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90% Naruto: Kurogami, The Gamer Shinobi / Chapter 9: Chapter 9: End Of First Year

Capítulo 9: Chapter 9: End Of First Year

As this is a decently big timeskip, this chapter is an info dump


Seated in class, Kurogami and the others looked at Iruka who stood at the front as usual. This time, however, was different as Iruka looked at them with a big smile and the words 'First Year Complete!' were written in white chalk.

"Good job, kids!" Iruka said, placing the chalk down on his desk, "It's been a long year, but your first year as students is finally over-" At his words, the kids waved their hands about and began cheering loudly which annoyed Iruka, "Silence!"

The class shut up, allowing Iruka to clear his throat as he carried on, "Thank you... as I was saying. As you know, you've officially finished your first year as students of Little Ninja Academy, and you'll have 5 years remaining when you return in 6-weeks time. Take this time to relax, but not too much as you don't want to fall behind, do you?"

"Yes, Sensei!" The kids shouted in response, causing Iruka to raise a brow in confusion as he thought to himself, 'Wait, yes as in they want to fall behind, or yes to relaxing...?' He then shook his head and returned to the Shinobi world

"Kindly enough, the principal's allowed you guys to finish early today as it's the last day. So feel free to go home, shoo" Iruka used his hands to 'shoo' away the class, wanting them to leave which they did as no one would willingly want to stay in school when they could go home.

"Finally!" Outside of the school building, Naruto fell to his knees as he raised his arms to the sky and celebrated exaggeratively, "The year's over...!" He cried, two of his three friends sighing and face palming, whilst the other couldn't help but chuckle and blush at the 'cute' display.

"You're acting like we've finished school entirely" Kurogami, who had grown a little over the year by 2 inches (making him 4ft2), grabbed Naruto by the back of his collar and lifted him up off the floor with ease, "We still have another 5 years, and that's not including the 6 years of Ninja Academy afterwards"

"Don't remind me..." Naruto drooped his arms to his side, his face darkened in disgust and despair at the thought of 11 years of school, "That's fine... I'll just have to graduate early once we're at Ninja Academy, then!" Naruto exclaimed, setting a pre-Hokage objective.

"To do that, you need to actually be good at school. And if your ninja skills are as bad as your grades, you're NEVER graduating early... if at all" Hanabi attempted to shatter Naruto's aspirations as a joke, but it just fueled him further as he turned to Hanabi and pointed at her

"Oh yeah...?! Well, I'll show you, and once I graduate early and receive my ninja headband, I'll... rub it in your face, believe it!" 

"Was that the best you could come up with, really? 'Rub it in my face', at least say something more intimidating and ninja-like, 'Mr. Future Hokage'" Hanabi sighed, her words earning a chuckle from her older sister, Hinata, and Kurogami as they watched Naruto's face turn redder in anger.

"Grrr..." Naruto grit his teeth, holding back from playfully attacking Hanabi. It may or may not be because he was absolutely scared of pissing her off and turning the 'playful fight' into a one-sided massacre.

"I-It's okay, Naruto... I believe in you" Hinata supported him with a blush, pushing her index fingers together as she avoided eye contact with him.

"Thanks, Hinata!" Naruto said with a toothy smile as he rubbed the back of his head, a hint of red on his cheeks as the two looked like a pair of romcom characters unable to reveal their feelings to one another annoyingly.

Yes, Kurogami was mentally calling out over 80% of the romcoms who spent over 100 chapters for the male and female lead to even hold hands let alone confess their love for one another.

Kurogami and Hanabi, who stood beside each other, looked at the two with grins plastered on their face, "Oo lala~" They said to themselves, the both of them laughing as they saw Naruto and Hinata get further embarrassed and flushed.

"O-Okay! I saw we go home now, let's go!" Naruto walked ahead, the three following his lead and catching up to him as they walked side-by-side.

After a bit of walking, where the group usually split, Naruto was the only one to split as he said his goodbyes before going to his place. The remaining three kept walking until they ended up in front of a nice, lavish 2-story house.

"Bye guys!" Kurogami waved, entering the house.

This house was owned by a man named 'Bob Miyamoto', a travelling merchant. This person had adopted Kurogami a few months ago, allowing him to leave the orphanage and stay in a nice place.

