, handing the binoculars to me. "Those railyards are probably guarded night and day if they move troopers and supplies around."

I observed the exterior defenses of the Atlanta quarantine zone.

The PGU pretty much made it so that unless you were an organized military force with tanks, planes, and bombs like they did. There was no way of getting in or out without their permission.

Their standard was a dark blue flag, upon which a proud eagle flew with its wings outstretched. Above it in white, was written "US Army" or whatever version of this it was supposed to be.

Lily sighed. "We don't have all day, we going to make a move or what?"

She was right, but as well equipped as every single one of us were for this, there was no getting around the fact that the entirety of Atlanta was almost impossible to get into.

The QZ itself was more or less a rough square built around the center of downtown Atlanta. The north and south exits from the main highway were protected by these massive two layer metal gates. 

They were multiple inches thick of hardened cement and metal braces, I could rig up the best truck on Earth with a cowcatcher from hell, but I wasn't getting through unless I had a tank or something. Spike strips traps, every section of the wall protected by armored guard towers with barely any chance to snipe in. 

Yeah no.

The entire airport poking out of the south would've given us a good entrance, but it was packed shoulder to shoulder with Infected. I could burn through all of it with a machine gun, but not only did we have to conserve ammo to shoot our way in and out. But it would attract the attention of the city.

We didn't have time to reposition on the east to look for a better way in. At this point, trying to sneak through the railyards, or through mostly abandoned Oakland City, a big neighborhood to the west of Atlanta was all we got.

"She's right." I said, everyone's attention snapped to me. "We make for the apartments to the north west."

"Well that's just fucking great." said Kenny dryly.

A pair of armored military cars and a fair number of troopers were occupying the center of Oakland City.

If we were going to sneak through, we had to pray they didn't see us, or hear us, for the entire operation needing to zipline around or use the makeshift bridges around the rooftops. If for any reason a single soldier just happened to look up, we were fucked.

"This operation is all or nothing, if there's no other entrance to the city we're blocked. We can still turn back you know." advised Lily.

If the circumstances weren't so dire, I'd have taken her up on it.

I looked around. Four of us were carrying duffel bags full of automatic rifles, a few grenades, and a shitton of ammo. All told, we had the capacity to arm over a hundred and twenty people fully.

But to get any of these weapons to someone useful was tricky.

"Get ready to attack." I muttered, "Whatever you do, don't let them radio in from their cars."

With Lily's binoculars, I spotted that none of them used walkies. My guess was they could only contact the rest of Atlanta by the communication array in their armored military vehicles.

They were strewn amongst the town square, around a large fountain. 

"Marcus?" asked Glenn.

"On my signal."

Nodding, Shane led the others to spread out, resting the duffel bags down and shouldering their rifles.

Seven troopers from what I could tell, none in the cars I made sure of that.

With perfect [Explosive Use] I flicked a grenade pin out with my thumb and rolled it quietly under a truck from cover.

When the PGU vehicle blew up, Lily and the others began to fire. According to my minimap, even with excellent weapons and training, these troopers were being shot at from every angle possible.

But somehow, these fuckers still found cover in seconds, scrambling and giving back with M-16s and other rifles.

I kept my aim focused on the remaining car, a trooper tried to sneak in but even with bulletproof windows, my [STR] and [Shooting] stat was so high I blasted him several times through the throat.

As gunfire rang out, I saw a trooper kneel down and place a radio pack on the ground, starting to dial something.

No he fucking didn't.

I ran out of cover, and at full speed, I was able to knee him directly in the chin. His helmet head flew off, unable to respond to such a powerful strike from almost two dozen men's worth of force jutting into his jaw.

His pals weren't fazed, somehow, and as I turned to reload my AR, a trooper had fired upon me at point blank range. The soldier was nestled inbetween the trucks, holding a shotgun.

My first reaction was 'Fuck me bloody that hurt!' my second one was to shoot him three times directly through the groin back.

What must've been their sergeant was killed by both Lily and Glenn, and Dale walked forward to pin the remaining three troopers to the ground, as Shane helped subdue them.

"Holy shit, are you okay!?"

Lily ran up to me, looking scared as hell, surprising since I don't think I ever had.

My hip should've been blasted to pieces, in fact, what should've been the edge of my pelvic bone would've been in tatters. Instead, I was only mildly bruised around the belt.

"What in the fuck…" Lily knelt, my pants had a shotgun blast sized hole, but there wasn't any blood, any charred bone, nothing but some light bruises.

It appeared I also had the durability as well as skill, strength, and speed of over twenty one men being at [LV 211] now. Good to know my body itself was a weapon now.

I had lost 600 HP from the shot, and because of [Gamer's Body] it just sort of stung a little bit. 

Lee looked at me, reloading his sniper rifle as he spoke. "Marcus, that soldier ain't gonna last long."

The PGU trooper was bleeding out, I had shot right through him and he was groaning on the ground.

He was inching his way forward onto the concrete of Oakland City town center, the blood on his knees making a trail from the burning trucks.

"I've got this." Lily slung her rifle over her back and drew her pistol, cocking it loudly.

"No wait, I know what kind of people these all are. But look at him, he looks barely older than Ben." said Lee. "At least consider it."

Dale was looking at me quietly, seeming to agree with Lee but waiting for my decision all the same.

I drew my own pistol, cocking it as well. 

Glenn had bound the remaining three troopers by the arms, leaving them kneeling by the sidewalk.

"F-For life and liberty." he uttered some sort of PGU motto before closing his eyes towards me, accepting his fate.

With an echoing gunshot, I shot him through the nose. I didn't give a shit how old he was, I'd seen enough of the apocalypse to know who worked with mercy and who didn't.

"That was you considering it?" asked Lee.

"We're not playing patty cake out here," Lily grimaced at him. "In case you haven't noticed, they're responsible for leaving this as the only city not firebombed to a crisp. All of Georgia is a Runner filled shit hole because of them."

"You've both got a point," Glenn shrugged slightly, raising his gun a bit in the process. "But can we just focus on the mission?"

There were blue dots moving around the minimap.

That battle, as well positioned as we were when we attacked, shouldn't have gone so easily. These PGU troopers were well equipped, trained, and one of them actually got me. First time that ever happened.

People were coming, friendly at least to some degree, because I think they were offering supporting fire from the buildings circling the town square.

"At ease." a familiar face appeared when he exited an alleyway, holding his rifle aloft as he raised both hands. "Put your guns down."

"Yeah I don't think so." Kenny actually pointed his rifle at him.

I recognized the man as a more grizzled and older version of Morgan from The Walking Dead, surprised he had survived. His allies, around six of them emerged from the buildings, all of them fully armed.

"Listen to him Kenny." 


I repeated myself. "I said put your guns down, all of you."

Morgan walked forward, offering his hand to shake. "I'm the leader of what you might call the resistance out here. What's your name?"


"I'm Morgan, this is my son Duane." I was surprised again too, he looked infinitely older, almost twice the age I thought he'd be. 

I stopped shaking Morgan's hand, looking around. There was a heavy sound in the air nearby, there were helicopters approaching.

