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90.9% Kampf / Chapter 30: The Arrival at West Australis

Capítulo 30: The Arrival at West Australis

"Your highness…. I think it's time to put down the sword…."

"Yeah? No."

"But… Your highness… We are near West Australis."

"Hmmm? No."

Currently, Felix and Carl are arguing within the cabin of the plane they are on. 

Felix is currently clutching and hugging a katana that was given to them by the East Asian Alliance's leaders during Felix's visit to the government. 

Felix's dream in his past life was to own a katana, but… it was fucking expensive. The only katana he has, in his past life, are those katanas for cosplay… which are made up of plastic or straight up metal.

That's why when he received the katana from the others, he was so fucking happy, to the point that he sleeps with the said katana. 

All men are simple, if they saw a free katana on a table, they would immediately grab it, unsheath it, and admire the beauty of it.

The katana that he received has the same color scheme as the flag of the empire. Red, black, white, and yellow. The sheaths of the katana are black, with the Great German Empire's flag near the koiguchi or the mouth of the sheath where the katana enters. 

The handle of the sword is made up of interlocking colors of black and white, with the color yellow in the middle of each in the shape of a diamond.

It was truly a beautiful katana. He vowed to them that he would take care of this and would pass it down to his son, grandson, great-grandson, etc.. He said that this will be a family heirloom.

Of course, when the Nihon leader who gave the katana heard this, he was shocked. Why would the Empire's prince be so happy upon receiving the sword?... There must be a strange fascination towards their culture that the prince has. 

He was thinking, maybe if he introduces his granddaughter to the prince, then he might marry her, and be the one who succeeds the Nihon Empire… So he did. The Nihon Empire leader introduced his granddaughter but… the prince politely refused. He said that there's only one person currently in his heart and mind. 

The leader still insisted since during that time, most people in the higher class had at least one or two wives… but no, the prince remained adamant, for reasons the Nihon Empire leader would likely not know.

Tanya would most likely kill me.

Overall, the prince stayed in Nihon for at least a week. His stay was fun and enjoyable. Exploring the city delving into the culinary delights of the nation. 

The prince only stayed for at least a week since he needed to go to West Australis in order to tell them the necessary things that the EAA requires.

Going back, the prince, also known as Felix, is currently going to West Australis. 

The West Australis belongs to the large island known as the Australis. 

Australis is a continent down below Asia. It is located towards the bottom of the South East Asian Alliance. Its modern day equivalent is… obviously… Australia...…..

However, we know that there is one question that is in our minds. 

If Australia is a land surrounded by water… then why is it not an island? Moreover, why is it not the largest island? Why is Greenland considered as the largest island and not Australia?

Well… the answer to that is it is quite large to be considered as an island. 

Going by that definition earlier, if you consider all landmass surrounded by water as an island then… should we also consider North America as an island? Should we consider Europe, Africa, and Asia as one island? 


This is the main reason why Australia is not considered as the largest island, simply because it is too large for it to be considered as an island…

Going back, Australis is divided into two with a border. The majority of Australis lands belong to the Empire. These lands are known as Germanic Australis. If we go by states, the modern day equivalent of these lands are Western Australia, Northern Territory, and South Australia.

The Other half, East Australis, also known as English Australis, are the lands that belong to the Commonwealth. These lands, in the modern times, are composed of Queensland, Victoria, New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory, and Tasmania. 

You might think that the English Australis are much richer than Germanic Australis, but nein. First of all, the landmass of the English is much smaller than the Germans. This is due to the English being pushed back by the Germans in a war 5 decades ago. 

This war is known as the Australis war, which dictated who owns the lands now. A treaty was set and the losing side, the English, were forced to pay a third of its earnings to the Germans annually, for at least a hundred years…

Second, Western Australis has the highest earning mining locations in the world. It also contributes a lot of resources to mainland Germany. This is also one of the reasons why the Great German Empire has a strong supply, even if most of the European nations have a trade embargo against it. 

Western Australis provides, with no exaggeration, most of the Empire's iron and metal ores. With these, in addition to the annual payment of the Englishmen, Australis is a major source of income for the Empire.

Going back to the story, the katana-hugging Felix looked towards the window of the plane. He saw the nearing land of Australis. 

