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18.75% Marvel : Eclipse / Chapter 2: Cleaning HYDRA

Capítulo 2: Cleaning HYDRA


In an area which was surrounded by huge expanse of universes around it, an ethereal figure watched an enormous soul pass through a gate connecting to a world filled with gods, celestials, aliens any many others.

"You have fulfilled your duty. I wish you will enjoy you rewards in this life."

The words spoken by the ethereal figure was a mystery to everyone including the enormous soul (A/N: Who's memory of this time period is erased). No one knew what duty and rewards the ethereal figure was talking about. And when will it be revealed, no one knows that too.



The whole hall was busy with people working in an office like scenario, constantly eyeing the screen, monitoring the sacred timeline to see any new divergence in it. But suddenly an alternate timeline started forming directly perpendicular to the sacred timeline, filling the workers with both fear and shock.

"What the hell is happening to the sacred timeline." Hunter ???

"I have never seen a timeline like that before. Should we send hunters to initiate the pruning?" Random officer.

"No that won't be possible. Something is restricting our access to the new timeline. Timedoors can't be created there."

When all the people were panicking due to the new timeline. Ravonna Renslayer came to the hall and announced, although her voice contained twinges of doubt. "The Time-keepers have ordered everyone to ignore the new timeline. Everyone focus on their works."

Hearing the announcement everyone was still confused but still went to their own workplace. Mobius slowly approached Ravonna "Why are the Time-keepers ignoring the new branch. Wasn't it our duty to prune every other timeline other than the sacred timeline."

"I don't know Mobius. Maybe it's their own work to check something" Ravonna replied sounding not so sure of her own words.

"Well if you say so." Mobius was confused and also conflicted 'If we don't erase this new timeline what's the point of erasing all the other timelines till now?"

[Citadel At The End of Time ]

At the same time the new timeline started forming, He Who Remains also noticed the abnormality.

"Well that's new." He Who Remains was both intrigued and wary since this event never happened before in his observation. So he tried to see the new timeline but he was reflected instantly from the timeline. When he focused more, he could see several dragon like creature protecting the new timeline preventing anyone from viewing the timeline.

"It's really outside my calculation. I guess I will have to wait and see. It will be interesting." He Who Remains mused in little excitement.


In one of the chambers of Kamar-Taj, Ancient one was slowly sipping her tea but suddenly she felt a change occurring around the world but when she tried to pinpoint the abnormality she couldn't find anything. That made Ancient one little wary, so she tried to watch the future events to see if anything changed but when she used the Time stone this time, she could no longer see the future. It was all blurry, although she could see the major events still happening, she could no longer see the outcomes or even when they will occur anymore. She can't even see her death anymore, which was a finality before.

"What is causing this abnormality. Is this happening because of an individual or something else." Ancient one tried for some more time but still couldn't get any result. She wasn't downright panicking because although it's not guaranteed to be a good thing, seeing no direct threat to earth for now, she was already satisfied and as a plus point their was no hole in the earth's shield from external threat. All in all she was little happy from the event since it's something unpredictable in her eons of life.

[Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters]

At the basement of the school, Professor X was using Cerebro to find brainwave of any new mutants. Then suddenly he felt a massive spike of power from somewhere but then it disappeared in the next moment. No matter what Xavier did, he couldn't find the source again. So he had no choice but to finish his search for the day. Seeing Xavier frowning Hank inquired his findings.

"What happened? did you find someone new?"

"Well I did find one new, that too of Omega level or beyond power, but it disappeared the next moment."

"Well we all know, one awakens their x-gene in extreme condition, maybe he/she couldn't handle his/her powers or got killed by someone."

"Yeah I know that could happen but I feel like it's something different this time. Well for now tell the others to be on lookout for new news, maybe we will get something from that."

"Okay I will inform the others."

It was not only them but many others felt the same disturbance but for all of them it was fleeting like the others. But all of them were sure it will bring new changes to the board in the coming future.


[?????. Sokovia]

[?????. 2005]

In a secret base, in a room of less than fifteen square meters, There was Noah who was wearing a thin white patient coat, leaning against the white walls of the room. His eyes were closed and there was no one near his vicinity to disturb him.

It's been one month, since he has entered the body of this little boy. Although no one was aware of that except him. He's a soul that is not native of this world. The world of marvel. Though he's not sure which universe it is.

Noah is unfortunate but also lucky. He doesn't know why he suddenly crossed after his death and occupied the body of this boy, who was going through human experiments that were life-threatening, every few days. Noah entered the body a month ago, when the boy couldn't bear the experiments and passed away.

