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27.27% Kampf / Chapter 9: The Development

Capítulo 9: The Development

A week has passed since Felix's first flight.

He was now floating above a stage, overlooking at the hive of people who are busy making something.

On his left is his gunsmith and friend, Jarvin. 

On his right is the new general manager of his company, Heinrich Müller. He was an old person, just as the same age as their Grand Butler, however, his experience as a mechanist speaks levels. 

Felix and Javin once presented the AVH-1 to Heinrich. The mechanist then inspected the gun as much as possible, and after 5 minutes of inspection, he knew the full detail of the gun. He knew the length of the barrel, down to the what wood would they use for the gun. 

Heinrich was impressed by the gun that was presented to him. The only downside on this gun is that it uses a milled receiver, which takes a lot of time. He ask his boss if there is an alternative to this, and Felix told him to find a better way to heat treat stamped metal sheets.

Faced with the task, he thought about it and he had an idea on how to do it, yet he needed to experiment on it more.

He then asked the prince and the gunsmith if there are any more designs. 

Concluding that the old mechanist as a trustworthy person, Felix presented to him the two schematics that he showed to Jarvin.

Heinrich was impressed by the design and the theorized functionality of the guns that were in the schematics. He promised his boss to help in the development of the gun, which Felix was a bit thankful since developing a gun is kinda hard.

Back to the present, the trio are now overlooking the fourth and final batch of their supposedly competition. The individual's task is to create a milled receiver in an hour. 

When the mechanists heard this, they were shocked since a typical milled receiver cannot be made within an hour. Most of them can only make it within several hours at least. They were a bit apprehensive yet they still tried their best. They do not know the reasons for this, but they only knew that this is an opportunity.

At the stage, behind the trio, there are numerous milled receivers from the past three batches. Each batch has 50 people in it, so in total, there are 150 receivers behind them.

They are now in the final minutes of the competition and most of them does not yet have a made receiver. A handful of people finished the task at hand, so they are now standing at an alert position, briefly looking at their competitors, yet still staring back at the prince that was overlooking at them.

They are respectful since a member of the imperial family is in front of them. They then thought about the implications of this and thought that this might be an important matter. Briefly proud at themselves for finishing fast, they went back to reality after the final seconds of the 'competition'.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1.... STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING! Briefly put your name on the part that you made with the pen and paper in your desk. Attach it to the bottom of the stuff you made and make your way at the front of the stage to deposit it at the table."

The mechanists quickly done what they were tasked to do and left the venue. Many were sad since they failed to do the task but regardless, they are still proud for leaving their own bubbles by attempting to do a milled gun part in just one hour.

After all the participants have left, the trio went on to examine each and every receiver that was made. 

Three hours has passed after they started inspecting the receivers, they are finally done. Honestly, there were only 10 receivers out of the 200 that are made properly, the others are substandard or completely wrong and can't be used.

Regardless, they just need 10 workers to make the receivers, however, they still needed some workers to do the other part.

What they wanted to do was to make an assembly line. The trio computed the least time needed in order to make one AVH-1 and they found out that they needed to put more workers on the part that was longest to make, the milled receivers. 

Other workers job was to produce other parts and a specialized trustworthy team will assemble all the parts at the end.

An assembly line is a good way to make the production faster and at the same time, lessen the cost. It is also important for misleading a spy, if there is one.

"Your highness, what would we do with the receivers that are made poorly made?"

"Just melt them down, we can still use them for making other parts. Gather all the scraps too, we can create another 10 receivers out of all those scraps."

""Yes, your highness!""

Felix then went back to the palace and practiced his flight and magic with the captain of his guards, Carl Schmidt. 

"Your highness, do you know the different magic formulas that our mage division uses?"

"Yes der Lehrer, most of the corps uses the penetration and explosive formula. The penetration formula is used to penetrate different people with one shot, or if precision is needed. The explosive formula is used to create an explosion in order to wipe out a large group of clustered enemies."