He saw the long, almost-straight (at least in the air) coastline of Australis. It is a very fucking beautiful coastline. One thing he also noticed is the beautiful city planning that was very different from other countries. The planning puts the future into mind.

After a few minutes, the plane that Felix and his entourage are on landed at the city's airport.

The city that they are in right now is known as New Munich. The modern day equivalent of this city is Perth. New Munich is the city that is known to be the capital of Germanic Australis. 

Clutching his katana with his left hand, Felix went down the plane. 

With his katana in hand, Felix stepped off the plane. Immediately, he was hit by the sound of a band playing and the flashing lights of cameras. The noise and lights were a bit overwhelming. 

He then stepped on the red carpet that was laid down, and immediately noticed the softness of it. He walked towards the far end of the carpet towards the standing-at-attention Governor-General of Germanic Australis.

As soon as Felix arrived in front of the Governor General, the Governor-General immediately bowed down for 45-degrees towards Felix, to which Felix immediately eased him.

"Good afternoon, your highness! I am Becker von Meyer, the Governor-General of the Germanic Australis."

"At ease, Governor-General."

"Thank you, your highness. We have your accommodations ready, your highness. What do you intend to do?"

"For now, let's head straight to your office. Also call the Admirals of the Australis Kaiserliche Marine (Imperial Navy), we have something to discuss."

"Your words are our command, your highness! If you may, please follow us."

The Governor-General immediately called a nearby secretary and tasked her to call the Admirals to his office.

The secretary immediately nodded and bowed toward Felix. She then left to call the Admirals of the Kaiserliche Marine. 

Felix, on the other hand, followed the Governor-General to the entourage of cars waiting for them.

Felix slid into the back seat of the lead vehicle alongside his escort, Carl, and the Governor-General himself.

Once they left the vicinity of the airport, Felix's entourage was greeted by a crowd of numerous people. It is not just numerous, but NUMEROUS. 

There was a huge crowd waiting for them, just to get a sight of their prince. Some were shouting, some were scattering flower petals, some had placards, etc.. It was a grand display of affection and admiration.

Felix forced a smile, waving to the crowd as their car slowly made its way through the throng. Every wave seemed to make the crowd's cheers louder, the flashes from the cameras even more intense.

Whilst the prince waved back to the crowd, the Governor-General asked Felix with an expression in his face that showed 'please like it'.'

"Did you like it, your highness?"

Felix immediately scrunched his forehead, while still donning a smile and waving to the crowd.

"Did you force them to come?"

The Governor-General seemed taken aback but quickly recovered, regardless he still smiled towards the prince since he knew what the prince was thinking. 

"Nein, your highness. The crowd themselves went to the streets in anticipation of your arrival. To tell you the truth, your highness, even if I don't force them, they will still come to the streets to anticipate your arrival."

"I see…."

This gave Felix a bit of a relief. Knowing that the people were not forced to come here is a sign of a good situation here in Germanic Australis.

"Your highness, since the mainland Empire is so far away from ours, the sight of an Imperial royalty is a rather rare sight, due to that reason, the crowd is rearing for a chance to view their prince."

To be honest, Felix is so fucking tired of crowds. There are also crowds in his home, crowds in Tokyo, even here, there are crowds. Everywhere he goes, the crowds will also follow….. 

For Felix, crowds are a source of headache, and sometimes disasters (seeing as Felix is in a car…). In his past life, Felix is more of an introvert. Though he is a nurse, the interaction he has with his patients is rather professional, and a tiny bit personal. 

He would smile, talk with them a few times, but eventually, it would drain Felix's social battery. This would lead to him being tired from further social interactions with his coworkers. 

Regardless, Felix still stood up, donned a wide smile, and waved his right hand to the masses. Afterall, he has an image and reputation to uphold. 

Now, as a prince, the stakes were much higher. Every word, every gesture was scrutinized, broadcast to the masses. There was no room for error, no space for retreat. He had an image and reputation to uphold, and any misstep could become a major scandal. It was exhausting, but it was the life he had to lead. Such is the life of a prince.

As Felix continued to wave to the crowd, the noise seemed to grow even louder, the flashes more blinding. The cheers were deafening, but he forced himself to stand tall, to smile, to wave. It was a performance, one he had become all too familiar with. The louder the crowd, the more he felt the weight of his responsibilities.