Within this month, he understood how painful the human experiments were, even a person with mercenary experience like him could hardly survive it, let alone a child. Fortunately, he has the hope of leaving here. When he first gained his consciousness, he could feel some kind of powers in his body awakening which luckily didn't show any outward reactions, saving him from more inhuman experiments. One of the powers was simply mystical and completely outside of his understanding. Through this power he could feel a feel a connection to something enormous and when he focused at the power, knowledge regarding it flowed in his brain.

The power was a connection to the Nexus of whole worlds. And by exchanging Tokens(It's a unique power in the shape of token which is produced in his body. One a day) he could get things from different worlds randomly. The more token used, more the quality of the things. And even a simplified interface was displayed in front of his eyes after he absorbed the knowledge.

Noah spoke in his mind 'Interface'


<User : Noah Johnson>

<Age : 15>

<Race : Mutant/?????>

<Power level : Tier 10>

<Token : 30>

<Powers :

- Power Adaptation(X-gene) : When the body gets a new power, it makes the body adaptable to the power and lets the body get the maximum benefits.

- Nexus connection(Reward for ????) : Let the host exchange things for Tokens.Currently the host can exchange from category- self power, sharable power and equipment. Other category can be unlocked in the future.

- ?????(Reward for ???? currently sealed) : Many effects are sealed for now but the current benefits are protection from mind reading and hides the host from other cosmic presence and powers. The host can use this ability on others near his vicinity. It also keeps the host calm and protects from exist****** cr****. Other effects are sealed for now.

- ?????(Reward for ???? currently sealed) : No information for now.

- ?????(Reward for ???? currently sealed) : No information for now.>

<Inventory : Blank>

<Nexus(Beginner's luck applied) :

- Self power

- Sharable power

- Equipment


Noah examined his interface carefully, then he decided to exchange for the first time. So he mentally commanded like his knowledge dictated. 'Nexus: Self power'

<How many Tokens will be debited?>

A new interface popped up in front of him and Noah used all of his token '30'

<Exchange successful(Beginner luck applied).

- Pika Pika no Mi(Modified) :

-The limit of devil fruit's powers are removed and it will use physical power as base for energy.

-Weakness to seawater is removed since it's different world. Now it's weakness are opposing type of elements, magic and cosmic energy.>

As the interface popped up, Noah felt the devil fruit appear in his inventory. Pika Pika no mi, one of the top logia devil fruit from One piece world. When attacked, his body can be elementized. He could also use light for various attack method and also high-speed movement. Although he can only travel in a straight line or use reflection in objects to turn. But the flaws doesn't outweigh the gains.

Noah also gained the knowledge regarding the use of devil fruit by Kizaru and now he can even create more styles since the limits are removed. For now he gained an ability which makes him an unstoppable force for normal weapons.

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Noah raised his head and glanced at the camera in the corner then turned slightly sideways, using his body to form a blind spot, which not only blocked the angle of the camera but also blocked his front from the bars of his room, in case someone comes to investigate.

Lowering his head and raising his arms slightly, he took out the devil fruit from the inventory and took a bite. Suppressing the indescribable taste in his mouth, he ate all parts of the fruit. Since he can't afford to leave any trace. Noah had planned for all this during the month. Noah first confirmed that he was in Marvel world when he saw mutant as his race in the interface and as a mercenary, he observed his surrounding all the time, so when he saw the Hydra symbol in the wall, he concluded that he was in a Hydra's experiment for power.

Noah made the exchange today since he was not sure what power he will get from it. In daytime today, he underwent experiment and there's 5 days till his next experiment. So he can prepare well and plan his escape more thoroughly. He had already mapped the base, the base has three floors underground and a fake abandoned factory above the ground. At the bottom floor, he and other captives are kept and experimented, in the floor directly below the ground, it's place for data and researchers. As for security, they are in middle floor, he has seen four groups of armed forces and no mention of any powered person for now. So he has 5 days to prepare more thoroughly and adjust his body to the devil fruit.

After eating, he sat up straight and closed his eyes to feel the changes in his body. If someone was watching more carefully, they would have seen Noah's body slowly being transformed by inexplicable forces which was veiled by his baggy patient wares. This night, he will usher in a metamorphosis.


Early in the next morning.


"Hey kid, get your breakfast."

A voice came from outside the bars. Noah who had been leaning against the wall all night, opened his eyes to look at the metal dinner plate that was thrown on the ground. The man went away after that. Noah got out of bed and picked up the plate. On the plate there was a box of nutrient solution.

As an experimental subject, from his memory, the only thing he ate in the past six months was this unpalatable, specially prepared nutrient solution. It was bland but it had to be said that it was very rich in energy, sustainable for about a week. It's not that these people are benevolent, but they just prepared so that the experimental subjects has a healthy enough body to survive more experiments.

He tore open the carton and sucked it into his mouth. This thing is the biggest source to enriching his gradually growing body. he is not going to waste any of it. After eating, he put the plate back on the ground waiting for guard to take it away.

