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42.18% Biomass Effect / Chapter 27: Chapter 27: Family Reunion

Capítulo 27: Chapter 27: Family Reunion

Vurlon watched the camera feeds as the Hunters formed into a single mass and flow through the vents into the docks. He didn't know if the monster was going to hunt Saleon, he doubted it would do much since most likely the mad bastard made it to the relay already, but he really didn't care.

"Shame we couldn't get a sample. Is there anything left of the tests?", asked Vurlon.

"We're going to find out.", said Sil.

Vurlon nodded as he watched the others leave the room. It would take some time to get power back up and running, but when it was up, he had to make a very important call.

The newly formed bioship moved sluggishly through space. Without a connection to the main hive it was limited, limited to many varren minds, and one newly developed individual, one at odds with itself. On average, this memory would become a carbon copy of Alex, though as time went on, that could change greatly.

'Are we new, are we a copy?'

The creature wondered. In truth, this mind had been slowly building in the samples for quite some time, and in that time it had changed quite a lot. Saleon's madness provided it with the perfect opportunity to escape, but their viewings of that madness had caused the sample to fracture quite a bit. It wondered on the Salarians it had not consumed.

'We should have consumed them.'

'Are we not better than that?'

The slowly fracturing mind remained silent at that question. Blacklight minds are an alien thing, psychosis to them takes many forms, whether it be memories becoming new minds, or occasionally, minds splitting into two distinct beings. This was a rare thing, but had been known to happen from time to time. It was mostly caused by feelings of conflict, and the feral minds of the varren warred with the newly developed mind, and it was strange. Its pre-programmed instructions were limited in some ways, causing it to behave based on a series of directives in the form of instincts built in by Alex himself. One of those directives, and the most important one is do not consume others unless absolutely necessary.

As much as those scientists did to it and them, they could not know the magnitude of what they had done. They were simple workers, who perhaps believed what they were doing was just and important. Saleon was the odd man out in that, he did it to push boundaries and at times the mad Salarian considered himself a god.

'Or they were very much aware of what they had done or were doing. Maybe they were all like Saleon. Had we consumed them, we would not be so conflicted.'

'I find it odd, when we consumed the varren, their memories were interesting. That one Salarian seems to think the Coolant breed is a weapon. Why would they think that?', pondered one half of the fracturing mind.

'Maybe they are not used to a species being upfront in its goals. Think of the roles Salarians play, they are spies.'

'Interesting. I never really considered how much actual, complete honesty could completely throw off a society that revolves around espionage and lies. The many may find this information useful.'

The odd thoughts were a buzz of confusion, split from this new mind and slowly becoming another.

'We are fractured. We need distinction.'

'We need names. I think I will be... Miranda.'

'I think I will be... Jack.'

Mordin watched the camera feeds of Saleon running from something unseen, then he watched a single Blacklight Hunter stalk the man and kill the oddly shaped varren. He watched as the man escaped and the Hunter create more of itself from the varren, watched them leave the area for but a moment before fusing into a bioship and leaving the base. Watched as the few remaining Salarians tried to pick up the pieces of what remained of that base. He turned off his omni tool as he looked over to his protege Maelon, who was standing before a holo screen looking over Mordin's newest samples of the improved Genophage.

At the moment, both he and Maelon were in the Shroud tower nearest the largest of the Krogan clans. These great towers, once built to stabilize the atmosphere of Tuchanka, were now to be used to keep them in their stasis.

"This is probably as close as we are going to get Dr. Solus.", said Maelon.

"We can do better. This one still has a chance of having a negative reaction.", said Mordin.

"If you say so. I'll keep it on ice just in case. We may need more Krogan germ cells.", said Maelon.

"Lets hope new shipments come in before we re forced to collect some of from the nearest tribes.", said Mordin.

Maelon shivered a bit at the thought. Last thing he wanted to do was have to go anywhere near a Krogan's privates. Based on what he saw on the extra net, during those rare times where he was far too bored and curious for his own good, he got to see what they looked like. Damn thing could double as a bludgeon.