And yet, he had to endure. For now, that was all he could do….

After a while, they arrived at the New Munich Government Complex. Felix stepped out of the car and waved to the waiting crowd, a practiced but somewhat weary smile on his face. The cheers from the crowd echoed through the square as he was swiftly escorted by the Governor-General into the grand building.

Once inside, Felix let out a resounding sigh, the weight of the journey settling on his shoulders. He rolled his shoulders, feeling the tension that had built up from the repeated waving. 

"It's surprisingly exhausting to keep waving like that," 

The Governor-General, noticing Felix's discomfort, turned to him with concern.

"Are you alright, Your Highness?"

"I'm fine. Don't worry about it," 

Felix tried to brush off the concern with a polite smile, but the Governor-General, ever the attentive host, reached into his bag and produced a small box. 

"Your Highness, please accept this. It's a special ointment, said to be excellent for sore shoulders."

Felix raised an eyebrow as he took the box. The ointment was still sealed, clearly a new product. He couldn't help but wonder if this was more than just a gesture of kindness. There was always something beneath the surface in these political circles. 

Why does he seem so eager to help? 

As they walked toward the Governor-General's office within the facility, the older man leaned in slightly, lowering his voice as if sharing a secret.

"Your Highness, you see, I have a granddaughter…"

Felix nearly rolled his eyes but managed to keep his expression neutral. 

Why does everyone have a granddaughter? 

He is wondering if he would ever escape these subtle and not-so-subtle attempts at matchmaking.

If Tanya knew this, she would literally kill me…. I think? Hopefully yes.

Once they had reached the office, the Governor-General, Felix, Carl, and 2 more members of Felix's Imperial Guards.

The other 8 members (including one recruit from the original 10 Imperial Guards), stayed outside strictly guarding the door of the meeting room.

Inside the room, the admirals and the Grand Admiral of the Australian Seas are standing up at attention. Although their rank is enough for other people to make them respect these admirals, on the face of Imperial Royalty, they still need to salute.

"Good morning, your highness."

"At ease, gentlemen."

Everyone immediately sat down, except for one, the Grand Admiral.

Felix knew this Field Marshall, so he smiled towards him.

"Uncle Adolf."

"Oh how tall you have grown, Jurgendlicher (child)!"

"Hahaha, let's talk more later, uncle! For now, let's proceed with the meeting."

"You've become a responsible boy, I am proud of you."

The Field Marshall, known as Adolf von Hohenzollern, sat down and adapted a serious expression. You see, the Field Marshall is soft when it comes to family, but on matters of professionalism, family or not, he will be serious about it.

Felix went to the head of the table, as it is his place. The other 3 Imperial Guards with him stood behind Felix.

"Alright, gentlemen. I'd assume you had received the letters from the Emperor."

One of the admirals replied with an inquisitive expression.

"Yes, your highness. We had received the letter from the Emperor a few months prior. We also knew that you came from the East Asian Alliance bearing news of how to conduct the operation. May we know what was the result of the meeting, your highness?"

Felix nodded. It is quite nice to have people who are great to talk to, someone who are straight to the point, and is inquisitive in nature.

Felix then signaled Carl to hand over the briefcase he was carrying.

Carl went to the table, briefly opened the briefcase, and presented a bunch of paper to Felix.

Felix then signaled him to distribute it to the people inside.

Once the Governor-General, Admirals, and Grand Admiral received the paper, they scrutinized it.

Felix let them read the treaty for a few minutes, before continuing.

"Those in your hands are the contents of the treaty we had made with the East Asian Alliance. Our role is not to directly send troops to the war but only to provide ample support to the EAA military."

"However, if the enemies try to attack us, even if just one round was fired upon our ships, we have the necessary capacity to incapacitate, decapitate, or orientate them to hell."

The Grand General, Adolf, looked up and replied.

"Well, it is quite good. We do not have to expend our soldiers and our ships have less chances to be destroyed since we do not have any EAA personnel on board. Our main issue though is the South East Asian Navy, We may have to confront them, one time during our excursion."

Another admiral also put his thoughts into the discussion.

"Though it is quite a shame that they would get all the merits of the operation… also, an international journalist would be allocated on our ships just to make sure that the treaty is being made true…Just the presence of the journalist would be a distraction for the Commanding Officer, and maybe… they might be spies…"

Felix smiled creepily and then replied to this Admiral. 

