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80% Naruto: Kurogami, The Gamer Shinobi / Chapter 8: Chapter 8: More Bullies... More Exp

Capítulo 8: Chapter 8: More Bullies... More Exp

The next day, another week of Little Ninja Academy had begun. 

Kurogami walk to school in his casual clothing, which consisted of black joggers and a black hoodie with a white short sleeve t-shirt underneath. He had his hands in his pocket, feeling on top of the world as he looked at any and every house, building, and shop he walked by thinking 'I wonder how much that costs... I could buy that...'

The money was getting to his head a little, but with the large amount he had, anybody would. He eventually arrived in school and walked to his class, entering his class exactly on time as he walked to the back to his seat. Iruka wasn't here yet, late to homeroom.

He looked at the students as he walked by, a small, barely visible smirk on his face as he saw over half the class reading at least one of the Bleach volumes. Friend groups were chatting to one another, debating on who the 'best character' was so far.

"It's obviously Ichigo!" He heard someone from the back row shout to his friends, his arms crossed as he wouldn't take any other opinion.

"That's so basic, though! Chad is obviously the best, his name is literally 'Chad'!" Someone argued, a few nods and yes's from people in agreement.

"Orihime's hot" A culture boy said.

"Agreed" Now that was something all the boys could agree on, the girls in front of them cringing and calling them 'gross' and 'perverts', "Don't act like you don't think Ichigo or any of the dudes are hot, even I gotta say he's hot, and I'm a guy!" The girls flushed in embarrassment, caught in the act at their hypocrisy.

"Alright, settle down class!" Iruka, having arrived late to class, told the class to be quiet with tired eyes, "Sorry I'm late... I overslept, uwahhh..." He yawned, rubbing his eyes, "To be honest, I'm too tired to teach homeroom, so I'll be taking a nap, feel free to do what you want as long as it's within the classroom and not too loud. Whoever wakes me up gets after school detention"

Magically, Iruka pulled out a pillow and blanket, getting cosy as he slept on his desk at the front of the class.

With no hesitation, everyone in the class moved to their friend groups and hung out in their usual, unspoken 'area's - the place in the class that was forbidden to people not in the friend group and therefore couldn't be in their area.

Naruto, Hanabi, and Hinata moved to where Kurogami sat, taking their chairs with them to take a seat around him. Kurogami stayed in his seat beside the window, Naruto sat beside him directly in the corner of the class, Hanabi sat beside Kurogami at the desk, and Hinata sat beside Naruto against the wall.

"Good morning..." Hinata spoke quietly, her shyness having improved a lot with the group after a month of being friends.

"Good mornin', guys!" Naruto replied, very energetic even though it was only 9am, "Say... what's this 'Bleach' thing everyone's talking about? Isn't bleach bad for you, why are people saying they love it?" He asked, causing Hanabi to look at him with her mouth agape.

"You don't know Bleach, the best book to ever exist?!" Hanabi, a huge fan of Tite Kulo and his work Bleach, gasped at Naruto's obliviousness to what she deemed 'the best thing in the world'.

"Uh... no? That's why I asked, stupid!" Naruto laughed, his hands behind his head as he swung on his chair and leant against the wall, "So it's a book...? Yeah, not my thing" Naruto waved his forward to show his disinterest, "Reading's not my thing"

"Is that 'cos you don't like it, or because you can't read?" Kurogami asked, curious as he had in fact never seen Naruto read (He wasn't even sure if he saw Naruto read in the anime).

Naruto's face flushed at the question, "I-I can read! I just... don't like reading, dattebayo!" He said, though the other three looked at him turning his head away, avoiding eye contact with a blank face

"He definitely can't read" Hanabi said, Kurogami and her nodding together. Meanwhile, Hinata was holding back her giggles so as to not make Naruto feel like he was being attacked by all of them... even though he was.

"I CAN READ!" Naruto screamed, a little too loudly as Iruka raised his head, "..." He scanned the class with his tired eyes for a few seconds before placing his head back on his pillow much to everyone's relief. The class turned to Naruto and stared at him, some saying how they had hoped that Naruto awoke Iruka so that he could get the after school detention. 