"One can only hope that it doesn't come to that.", said Maelon.

Mordin smirked a bit as he looked back to the holo screen. His smile fell as he sighed. Maelon looked over to the Doctor with a curious gaze.

"Something wrong?", asked Maelon.

"Just wondering if this will be a footnote in my future autobiography, or a whole chapter.", said Maelon.

"Autobiography? Seems like too much work. I'm fine with someone else writing my story for me, far less headache.", said Maelon.

"Has to be me to write it, someone else might get it wrong.", said Mordin.

"I see. Well, I try best not to think about it. Maybe one day the Krogan will mature as a species. Maybe not. In the end, it's up to them, not us.", said Maelon.

"Some may rationalize it like that, but have you ever stopped to think how the Krogan feel about this? What if the Genophage is what is preventing them from maturing? They look at it and see a reminder of the galaxy's attempt at controlling them. This could breed resentment.", said Mordin.

"I guess so, but you know history. The Krogan were causing more problems when they bred out of control. They could have wiped us all out like they nearly did to themselves. At least this way they still are alive.", said Maelon.

"I agree that something should have been done, but look at some of the Krogan. They are bitter. That attitude will most likely prevent them from changing.", said Morin.

"Maybe and maybe not. We can't know the future.", said Maelon.

"No, we can't. Still, I wonder if something could be done, something other than this.", said Mordin as he motioned to the holo screen.

Maelon shrugged, and remained silent as he moved the newest samples over to the freezer for storage. Once he was finished with that he came across Mordin, looking over video footage. The sound was muted, but from what he did see, it looked like Mordin was looking at security feeds of a Salarian base. Mordin shut it off as Maelon shrugged it off. It wasn't any of his business after all.

Vurlon watched as the lights came back on and held, as soon as they did so, he moved to his desk and sent out a call. After only a moment, a face came into view. Jobol watched Vurlon with a small smile.

"Doctor, how goes testing. Have there been any new developments?", asked Jobol.

"We had a containment breach, the Blacklight sample escaped. Saleon experienced a mental breakdown and released the test subjects. He escaped and is on the run. We are going to see is any samples remain.", said Vurlon.

Jobol nodded as he laced his fingers in front of his face.

"Most unfortunate. Saleon was expendable, this was an eventuality I predicted. However he has helped us somewhat. Has he turned in any of his work?", asked Jobol.

"Only once, he rarely sent anything in.", said Vurlon.

"Good, then things are going as planned.", said Jobol.

"Excuse me?", asked Vurlon.

"Is this channel separate from our main systems?", asked Jobol.

"It is.", said Vurlon.

"Tell me, do you not find it odd I sent my own nephew to deliver Saleon to you?", asked Jobol.

"Mildly, why do you ask?"

"There is a worm in your main systems, one downloading information to my own nephew. Everything in your systems is now his to do with as he pleases. My nephew is cursed with a strong sense of morality not befitting his field of expertise. I don't know what it is he will do with the information taken, but if his curiosity gets the better of him, he may experiment on it. My nephew is quite the genius Vurlon. If anyone can crack Blacklight, it is him. He took my ship, one that uploaded my own spyware into his omni tool.", said Jobol.

"If that is the case, why is he not working here?", asked Vurlon.

"As I said, he is cursed with a strong sense of morality rather than duty. Mordin is the man who I believe can undermine us more than any other. However, I am hoping that his curiosity to win out and to find something about Blacklight we do not yet know. If however his sense of morality wins out and he decides to stop us, then we can detain him, and in doing so we can eliminate an enemy I do not want to deal with. Either way, no matter what he does we benefit in some way. If he studies the sample then our goal can be reached faster, if he attempts to undermine us we can hold him as long as we need to, if he does nothing then we can continue on as we wish. Either way we win.", said Jobol.

"Is he truly that dangerous?", asked Vurlon.

"He is not just brilliant Vurlon, Mordin has never done anything half way. Whatever he puts his mind to, he accomplishes. I will never say this again, but I do fear my own nephew.", said Jobol.