Morgan spoke, throwing his head to the side. "Come on."

"Follow him." I said quietly.

Morgan led us instantly inside one of the boarded up apartment buildings he'd emerged from, and down a staircase.

We appeared to be in some sort of subway system or underground, likely the spaces beneath Atlanta.

Families were living here, none in good conditions, and Morgan began to explain as my strike force and I followed him and his fully armed friends. "During the outbreak, right before the army showed up. One of us managed to rescue some subway workers and a person who helped build MARTA."

"MARTA?" wondered Kenny.

"The Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority," Morgan said. "The people we helped gave us directions, and all sorts of secrets about the city to help us survive and resist. The PGU assumed the underground was lost when they pushed a huge herd of Infected down here. We managed to carve out a tiny chunk of it from the Runners, and have lived here ever since."

It still didn't explain how they helped us. "What about the buildings you all were shooting from?"

"The army tries to clear all the towers one by one, shooting anyone inside whether they're infected or not. So long as it's outside the QZ, they consider it fair game. We wait them out down here, let them leave, and then place spotters. Groups of one to three people waiting for scouting units to pick off, or anything else we can hunt." explained Morgan. "We had our eyes on that group of soldiers all morning, then you showed up. Guess you gave us the opening we were looking for."

One of Morgan's soldiers opened a door for him, and we were let inside what was a large underground power station for the MARTA and Atlanta sewer systems, repurposed to be his HQ.

I looked past their comms when I then asked. "How did you manage to outfight the PGU for so long? It's been weeks since the outbreak."

"He's why." Morgan explained. "Or part of it anyway."

I looked aside, surprised.

[Leon Bassett - LV 37 Survivor]

Shane appeared to recognize him. "Wait a minute-"

"When the PGU arrived a few days after the outbreak, all local law enforcement helping create a safe zone were ordered to turn in their weapons." Morgan appeared to be a bad mood of some kind, and talked over him. "They were told to help enforce martial law and surrender authority after becoming soldiers, right before they started massacring anyone they thought to be non PGU or Infected. A huge group of all the cops and state troopers, local milita and sorts, all disobeyed, forming the start of our coalition. They all helped, all but one."

"Who?" Lily asked.

Morgan pointed. "Him," he said harshly.

Shane looked guilty.

"What?" I asked. 

Lee turned. "Shane, is that true?"

"He ran, I might be one dumb motherfucker but at least I fought," said Leon.

"I had my partner's wife and son to think about. Andrea's whole family, and a bunch of others. I didn't want to get stuck in the crossfire between some sort of rebellion and the damned army."

I was curious, looking at him. "Then what the hell changed?"

"What kinda question is that?" Shane crossed his arms, sniffing. "You kid."

Before I could answer Morgan spoke, hands on his hips. "I didn't say anything out on the street because I needed to know this first."

He paused, turning to me. "Who are you people? Who are you, and what're you doing here?"

I spoke honestly. "We know some of the rebels the PGU caught recently are going to be hung tomorrow at noon. We know that they're going to evacuate, and whoever gets left behind is going to be firebombed to kingdom come."

I appeared troubled to see that Morgan clearly hadn't been as skilled or lucky as Doug to intercept the army's communications, but not as troubled as him.

"What're we going to do dad?" asked Duane.

Morgan was silent and I spoke. "We brought guns."

Lily showed him, unzipping a duffel bag Dale was carrying. 

"We can arm whoever's on your side in the city. Hijack some trucks, tanks, maybe the jet planes. Reclaim the city."

Morgan shook his head. "I'm sorry, that won't work."

"Why not? I have some units armed and ready to go as soon as we draw their forces away from the air base."

"Because I had the same idea you did. Lost half of our people, wounded a decent number of others."

"How many?" I asked.

Morgan didn't reply.

"How many?" I repeated.

"We had over two hundred and fifty try to break in to the safe zone and try the exact same thing," said Morgan. "Most didn't make it back with me."

Lee and Glenn looked at each other.

Morgan sighed. "They had enough people in white sheets loaded up into trucks and dumped all over the east side of the city to fill a football stadium. No matter what I tried, they always won. More innocents died, always."

"We have the PGU's frequency, we can intercept their communications," I said.

Morgan already appeared to have gathered that, there wasn't a hopeful look in his eyes at all.

"And you have me."

"Hah." Morgan scoffed. "You. I saw you down there, I saw you take a shotgun blast to the hip and you're not even limping." he nodded to the giant hole in the side of my pants. "What exactly are you?"

"I think I might be the answer to your problems Morgan, that's who."

Morgan shook his head. "I'm not going to risk all of the folks I look after for another suicide mission. Last time they almost found out where we were hiding."

"What do you mean suicide mission? Isn't there a way into the city?" asked Lily.

"Not one to fall back from. Those firebombs would've meant the end of us if we hadn't found this place. Now, our safest option is to let them leave."

I was shocked. "And all of your soldiers who were captured? The refugees they're going to execute tomorrow at noon for committing the crime of not fitting into their diseased mantra? They can all be hung or shot, or burnt alive for all you care?"

"I let them down here, and the next day, the PGU knocks down my front door and mows down what little family I have left. If, and that's even if I can rescue anyone else to begin with."

I was actually mad at him. "And you call Shane the coward."

I shook my head, and then I had half a mind to break his entire hardwood desk with a single strike from my fist. It was a decently thick desk, and it probably wouldn't even hurt, not even a little.

I scoffed, shaking my head. "Let's go guys."

The entirety of Oakland City and all of western Atlanta was being searched by helicopter. There was even a tank on the ground I saw rolling around, it eventually slipped out of view.

"What're we going to do?" asked Lily when we stood on the rooftop of a building.

I looked east. "They tore down any bridges between buildings when the safe zone was set up right? Looks like we're still going to have to zipline in. Or, we might as well say fuck it and take them head on."

My strike force watched as I extended a hand to my side, Lee handed me his sniper rifle.

I waited for the PGU helicopter to come into view when it rounded a street corner, searching windows.

Despite it being dark out, and the helicopter moving pretty fast, I had a crosshair set over the pilot's face in seconds. I'd played enough GTA 5 and watched enough of the Dark Knight to know how to deal with these things.

In one shot, the pilot in the helicopter dropped dead after I killed him. His buddy in the seat next to him tried to recover the control and steady it, but I shot him as well.

Then, the helicopter collapsed and fell over.

"Who. Who are you?"

We all turned, Kenny instinctively raised his rifle, but Lee lowered it for him.

Duane was standing there with a few of his friends. 

"Like I told your dad, I think I can help you all win."

"How so?"

"Just follow me into battle, I'll-"

"Marcus." Lee had his binoculars raised. "I think that tank's coming back around. They definitely know we're right here."

I didn't have the time to speak to Duane. "I'm taking that thing for my own."

"What!?" Shane and Lily spoke over each other.

I used the fire escape on the side of the building to rappel down in seconds.

By the time everyone else was on the street and I was already in position, hidden in the alleyway, I psyched myself up.

