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23.07% Re:Earth - My Next Life as a Superstar / Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Dinner and Chaos

Capítulo 3: Chapter 3: Dinner and Chaos

[3rd person POV]

At the Dunphy house, Tony sat next to Haley in the living room as the whole family stood around them talking.

"Hey… uhm, I really want to know why your family had a gathering today, I mean, I don't remember you guys having something going on at this date"

Tony asked Haley who gave him a smile as she replied.

"We were actually planning to support you when we heard your parents… passed but then~ Uncle Mitch and Cam fought about how to help you. Uncle Mitch proposed to help you legally protect your inheritance while Uncle Cam wanted to do some family acceptance stunt to show you that you have us to lean on if you have troubles."

As Haley spoke, Alex cut in their conversation as she added.

"Then Granpa talked about adopting you into the family, legally if you wanted and just informally if not. Mom and Dad also talked about letting you live with us but then your relatives came and it became hard for us to approach."

Hearing the explanation from the two sisters, Tony smiled as he replied.

"Thank you"

Their conversation did not go unnoticed as Mitchell sat in front of Tony and Haley as he asked Tony-

"Okay, so Tony, how are you doing? Like, what about your family's inheritance? Who's going to take custody of you?"

His questions immediately made everyone focus on Tony. Feeling the gazes of the whole Dunphy-Pritchett line, Tony looked at Haley who had a shocked and devastated look on her face. He could guess what she was thinking so the young man could only sigh as he explained his situation

"Well, first of, I'm currently emancipated-"

His words shook everyone in the room save for a few, one of them, Luke asked.

"What does emancipated mean?"

The one to answer his question was Mitchell who used a short textbook explanation as he said-

"It means that Tony is currently not under any legal guardian, in a way, the law see's Tony as an adult who can make his own decisions."

Hearing the explanation Luke had an amazed expression on his face as he said.


The one to ask was Claire who had a look of concern on her face.

"Wait how and when did you get emancipated?"

Seeing her expression, Tony gave them an embarrassed look as he continued his explanation-

[Tony Perspective]

I knew that they would be shocked about my emancipation, after all, my parents loved me and took care of me as much as they could. Everyone was shocked to hear that I was emancipated but when I explained how things went down a look of both amazement and understanding was plastered on their face.

Honestly, even I can't believe the things my parents went through just to make sure I am able to safely inherit everything.

Unlike what was usually seen in movies, my parents created a will that allowed me to, in any circumstance, live healthy and well.

I mean, their wills were fucking tall, I never thought a legal document could get that long but with their meticulous arrangements it really did get that tall. 

What was amazing was the fact that they did not only prepare for the moment of their deaths, they even went as far as to prepare on the off chance that one of them dies before the others. 

Their wills were written together and made to ensure that their son, Anthony Lewis Clark, will be able to inherit everything upon their passing. In the chance that one of them dies before the other, some complicated clauses and long winded processes were detailed. 

But those clauses, all those processes were skipped as they would only take effect on specific situations.

Their wills were made in a way that, when a certain scenario takes place which leads to the passing of either one of them or both, something is left to me. In this case they both died and left me at the same time which invoked their final clause.

In this, they wrote about how they both would agree to my emancipation upon their death. And upon my emancipation I would be able to inherit all their assets and my trust would all fall under my name as emancipation allows me to hold properties and sign using my name.

Of course to make this possible I had to go through the process of emancipation which was quickened by my mothers connections to family court- well they also knew me well and the judge personally also consulted me a few times about investments and business.

So when I filed for emancipation bringing with me my parents wills, the judge did not even think twice after I presented my case. 

He knew me, my parents and the will detailed a well thought out plan for me. I was basically set for life and he knew that I was not some idiot who would waste away millions overnight. So my emancipation was done quickly.

Though that led to more problems as I had to go over my inheritance. Fortunately my parents' families were kind enough to handle the funeral affairs. Though that was already set as my parents had prepared for this long ago and their funeral fund answered to all the cost of the funeral.

They did invite the Dunphy's and Pritchetts as well as some of the neighbors we were close to. But… well I explained that my extended family, behind my back, withheld the invitations as they wanted the whole funeral to be a family only affair.

This was apparently one of the reasons the Dunphy's and Prtichett's had an argument as they wanted to be there for me but were not invited. So they did not know if they could just walk in without an invitation or not.

I asked for forgiveness for my relatives' actions but they accepted it. After all, the Dunphy's and Pritchett's were close to my family but not our extended family.