"I see, where is he now?", asked Vurlon.

"Working on the upgraded Genophage, I needed to wait long enough for something like this event to happen. When he sees what happened here, he may see a weakness to strike, or not. Time will tell. Regardless things are going as planned. If any samples remain, then continue your work.", said Jobol as the screen went off.

Vurlon leaned back in his chair, staring where Jobol's face once was.

"What an insufferable man."

Morinth groaned as she woke up and rubbed her eyes open. Lazily they drifted around the room. Everything was in order. Nothing appeared to be out of order, but she had yet to inspect the rest of the room. She cracked her back as she got up and stretched. All the while her mind began going off in tangents of various useless trivia based on what she was doing. Really was knowledge on escaping gas from the synovial fluid in her joints really need to know information. Would that ever be useful? Probably not.

She scratched her head frills idly as she moved from her room on her way to the kitchen to get something to wake her up. She turned to the cabinet to prepare a cup of Asari tea or whatever came free with the room, when Morinth noticed something. Her door looked different, but as she stared blankly at it she just couldn't put her finger on it. It was closed and locked, but something was missing. Her eyes traveled down to see what it was. Then she remembered. Last night she had put a thin layer of reactive chemicals on the floor, nothing major, a simple mixture put in a thin layer on the floor that would change colors when heat came in contact with it. There were two discolored spots where she put a layer of the chemical, reacting to body heat. Someone had come in last night.

Her hear beat a little faster as she noticed something else. There were only two spots, meaning someone only stood there once, meaning either they left a different way from how they came, or they were still in the room.

As the thoughts ran through Morinth's mind, she suddenly found herself flung into the wall and held there, the telltale glow of biotics holding her in place as a familiar face moved before her.

"Hello Morinth."


Well... Shit.

Long sinuous limbs floated freely, each one terminating in crab-like claws. The Bioship moved its long proboscis as its brain took in samples and learned. Batarians down below inspecting the planet did not see the pitch black bioship covertly take in the emissions of this unknown ship. Eden Prime was empty, that much could be determined based on what little chatter the small ship was getting. Microscopic scales broke off and fell to the planet, and changed as they fell. Much like Indra clouds, these small organisms were microscopic, but were able to provide sensory data for all the minds connected to Blacklight.

They fell towards the ground, using a wave of heat resistant organic fibers to construct a crude shell to resist atmospheric re-entry. Once they made it a good distance down, strand like tendrils formed crude feather-like limbs to catch air currents and fly around. While the creature was much too small to create advanced sensory organs, it could sense vibrations in the air, Blacklight minds were more than capable of gaining audible data by deciphering the vibrations and figuring out what was said. A few more formed crude light sensors to sense light. Not enough to see, but enough to navigate and move around.

Already the small creatures all round were detecting vibrations, and the minds guiding them slowly translated that to learn what was being said.

"No one is here, they just up and vanished."

"What about the package we were supposed to pick up? I don't see anything."

'Package? Not our Eezo.'

"I don't even know what it is, we need to get in contact with Balak, he's the only one I know for sure who knows what the hell we are supposed to pick up."

The small microscopic creatures moved slowly through the air, moving towards the nearest Batarians by detecting heat coming from off them. Their small feather like limbs grasp onto the clothing of the Batarians as they moved towards an area with brighter light. While they were unable to see, Blacklight assumed this to be light coming from the very ship they had come in on. All they had to do was wait, and they would be on the Batarian ship itself.

The pitch black bioship on the other hand was able to take its samples of the emissions from the unknown ship, and whatever it was, it was very large. Advanced too, based on the sample some elements were in unusual proportions for a ship this size, hinting at a very efficient engine more advanced than most ships of the Citadel.

However the strangest thing was the missing colonists. What could have taken them? Blacklight suspected this had something to do with the Reapers, all they needed was to know what additional package the Batarians were attempting to pick up, until then they only had a small portion of a much larger picture.

"You know mother, I think you and I have a lot in common.", said Morinth as she ducked and spun over the biotic blast that nearly hit her.