"You got this, you got this man, come on."

I had never actually done this yet.

Lily and the other formed up behind me, likely muttering and asking what the plan was and I showed them. Showing off all the nutty stat boosts and skills the Gamer gave me at [LV 211].

The trooper atop the Abrams was shot dead by me as soon as the tank started to roll by the alleyway. I decided to keep the light he was using to spot things around the street, and before anyone in the tank could react, I tore the lid open to the engine room inside.

They had a few pistols sure, but I didn't give them the times nor the means to disable me. After all, unless they had the timing to somehow shoot me twenty times through the eye, I doubted the Gamer would calculate the sufficient damage to kill me.

I used [Hip Fire] to shoot all three soldiers inside the tank, and then took over the controls.

I heard the radio go off.

"M2, this is command. Did you investigate? We just had a Hawk unit go silent."

"Uh, yeah, this is M2. We're all fine, the Hawk was crashed, destroyed by insurrectionists."

"And where are they?"

"We're still looking for them sir." I said, still doing my best to impersonate a trooper.

"Your voice sounds different. What's your military ID?"


"Boring conversation anyway." I switched frequencies over to Doug's radio just how he taught me. "Hello, is anyone there?"

"Hello? Hello who's there?"

"Doug, is that you? It's me."

I heard him sigh in relief over the radio as I saw Lily, Shane, and Glenn enter the tank through the hatch I left open. "Marcus? Thank god, look, they already know you're attacking the city."

Yeah, I got that already, I'm sitting in a tank they sent to kill me.

"Did they move any troops away from the airfield?"

"No, Mark and his team are still on standby."

I was already feeling that I made the right choice leaving one of the few pilots we had available to hijack their jets.

"Any other news?"

"No, I'll let you know."

"Copy. I'll keep you posted."

Lee asked the obvious, leaning down and speaking through the hatch. "You sure you know how to drive this thing?"

"I can drive anything." At least, the Action Hero perk made it so that I could drive anything with an engine pretty much perfectly. "Gather Duane and everyone else, move on Atlanta after I give you all an entrance through the walls."

"You got it." Lee closed the hatch for me when I began looking over the controls in front of me.

Made enough sense I guess.

"Lily, man the guns. Shane, Glenn, you're in charge of everything else."

I switched the throttle, controlled by a pair of switches on the console in front of me along with a lever, and a pedal, to begin accelerating towards the quarantine zone.

"Marcus, are you sure about this?" asked Glenn.

"You bet I am."

A few turns and a block or two later through the ruined streets of western suburban Atlanta, and I was at the walls of the city itself.

They must've known I had already taken the tank, I heard a trooper speak out over aloudspeaker.

"This is the Provisional Government of the United States! Stand down or we will be permitted to use lethal force!"

Shit man, the gloves were off when you made me take a damn tank from you, that you sent to bungle my plans.


I nodded to Lily, who left a gaping and smoking wreck where the guard tower who had warned me was.

I flattened the throttle, accelerating at full speed towards the walls of the city. As I was doing so, I was wondering why they sent out tanks to begin with, given this very scenario could happen.

My guess was they weren't expecting someone with the speed and strength of twenty dudes could rip open a tank hatch with his bare hands and kill all the troopers inside. Or before they could respond or have any sort of protocol. 

Everyone in the cabin of the Abrams with me braced for impact when I drove the tank directly through the walls of the quarantine zone, and instantly we were fired upon.

We would've been fucked if I didn't have a minimap, approximately over thirty PGU troopers were firing at this tank with everything they had. The ones on the walls were smashed apart, but the barricades behind the walls and in the streets were taking cover.

This Abrams Tank wasn't one I was used to at all, but luckily Glenn and Shane had access to sideview machine guns poking out on either end of the tank to return fire.

Lily was an absolute beast, far more accurate than I ever gave her credit for with the tank's main cannon.

I wheeled the truck of the Abrams around to aim the more vulnerable back from enemy fire, skilled enough to drive backwards because of my minimap and away from the troopers.

A huge alarm was going off, needless to say, the entire city knew we were here.

My minimap alerted me just in time to the few assets the PGU had left that could stop me at this point.

"Heads up. Lily, prepare to fire on the edge of that street."

She reloaded another shell with a grunt. "Roger."

Lily aimed through the cannon's scope, and began to aim.

Suddenly, the enemy Abrams came into view just in time on the other end of the Atlanta street. Lily fired first, and the PGU tank shook.

It should've been left as a smoking husk, but it was still able to release a shot.

I saw the shell coming well ahead of time and maneuvered around the blast, netting me some nice [EXP] from the fancy driving. 

Lily must've reloaded faster than the enemy mechanic, because the PGU Abrams became a black skid mark on the street about two seconds later, with hunks of metal and debris everywhere else.

"Marcus come in!"

I held the receiver in my hand, still driving around calmly. "What is it?"

"Yeah, we've got a situation. A code abandon was just issued."

"Doug, we're fighting for our lives here. Just tell us what that means." I said quietly.

Doug sounded nervous. "It means, that all citizens not already selected for evacuation, are going to be shot on sight! They can't distinguish between revolutionaries or ordinary people anymore!"

Not that I blamed them in a way, I just opened a fat can of whup-ass on the entire city.

I guess my plan to have Duane and Lee hand out AK-47s and such while I took the army's attention was working too well.

"Are they sending out squads to deal with this?"

"Almost all of them. Two platoons are on their way to your side of the QZ, two more have been sent into the buildings to start um. Clearing."


"Shit." Lily sighed quietly.

"If you don't do something fast, we're going to have a lot of dead people on your conscience Marcus." warned Shane, not seeming to find any troopers left in the sights of his side view machine gun.

I had to ask. 

"Doug, you there?"


"Did they move units away from the airfield?"

"Mark and the others have already begun their assault."

I wish I could tell them to hurry up. "Keep me posted."

I put the receiver back down and I spoke simply. "I have no fucking clue where I'm driving."

"Where are you trying to go?" asked Shane.

"I don't know, this tank doesn't have a GPS or something."

"You didn't answer his question." Lily said quietly.

I didn't know that either. There was a wall of about two to three hundred fully armed PGU troopers heading out to kill me, and half as many to slaughter innocents that I highly doubted Lee or Duane could reach in time.

I was just vaguely driving around to kill as many PGU soldiers as I could found, most must've wisened up by now and either taken cover or found methods to want to deal with a stolen armored unit.

"Their headquarters, think Doug mentioned something about them using a giant museum."

"The Crestview?" asked Glenn.

"Might be it."

He sounded confident. "You wanna take a right over there, I'll tell you where it is." 

I was curious, wheeling the tank around. "How do you know where to go?"

"I delivered pizzas all over here for years before the outbreak, you'll be in safe hands Marcus." assured Glenn.


"Enemy helico-"

"I see it." interrupted Lily, already looking into her scope.

The enemy hawk fell in a smoldering wreck, pancaking a few troopers running towards us in the process.

"Nice shootin." said Shane.

I saw that the PGU had taken positions all over the street, expecting me to come driving straight down the middle of the road and allow myself to get fired upon.