Then he continued to sit on the bed with his eyes closed, thinking about his escape plan. He has 5 days between his next experiment. On the sixth day, the changes in his body would certainly not escape the detection of those scientist.

At that time, his fate will be even more miserable. Therefore he must make good use of these five days. As for his Nexus power, which was completely random, although theoretically he can exchange every day, but the items given by the number of Tokens are hard to guess. But it's sure for him to get more quality item with more tokens. So after accumulating to the fifth day, he can try to exchange again. Before that, he needs to exercise, a lot of training. Thinking of this, he got off the bed and started doing push-ups.

Not long after, the person who collects the dishes came over and watched Noah's movements. There was not much surprise. Since a month ago, Noah was always exercising in his spare time. What's more in this closed room, besides being in a daze, there's no other activity either. So after watching for sometime the man left.

As for Noah, he has already felt the changes in his body, while sitting and doing push-ups. Before Noah was exercising in his spare time but at the end, he was only 15 years old so his physical fitness was considerably weak. He could only achieve about 100 consecutive push-ups before in his exercises.

But now, after doing 100 in a row, he still felt very relaxed. This is enough to prove that the devil fruit is already transforming his body and there's his mutant power in play too. 'Well 5 days till I escape this place' Noah resolved his heart. he would definitely make sure to kill all the Hydra personals in the base. Under this belief, he started a five-day countdown to hard training.

Time passed bit by bit.

Five days passed by in a flash. During these five days, Noah was exercising crazily but he intentionally kept his continuous exercise time growing normally but the interval time was shortening. After that, he secretly changed to one-finger push-ups under the blind spot of monitoring.

But he still didn't use the abilities of his devil fruit directly, he wasn't sure if it would alarm these people, he can't take any risk. There is also the nutrient solution, rich in energy so his physical fitness is increasing day by day and the 15year old body already has a physical fitness that surpasses that of an athletic adult. And since he has the memory of the use of the devil fruit, he can still use some preliminary abilities of the fruit. Including elementalization.

it's finally time for his plan to execute.

During night, Noah, who was supposed to be asleep in bed, opened his eyes and a faint golden light flashed through his eyes. He sat up slowly and put on his shoes calmly and stood in front of the bars.


Slowly his body started to turn into golden light and the moment he walked out of the bars, a long-sounding alarm immediately rang through out the base. The entire corridor in front of him started shining with red light.

*beep! beep! beep! beep*

This crazy alarm also alerted the other captive children in their rooms. The children who were awakened, got up from their beds in panic and ran to their room's bars, stretched their heads and looked hard at outside. Then these children saw an incredible picture.

They saw the group of guards in the base react quickly and within half a minute, there were already dense footsteps and at the end of the corridor passage, a dozen men in uniforms with guns in their hands opened the iron door and walked in.

Immediately the guards noticed Noah, who was walking towards them, their expression changed drastically.

"Hey brat, who the hell let you out?"

When the guards walked up to Noah, the leading captain stretched out his thick arm to grab Noah but just as he stretched out his hand, his arm was grabbed by the wrist by a hand. If you look closely, you will see that it was the hand the little boy in front of them.

The captain's face immediately turned ferocious: "Brat, are you looking for a fight?"

After speaking, he pressed Noah with all his strength but Noah's seemingly slender hands were extremely powerful, making the captain unable to move his hands at all. This power should not be possessed by any 14 or 15 year old children.

The captain was puzzled and when he was about to speak, Noah raised his head slightly and his childish voice came to everyone's ears. It seemed a little weird amid the rushing sirens.

"I will start with you."


Everyone saw a leg with gleam of golden light coming up quickly and kicking the captain's stomach heavily. A force far surpassing that of an adult spurted blood from the latter's mouth. The captain's body hit backwards. Several people behind were knocked over. The captain smashed on the iron door at the end of the passage and crumpled in the floor.

The rest of guards have undergone strict professional training. So faced with this sudden attack, they immediately drew out their guns without any hesitation and fired at Noah.

However, unfortunately for them, they were not as fast as Noah. A golden figure flashed across their eyes and the next moment, sharp pain pierced their nerves, their eyes went black and completely lost consciousness. With a few plops, more than a dozen guards fell to the ground with twisted necks and died immediately.

Noah, who killed more than a dozen people with his own hands, didn't feel any abnormality at all and only felt a sense of venting. But it was far from enough. The unforgettable torture and pain that made his life worse than death had already filled Noah's heart with anger.

He turned his head and glanced at the shock and excitement in the eyes of the rows of children in the rooms of the passageway around him, completely lacking the silence from before. At that time, no one spoke but Noah could see hope in the eyes of these children.

"I will come back."