"When it comes to other mages, a well made penetration formula can penetrate the shield of other mages. The explosion formula can be used to crack the shield of enemy mages and/or to deal with a large number of mages."

"Yes, your highness, you are correct. However, there are still two more magic formulas which mages can use. However, the usage of such spells is too costly for normal mages to use. A number of magic formula layers are also needed which was mostly deemed impractical in the warfront."

"However, your highness, based on what I heard, there is only one mage in the army who is capable of using such spells continuously. She was reported to have used it a number of times in the Rhine warfront."

Hearing this, Felix's ears immediately straighten up. He knew the person that his Lehrer was talking about, so he perked up his ears in order to hear more.

"But for today, we will only learn about the two main magic formulas for the mage division."

Felix's ears suddenly become downtrodden, he was expecting to hear more about his goddess, but this captain of his just skipped it.

Noticing the downcast expression of his student, Carl, misunderstood the reason why his student is sad.

"Don't worry, your highness, I can teach you the other formulas after you have mastered the penetration and explosive formulas."

Felix knew that he was misunderstood but he paid it no more heed. He shook his head off and begun focusing on the lesson at hand.

Felix then grabbed his AVH-1 and imprinted the penetration formula at the magazine of his gun. After successfully imprinting it, he then aimed at the target 200m far and shoot at it. 

Immediately, the target was penetrated and went on to penetrate the bullet trap behind the target.

Looking at this, his Lehrer, was definitely amazed. A normal mage can't even penetrate the specially made bullet trap that was behind the target, but his highness has done it. 

"Excellent work, your highness. Also take note that an enchanted bullet can go further and faster than the normal bullet. If the gun you are holding now has a maximum effective range of 800 meters, then it can go further until the 2,000 meter mark. Always keep into account the 2.5 multiplier, your highness. Now, let's move on to the explosive formula."

Felix then imprinted the explosive formula replacing the penetration formula imprinted in the magazine. 

Felix then aimed at the target and opened fire. Without even knowing it, a large explosion happened in the middle of the shooting range leaving a crater in the middle. 

All of a sudden, flying mage corps, the nearby infantry, the other Royal Guards, and even his family, came to the scene.

Looking at the large crater and the smoking gun that was held by the prince, they immediately knew what had happened. 

Suddenly being on the receiving end of at least a hundred stares, Felix was a bit shy and scratched his cheeks.

"Ummm... my bad.. ehe."


While Felix was practicing his magic.

In a room that was lighted beyond doubt, a round table can be found.

Seating in this round table are a dozen people garbed in different attires which shows that they came from different nations. 

Here, they were discussing the sudden heavenly revelation that came down to them.

"Your Holiness, is it true that you have received a revelation from our Father?"

The one they called Holiness, was a man who has just turned 50. His looks can arguably be equated to his title, Holy. 

"That's right, my brothers and sisters. I received a sudden revelation from our Father."

The people from the table suddenly knelt, bowed their heads down, and put their hands on a praying position.

"My brothers and sisters, our Father told us that the time-and-space continuum of this world was suddenly disturbed. He wanted us to investigated and look out for it. He speculates that a person who does not belong to this era is present in this world. He asks us to find it and eliminate it as much as possible."

"Our Father also asked us to continue our efforts in making our own nations at war against the Great German Empire. He told us that the Empire, as a nation who accepts anyone, is an obstacle to his kingdom that will come in this world! So he asks of us all to do our best here and wait for the arrival of his kingdom here on this very Earth! Praise his will!"

""Praise his will!""

The knelt people then went back to their seats and they started discussing about their steps towards the arrival of their Father's kingdom.


Meanwhile, in the Far East, 

Three people of East Asian descent can be found sitting and discussing around a table.

The first person to speak, a person who has distinguishable Korean features, complains about the lack of resources and how under geared they were.

"My men! My very men, who has fought at the forefront of the war in the North are suffering as we speak. Due to lack of resources, my men are suffering in the north against the communist Russy Federation! I want to divert some resources towards the North, and I want it now!"