"Don;t worry about the journalists. The Emperor already knows what is needed."

The people in the room immediately knew that there is 'something' and it would definitely be great, since it comes directly from the Emperor.

"Also, it would be a nice sea to train our navy, don't you think so?"

Felix then whispered the following words, only for him to be heard.

"It is training for me too…"

Although Felix whispered, the people in the room still heard him, so they looked at each other and nodded. The Grand Admiral then said.

"Yes, your highness. This operation would be a nice training field for our navy. These past years, our navy is starting to get complacent, untrained, and lazy. But don't worry your highness, we would train them to be a formidable navy for our Empire."

"We would weed out any soldiers who are not enthusiastic enough, and would keep any soldiers who are willing to give their life for the Empire. We would show you, your highness, the true might of the German Navy, the Schwertwal! (Orca)"

Felix smiled towards his uncle and the people in the room, and said.

"Thank you, everyone. We would need to be ready for at most 2 months. We need to make sure that the world would know the fierceness of our Navy."

""Yes, your highness!""

"Before we go. I would like to ask if you have found any uranium mines in South and North Australis?"

Upon hearing the question of the Prince, the people inside the room immediately but subtly squint their eyes.

However, no matter how subtle it is, Felix still noticed it.

The Governor-General then replied.

"We do have uranium mines, your highness. But… why do you ask, your highness? Aren't they used for design and paints?"

Felix immediately squinted his eyes.

"I suppose so. Well, let's adjourn the meeting."

All of the people in the room stood up and bowed down for a bit towards Felix.

"Goodbye, your highness. We hope you have a nice stay in Australis."

As the admirals went to do their assigned tasks, Felix, the Governor-General, and Felix's uncle went outside.

Felix's uncle then talked to the Governor-General.

"Becker, I would lead my nephew towards his residence. I also need to catch up with him."

"Alright, Adolf."

Becker, the Governor-General, then faced Felix and bowed down.

"I would go now, your highness."

Felix smiled towards the Governor-General.

"Don't worry Governor-General, I am safe in my uncle's presence."

Becker bowed down again and went his own way.

Felix, his entourage, and his Imperial Guards left the establishment.

He quickly noticed that the people had already dispersed and had gone to do their own daily life.

The group then went to their own cars and left the vicinity of the government establishment.

While inside the car, Felix and his uncle catched up. They talked about how the weather was, how Felix's father is doing, how his siblings are doing, how his new sibling is doing, or if he had already found love.

Felix answered all of them truthfully except for the last… Well, Felix and Tanya are still not a thing.

Felix's car immediately stopped, causing him to hit the front seat. He then directly complained to the driver.

"Why the fuck did we stopped?!"

The driver, although nervous, still answered the prince.

"Yo-Your highness. Th-The checkpo-point signaled u-us to stop…"

Felix then immediately noticed that in front of them was a road checkpoint. There were numerous Landespolizei who were manning the checkpoint, one in particular was coming towards them, guns in hands.

 His uncle then frowned and complained on why the Polizei stopped them. 

"Why the hell did they stop us? They should know that the Prince is in this convoy! Let me go talk to them."

As soon as Adolf, his uncle, stood up, he was pulled back by Felix.

"What?! Why?!"

Felix paid no heed to his uncle. He found the situation strange. Normally, they were immediately passed through from any checkpoint, without any interference…. However, now… it really is strange. He also feels that there was something strange going on… 

Felix then looked towards the people garbed in Polizei uniform and noticed that these people have a different complexion from those with European origins.

There is one thing that Felix knew, he knew that being a Polizeri in the Empire requires them to be purely or at least ¾ German, most especially during times of war, in order to counter espionage.

Looking at this evidence, Felix felt that the strangeness of the situation became much stranger. So… Felix activated his eyes.

In an instant, his crimson red iris turned into a blend of crimson and gold. 

Immediately, numerous lines were pointed towards him, and his entourage. From the streets, buildings, even from the checkpoint itself….

Felix instantly knew what this situation was, so he instantly activated his operation orb and shouted.



Yow, yow, yow! 

It's ya boy, Kongming, hahahah joke. 

I really want to finish that anime series, but......….. No time. No time baby!

Yeah, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Peace out!

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