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20% Nano-Machine (DC X INVINCIBLE) / Chapter 6: Plans...

Capítulo 6: Plans...

~Ezra's Pov~




It's been another week after finding out about the hidden stash of guns and drugs in the crates, which in total, makes it two weeks since I've woken up in this new body of mine... I've even settled down a bit more. Keeping my low profile, at least for now.

For the past week, I've just be training hard, much harder than before, coupled with that, I've stopped focusing on my knifing techniques for the time being. I had no real hand to hand skills to speak of. I only known of the weak points in the human body, with knowledge of when to hit them...

Now, I've been doing some other martial arts that ECHO recommended for me to learn. 1Interestingly enough, I've picked them up easily compared to before. I'm no master at them, but I knew most their forms. Improved memory and comprehension for the win though.

At the moment, I've been mainly focusing physique as much as possible for the past week. In fact, I've tripled my training regimen compared to last time. Some would say; why do such a reckless thing so suddenly?

To keep it simple, this was all due to ECHO. She's the one that allows me to go this far, for me to recover in a few seconds doing months worth of training in a day. Her ability to expedite my recovery time in mere moments is what makes such intense training even possible...

ECHO even suggested specific regimens to help me build a stronger foundation; specifically what exercises I should do, and how many times I should do them down to the tea... With her guidance, I've been able to push my body beyond its previous limits with every moment. And suffice to say, the progress I've made has been nothing short of explosive. My muscles feel much denser as well. It was clear that for a 15 year old body that's as short as mine, keeping my frame would cause the changes.

However, that was nothing compared to my training for increasing my endurance... While I tripled my strength training, I've effectively sextupled my endurance training, and the increase was more than just explosive.

By my own curiosity, I've found out how much endurance or stamina a typical male had, ECHO told me the typical male has stamina ranging from the 1.3-1.5, while peak athletic humans had ranges of 2.4-3. To put this in perspective, peak athletes, such as marathon runners or elite soldiers, can sustain high levels of physical activity for extended periods of time, showcasing stamina that far exceeds the average person's capabilities. By pushing my endurance training to such an extreme level, I've aimed to surpass even these elite benchmarks, transforming my stamina into one of my greater assets. Though, one would think that such a small increase wouldn't be different, but they'd be wrong.

For example, If a typical human can run at least 7 miles on average, 10 miles max. A peak athletic human can run a 50 miles on average, with a peak of 70-100 miles max, maybe more if I get technical...

See? A massive difference, right?

The increase clearly wasn't as linear as I thought it was. ECHO explained that the body was far more complex than that. It wasn't just about doubling my lung capacity. It also involved enhancing my muscular neural network, reducing fatigue toxin buildup, increased blood flow efficiency and increasing my sheer muscle tolerance. Improving the muscular neural network meant that my muscles communicated more efficiently, enabling quicker and more coordinated movements. Reducing fatigue toxin buildup allowed me to endure longer periods of exertion without the usual decline in performance. And increasing muscle tolerance meant that my muscles could handle more strain before reaching their limits. These three main combined factors contributed to a significant boost in my overall endurance, making me far more resilient and capable in physical challenges...

And my Endurance levels at the moment was exactly 4.1. So effectively, by my estimations... I could probably run a distance of 180+ miles on average, to 230-270 miles max. Maintaining relatively decent speeds with proper form, which was utterly ridiculous. I wondered how I could have even improved that much, even with my recovery time shortening immensely... I knew there had to be something she wasn't telling me about the process...

Still, adding so much to my training increased my food intake massively, despite me not needing to defecate, or having any wasted nutrients or proteins. I essentially quintupled my food intake or more, so I have a few weeks of supplies left at best.

With those thoughts out of the way. I finished my current workout, "How am I looking, ECHO?" I asked getting up off the floor, wiping sweat from my brow after another grueling session... I could feel my arms literally aching...

[You have made significant improvements, Master Ezra. Your strength, speed, and overall fitness levels have increased by approximately 123.52% since we started this intensified training regimen.]

"Good... I can feel the difference already." I clenched my fists, my newly gained muscles flexing a little bit. Thanks to ECHO, I easily developed needed musculature for what I was trying to achieve for a hypothetical perfect body. Since my physical strength was my weakest point, so I focused of that aspect first. 