Moreover, when I explained the fact that, for most of the funeral, I drowned myself in handling all the legal and financial matters to avoid the funeral, I got a group hug from the Dunphy's.

Cameron and Mitchell also joined in while Jay was pulled by Gloria to join in on the hug.

After the hug, they were worried about my finances. That's why, although I tried to hide it I at least told them a bit about my inheritance.

"Well, I'm currently handling a few million in liquid assets that are all in various funds and stocks… honestly even I was shocked when I found out that-"

I paused, I didn't want to say it after all it would sound like bragging but then Phil asked.

"Found out what?"

Their gazes held concern, after all I was talking about how I would be able to support myself in the future. 

They weren't any random neighbors, we hosted parties and barbecues together. My parents and I were present consoling Phil and Haley when Luke was being born. I was still five then but I was with Haley calming her down while my parents were with Phil.

We held barbecues together, celebrated holidays together… Now I realize that I barely knew my extended family but was as close as family to the Dunphy's and Pritchett's…

They were there in my various recitals, they supported me when I played sports and were also the few who listened to all the songs I stole from my past life.

With such thoughts I remembered my parents words again, then without hesitation I answered.

"Found out that my current assets earn me about a few million annually"

Hearing my words a question came from Jay-


To his words I answered-


Silence enveloped the room, I knew what I was saying was weird but then a sigh came from Claire who gave me a relaxed look as she said.

"Hoo, now I could rest easy knowing that you won't die chasing after you dreams"

Hearing her words I retorted.

"Hey! I'm talented! I also know finance so if all else fails I could just become an entrepreneur!"

My words were then retorted by Claire as she replied.

"That's why I'm glad, even if you fail to become a superstar, you still have something to fall back to."

Hearing her words I paused, I wanted to say something, my inner teen wanted to answer but- well I have to be an adult about things. In the end what we were talking about was the same after all. 

Why do I need to fight with her when we both agree? Well she does have a bias towards showbusiness and can't trust me with that but who doesn't?

There are millions of Americans and only a few could become superstars. That may change in a few years when Youtube and social media explodes but for now, stardom is still very much limited. But it's not like I can't change it right?

I already had plans on how to do this, which reminded me-

"Oh right! I'll be transferring to Palisades High School"

My words caused a ripple that made everyone ask why I was doing so and I simply explained my reason.

Palisades was closer to my house than Hollywood Arts High School, moreover, office prices were just too much in Hollywood for me to start my record label there.

I did have some real estate inherited from my parents but they were even farther away than the house here. 

Also, yes I am planning to start my record label in my garage, I mean, Google and many other big companies started in a garage. Bands started in a garage and even some big names started their businesses in their garage… 

Well I did have this talk with my dad before… which is probably why he turned the garage into an exclusive recording studio… though it did still have the black 2008 triumph rocket 3 he was planning to pass to me when I got my license… well I already do have it but mom and dad never got the chance to bring the bike to me.

Which… is actually a blessing in disguise as I don't have to worry about bringing it back here… but now that I think about it emancipation allows me to drive past curfew right? I do recall a clause that makes me not subject to curfew after emancipation…

Thinking about that topic I just now remembered… Before transferring schools there was one project I had to take care of and then there was…

"Oh god…"

I unintentionally spoke out causing everyone to look at me with curiosity and Haley was the one to ask.

"What? Is there something you forgot to do?"

I wanted to hide it but since they probably won't shut up about it until they know I'll guess coming clean would be the best thing to do right now-

"Well, I've been out of school for two weeks, handling all the paperwork and transfers and then the funeral… I forgot about the show… I was supposed to write a song for Tory, then the arrangement for the musical- oh fuck! I was supposed to write the script for the play, then there's that reality- oh no-"

When I remembered all the things I had to do I just remembered one thing that I hope didn't get aired.

'That fucking accident! Shit if Haley see's that assholes editing…'

I said my farewells as I rushed back to my house not realizing that Luke turned the TV on and my face was on the screen.

If I took a better look and did not focus my attention on getting home I would have seen the stupid edits and fake drama that the damned director made.

[3rd Person POV]

Tony left Dunphy's residence quickly, he rushed to his house like he was chasing after something. As everyone was still speculating on what he just recalled, Luke suddenly screamed in surprise.

"Tony's on the TV!"


"Let me see!"

"Oh my god!"