"I can read...!" Naruto shouted in a whisper, ignoring the stares of his classmates. 

"Prove it. Right now." Hanabi said, her voice bossy as she pulled out the first volume of Bleach from her bag and handed it to Naruto, who took hold of the book, "If you damage the book at all, I'll kill you, got that?" She stated in his ear, causing him to nod his head profusely.

"Ehem..." Naruto cleared his throat and opened the book, "Oo, it's got colours!" He said with glee, "Let's see... 'It must be... around here... I see... I feel strong... spirit activity" He read slowly. As in, unbelievably slow it was hurting the three around him as they winced.

"Okay, we get it! You can 'read'" Hanabi took her book back from Naruto's hands, dusting his fingerprints from it before placing it back into her bag, "What do you think?" She asked

"Of the book...? I don't know, I only read one page" Naruto shrugged.

"Oh, yeah. Fair enough" Hanabi chuckled awkwardly at her mistake before turning to Kurogami, "Say, what do you think of Bleach? Have you read it?" Meanwhile, Naruto and Hinata began chatting with one another about something

"Of course I have, best work out there" Kurogami said with a nod, shoving his nose up his own ass, "I get every volume as soon as it releases" 'Technically not wrong'

"Me too!" Hanabi replied energetically, fully turning her body towards Kurogami as she rested her arm on the desk, "Who's your favourite character? Mine's Rukia!" 

"Hm... as of now? Probably Kisuke to be honest. But I'm sure that'll change soon" He answered, "Why's Rukia your favourite?" He wondered, liking hearing people's opinions about Bleach

"Well, first of all she's very pretty. Second of all, I like how she's strong, even though she lost her shinigami powers she still fought some hollows. And finally, it's clear she has some problems with her family... and I wanna see how that plays" She answered, a solemn expression on her face which Kurogami took notice of before she quickly changed back to her usual, cheery self.

"Fair enough, I like Ruki-" Kurogami was about to carry on the conversation, when a scream filled his and everyone else's ears.

"AHH!-" Naruto, who's chair had slipped forward, fell backwards and hit his head strongly on the wall and roughly landed on his back on the floor, "Ow!" He yelped, rubbing his head and back in an attempt to ease it.

"Naruto..." A worried Hinata got out of her seat and tried her best to console Naruto.

"Naruto! Detention!" Iruka, unsurprisingly awoken by Naruto's scream, shouted with a frown, "After school, this classroom. Be here, or else"

The class turned to the pained Naruto and laughed, both at his pathetic figure and the fact he got an after school detention.

Kurogami and Hanabi glared at their classmates, ready to stand up when Naruto called out to them, "G-Guys... it's okay, ahah..." He forced a laugh, rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment as he picked himself up off the ground, Hinata warning him to not hurt himself more, "It's just a detention anyway, it's fine" He said, going back down to his seat with his chair as the laughter and harsh words of his classmates entered his ears.

Shortly after, Iruka announced that homeroom has ended and Mizuki entered the class, a smile on his face as he looked up to see Kurogami. Mizuki was the reason he received his 'Little Professor' title after he answered all the questions in class one day after being picked on, impressing Mizuki and the class with his knowledge. As a result, from this past month, Mizuki's reputation increased from 0 to 13, including the bonus from his title.

The day went by normally, with Kurogami and the gang hanging out at lunch before having the other lessons. In physical activity period, they were made to run 10 laps around the field before doing basic exercises like push-ups, sit-ups and squats. After that, they played a game of dodgeball as they tend to do something fun at the end of lesson - they'd play dodgeball, football ('soccer), and basically any sport. Or hide and seek to test their camouflage skills, it's not fun at all being the seeker for that.

After school, Naruto stayed behind for his detention. Kurogami, Hanabi and Hinata went their separate ways back home after walking for a bit together like they usually do, where Kurogami then drew a chapter for volume 7 of Bleach which he'd get published on Sunday after completing it.