Noah softly uttered one of the most classic death flags. After that he turned his head and ran towards the passage ahead, leaving behind the group of children, who were full of hope and little fear.

*boom! boom! boom! Aggh! arghhh!*

Inside the base, there were crashes and screams everywhere. In the general control room below the ground, a man who was in charge of the base uniform walked in with swift pace and the room was already filled with crowds and noisy voices.

"Hurry up, Code 69 has broken into the second floor, close all the passages and activate the defense systems."

"We lost contact with the Alpha and the Omega squadron and the Jackal squadron is currently engaging the target."

"More than half of the Jackal squadron are Compromised, they are requesting for backup."

"what the hell is happening."

Looking at the crowd who were constantly issuing orders, the man directly grabbed a researcher in white coat, who was relaying orders and shouted angrily.

"Sir, there is an experimental subject named Code 69 is attacking the base, our people are trying to stop the target but there are already heavy casualties from our side."

The researcher was startled and answered with sweat all over his face.

"How did it happen?"

The man pushed the researcher away and walked to the podium and looked up, then he saw the target on the big screens consisting of thirteen huge LCD screens in front of him, and the visuals shocked him greatly. In the picture, a boy in white patient cloth can be seen fighting dozens of soldiers in the passage of the 2 floor of the base.

But in the end, it was just a one-sided massacre. The heavily armed soldiers pulled their trigger but the bullets couldn't even hit the boy at all. The boy seemed to have some kind of intangible ability and could turn into golden light and shuttle around, punching and kicking. All of his strikes were full of monstrous strength.

The guards were slaughtered in less than 10 minute. Blood and corpses scattered all over the corridor passage. Among the corpses, only the boy was left standing, then as if realizing that someone was watching him, the boy turned his body towards the camera and raised his head. What came into the screens were a pair of golden eyes. The originally chaotic crowd looked at those eyes and fell into silence.

Everyone's hearts were beating crazily and all they saw in those eyes was their death. The boy looking at the camera mouthed "You're next"

The killing intent through the screen seemed to be able to pierce their hearts and that kind of oppressive feeling came from a boy who was less than 15 years old. It was unbelievable but now it was their reality.

The boy's eyes were indistinguishable from a devil, in their perspective.


The boy then turned into golden light and disappeared from the screen again. It was only at this time that the man came to his senses and cursed loudly.


"Immediately mobilize rest of the forces. You must take down that boy for me."

As he said that, the man showed a frenzied look on his face. Although this is a huge crisis, at the same time it also represents a golden opportunity. The boy suddenly has power beyond ordinary people, which means that their experiments has succeeded. So the boy must be caught at all cost. With him they could have their own superpowered army at their call to do their deeds.

"Yes, sir." One of the subordinates acknowledged the order but the next moment his voice became weaker and he whispered: "Sir, almost all the soldiers in our base are compromised."


The man felt a bucket of cold water rousing him from his fantasies and turned his head to look at his subordinates in disbelief: "All compromised?"

"Yes, sir, Code 69 is too fast and he's like a perfect killing machine, our people were killed as soon as they met."

"How many squads are left?"

"There is only one combat team left to operate. Since we are an experimental base here, there are not many armed forces, so..."

It was obvious what was implied in between his report, the man understood his situation and his brows tightened, feeling their goal crumbling quickly.

"What about our power dampening devices?"

"It's all scrapped." The subordinates were even more bitter. Originally, those devices were only meant to prevent the superpowered person from running away, if their experiments succeeded, but unfortunately, the boy blew it all up with light beams.

"That means our base has already fallen? Just because of a boy under 15?"

"Although I hate to admit it, it is true, sir."

"Damn it!" The man cursed, then took a breath and gave a new order: "Upload all the data of Code 69 immediately and destroy all data banks in the base. We must evacuate immediately."

"Should we activate the self destruct protocol sir?"

The subordinate asked a question and was scolded back by the man: "Idiot, wouldn't all our efforts be in vain if we blow up that boy? I will report it to the Baron so that they can send personals to catch Code 69."

After cursing, he turned and left. Following the man's order, the rest of the staff evacuated immediately after uploading the information. Their action were fast and it took less than five minutes in total.

20 minutes later, there were crisp footsteps. In the control room, Noah walked in slowly. Judging from the heaving of his chest, he has exhausted more than half of his physical strength. If Noah hadn't analyzed the base layout and it's small amount of guards previously, he would not have chosen to break through directly. But would have instead tried to escape directly.

Elementalization is a bug for ordinary hot weapons but his physical strength is exhausted very quickly. Looking at the deserted room and the black monitors above, he walked to the rows of computers and tried to salvage the hard discs for future use. He was lucky in that regard since they couldn't destroy it all because of urgency.

Then after searching for some time, he turned around and walked towards the bottom-est floor where the other captives were held.

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