The second person to speak, a person who was noticeably Japanese, urged that they cannot just divert resources.

"That cannot be done. We are also fighting a war against the South East Asian Alliance. The resources you speak of are being used towards the repair and manufacturing of our ships! We cannot just divert some resources to you! Just stay at the defensive and don't recklessly order your men to charge and lead them to their eventual deaths!"

"What?! Are you saying that my men are dying due to my commands? Am I that stupid to order them to their deaths?!"

"If you say you are stupid, then you are stupid!"


Before a fight broke out between the two military commanders, the third person, someone who is noticeable Chinese, intervened and stopped the both of them. 

"You two are military commanders of your own nations, you should act like your position and not just brawl haphazardly!"

The two military commanders calmed down. The Chinese person suggests an idea that was ought to be a gamble.

"What if we asked help to other nations?"

"You think other nations will help us? You think that they have their own free time to help us?"

"What if we give them a compelling offer? You see, the Russy Federation is just testing out their new technology on us. They are making our people as just mere target practice."

"Now, you might be wondering that how are we just mere target practice? Then let me tell you something, if the Russy Federation wants to destroy our frontlines, they will and they have the capacity to do it. But they do not want to overextend their lines because they are preparing for something."

"Something? What might they be preparing for?"

"Well, we all know that the Commonwealth and the Russy Federation are having talks. You see, there will be a chance, no, there is a big chance for the Russy Federation to invade the Empire after the Empire extends their lines in the West."

"So... we ask help from the Empire and then help them against the Russy Federation when the time comes?"

"Yes! We can ask them to help us in our fight against the South East Asian Alliance. With their powerful navy and our own navy, the South East Asian Nation will be hit from the back and the front. "

"I see... So the Empire can send their naval garrison in Australia as reinforcements for us. But... what if the Empire wants a piece of the cake?"

"Don't worry, they wont, even if they want, then we will just give them a little bit of lands in the south. They know that getting a larger territory during wartime is akin to shooting themselves in their foot. They need all the manpower they have in their front lines, they cannot just send someone to manage tons of lands."

"I see,,,"

The trio then contemplated it more and discussed it further.

"With all that set and done. We need to ask our respective leaders to send an envoy to the Empire, in order to negotiate and strike a deal with them. For the East."

""For the East!""


In the Dacian Grand Duchy.

Underneath a military base.

A person is chained up from the ceiling. Two chains are grasping his arms above, his body filled with light to heavy wounds, and his legs has been cut off from the knee.

He was caught swooping in after he infiltrated the castle of the grand duke. He saw and heard something that was not to be seen so he was brought to the military base and was tortured.

A torturer, attempting to find out more about the spy is currently flogging him at his back.





"Yeah? That's what the papers say about you, but I, I knew you were a rat."

As the torturer is saying this, he was grabbing a knife from a nearby drawer. He licked the knife and showed it to the face of the alleged spy. 

"You see, this knife is one of my friends. It's name is Andrew. You see, Andrew here is known to be a serial penetrator. He likes to penetrate stuffs from paper down to humans. Andrew here will carve a hole in your mouth and then Andrew will enter it. Andrew likes it the most."

The torturer then did an impromptu puppet show using the knife. He mimicked the voice of someone and bounced the knife up and down as an attempt to show it was speaking.

"Hi! I am Andrew. I like to enter. So please, before I enter you, do you have any thing to say to me?"

The tortured person was terrified of the crazy person in front of him. He keeps shaking his head and is continually shouting that he is innocent, but..


"Wrong words."

The torturer then stabbed the knife through the person's cheek causing Andrew to enter it and go through the other cheek. 


"Stop shaking! You do not want to know what will happen to you if you RUIN MY ARTWORK!"

The tortured person was shaking hard yet he attempted to stop shaking, but the pain was so intense that he still kept shaking after the stabbing.

"Ah. So you wont stop shaking eh? Then let me widen your smile."


The torturer slashed the embedded knife towards the lips of the person. He opened it up to the point that the insides of the person's mouth can be seen.