The next day, Tuesday, it was now lunch as Kurogami, Hanabi and Naruto sat in their class area. This was their hangout spot for lunch now. At first, it was the school rooftop but they got in trouble a few weeks ago and were told that the rooftop is banned, so they decided to stay in the classroom where no one stayed surprisingly.

"Hey... isn't Hinata taking awfully long?" Hanabi questioned, her voice laced with worry for her older twin sister as she chewed her thumb's nail unconsciously.

"She's probably just waiting in the lunch queue, they're always long!" Naruto replied, eating some cold ramen he brought to school.

"Or she went to the toilet" Kurogami added, drinking some apple juice.

"I'll be back!" Hanabi darted out of the classroom and left the two boys, her worry of her sister getting to her.

Kurogami and Naruto looked at each other, then at Hanabi's empty seat, then at each other once more, smiles growing on both their sly faces, "Finally... no girls!" They hugged and cried, "Bro! Y'know how I drank so much water yesterday? I needed the toilet the whole day, but then I got that detention and Iruka wouldn't let me go, so once I got home... my pee was heavenly, dattebayo!" 

"For real?! Man~... I ate a lot of food the last week or so, and yesterday I took a dump and... oh my, it was a poop monster" Kurogami replied, the two boys indulging in a talk that they couldn't have with girls around.

10 minutes later, the two girls hadn't returned, "Okay... I'm not tryna sound like Hanabi here, but aren't they taking too long to come back?" Kurogami asked, wondering why they hadn't returned yet. Going to the toilet or waiting in line shouldn't take that long.

"Yeah... should we check on 'em?" Naruto asked, the two standing up when suddenly the door to the class slid open. The two looked at the door to see an angry Hanabi with a hurt Hinata, "What happened?!" The two shouted worriedly, jumping over desks to reach the two girls.

"These bastards picked on Hinata, and even hit her!" Hanabi answered, her voice full of anger at the memory, "When I arrived, Hinata was crying on the floor with three boys standing over her, so I beat them up" She gave a forced smile, looking to her sister by her side, "Do you guys mind coming with me to take Hinata to the infirmary?" She asked

"Of course" The boys replied with a nod, grabbing their stuff as they took Hinata to the infirmary where the doctor patched her up easily and quickly.

"All done, no big injuries which is good... you're still young, though, so I recommend drinking and eating a lot and getting proper sleep for today at least until you've fully recovered" The doctor informed, earning a stiff nod from the quiet Hinata.

"Hey, you oka-" Naruto went to grab her shoulder as he asked her the question out of concern. However, he and Kurogami and Hanabi were surprised to see Hinata smack his hand out of the way with wide eyes, her body trembling until she realised what she had done with a gasp

"I-I'm s-sorry..." She mumbled, biting her lip to prevent tears flowing out of her eyes as she ran out of the infirmary out of embarrassment. Hanabi apologised to Naruto and Kurogami before chasing after Hinata and taking her home safely.




The next day, Kurogami and Naruto sat in homeroom and took notice of the fact the two Hyuga sisters were late to arrive.

Feeling something was up, Kurogami raised his hand, "Yes, Kurogami?" Iruka asked, "Can I go toilet, Iruka sensei?" Kurogami asked, to which Iruka nodded allowing him to leave the class.

Once Kurogami left, Naruto raised his hand and also asked to go to the toilet, "No, Naruto" Iruka stated sternly, still triggered about yesterday

"But Iruka Sensei! I really need to go!" Naruto cried in complain, his face going green as he brought his hands to his crotch area, "I-I can't hold it in..."

"Okay okay!" Iruka gave up, "You can go toilet, just don't stink up the class!" He said, the class laughing at Naruto as he ran out of class to 'take a dump'

Kurogami, who had ran out of the classroom earlier to Naruto, looked all around the school until eventually ending up outside where he saw Hanabi slightly beat up and on one knee, with Hinata behind her crying and pleading the group of 6 boys in front of them to stop. The three boys that Hanabi had beat up came back for revenge, but this time with their older brothers who were a few years older than them in Little Ninja Academy.