A trooper armed with an RPG was starting to take aim, at least, according to my minimap and the tiny sights I had connected via camera on the Abrams. And I evaded with ease again.

Lily responded making the soldier's position, his cover, and over a dozen of his buddies run or get blown into the air in pieces.

As I continued to drive at full speed, Glenn and Shane mowed down whatever Lily already broke out of barricades or other positions with the tank's cannon.

"Take a left up there."

I made sure to be so fancy with the tank's control I slammed the side of it into an armored truck, using a power slide. The truck flattened a couple soldiers in the process.

[You have gained +500 EXP!]

Nice, I wondered just how many different ways I could kill these fucking monsters, given that the Gamer damn near let me do anything.

I just flat out drove over the troopers guarding the entrance to the museum, sending trucks, barricades and other equipment flying about as I drove the tank into full throttle.

When I emerged from my tank I already started firing, there were only about two PGU soldiers left.

I rifled them both through the neck and eyes, and then, I saw it.

Perhaps the most beautiful machine gun on earth.

An MG Mk III, the real world equivalent to the high end machine guns you unlocked towards the end of GTA 5. It was laying on the ground amidst all the rubble, I must've knocked it out of a truck when I broke in.

"Glenn, guard the truck. The rest of you, with me."

I picked up a radio from the body off a dead trooper as I walked up the marble steps of the museum.

"Doug? How-"

Another voice came in. "Marcus!? Marcus you there?"

"Who is this?"

"This is Duane, Lee told me how to connect to your radio. We got your supplies out to everyone we could, but the PGU is hammering us hard man."

I sighed, I was literally about to win. Or at least, rip out the brain from the soul-less automaton and Terminator that was the PGU.

As sad as it was, I had to view this as a chess game. Why go after the rooks and other pieces with the king right in front of me.

"We'll send who we can, we're busy."


I put the radio in my back pocket, loading my Mk as we walked up the steps.

There were double locked fully metal doors protecting the entrance to the museum. I kicked them down, and the room was lit up with the sounds and flashes of automatic gun fire.

I was strong and skilled enough to wield both the combat MG, likely meant for the heaviest duty of troops I stole from the PGU, hurling desks and whatever could crush the troopers from their weight.

The adrenaline rush I got from massacring these complete disgraces for what they did to Georgia was chilling. I turned trooper after trooper into hamburger meat as we shot our way through the main lobby.

Using a grenade launcher, I saw a trooper at the top of the stairs fire, and I was able to jump off the ground quickly enough. Catch it, and throw it right into the PGU soldier's face.

Him and his two buddies died on impact.

When I landed back on the ground, I was done reloading the 200 rounds in my gun from how high my [Shooting] skill was.

Shane and Lily were pointing their guns around, still waiting for any remaining troopers to show up.

I think that was all of them, at least here in the lobby.

All of the paintings and other art the museum held were gone, we were mostly walking through empty exhibits.

About four troopers wheeled about the corner, rifles in hand, and before they could even blink I shot them all down, cutting across their chests with a single burst from the Mk.

Their corpses formed six pieces from how clean the bullets were and the [Damage] they dealt, Shane and Lily would've been disgusted, but judging what we've all seen until now. I doubted it.

We walked over the bloodstained white marble floors and moved on.

Lily saw a barracks room and filled it with bullets, the troopers inside still scrambling to return fire when her and Shane shot them.

I began to walk up another set of stairs, to a large room I imagined the director of the museum must've occupied, where a huge PGU flag was hanging above.

I ducked as I walked into the room, bursts of automatic fire passing by harmlessly. My minimap had warned me ahead of time.

Then, I pulled both [Revolvers] from my inventory and blew their heads off. I was quick enough to re-holster my pistols, and catch my MG as I decided to just through it in the air instead of cycling it instantly from my [Inventory].

The man at the desk was whimpering, mostly bald, and wearing a dark blue suit.

"N-No please!"

"This is who's in charge of Atlanta? I always thought he'd be some beefy general." Shane said, turning around to blast another trooper who appeared at the end of the empty exhibit room nearby with his rifle.

He explained with stutters. "H-He was already e-evacuated to New York as soon as the attack began! Please-"

"Shut your mouth!" Lily said, aiming down the barrel at him.

"Please Lily, lower your rifle."

I think I made him even more scared when I slung the heavy machine gun weighing somewhere between sixty and seventy pounds over my back through its strap, like it was a piece of toast.

"Look, you're clearly some pencil pusher, bureaucrat, passing along any sort of orders given from above."

"Exactly! I'm a provisional governor. Right!" He said, eyes wide, hands still raised.

I pushed the microphone to his PA system forward. "I want those troops you just sent out to kill me and the rest of the QZ to stand down."

We were rudely interrupted by a PGU trooper entering from a back room to the office, I blew him away with my revolver without even looking at him. Thanks minimap.

"I'll ask you again, order the surrender."

"I-I can't, the right policy is-"

I heard him yell out in pain when in the blink of an eye I sent a .45 through his kneecap from my hip.

"I'm not asking, the next one is going through your eyeball buddy."

He realized he wasn't going to survive this, the way his lower leg exploded was so powerful there was blood and bone fragment on his glasses. 

"L-Long live, the Provisional Government."

I sighed, nodding to Lily.

She stepped forward and killed him, the yellow flashes from the end of her rifle filling the room when she pulled the trigger.

I picked up the microphone to the QZ. "Hello!?"

I heard my voice echo out across the entire city, from what I could tell, the PGU had installed loudspeakers everywhere.

"Those in charge of giving orders have just fled the city! The rest have been killed at the hands of rebels like myself. I'm ordering you to stand down."

Shane and Lily covered the doors, still staying on lookout for more PGU customers.

"You can either stay here, massacring those you swore to protect. Eventually dying by my hands, or surrender. The choice is yours!"

I awaited the victorious cry Doug could give me through the radio proclaiming officers of the PGU were ready to capitulate.

I decided then to make what one could call a brave choice.

"We've taken over your headquarters!"

Lily turned, shocked. "What're you doing?"

"Call me whatever you like. An insurrectionist, a coward, I don't care. But at least I'm willing to tell you where I am! Come fight me."

Shane chuckled. "That, was spectacularly stupid."

"I want them fighting us, not the people Duane and Lee are trying to save. We've got a better shot than they do. How's that for stupid?"

As it turned out, it would be pretty stupid.

I saw on my minimap my plan worked, there were three platoons heading for us now, not two.

"Guys?" asked Lily, starting to step back from the windows.

I already saw what she did, two tanks and hundreds of soldiers following behind them were turning a corner around the very end of the street from the museum. 

There was no way this piddly little office could offer enough cover from that.

I had the Gamer, a machine gun, and maybe an RPG or two, but I wasn't Superman. The fuck was I going to do. Even if I grabbed Lily, broke through the office window and ran to the tank in time, it wouldn't matter.

An attack of this level would be impossible to fight off.


I told Shane the obvious. "Run."

We would never have the chance.