"There, perfect! Now, tell me who sent you, or I might add some orange juice to your wide smile, hehehe."


"Well then."

The torturer then grabbed a nearby orange from who knows where and starts to peel it in front of the person, with his background music as the shouts and cuss words of the person being tortured.

The torturer took his sweet time and when the orange was fully peeled. He cut it into small pieces and ate some. He then slowly walked back to the person being tortured. 

The torturer remain silent amidst the shouts and cries of pain and cuss words. He then showed a piece of an orange in front of the person and wiggled it. Without any hesitation, he pulped the orange on the open mouth of the person, straight to the wounds. 

"AHHHHH FUCKYOU!!!!!!!!!!"

The torturer then laughed and grabbed Andrew in order to widen the 'smile' of the person when suddenly he felt a cold sensation in the back of his head. He then heard a voice behind him.

"Du bist tot. (You're dead)"

The torturer then.... there was no more torturer. The torturer is now lying on the floor flat, with a hole in the front and back of his head.


The person who arrived was garbed in a traditional Dacian military attire. He then looked at the state of the person being tortured and sighed.

"I am sorry. I... was late."

The person being tortured, noticing the German words coming from the newly arrived person, was relieved. He does not need to suffer anymore.... 

"My friend, can you come home with me?"

The person who was tortured knew his situation the most. He knew that the lack of his legs will definitely hinder his escape. He knew that he soon will die due to lack of blood, He bled a lot during the torture session and was continually loosing blood as they speak.

"Listen, friend... I don't have any more time.... I need you to send this message to his majesty... Tell him.. that the Ottoman Sultanate is... visiting the Duchy... Though they went away immediately.. I heard the words coming from the Grand Duke himself... 'We will be invading the Empire on our own, and we do not need any help from you bastards'..."

"I will tell his majesty my friend... Do you... have any requests?"

"Yes... please... take care of my father and mother... Also.. burn my body."

"I will, my friend... I will."

The heavily tortured person died. Succumbing to his wounds and his injuries. 

The spy then grabbed a nearby fuel container and scattered the contents in the room. He then quickly burned the room and left. 

Outside of the facility, he saw multiple people running amok trying to grab a bucket of water or something to douse the fire. He quickly left the vicinity and saw that the building had already burned down. He knew that it will burned down rapidly since the foundation used for it is just mere wood. 

The spy then quickly went back to his nation, and a few days later, he had an audience with the Emperor. The spy told the Emperor what had happened and the information he heard from his dead colleague. 

"I see... You may go now, I would personally give the compensation towards his family. I would also posthumously award him with the Military Merit Cross. Also, if you want you can switch to another branch of the government."

"Don't worry, your majesty. I am fine where I am right now. Regardless, thank you, your majesty."

The spy then bowed down and left the room. 

Franz, the emperor, massaged his temple for a bit before assuming a thinking position.

Hmm... Looks like my son is correct when he said that the Dacian Grand Duchy will invade us... Looks like I owe him some. I need to give him merit of some sort..

The Emperor then thought of his son, who yesterday blew a crater in the ground. 

He is a bit mischievous but when it comes to strategy... maybe he know a thing or two.

"Grand Butler, please call the prince here."

The Grand Butler, noticing calling his son as 'the prince' immediately inferred that this is an Imperial summon.

"Your will be done, your majesty."

The Grand Butler then left the room and went towards the prince in order to inform him of the summons.


I posted my AN here since some people might skip the Author's note hehe

Hi! I'm sorry it was a bit late... Too busy at work... I also need to reread the manga since sooner or later, we will be now dealing with the warfront. 

Also, for schedules, there are days where I can't post because of work but don't worry, I will try my best to do it at least every other day! And fear not my minions, I will always give you a chapter with at least 3,000 words every time!

Also, I was playing a bit of War Thunder lately and I thought to myself.... What if I base my action sequence on this game. Well, technically, mages are like aircrafts, though a bit more flexible. Hmmmmm. Let's see

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