They also didn't fight fairly, ganging up on Hanabi and playing around with her. The three beat up boys, however, simply stayed behind the group while laughing and ridiculing the 'Freak eyed' sisters.

Kurogami, his body shaking in anger, looked at the boys levels. He began with the 3 boys in the same year at the back

[Richie, A Bully], [Level: 8], [Reputation: 0] He seemed to be the leader out of the 3 as he stood in the middle and the two beside him appeared to imitate him

[Kaku, A Wannabe Bully], [Level: 6], [Reputation: 0] It seems he had 0 reputation with them even though he has the boost from his quest after defeating Issei and his friends, meaning they likely already disliked him

[Kuwoki, A Wannabe Bully], [Level: 6], [Reputation: 0]

He then looked at the levels of the older boys, starting with the guy in the middle

[Shinji, A Renowned Bully], [Level: 27], [Reputation: 0]

[Tommy, A Bully], [Level: 23], [Reputation: 0]

[Shoto, A Bully], [Level: 21], [Reputation: 0]

Looking at the older boys' levels, Kurogami wondered if he could take them if he got the sneak of them, 'Maybe not by myself... but if I have Hanabi backing me up, we might be able to win' He nodded at the 'plan', using his [Stealth] skill to sneak behind the 3 injured boys, successfully going unseen.

He then activated his [MMA] skill, raising his STR to 27 and DEX to 34 (35 STR and 43 DEX with bully title) before kicking their legs strongly, causing them to twist as the three flopped to the floor with a pained yell, alerting the older boys.

[Richie, Level 8, defeated! 320 Exp Gained!]

[Kaku, Level 6, defeated! 170 Exp Gained!]

[Kuwoki, Level 6, defeated! 160 Exp Gained!] (Level - 10 (470 -> 1120/2600))

"What the-" The older boys turned their heads to see what was up, surprised to see their young brother's crying in pain before being knocked out by Kurogami to silence their screams, "YOU!" Tommy shouted angrily, forgetting that Hanabi was behind them as well which allowed her to kick his precious jewels.

"Oo-oooOOoOo" His voice cracked as he held his cracked eggs, falling onto his knees and planting his pale face to the floor. Kurogami, wanting the Exp, went to finish off the already-down man with a punch, but was strongly grabbed by Shinji and, unable to break out of the hold fast enough, was thrown beside Hanabi. He landed perfectly on his feet, patting his back at his nice performance.

"You two alright?" He focused his attention back to what was going on now, as he asked the girls concerningly. He looked at the sobbing Hinata who began to smile a little after seeing Kurogami come to aid them.

"Yeah... help me beat their asses, will ya?" Hanabi said with a grin, entering her fighting stance as she looked at the two standing boys with enraged eyes, "Though, don't touch their private place, that's for me to shatter!" She claimed, causing Kurogami to gulp loudly

'Oh Hagoromo... please may Hanabi or anybody else never break my balls like she'd done just now, amen' He prayed silently, his eyes analysing the two guys in front of them.

"Oooo, little miss' boyfriend came to save the day, did he?" Shinji attempted to taunt, though it didn't affect them, "I'm jealous~ Shame you beat up my brother, otherwise I may have had the idea of taking you home with me" The boy disgustingly commented.

'Ain't you, like, 11 or 12? Who the hell says that at that age? And why the hell would she wanna go with YOU anyway' Kurogami wondered, not realising that he grew angry at the unwanted and unneeded thought of Hanabi going home with the kid.

"Psh, please" Hanabi covered her mouth, preventing a laugh from escaping, "First of all, you're unbelievable ugly to the eyes, and I have the Byakugan so that's saying something. Second of all, lose some weight before you even get a single idea of getting a girlfriend let alone me, a potential Hyuga Heiress. Third of all, I'm not interested, in. the. slightest" She rebuked.