I heard the unmistakable scream of jet engines, fighter jets were coming.

I grabbed Lily and Shane, pinning them close to me before jumping through the office doors, just trying to give them more time to run away from here with me.

However, the blasts never came, at least, not for us.

We ran outside, guns ready.

Airstrikes sent the tanks careening aside, blowing up, or just straight up disabling them. More missiles were going to come, but oddly, they never did.

I breathed a sigh of relief, smiling.

It was a sight and sound I'd never forget.

"Well folks," I heard a voice over the radio in my back pocket. "The person responsible for saving all of your asses tonight is named Mark, my wingmen are named Tracey and Omid. You're very welcome Marcus, but thanks for managing to bunch up all PGU units in one spot."

"Man, am I glad we saved you from that airfield back during the motel days." I replied chuckling.

"Hey. What comes around goes around." I saw Shane cheer, raising his rifle to the air when the three fighter jets took a victory lap around another building.

The remaining platoons of PGU troopers appeared ready to fight nonetheless, but Morgan's troops appeared.

Out of the rooftops, they appeared out of the subways, a couple slid aside some sewer lids and emerged with rifles in hand.

Morgan himself appeared armed, him, Duane, Lee, Kenny, and others, appeared, guns ready.

There was a strange lull in the fighting, probably because in the middle of the massive avenue in front of the museum, the hundreds of troops were completely surrounded.

One of them then dropped his rifle.

Then another.

I saw who must've been his commanding officer yell at him. "What're you doing!? Fight! Stand and fight! You-"

Another soldier dropped his rifle, falling to his knees, and interlocking his fingers behind his helmet.

Some troops appeared confused, almost as if they wanted to gun down their own comrades for disobeying orders.

Several began to fight over this. Not with guns, no, they just wrestled and brawled over the next step to takes.

I began to walk forward, and the completely encircled troops all were shocked by what I did next.

With the knowledge I know had that I was twenty one times more durable, fast, strong, and skilled than any of them, I stuck my fist directly through the officer who yelled at his soldiers to fight.

His corpse slid off my arm, the hole in his face a reminder to everyone of who I was.

Immediately, they stopped fighting, surrendering, and moving about.

The message was clear: if this was the power of the faction they were dealing with, they could only beg for mercy.

As my own troops and Morgan's began to encircle them, keeping them on the ground, disarmed. I thought to myself:

Wouldn't this be the perfect time to wipe them all out?

This victory was so clear, so grand, and so great. That I could rebuild a legal system and give them all fair trial.

And then I remembered Merle's fate.

As Morgan looked over the arrest of the entire remaining army of the PGU here in Atlanta, I spoke to him.

"How many citizens did they kill until they turned back to fight me?"

Morgan explained rubbing his nose. "My son said about a hundred. No more, no less."

I looked out over them. The sea of black helmet, young men, and PGU uniforms.

They were going to massacre everyone they could find until someone else told them to pack up their shit and leave. And then, they would firebomb whatever the hell else remained.

Sure I could use them, I would need bodies in my army. But that was just it, what use did I have for troopers so mindless that they had no resolve of their own? No remorse.

Especially because, in theory. These troopers were supposed to be American, and they were all basically fascists considering the atrocities they'd committed. 

I turned, seeing a few people sob in relief at the sight of us winning.

Morgan's militia was holding back a crowd of people who had popped out of the buildings nearby all the fighting.

Instantly, I made my choice.

"Get them out of here."

Morgan was surprised. "What're you doing?"

I cocked my gun, leveling it out over the troops who had surrendered. "As inspiring as their loyalty is, I'm afraid it's equally dangerous."

"They surrendered, they knew they lost," said Morgan. "These soldiers are just around your age, if not a bit older. They were on the wrong side, that's all."

Dale chimed in, approaching. "Marcus, they can still die. Just, not now."

"Now, they're dying now," I said.

I repeated myself, ignoring Morgan and Dale. "You all hear that!?"

Guns began to clack.

I said loudly. "They're dying now!"

Shane, Glenn, Duane, and a few others took my initiative.

"W-Wait!" a trooper said with his hands still on his head, sitting down in the center of the street, Shane pointing his rifle at him.

"These troopers aren't Merle, Marcus," explained Dale. "They're not his bikers, they're not savages. They were only following orders."

"You two realize that if my plan failed, and Mark didn't hijack those planes. We would all die right? Every single one of us would be killed, or left as Runner bait?"

Maybe I could've made it out okay. But everyone else would've been fucked.

I raised my rifle.


I interrupted Morgan's protests, and we all mowed down what remained of the PGU. It took under a minute, but we had to wipe out all of our prisoners.

"This…" Lee appeared appalled at the scene. "This is murder!"

"Go find a different state that handles justice differently then." Shane firmly took my side.

Lily ran out from the museum and then shot a soldier crawling on the ground without hesitation.

"Marcus," she said breathlessly. "Come see this."

[You've completed the quest!

You've gained all rewards listed for winning this battle, and become the head of a new faction!]

The room next to the General's office they abandoned still had nuclear codes.

There was a computer connected to what was clearly a launch site, and other communications and laptops of all kinds PGU related.

I was surprised, even more so when there didn't appear to be any sort of intercontinental ballistic missiles heading our way.

The phone next to the computers was ringing.

Lily looked at me, I was tempted not to answer it.

However, I did, slowly.

"Hello?" I asked.

The voice on the other line was unfamiliar. 

It was a male, likely middle aged.

"Who is this?"

"Um, not someone you let in charge of answering this phone I think." I shrugged at Lily, she didn't really protest.

"You tell me honestly who you are, and then I will."

"You first."

I heard him chuckle, the laugh was strange, but it slightly reminded me of Merle's.

"Fine. My name is Marcus Liederman." Lily looked like she wanted to throw something, pinching the bridge of her nose. "And you are?"

They couldn't find shit on Marcus Liederman. Sure that name was probably, technically from Southern Carolina, but all my memories and skills were from a completely different name. They also knew exactly where I was right now anyway.

"I am Leonard Porter. I was made Interim President of the Provisional Government of the United States when the Federal government collapsed during the outbreak."

"So I take it the military had to take charge?"

"We did. The fact that you're speaking to me right now means we haven't done a very good job."

"No, you haven't," I admitted.

"I take it you're the sort of leader of whatever resistance overtook Colonel Greer and the others I elected to govern QZ-GA?"

"Among other leaders, yes."

Porter, at least, someone I understood had the authority to call such a phone continued to speak. "I also take it you understand that because I haven't sent warheads to your position, you do not aim to do the same to me?"

I saw the coordinates for New York already written out on a sheet of paper Lily handed to me, I expect Lily had already found them by the time she had heard that's where PGU HQ was.

"I understand that. What I don't understand, is the reason for this phone call."

"Well Mr. Liederman, the reason's simple. I am calling to inform you that as of today, June 19th, 2010 at." he was clearly on the other line checking his watch or something. "At 19:07. You are free to do as you wish, the PGU sees no reason to intervene further in the deep south."

I paused.

"Can I ask why?"