Various comments suddenly exploded in the house as the scene depicted Tony playing with a piano as he sang a somewhat explicit love song with a slim beautiful brunette. She was a bit taller than Haley but since Tony sat before a grand piano as he sang, the brunette was able to walk around the Piano as she sang towards Tony.

[The song is Just Give me a Reason by Pink featuring Nate Ruess]

The two sang with so much emotion that it was hard to NOT see them as lovers. 

"Well, so much for having a childhood boyfriend-"

Alex commented but her snarky comment stopped when the scene suddenly focused on Tony and the brunette. The song ended and the two suddenly kissed. It was short but the editing and effects made it appear as if the moment was VERY intimate.

Then the scene cut, it was an advertisement for a reality TV show titled, "Starstruck". Haley started to scream and then Phil searched the show and he then read the synopsis that appeared online-

"Starstruck shows the daily life of high school students at Hollywood Arts High School, the show centers around two talents, the rich and prodigious Anthony Lewis Clark as "Lew" and the talented yet innocent Victoria Vega as "Tori"..."

As he read through it, Mitchell was quick to calm Haley down as he said.

"Haley, darling, it's a reality tv show but we all know that "reality tv" is just a scam to make people watch the show"

Haley calmed down but a comment from Cam made her flare up again-

"It is fake, but the drama between Tori and Lew is really captivating. Look, there are various ship names already, ToLe, LOri, RiLe, oh my god! That's so cute!"

Cam then showed a behind the scenes clip of Tori and Tony, the two were practicing the song that was just shown on the TV. The two were laughing and playing around, their friends were also there since they were also part of the show.

Seeing the clip made Haley pout as she stormed up the stairs.

Mitchell gave Cam a, "See what you did" look but he replied with-

"Oh, let's watch the show and then tell me that these two aren't cute!"

Mitchell sighed as he retired.

"That's not the point! Tony is Haley's boyfriend! Even if they are just "acting", you know how teenage girls are"

But his retort did not go unnoticed as Claire cut in asking.

"I'm sorry, who's Haley's boyfriend?"

To which the one to answer was Jay who rolled his eyes at Claire as he responded.

"Come on, you saw them french kissing and you still won't accept their relationship?"

Which then received Claire's indignant response-

"Absolutely not! Not until they at least turn graduate college and get stable jobs"

Her words received more sarcastic words as Jar responded.

"The boys earning millions a year, he can marry Haley and take care of her. He's a business genius and a talented artist."

"And Haley?"

Jay paused before saying-

"She'll manage"

Then an endless argument began between Clair and Jay which made Phil, Jay and Cam along with Mitchell sit in the kitchen drinking some wine. The kids had long gone upstairs and only the argument between the father and daughter continued.

"Jay really likes Tony doesn't he?" - Phil

"Well he is a talented young man who is also a part time consultant of Jay and his buddies regarding investments and business" - Mitchell

"First time I heard of that" - Phil

"His father used to be the one doing the consultancy, but ever since he focused more on being a lawyer Tony took his place, and these sessions usually happened in the country club- by the way did you know Tony was good at golf?" - Mitchell

"Another reason for Jay to like him" - Phil

"How about you? Do you like Tony?" - Mitchell

"I can't say that I don't like him- well I wanted to do the whole "You can't have my daughter" thing but Tony's just…" - Phil

"The perfect son-in-law?" - Cam

"That"- Phil

"Hey! You see this? Tony show is going to premier later after the news and the whole season will play on XXXX channel" - Gloria

"No way! So we can watch the whole series tonight?" - Phil

"Quick! Stop the father and daughter fight! We need to see this! Oh my god! Just reading the comments and the synopsis of the episodes already got me excited like a little girl!" - Cam

In the end the father and daughter duo, whose conversation had already reached far beyond the topic of Tony and Haley were forced to stop fighting as they turned the tv to the news which was coming to an end.

"Quick bring the kids down! This is a kids show! It could inspire them to try their hand at acting! Especially Haley! She has the looks to get there but few opportunities, this may be here ticket to stardom!" - Cam

On the other hand, Haley was in her room with Alex. She was looking up information on Tori Vega and the more she read the more she got pissed.


She screamed inside the room, a scream that went unheard to anyone but Alex who was lying down on her bed looking at her sister with an exasperated expression on her face.

Alexander_Wilde Alexander_Wilde

SORRYMASEN! I just realized, I copy and pasted the same chapter twice... I knew there was something wrong when comments talked about something missing. IT WAS THIS! HERE'S THE UPDATE!

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