Wow, what a great man... "I'm home 'Bob'!" Kurogami called out, unable to hold back his laughter as he began giggling, "Ah~ I love being rich and using a fake identity to buy nice stuff like this" He said to himself, getting changed into some pajamas.

As he said, Kurogami had actually used his own money to buy this house under a fake name, where he adopted himself. So this whole 2-story house was his only, whilst 'Bob Miyamoto' was out of the house most of the year due to 'travelling and doing his merchant job'

11 Months had passed, not much going on to Kurogami since the Shinji and the other bullies. He spent his time monotonously drawing Bleach, with 1 volume left to draw which he'd complete tomorrow, upgrading a few skills naturally, gaining some new skills, and bettering his relationships with others.

After a long, patient-needing process, Kurogami had managed to befriend most of the main cast. Shino was one he had some trouble with, as excluding his personality which Kurogami found hard to get along with, he also hated bugs and insects with a PASSION. His reputation, therefore, was a measly 7.

Next up was Choji. He and Kurogami actually got along quite well - mainly because they were both food lovers. Because of his friendliness with Choji, it allowed him to also befriend and get closer to Shikamaru, their reputations being 16 for Choji and 13 for Shikamaru respectively.

As for Ino and Sakura... lord have mercy, did they get on Kurogami's nerves. Especially Sakura, every time Kurogami would randomly pair or group up with her for class projects, all she'd talk about is "I wish Sasuke was here...", "If Sasuke was doing this...", "Sasuke. Sasuke. Sasuke" It was annoying. Ino, on the other hand, was a bit more toned down and would actually know when not to bring up Sasuke during projects. And so, Ino's reputation with Kurogami was 11, whilst Sakura's was 6.

Kiba was the next of the cast. Kind of like Shino, Kurogami found it struggling to get along with Kiba. It also didn't help but Kiba was a bit of a rude bastard, and that was putting it lightly. Because of this, his reputation was only 6.

And last but not least, Sasuke. The two actually got along decently well, mainly because Sasuke saw him as a rival in both intelligence and overall skill. Additionally, this was a Sasuke before the Uchiha Massacre, so he wasn't a brooding emo which Kurogami and others could get a little close to. Because of this, his reputation was 17 - though, it was mainly because Sasuke's impression of him was exemplified by seeing him as a 'rival'.

As for his friend group. Naruto's reputation went from 30 to a big 62. Hanabi's rose from 10 to a nice 45, which appeared to a be threshold as it had been stuck there for over a month for some reason. As for Hinata's, her reputation, like her sister's, went up to 45 and was stuck there.

That was the the end of new friendships and school reputation (P.s. Iruka's grew to 19 and Mizuki to 25). As for their levels, it didn't raise much.

Kurogami, due to people not wanting to mess with him and his friends after finding out they were the reason 6 kids were unconscious (Kurogami got suspended after taking all the blame, but due to his relationships with the teachers and witnesses backing him, he only had a few days off). Because of this, his level only rose once and his stat growth was okay at best, nothing too good though as he wasn't focusing on getting too strong currently.

[Name - Kurogami

Age - 6 -> 7

Race - Human 

Title - Bully Destroyer, Little Professor, Genius Author

Clan - Clanless (Orphan)

Level - 11 (2835/3000) -> 12 (790/3400)

HP - 1230/1230 -> 1450/1450 (Regen: 203/Min)

CP - 1150/1150 -> 1250/1250 (Regen: 162.5/Min)

SP - 1300/1300 -> 1580/1580 (Regen: 221.2/Min)

Control - 10%

STR - 19 -> 31

VIT - 28 -> 46

DEX - 26 -> 40

INT - 20 -> 35

CHA - 12 

CC - 2

Luck - 5

Stat Points - 29 -> 34

Money - Set for Life -> Next Few Generations Set For Life]

'Oh yeah, it was my 7th Birthday a few months ago' He thought to himself as he looked at his new status, remembering the day he and the other 3 spent the night at his place to celebrate it (After Hinata and Hanabi had to do a LOT of convincing by the sounds of things).