Especially considering the colossal ass whipping I just gave you? Seriously, how are you not mad?

"The PGU values strength above all else, it seems to be the only cure for the disease. I'd also like to inform you that our data shows that nine and a half tenths of the US population has been reported to either die, become Infected, or go off grid. Which, makes for most of our decision making."

"I get why you have to leave me alone. For lack of resources, I think I'll have to leave you alone."

"If it's any consolation Marcus." PGU's President said. "We lack the resources to seek revenge for this catastrophe either."

"Can I ask, do you have any other information about the outbreak? Any sort of data on what exactly turns people?"

"We have none," he said calmly. "Before becoming global, all we know is that the virus originated right where you are actually. Right around rural Georgia."

"I'd like to thank you for your time." I muttered. "And fuck you for making me organize an uprising to have to save this state."

Porter chuckled.

"You sit in this chair, in your chair for long enough. You'll find that the Infected and the weak are all the same. You'll hate it after a while son, but what we did was wholly necessary, I guarantee eventually you'll come to agree."

"No I won't, and fuck you." I repeated. "For thinking that way. Some president you are."

"I understand your frustration. We did our best to save what we could of your area, frankly, we did. Colonel Greers and the rest of PGU Georgia leadership has been executed, as far as we're concerned, we don't care what happens south of Virginia."

He said one more thing.

"Our only interest, is north."

I heard Porter hang up.

I doubted I could dial back, honestly, I didn't care.

The next day, everyone who helped me liberate Atlanta was given a medal. It was on a raised platform in the dead center of Atlanta which the PGU used for edicts, hangings, and such, but repurposed it.

At least, the very vital players. Lily read them out on a sheet of paper when I began to reward each of them, pinning a badge in the shape of a star to each of their chests. 

They were still in battle uniform, black jumpsuits with straps for guns, although cleaned for the ceremony.

"Duane Jones."

Duane did not protest that he got a medal and his father did not. After all, he only joined when the battle was not yet won.

"Lee Everett."

I did not appreciate how Lee disapproved of my execution of what remained of the enemy troopers, but frankly he deserved his medal. His protection of Clementine until now, the passion and warmth he showed the scared citizens of Atlanta when he helped lead them into battle.

He was a good man, and I needed him. That was why I rewarded him.

"Daryl Dixon."

I was told Daryl saved the lives of dozens amidst the battle yesterday. He was skilled and stealth enough with his crossbow that he led an entire group of Atlantans out of harms way and across old rooftops as soon as the PGU began to massacre citizens.

I actually smiled at the man, something he didn't really return when I badged him.

"Shane Walsh."

My right hand man in all of this. He never questioned a single decision I made since I met him back in Macon, and his leadership was able to traverse the shit storm that was the outbreak, and deliver Carl, Lori, and all the others who would've been in Rick's group during Season 1 of the show.

Again, it was strange to think that that was fiction. And this was my life now.

My new deputy, a sheriff until I found a better one.

"Mark Santos-Nails."

The pilot who saved the day. I really did wonder what the fate of everyone would've been if he and the other fighter pilots didn't prevent the PGU counterattack.

I saluted him, he saluted back with a smile.

"Dale Horvath."

Again, he like Daryl, was crucial in saving the city. He didn't approve of what I did, but I didn't need him to.

After a moment's hesitation, he shook my hand when I pinned a medal to his chest.

"Glenn Rhee."

This motherfucker right here.

He earned his hug, damn right he did. Who knows how the fuck the attack on Atlanta would've gone if he didn't know where to go. I would've driven aimlessly for ages, probably picked off eventually by the PGU if he didn't tell me to go straight to the Crestview Museum. 


"Likewise." Glenn nodded, shaking my hand. 

Finally, Kenny.

"Fine shooting yesterday."

"Thank you. Sir." he said with a salute.

I chuckled, surprised he didn't want to talk to me like some kid anymore.

I took another medal, pinned it to his chest, and moved on.

"Lily Travers." I said.

This chick had more balls than a lot of the guys I knew. Sure her dad was a complete cunt, but she made up for it. She was loyal, skilled, and despite never operating a tank cannon in her life probably, she didn't miss one shot yesterday.

After I pinned the badge to her, I turned to my podium and microphone.

"Erm. I suppose that concludes the ceremony, I'm hoping you're all safe and happy. With your new liberated city." 

After the cheers from hundreds died down, I realized something. No one knew that the PGU had surrendered in the end, all they were told when the executions today weren't scheduled anymore, was that Morgan's milita won a battle.

"There is someone who couldn't be here today." because he was working with a group of other computer specialists to unencrypt whatever the fuck the PGU left hiding in the computers they hurriedly left. "His name is Doug, and he was the one who broke the Provisional Government's radio codes, and why I'm standing here today."

But I pointed towards the crowd. "My name is Marcus, Marcus Liederman. And today marks the first day since the outbreak, that Georgia can make decisions for itself. Reports have come in, and this state."

I cleared my throat. "Is essentially free of bandits and troopers."

It only took all the power the Gamer gave me and the allies I'd earned from using it.

After the cheers died down I spoke. "There is a whole lot of work to be done. The PGU's school system, tragedy that it was, needs to be replaced. I need to conduct a proper census of what remains of the deep south. And, to avoid another government like the PGU from ever rising up."

I turned a page in my notebook for the speech. "I will be including petitions from any citizen that deems it so, when I amend the constitution."

They all cheered, I didn't blame them. They had no idea the kind of paperwork I'd need help with to file all of that when I created a new government.

"I appreciate it." I really did like the applause. "Honestly I do. But I really wish all the news I had to tell you was good."

Lily handed me some papers.

"Here are some truths the Provisional Government was hiding from you. Um."

I looked out, over the crowds of hundreds.

How was I supposed to tell them this? Back in Macon, I told everyone everything. But the entire city of Atlanta, or rather, basically everyone who had survived the outbreak and short war to survive that followed was here.

No more than around twelve hundred people were listening to this speech.

The broadcast Doug had hooked up, was going out as far as he had been able to reach it.

"Atlanta might be the only civilized settlement remaining in the entire world."

It broke my heart to admit it, especially seeing the reactions of everyone around me.

I thumbed through my speech papers. "There has been no news from California and the west coast. All broadcasts from emergency radio stations in Southern America, Central America, Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, have all gone silent. According to rulebooks and statutes I've discovered, these were radios that needed to stay ongoing until the complete collapse of a state."

I gripped the edges of my podium. "Right now, I think the only people I'm looking at, are probably the only ones that remain alive in this entire region. Florida and the islands of the Caribbean appeared uninhabited or completely Infected when survivors from Savannah came in this morning."

To put this into perspective for this crowd, which, I wish I could. Molly, a survivor with a penchant for using ice climbing picks, and another person, were the only people in the entire city of Savannah, population exceeding 125,000. Those two people, were the only ones who survived and made it to the Safe Haven I created here in Atlanta this morning.

"If there is a cure for this disease, we'll have to create our own. The Provisional Government headquartered in New York failed to make one, as has its sister colony in Chicago. I'm going to need your help in rebuilding this city, and then, whatever else remains of our world."