"..." Shinji had a vein popping from his forehead, clearly angry as his face went redder and redder with each passing second. Eventually, he pounced forward and went to attack Hanabi, his anger clouding his judgement and rationality as he completely forgot about Kurogami right beside her who kicked him directly in the face.

Shinji got sent back a few metres, the kick snapping him out of it as he took a breather, "Phew..." He stepped forward and stood beside Shoto, "Let's teach these bastards not to mess with their elders" 

"You're only a few years older than us, you idiot!" Hanabi and Kurogami both yelled out, jumping forward as they attacked their intended target. Hanabi sent a fast, strong palm towards Shinji whilst Kurogami went for a quick jab to Shoto's head.

Fortunately, Shoto hadn't expected the speed of Kurogami's punch to be so fast, the fist landing cleanly onto his nose causing it to bleed. Kurogami struggled a little to reach the boy's face due to the height difference. Although he grew an inch, now 4ft1, Shoto was still taller than him by nearly a foot, at 4ft9.

Hanabi, on the other hand, had her wrist grabbed by Shinji who looked down at her with a smirk. Holding her by the wrist, he went for a punch to her face which she managed to dodge by moving her head. However, his hold was too strong for her to escape as he kept sending punch after punch after punch to her face, a few landing and bruising her face, some blood appearing as well.

"Hanabi!-" Kurogami attempted to move away from Shoto and get Hanabi out of Shinji's grasp, but Shoto sent a kick which he had to jump back to avoid, "Tch" He kissed his teeth, unable to help Hanabi as Shoto wouldn't let him do so, "Fine, I'll just defeat you then"

And so, the two indulged in a scuffle. Kurogami began by jumping up high and sending a spinning kick to Shoto's head, who ducked under the kick and went to grab Kurogami's other leg. He nearly succeeded, grabbing hold of Kurogami's leg, but he was quick to respond as he grabbed Shoto's arm with one of his and punched with his free hand.

"Ah!" Shoto yelped at the pain of Kurogami punching his arm, which was now likely broken if not fractured, "Son of a bitch!" Shoto cried, going for a punch towards Kurogami's face. However, what he hadn't expected was for Kurogami to step forward and tank the punch to the face

"W-What?!" Shoto gasped in shock at Kurogami's 'stupidity'. But, he grew more shocked after realising his punch did little to no damage, [-48HP].

"Heh" Kurogami smirked. Not only because the punch had done pretty much nothing, but also because his [Physical Endurance] skill levelled up to 5, decreasing the damage now by 5%.

He grabbed Shoto's extended arm, squeezed it and sent a fast kick to Shoto's thigh. Shoto, now unable to move and escape, watched helplessly as Kurogami reeled his arm back and punched his face, using the momentum to lift his body up off the ground and plant his face into the ground, knocking him unconscious instantly as a blood pool formed around his face.

[Shoto, Level 21, Defeated! 1050 Exp Gained!] (1120 -> 2170/2600)

[MMA Skill has levelled up!] 

[Active Skill: MMA - Lv. 8 -> Lv. 9]

[Activating the skill grants +8 STR and +8 DEX -> +9. Speed of attacks increased by 24% -> 26%]

Sad that he hadn't received enough Exp to level up, he shook his head of the thought before running over to Hanabi and Shinji, sending an axe kick to Shinji's arm which he had to avoid unless he wanted it to shatter.

And so, he release Hanabi's hold, causing her to fall onto her back. Her face was bruised and bloody, she was barely conscious as she gasped for air. She heard her sister scream her name and run for her, but her vision was too blurry and covered by her black, bruised eye to see anything.

What she hadn't seen was Kurogami being punched back a few metres by Shinji, his arms bruised and hurting after blocking the punch. Shinji then decided to approach the crying Hinata who was worried for her younger sister.

"Hahaha!" With a laugh, Shinji raised his hand and was ready to punch Hinata when suddenly, his arm was wrapped by a blonde-haired whiskered boy.

"The hero's here to save the day, dattebayo!" Naruto exclaimed, spinning his body around a few times in different ways until he eventually twisted Shinji's arm and threw him to the ground.