It wasn't the hardest statistic to grow. At the moment, I could lift just over 120 kg... Not that impressive. But it was still over 240 pounds, my leg strength probably double or triple that amount.

By technicality, I was stronger than most adult males, so I could handle myself pretty well. Despite this. I wasn't too muscular either. I had the basic outlines of a guy who just started shredding. I was nowhere near ripped or shredded, but an average joe could tell I was working out...

[Agreed. Your physical capabilities are crucial for any potential challenges ahead... However, it is also important to balance training with strategic planning and reconnaissance.]

"I know, ECHO. I haven't forgotten. But for now, I need to make sure I'm in the best shape possible, at least when it comes to my endurance." It was a bit disheartening that I couldn't punch through walls and fly. I'd get there one day. I hope...

[Understood, Master Ezra. Shall we proceed with the next phase of your training?]

Thinking for a bit, "Actually, no... I think it's best we try and go somewhere else soon, at least beyond these streets. It's only a matter of time before those damn gang members show up to find there stash and weapons. Plus, I'll need to make a name for myself out there... Maybe I can do some vigilante work as a start?" I said, not sure.

[...A prudent decision, master Ezra. Expanding your operations beyond the current vicinity could provide valuable experience and resources. Vigilante work, while risky, could indeed help establish your reputation and gather intelligence. However, why Vigilante work?...]

ECHO's question caught me off guard for a moment. Why vigilante work? I... I don't know really... It wasn't something I had deeply thought about, but the answer came to me the moment I thought about it...

I thought for a minute more, "Because..." I began, "I think I want to use my skills for something more than just survival. I want to make a difference, ya' know. Maybe clean up these streets a bit... Plus, it'll give me real-world experience and a way to test my abilities against actual threats."

I sounded a bit childish, but I was more focused on the latter end of what I said... Helping people could put a good rep on my name in the future, being selfish doesn't particularly sit well with me. And, it'll keep my off certain radars, but that equally puts me on others. Though, I wouldn't have to worry about getting caught if I play it safe...

I could be a ghost even.

But that was for when I get out of here, "Leaving the slums totally isn't exactly the most ideal thing for me right now... There's still advantages in it. I'll just need to find the right people. Given my status, I'll need to get some basic things in order... I can't just drive around willy-nilly. I'll need certain certifications..."

[Then your best move would to be find a credential forger. I agree that having basic credentials can help form a normal looking background for you...]

She was right, "Yeah... Though, I don't think I'd be able to get anywhere while looking the way I do..." I looked like a complete bagger, I was dirty, and I haven't had a decent bath since coming to this place...

"Alright, I'll need to find some sort of motel then. Shouldn't be too hard, before that. I'll need to get some clothes off the street vendors first." with that decided, I grabbed my knife and mask, heading out...





~Omniscient Pov, The District...~




Ezra strolled through the gritty streets of The District, a place that felt like a forgotten corner of the city... The buildings were tall and grimy, casting long shadows over the narrow alleyways. Vendors set up makeshift stalls, selling everything from secondhand clothes to questionable goods of likely unknown origin...

Amidst all this, Ezra spotted a cluster of dingy shops with faded signs and boarded-up windows... One of them caught his eye—a shop that seemed to specialize in decent streetwear, perfect for blending into the surroundings. There were no flashy signs or recognizable brands here, just a sense of anonymity that suited Ezra's needs perfectly.

As he approached one the stalls, he could tell the vendor was giving him the stink eyes from afar already, before he could approach any closer, the vendor fanned him off.

"I ain't giving no clothes away kid. Get outta' here." The man waved.

Ezra paused for a moment, taking in the vendor's dismissive tone. He knew he didn't look like much—a ragged teenager in need of a good wash. But he also knew how to handle situations like these...

"I'm not asking for a handout, asshole." Ezra replied, trying to exude confidence despite his appearance. "I'm looking to buy some clothes. I've got cash."

Before the vendor could respond to the insult, he stopped and squinted at him suspiciously at the notion of money, "Cash, huh? Show me." With an obvious sarcastic underline.

Ezra reached into his pocket and pulled out a small wad of bills, enough to cover a decent outfit. The vendor's eyes widened slightly, realizing that Ezra wasn't just another beggar...