I fixed the microphone. "With only a handful of fighters, and our wits, I was able to overthrow the PGU unit placed in charge of Atlanta."

"That government executed dissidents, it firebombed cities it could no longer protect. It hid vital truths and expedited lies to its citizens. And then it hung anyone who protested these fallacies by the neck. And those who ordered that government to do so, cared so little about them, that they killed them too when they failed to enact their malice."

I shook my head.

"That is not the way we do things," I said calmly. "Which is why I will be stating this to all of you, and who ever else might be listening."

"Help me. Help me rebuild our world. It's not going to be easy, but I promise you it's possible. If I am able to stand here, now, and proclaim Georgia to be free, the next steps for a cure are possible. My name is Marcus Liederman, and come to Atlanta if you need a safe place to stay."

"Thank you." I walked away from the podium amidst lighter applause then at the start of the speech.

That afternoon, Doug helped me create a new government. 

The QZ was expanded, I set new walls all around the entire city. I allowed for creation of new bridges through the rooftop for easier access. 

Atlanta's subway system was cleared of Infected, I only needed a machine gun, a couple of people, and it was done in two hours. Morgan already knew the tunnels, that's how he got around to helping when he was needed by the end of the battle.

Shane would be the law, at least, until Rick Grimes awoke, or a better replacement appeared. I allowed him to go with Leon, and any other ex cops to be the new Sherrif's Department.

Lily would be the army, in charge of training, discipline, and anyone over the age of eighteen was forced to attend her classes at least for self defense and survival.

I was in charge, pure and simple. Any decision made in Atlanta, was done by me, period.

Doug would be the government, at least, he was in charge of all PR, bureaucracy, and communications. I put him to oversee Carley's group who ran the news, I trusted him far more than her based on how useful they both had been, and Doug far more so.

For Doug's loyalty, he was the only person allowed into the Museum to try to communicate to the PGU or anyone else. No one was allowed near, Daryl and Morgan were in charge of the Crestview's security.

Lee Everett was pardoned for his crimes. I signed an official document when into the day, it became apparent a murder for an ex politician was walking free. Any one else locked up by the PGU for "crimes" or anything else were set free.

I was surprised people still cared. I took his testimony, and it all appeared factual. Someone slept with his wife, he fought him, and then accidentally killed him in a fight.

Considering the crimes of Merle Dixon and the Colonel who the PGU shot for failing to hold on to a state they ruined, Lee's were a joke.

Anyone who didn't completely agree with my methods was sent elsewhere, outside Atlanta.

I put Dale in charge of 'Reconstruction' meaning he would lead folks to farms and towns that needed to be repopulated. Lee was sent with him after I pardoned him.

Then the census came in. Mark gave me better numbers because he and the other pilots were able to scout from the air and all over the deep South, as well as Florida and the Carribbean. 

1152 people were left in Atlanta. 236 were soldiers combined from my army from Macon, Morgan's militia, and those who rose up during the fighting against the PGU. 147 suitable recruits appeared to want to join Lily, being works in progress.

The PGU originally housed over 1800 people, but after the riots, the battles, and the executions, they lost around half of that. The rest came in to the Safe Haven from my town, Macon, as well as other survivors who emerged from hiding in short bursts.

There were only two settlements left in the entire south outside of our own. One I knew to be Carver's group from Telltale's Walking Dead, occupying a warehouse near a small town in Tennessee, and another fully gated settlement with wooden palisades, that had popped up out in Mississippi. 

All of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and anywhere else was completely empty or full of Undead. No lights during the night, no towns nor cities that appeared to be alive at all. Nothing. The air reconnaissance and pictures we had supplied no other data.

Porter wasn't kidding when he said ninety five percent of the world was gone.

Even after my broadcast, being basically the only emergency broadcast left on Earth. No one came. No planes, no one just walked up to the walls of Atlanta.

I decided to rename Atlanta, 'Safe Haven' although, Atlanta still worked as a name. 

My new map was filled after just an hour of research.

I had to draw massive green bubbles all over the midwest, anywhere that wasn't populated had been nuked since yesterday morning.

Chicago? PGU. New York? PGU.

Atlanta. Free settlement.

Carver's town in that warehouse, another town out in Mississippi. Free settlements.

Los Angeles, Tokyo, Paris, London, all quiet, likely lost. The rest of the towns and cities all across the eastern seaboard, equally quiet.

Shanghai, Cairo, and several other huge cities from India to Poland, housing millions of people all sent out a 'Mayday' code. Meaning the last broadcast they submitted was a request for help before likely collapsing to Infected.

There was nothing out here anymore. 

I looked out over my board. 

Nothing at all.

I spoke up.


He opened the door to my office. "Governor?"

"Organize search parties for this CDC facility you found records for. I want it found immediately. Volunteers only."

"Yes sir."

They would have to comb through a lot of wilderness, best put Daryl in charge.

After a week, I found my rhythm to be manageable. Not fun by any means, but manageable.

My daily workload was simple.

Besides paperwork, I managed all the defenses for Atlanta, the tanks we'd salvaged, the fighter jets. And all the information to maximize food and resources for all the survivors we housed within our walls.

I also tracked, herds, or hordes of Infected that liked to wander around. Right now, the biggest one was out towards Florida, generally moving northwards, but past Atlanta luckily. Several others were on the move, but it was Mark's job to fly around in his jet plane to let me know if the PGU was moving troops southward, or if Undead Hordes were on the move.

But my main job was to assign jobs. 

Paper after paper I got was a simple form, and it was completed by interview here in City Hall.

Previous occupation before the outbreak, followed by expertise during. As well as any notable skills or experience.

Children aged twelve and below were obligated to attend school. End of discussion.

Those thirteen to seventeen had a separate school system, but completion of junior year of highschool or above was sufficient to be cleared.

Eighteen and above would undergo testing through Lily's training camps, suitable soldiers would man the walls, help me organize search and rescue, and serve as the standing militia. The rest were given work within my government either managing, producing, or building supplies, defenses, or any other resources.

We had seventeen doctors, Vernon's work back at Macon served enough that he was in charge of the entire medical division. Thirteen lawyers, most of whom staffed my office. And only two scientists, neither of which new jack about the virus.

Everyone needed food, and we needed work. It was a simple exchange, and I was in charge of it.

That day, I decided to visit the hospital. It was in the eastern part of downtown Atlanta, and there were a few sick people, but only two who were in a coma.

It was strange to me, but honestly not too strange when I walked into the room and saw him for the first time.

[Rick Grimes LV 56 - Police Officer

Status: Comatose]

I walked in, and Carl and Lori instantly stood up.

"Governor." Lori smiled, smoothing out her skirt, curtsying a bit.

I shrugged. "How's he doing?"

"Doctors still don't know when he's going to wake up," said Lori. "I think they're doing their best though."

"If you two need anything else, feel free to ask."

"There's no need for that Marcus, we're all good."

I looked to Carl Grimes. "How's school?"