Compared to other students, his level right now was okay. With the highest in the class, Sasuke, being level 18. Hanabi's was 16, Hinata's was 12, and Naruto's was 11. The others are for another time. Then again, he didn't really care about levels because even though he was the same level as Naruto, he could most likely beat the level 18 Sasuke in a spar (Though, spars in lesson won't begin until the second year, which was good for Kurogami)

With pretty much everything out of the way, the remaining things were his skills:

[Active Skill: Sprinting - Lv. 8 -> 17]

[Activating the skill increases running speed by 14% -> 18%]

[SP Usage - 10/Min -> 9/Min]

[Mixed Martial Arts: Active Skill - Lv. 8 -> 14]

[Activating the skill grants +8 STR and +8 DEX -> +14. Speed of attacks increased by 24% -> 36%]

[Active Skill: Observe - Lv. 1 -> 2]

[Activating the skill allows you to see the unseeable of anything. Increasing the level allows you to see more information] This now allowed him to see people's HP, and see 50 levels above him compared to the 30 before.

[Active Skill: Fuinjutsu - Lv. 11 -> 21] Though he didn't train physically as much as he could have. Due to having a lot of paper and ink, he increased his Fuinjutsu skills - where he'd make a lot of basic seals that could explode, freezing, burn, and etc. 

[Passive Skill: Physical Endurance - Lv. 5 -> 7]

[The body's durability increases, allowing for less damage taken. 5% -> 7% decrease in damage taken by attacks]

[Passive Skill: Drawing - Lv. 43 -> Lv. 72]

[The drawing skills of user increases, allowing for better, more skilled pieces of art. 86% -> 144% increase in drawing speed]

[Active Skill: Stealth - Lv. 4 -> 11] 

[Activating the ability gives you the power to hide in plain sight, a crucial skill for being a ninja. 20% -> 55% chance of not being spotted. For stronger opponents, -2% for each level they surpass you]

That were all his previous skills, but during the 11 months he gained some new skills as well, including:

[Active/Passive Skill: Eavesdropping - Lv. 3]

[Your ability to listen in someone else's conversation without them being aware of it. This is a very important skill for a ninja to possess for information gathering]

[Range: 12 feet (100% accuracy)]

[-10% accuracy for every additional feet] At level 1, it was 10 feet. This meant that every level he would gain 1 feet. He gained this skill after listening to school gossip.

[Active/Passive Skill: Kenjutsu - Lv. 5]

[Allows the user to freely handle swords. Increase in attack damage with swords by 18%] It started off at 10%, which meant he gained 2% per level. When shopping one day, he saw a nice looking sword and decided to buy it for the fun of it. After swinging it around a few times in ways he saw from anime, he learned the skill.

And finally,

[Passive Skill: Danger Sense - Lv. 1]

[A natural survival instinct. It allows the user to sense when something bad might happen. The higher the skill level, the earlier the user can sense danger] Which he unlocked today, something that, honestly, scared him a little.

Shaking his head of the thought, Kurogami now sat down at his work desk where he began to draw the final chapter of Volume 74, the final volume.

After 30 minutes, he finished. With all of Volume 74 in hand, he dashed over to the library where he saw Shizuka, who's reputation had risen from 10 to 40, re-reading Volume 10 of Bleach. She rose her head to see him with pages in hand, causing her to energetically place the book down and make a phone call, where after a few minutes Mamoru, who's reputation had risen from 7 to 33, appeared with an excited smile.

"So, the finale, ay?" Mamoru asked no one in particular as he skimmed through the volume with a gasp, "Wow... so that's Aizen's bankai, ay? And Ichigo's True Bankai is able to overpower Fate Manipulation?? This..." After finishing, he clasped Kurogami's hands, "Kurogami... do you have any other ideas you'd like to publish? And if so, would you like to continue working with me and my company?" He asked, his heart pounding in anticipation.

"Of course, Mr. Mamoru... I feel as if our relationship has grown more than simple employer-employee relations, and it'd be wrong of me to just turn my back on you" Kurogami replied truthfully with a soft smile.

"..." With a smile of his own, Mamoru released Kurogami's hands and nodded, "Yes... I think so as well" He turned away, hiding his sad face full of nostalgia, "Almost as if I had a son of my own..." He mumbled, intending for no one to hear him not knowing of Kurogami's eavesdropping skills. His reputation rose to 40.

"Oi, that's my thing!" Shizuka, who also heard him, joked with a huff. She stood up from her desk and pulled Kurogami into a warm hug, "Oh, how you've grown so much" She 'cried', before breaking character and laughing.