"Alright, follow me," the vendor grumbled, leading Ezra into the dimly lit shop.

The shop's interior matched the grungy exterior, with racks of clothes haphazardly arranged and dim lighting that made it hard to discern colors. Ezra followed the vendor deeper into the maze of clothing, scanning the shelves for something that looked half decent...

After a few minutes of browsing, Ezra settled on two pairs of dark jeans, three plain dark colored hoodies, two baseball caps, 2 pairs of underwear, a new larger bag and 3 pairs of slippers... They were simple, nondescript items that would help him blend in without drawing too much attention.

"How much for these?" Ezra asked, holding up all the clothes.

The vendor eyed him for a moment, "All of em' fer 75 dollars... Including the bag." He replied nonchalantly.

However, Ezra knew he was being taken for a fool, "Listen here, smartass. I ain't buying all this for 75 dollars. I'm not dumb enough to know when I'm NOT being robbed." Ezra added, testing the waters...

"Then leave! like I need you here anywa-" Before the vendor could finish his sentence, Ezra was already walking away, nearing the exit...

"Shit..." He grumbled under his breath, "Wait kid!... 60 dollars. And they're all yours." He quickly added.

"50..." Ezra said, knowing he was still being robbed, "Anymore, and I'm heading across the street." Ezra haggled for a bit, eventually settling on a lower price that still left the vendor with a decent profit...

As Ezra handed over the cash and received the clothes in return but before he left, "You know where I can find a motel near by that's cheap?" He asked.

The vendor sighed, now slightly more cooperative after the sale, pointed Ezra in the direction of a rundown motel a few blocks away. "Head down that way kid, you'll see a neon sign that says 'Motel' in flickering letters. Ya' can't miss it." the vendor replied gruffly.

With a nod of small thanks, Ezra headed in the direction as indicated, slipping into the stream of pedestrians in the crowded streets. The neon sign came into view after a short walk, confirming the vendor's directions.

The motel itself was far from luxurious, with peeling paint and flickering lights... As Ezra approached, he could hear the faint buzz of the neon sign, a sign that it's struggling to stay lit. The entrance looked worn, with a creaky door that seemed like it had seen better days...

'They could have at least fixed the door...' Ezra mumbled in his thoughts.

Inside, the reception area was dimly lit, casting long shadows that made the place feel even more ominous. The receptionist, a middle-aged woman with tired eyes, glanced up as Ezra entered, giving him a curt nod before returning to her paperwork.

As Ezra approached the counter, he glanced to the side, seeing a calendar, the date showing that it was august, 2009. 

"So that's the year..." he mumbled under his breath. Now it made sense why he got everything so cheap at that little shop earlier... He was even more surprised that his haggling worked.

Without anymore hindrances, he booked a room for the night, exchanging a few bills for a key with a worn-out tag. The receptionist handed him the key without a word, her expression unreadable. After walking up the stairs, he looked at the doors seeing if they were even bolted on properly to his room...

He opened the doors, seeing a basic flat set-up, surprisingly tidy flat. But he didn't mind it much, he wouldn't be staying for long. He took off his old rags and threw them in the trash. Immediately hopping into the showers.

The warm waters washed over him, scrapping away the large amounts of grime he had accumulated from his journey so far.

'...Showers, are fucking amazing...' Ezra thought, smiling.

He closed his eyes, savoring the brief moment of peace. After a few minutes, he stepped out, dried off, and dressed in the fresh clothes he had brought with him. Feeling more like himself, he took a quick survey of the room once more, noting the bare essentials it offered.

He sat on the edge of the bed, contemplating his next move. The room was quiet, save for the distant hum of life outside the windows. His thoughts drifted to the task at hand, and he reminded himself of the limited time he had...

Strangely though, he felt like having a place for himself, a proper shower and proper clothing felt great to him. It's almost hard to pass up.

"Alright man, no need to get nostalgia..." With renewed focus, he stood up, grabbed his bag, and headed for the door, before he left, he double checked if he left anything, seeing that he was good. He placed the baseball cap over his head and headed out.










  1. Check the past chapters for the two I mentioned. Some would include boxing and capoeira.

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