Naruto stood up and faced the temporary fallen Shinji, his back turned to Hinata who looked at him with stars in her eyes and her mouth agape, a slight blush on her face, "N-Naruto..." She called out quietly, going unheard by the boy as his legs shook out of fear.

This was the first time he'd participate in a fight, and the pressure was much higher as he had people to protect behind him, but... "It's what the future Hokage must do!" Naruto slapped his cheeks, snapping himself out of his fears and worries as his legs stopped shaking.

"Damn it! All these bastards appearing out of nowher-" Shinji complained, enraged when suddenly he fell forward after being kicked from the back, "Wha-" He fell flat onto the floor before flipping his body over instantly to see Kurogami looking down at him with a devilish grin.

[Tommy, Level 23, defeated! 1320 Exp Gained!]

[Name - Kurogami

Age - 6

Race - Human 

Title - Bully Destroyer, Little Professor, Genius Author

Clan - Clanless (Orphan)

Level - 10 (2170/2600) -> Level - 11 (890/3000)

HP - 1130/1130 -> 1230/1230 (Regen: 147.6/Min)

CP - 1050/1050 -> 1150/1150 (Regen: 138/Min)

SP - 1200/1200 -> 1300/1300 (Regen: 156/Min)

Control - 10%

STR - 19

VIT - 28

DEX - 26

INT - 20

CHA - 12

CC - 2

Luck - 5

Stat Points - 24 -> 29

Money - Set for Life]

Feeling completely rejuvenated from the level up recovery, Kurogami cracked his knuckles and, before he could get up from the ground, jumped onto Shinji and began mounting him. He dug his knee deep into his stomach, who attempted to wiggle out of the mount.

"Y-You...! Get. Off. ME!" He kept struggling, but he felt a heavy pressure on his legs. He looked over to see Naruto sitting and grabbing his legs to stop him from moving and prevent him from getting out of the mount, "S-Shit... I'm sorry! Let me go, please!" The boy pleaded with tears in his eyes

"Too late... you really pissed me off" Kurogami, with a sinister glint in his black, lifeless eyes, had his arm reeled back, "This is for Hinata" He punched his face, "This is for myself" Another one, "And this one" Another one, "This one's for Naruto, for the fun of it" Another punch to the face, the blood from his nose and mouth staining Kurogami's hand, "And these... are for Hanabi!" Punch after punch after punch, Naruto and Hinata couldn't help but widen their eyes as they saw their friend commit what seemed like attempted murder

"O-Oi, Kurogami!" Naruto, realising that Kurogami might've been going a little too far now, released the unconscious Shinji's legs and grappled Kurogami off of Shinji, pinning him to the ground, "That's enough! We won!" Naruto announced, snapping Kurogami out of it who sighed before standing up

"I'm sorry you had to see that..." Kurogami apologised to Hinata and Naruto who looked at him worriedly, 'Though, I'm not sorry about what I did' He thought as he looked at the unconscious, beat up Hanabi, 'He deserved it' He supported himself.

[Shinji, Level 27, defeated! 1945 Exp Gained!] Level - 11 (890 -> 2835/3000)

He picked up Hanabi and wrapped one of her arms over his shoulder. Naruto walked up to him and did the same with her other arm to assist him, "I'll help" He said, to which Kurogami nodded.

"T-Thank you... you two" Hinata thanked, glad her sister was now fine and could be brought to the infirmary for help.

And so, the group of 4 left the scene of 6 kids unconscious and bloody as it was.


A/N: Wow, that was a long chapter. It might've felt dragged on a little bit, but I want the story to progress a little which is why I put this all in one so as to not make like 2 or 3 extra chapters for this. Next chapter will likely be another timeskip (Not a big one, just a few months to a year max)

For future chapters, when MC is in a fight and the stats show up (Because of a level up/change), I'll also show the bonuses from titles, etc in brackets.

For example:

STR - 19 (+4) Meaning his total is 23 with the bonus

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