The silent, closed library was full of the three's laughter. Kurogami smiled, glad and not regretful in the slightest that he visited the library every day and grew closer to Shizuka and Mamoru outside of work.

With this cosy, loving interaction, both of their reputations leaped straight to 50.

(A/N: Before people say this is forced, I'll make some things clear: First of all, remember that MC spent pretty much every day for 11 months getting close to them. Second of all, MC is parentless in this world and, although he didn't think much of it/didn't notice it, he wanted the feeling of familial love. Finally, MC is a kid - a kid who gained a few memories of somebody from Earth, which included his love for fictional works, the fact he *Spoiler* was also parentless, and a little bit of his personality at 6 years old - who spent a year with parental figures. The little change in personality is only the slight maturity in humour, vocabulary, etc, otherwise Kurogami would probably be acting like Naruto if not worse or something similar)

The next day, Mamoru had published the final volume of Bleach.

[Sub Quest - Ninja World's Entertainment - Finale! - Complete]

[Sub Quest Objective: Draw All of Bleach and publish it officially]

[Main Rewards Gained: +20 Levels on Drawing Skill, +10 Levels on Fuinjutsu Skill, +5 Levels, Random Shonen Manuscript, Random Shojo Manuscript, Random Seinen Manuscript, New Perk - 'Mangaka's Influence']

[New Quest! Repeatable Quest: Never Stop Drawing]

[Repeatable Quest Objective: Finish and Publish a complete Manga]

[Reward: 1 Random Manga Manuscript of a Chosen Genre] The quest wasn't one that could be accepted or denied, and was one that could be done at any time. 

[Passive Skill: Drawing - Lv. 72 -> 92]

[The drawing skills of user increases, allowing for better, more skilled pieces of art. 144% -> 184% increase in drawing speed]

[Active Skill: Fuinjutsu - Lv. 21 -> 31]

[Level Up x5]

[Name - Kurogami

Age - 7

Race - Human 

Title - Bully Destroyer, Little Professor, Genius Author

Clan - Clanless (Orphan)

Level - 12 (790/3400) -> 17 (0/5700)

HP - 1450/1450 -> 1950/1950 (Regen: 273/Min)

CP - 1250/1250 -> 1750/1750 (Regen: 227.5/Min)

SP - 1580/1580 -> 2080/2080 (Regen: 291.2/Min)

Control - 10%

STR - 31

VIT - 46

DEX - 40

INT - 35

CHA - 12 

CC - 2

Luck - 5

Stat Points - 34 -> 59

Money - Next Few Generations Set For Life]

The Wheels for the Manuscripts spun and landed of: Shonen - Black Clover. Shojo - D.N. Angel. Seinen - One Punch Man

[Perk Gained: 'Mangaka's Influence'! Perk System Unlocked - Special Perks Shop Remains Locked]

[Managaka's Influence: As the owner of the story, it's only right you become the owner of one of the skill's from your works. When completing a Manga, you gain a skill copied/influenced by the Manga you draw] (A/N: Shoutout to Joshua52413 for the idea)

[Mangaka's Influence Perk Activated!... Skill Copied... Skill Altered... Skill Created: Cero]

[Active Skill: Cero - Lv. 1]

[A powerful, potentially devastating blast of concentrated energy. The power, force, speed, blast area and control of the Cero increases with the level of the skill. Other variations of Cero can be made with enough skill]

[CP Usage: Dependant on the Cero Created]

Sitting in a room in his house, Kurogami couldn't help but have his mouth drop as his body trembled in excitement, 'Oh... my... GOD!' He jumped up from his seat and began running around the house in excitement, 'I have a cero! A cero!'

He couldn't wait to use this skill, but after looking around and realising 1. he was in his house currently, 2. he was in Konoha as a whole, 3. the village would definitely be alerted if a blast destroyed part of the village, so he decided to wait a while before having any ideas of using it.

"I love this system" 


A/N: Jesus, that was a LOT of information to write about. I think I've mentioned everything, if I'm missing something or got something wrong, feel free to correct me. Also, I'll be posting an auxiliary chapters within the next few chapters about the relevant characters introduced so far (I'll do this once their levels and reputation are actually caught up to the present, as not everything has been mentioned yet. Either way, if I don't mention it I'll update it for the auxiliary chapter)

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