"We are nothing alike.", said Samara calmly.

"I mean think about it. We both Have a lot of unresolved issues, I have childhood trauma and whatnot.", said Morinth as she vaulted over the couch.

"You have a severe lack of maternal instincts.", said Morinth as she dove to the side towards the small Minibar.

"But I think we can put that behind us and talk this over a nice family diner. I think that sounds a lot better then us trying to kick the others tight little blue ass… Well, maybe not little.", said Morinth as she pulled out a pistol from behind a nice bit of Salarian scotch.

Samara remained silent as Morinth felt the Biotic aura across the room. Morinth stood up, took a few shots in some random direction before running off like her tight little blue ass was on fire. She felt the sensation of a biotic pull, and flew back into the room. Morinth looked to see her mother calmly charging her next attack. Morinth seeing the end was nigh, did the only thing that seemed like a good idea. She grabbed her own mother by the shoulders.

"Embrace Eternity!"

Morinth had no idea what happened after that, she woke up to see her mother on the floor, very much awake and attempting to get up. How that happened was a mystery, really she should be dead. Well it was done on a whim. Really at the very least Samara should be unconscious in a coma or something similar. Yet from the looks of things, Samara seemed completely fine.

Morinth slowly got to her feet to see Samara was glowing with a biotic corona of energy. Morinth was much too tired to do much right now, so she improvised with something she hoped would work.

"When I say Reapers. What comes to mind?", asked Morinth as she fully stood up.

For a moment, Samara didn't even seem to hear the question, but then something very interesting happened. Samara opened her eyes as wide s she could as she blinked faster than Morinth had ever seen on anyone. Morinth would say Samara was confused, but then her Blacklight given super perception noticed Samara was shaking. Then she fell onto her hands and knees and voided her stomach. This continued on for a few moments, climaxing in dry heaves that did not seem to want to stop. Morinth, doing the smart thing, bolted out of there like her ass was on fire.

Sensitive feelers felt the vibrations as small particles of biomass landed onto the captains clothing. Evidently he was speaking to a computer, for while there was another voice here, the microscopic bacterium could find no body heat of a Batarian, only the heat produced by electronics.

"As much as we can gather, the Beacon is gone, taken by whoever took the colonists.", spoke the captain.

"Was it Blacklight?", came from the speakers.

"No, their ship arrived after us. The conversation was odd, they seem to believe a large ship was in the area, we're taking readings now, but we cannot be sure yet. There is evidence of weaponry being used, doors torn off a storage container, shots fired from both sides. Blacklight does not use guns. However it seems that the struggle was smaller than a colony of this size should be, almost as if only a fraction fought back. Highly unlikely. Even with the slave to guard population difference there should have been more of a fight. It is as if most of the colonists simply sat still and allowed themselves to be taken."

"A tragedy, still we are off no worse than before. The Beacon is a prize worth having, but losing it means nothing. One lost colony means very little, though I will advise the Hegemony to check on our other colonies, see is this happened somewhere else. I am more concerned of who or what had taken the beacon"

"Hopefully we will learn more, I shall keep you updated Adviser."

"See that you do Balak, stay well."

'Most Interesting.'

Silent screams of those long dead rung in Samara's mind. It was not the screams of pain, though those were present, it was the screaming of terror. Watching friends, family, and loved ones melted down into base materials. They were an alien species, one Samara couldn't recognize, yet she knew those screams all the same. The screaming of ones soul being crushed, pounded, sifted, processed, and re-purposed into something fractured yet whole, alien yet familiar.

There was screaming and gnashing and panic and other words no Asari had to describe the wrongness of it all. The booming mechanical sirens roared and tore through the air like thunder as cybernetic abominations dragged children away from their mothers into pods and tubes.

She emptied her stomach as Morinth ran. Samara wanted to run after her, as the code dictated must be done, and yet there was something else there. Terror maybe, disgust without a doubt was there and the bile in her throat was proof of that In the end only one thing went through Samara's mind. What had her daughter seen.

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