"Uh…fine. I still don't get why we have to go during the summer," he admitted.

I smiled. "It's just a testing phase. Then you can all go on break in a few weeks."

"He's the man in charge of school sweetie." Lori put her hands on both of his shoulders. "Go on, tell him."

"Can you uh, can you open that pool downtown? I know you have a lot you need to work on, just-"

"It's done."

Carl smiled. "Really? Oh my gosh, that'd be so great."

I nodded. "It's done, yes."

"I can't wait to tell Duck and Clementine! They're gonna be so jealous when I tell them it was my idea."

I turned. "Best get to it, I don't think your father's going anywhere."

I only had one request, Donnie loved to swim, he deserved a nice pool of his own too if I could find it.

Carl and his mother walked off, Lori nodding to me before she left.

I changed the flowers in the vase by Rick's bed. They were already getting old. I felt upset by this, it wasn't Lori's fault.

Amenities like flowers and cakes were things of the past. You worked, clocking in with one of my supervisors, and you were cleared for standard rations for your assigned days. Flower shops were basically things of the past, and as such, nothing else in Atlanta was exactly easy to find.

I chuckled to myself, looking at the vase. "You gotta be shittin' me."

The vase was the same I remembered Shane Walsh using.

I took a chair by Rick's bed. "I knew you were here."

He, obviously, didn't reply.

"I'm pretty sure Shane isn't sleeping with your wife." I said to the comatose man. "Somehow, I just knew. The way they look at each other, or, don't I guess, I'm pretty sure you just got luckier."

Rick, again, was still asleep.

"I feel like you're the only person who isn't gonna judge me for this. But even if I do find the CDC, I really have no goddamn idea how to fix everything."

He was silent, besides Doug, I think Rick was the best listener I had right now.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is, it'd be cool if you came back and gave me your help. What do you say? You and Shane out on patrol again? Same car, gabbing about women?"

The breathing machine that supported his lungs, still damaged from the shotgun blast he took to the back weeks prior, moved quietly. Beeping bit by bit.

"I need you Rick, no one's gonna fuck with me after how my plan worked with the PGU. But, I don't know. I just feel like this city would be safer with you, I have work to do elsewhere in a bit."

I sighed.

I flicked the light off to his room when I left.

Two weeks passed.

I had figured out electricity, running water, and an active military and defenses for an entire city, or what was left of it. And besides the cure for the virus, there was only one thing left that I still had no fucking clue about:


It was all a bit funny really, I had gained a few more levels from [Governing] and improving [Logistics] and despite being twenty three times more durable, stronger, faster, and better than any man alive. I couldn't figure out romance too well for the life of me.

One moment a girl wanted to sleep with me, and the next they betrayed me.

Maggie Greene and her family, as well as several others I'd assigned to 'Farming' were packing all their things into trucks and moving vans.

"You come to say goodbye?" she asked flirtatiously. 

"More or less."

"Aw." she wrapped her arms around my neck. "Thought you'd keep me around."

Maggie kissed me on the lips, deeply.

When she walked away to help the others, I realized she left her cowboy hat on my head.

I took it off, looking at it.

Hershel Greene walked up to me, and I spoke. "You're not mad?"

"Honestly, given the fact that you're the most powerful person alive, or one of them anyway. I'm not too sure I'm allowed to be."

I sighed longly. "If it makes you feel any better, I'm not too sure who to trust right now. Girls or otherwise."

"It shouldn't, but it does make me feel better." Hershel extended a hand forward. "Thank you."

I shook it.

"If you don't know who you can trust. You can trust me son." Hershel said honestly. "You might be the first Governor who says the truth about things, first politician we got who tells us to our face how cursed we all are now. And who might actually have the ability to help. My family is safer than ever now, well informed by your acts nonetheless. And we only have you to thank."

"You know about the PGU troops that surrendered?"

He waved a hand. "With how scarce food is now, they deserved what they got. Would hanging them after a trial be more civil? Sure. But I can drive back to my farm now, raise more crops. And this state is safe now again. At least in some part, because of you."

"Thank you, Hershel."

He moved off to help Annette pack more things, and I saw Shawn standing there, rifle slung over his shoulder, he was talking to Jimmy.

I think he knew who I was now.

And I knew he had gotten stronger because of what he'd seen. Strong enough to protect his sisters that was.

No words were exchanged, just a simple nod.

I signaled to the guards on the wall, and the metal mechanized gates rolled aside, allowing for the caravan of farmers to leave.

I still wasn't sure if I'd miss them or not.

Then, I heard something on my radio.

"Marcus you in?"

I pulled my walkie from my belt. "Yeah?" I asked, petting Donnie's head as he sat by my side, both of us watching the trucks drive off.

"You know those search parties you sent out to find that CDC place?" asked Doug.

"Of course."

"Yeah well, I'm pretty sure Daryl's group just found it."


So, we move past the first arc of the entire fanfic.

This fic will be…shorter than I anticipated initially.

When you make a character as powerful as Marcus, this can happen. Not that this will be over in just a few chapters anyway.

I've decided to establish a few things before moving on to the next chapters.

First, the romance.

I am confirming a harem for the main character. I've decided Maggie Greene, Carley, Beth Greene are in, and Rosita, Andrea, and Andrea's sister Amy will be added.

I had to go back and change a small detail. Andrea's sister Amy, instead of dying at the rock quarry, just got lost/separated/went missing from the main group when Shane and everyone tried to flee the PGU in Atlanta.

Andrea's sister is hot as fuck, in fact, the second season of the entire show just has the camera following her ass for over fifteen seconds. I'm not making that up by the way, you can go back and check The Walking Dead. That's how they portrayed her.

If that's how the showrunners wanted her, as eye candy that then just died, then honestly I think I can write her a bit better. Andrea will be added, her arm can be fixed, especially because the brawns part of the fic has more or less concluded, it's time for the brains. Rosita again, will also be added to the harem eventually.

I will be including characters from later seasons in this fanfic, such as Abraham and Eugene, not sure yet if I'll be adding characters from Fear the Walking Dead because I've never seen it and even if I did. I'm not too sure of how'd they'd fit. 

Will Maggie and Beth come back? Eh, not too sure yet. Carley's out too.

What would make the romance better, and the lemons hotter I guess. Is by having people want to sleep with the MC and provide good reasoning as well as buildup for it?

In the Walking Dead, Maggie meets Glenn and fucks him like an episode later. I guess I decided to use canon too far here in that case.

Secondly, the crossover elements and others.

This next chapter at the CDC will explain the reasoning for why so many elements from the Last of Us were included. The PGU, zombies being fast, etc. It might also include the potential for a fourth member of the harem.

Again potentially, the design for the cure might need a male and female constituent, both immune. Draw your conclusions from there. Again, might. 

Regardless, I'm trying to again include as much as I can from all the suggestions and complaints I got. This is a "ridiculously OP" MC with crossover elements from the Last of Us, the fanfic is what it says on the tin. And I added a shitton of lemons. Other than that, I can only refine the fic from what I described.

Thank you all for reading, and stay safe everyone. Peace!

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