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25.35% Tensura : [Charybdis] / Chapter 18: Flame Empress Vs A Father

Capítulo 18: Flame Empress Vs A Father

The atmosphere was tense as Veldora stood at the edge of the fiery barrier.

His aura was wild, shaking the very foundations of the world.

Velgrynd appeared before him, her expression a mix of determination and sorrow.

"Veldora, calm down! This isn't the way," Velgrynd called out, trying to reach her brother through his rage.

"Calm down? My daughter is gone! How can I calm down?" Veldora's voice thundered, his eyes burning with fury.

Without another word, Veldora charged at Velgrynd in his massive dragon form. His Magic Aura flared, and his immense power surged forward. Velgrynd barely had time to raise her Multilayer Barrier before his attack collided with it, sending shockwaves through the air.

Velgrynd countered swiftly with Cardinal Aura, her own power clashing against Veldora's. The ground beneath them cracked and shattered under the sheer force of their confrontation.

"Burning Embrace!" Velgrynd shouted, releasing a wave of scorching flames. The intense heat radiated outward, but Veldora's Magic Resistanceand Dragon Body allowed him to endure the attack.

Veldora roared and unleashed his Breath of Storm, a tempest of destructive energy that tore through Velgrynd's flames and struck her head-on.

She gritted her teeth, using Space-Time Continuous Attack to retaliate with rapid, precise strikes that seemed to come from every direction.

The siblings clashed again and again, their powers lighting up the sky. Veldora's Magic Manipulation allowed him to deflect and counter Velgrynd's Scorch Magic, while she used Spatial Domination to keep him at bay.

"Dimension Fault!" Velgrynd invoked, creating a protective field around herself. Veldora's attacks slammed into it, causing ripples in the very fabric of space.

"You think that can stop me?" Veldora growled, his rage intensifying. He summoned his Universal Sense to track Velgrynd's movements even within her protective barrier.

Velgrynd's eyes narrowed. "I didn't want to do this, but you leave me no choice. Cardinal Cage!" She trapped Veldora within a sphere of fiery energy, attempting to contain his fury.

For a moment, it seemed to work. But Veldora's anger only grew. A new power began to stir within him, born from his intense desire for revenge. He roared, and the cage started to crack.

"What's happening?" Velgrynd whispered, eyes wide with shock.

[Announcement: Unique Skill "Punisher" has been awakened due to the intense desire for revenge.]

The cracks in the cage expanded, and with a final, earth-shattering roar, Veldora broke free. His eyes burned with a new intensity as a dark aura surrounded him.

"No barrier can hold me now, Velgrynd. I will avenge Charybdis!" Veldora's voice was laced with a chilling resolve.

Velgrynd steeled herself. "I won't let you rampage in this state !"

She unleashed Gravity Collapse, aiming to crush him under an immense gravitational force.

But Veldora's new power surged, and he shrugged off the attack. His massive dragon form began to shift, forced by the power of Punisher into a grotesque humanoid dragon form.

He now stood tall with elongated limbs, a twisted mixture of draconic and humanoid features, an abomination of raw power and vengeance.

"You think you can stop me? Try it!" Veldora's voice was a deep growl, filled with unyielding rage.

"Dragon Fist!" Veldora's punch landed with a force that could shatter mountains.

Velgrynd staggered but quickly retaliated with Burning Breath, a torrent of searing flames.

The fight continued, each sibling pushing the other to their limits. Veldora's [Punisher] skill allowed him to fight on, driven by his need for revenge. His attacks became more brutal and relentless, but Velgrynd's resilience and strategic use of her abilities kept her in the fight.

"Time Warp!" Velgrynd attempted to distort time around Veldora, trying to slow him down. But his new power seemed to adapt, breaking through the temporal distortion.

[Announcement: Skill "Punisher" has evolved into a pseudo Ultimate Skill, sacrificing parts of Veldora's soul to break time-based restraints.]

As the announcement echoed in his mind, Veldora's power surged even further.

The very air around him crackled with energy, and his form grew more monstrous, a twisted reflection of his desire for vengeance.

"You're strong, Velgrynd. But I won't stop. I can't stop!" Veldora's voice was a mix of fury and sorrow.

Velgrynd's eyes softened for a moment. "I understand your pain, brother. But this path leads to nothing but destruction."

With that, she summoned her ultimate attack, Cthugha, a fusion of her skills [Raguel: Lord of Charity] and [Uriel : Lord of Vows], and aimed it at Veldora. The immense energy of the attack threatened to consume everything in its path.

Veldora roared once more, his [Punisher] skill flaring to its fullest, and he charged at the oncoming blast with a determination that seemed unbreakable.

The immense energy of Cthugha barreled towards Veldora, a manifestation of Velgrynd's ultimate power. Veldora roared, his [Punisher] skill flaring to its fullest, and charged at the oncoming blast with unbreakable determination.

As he moved, a sudden shift occurred within him. [Punisher] sensed an external force attempting to connect: the [Lord of Sin, Angra Mainyu] , was trying to send something through. Veldora felt the malevolent presence as the connection began to form.

[Announcement: Skill "Punisher" has detected the presence of "Lord of Sin: Angra Mainyu". Attempting to send an influx of curses.]

Punisher accepted the connection, and an overwhelming surge of curses flooded towards Veldora.

The sheer volume and intensity were staggering, a nigh-infinite pool of dark power threatening to consume him.

However, [Punisher] reacted swiftly, erecting floodgates on the soul corridor to control the influx.

Realizing the danger, [Punisher] did not attempt to integrate the curses directly. Instead, it began using the curses as fuel, harnessing their energy to accelerate its evolution.

Velgrynd's Cthugha attack collided with Veldora, but his newfound power, fueled by the curses, allowed him to withstand the brunt of the impact. He roared again, the dark aura around him intensifying, transforming as the curses fed into his evolving skill.

[Announcement: Skill "Punisher" is evolving.]

The energy coursing through Veldora became more controlled, more focused. His form stabilized, becoming even more imposing.

The curses no longer threatened to overwhelm him; instead, they fueled his transformation.

[Announcement: Skill "Punisher" has evolved into Ultimate Skill "Lord of Vengeance: Alastor".]

Veldora's eyes glowed with a new, dark intensity.

The air around him crackled with the power of vengeance, now amplified to an unimaginable degree.

"You cannot stop me now, Velgrynd. I am the embodiment of vengeance!" Veldora's voice echoed with unyielding resolve.

Velgrynd watched in awe and fear. "Veldora, what have you become?"

"I have become what I need to be to avenge Charybdis," Veldora replied, his voice a deep growl filled with sorrow and determination.

With newfound power, Veldora unleashed an attack infused with the energy of his [Lord of Vengeance] skill. Dark tendrils of energy, laced with curses, erupted from his form and surged toward Velgrynd.

Velgrynd responded with Parallel Existence, creating multiple copies of herself to evade the attack.

She activated Thought Acceleration to process the rapid series of events, searching for a way to counter Veldora's new power.

She summoned her Universal Barrier, reinforcing it with Infinity Prison and Law Manipulation to create an impenetrable defense.

The cursed tendrils clashed against the barrier, causing ripples in space-time, but Velgrynd's defense held strong.

Veldora snarled, the power of [Alastor] pushing him forward. He charged, his Dragon Fist crackling with cursed energy, and struck Velgrynd's barrier with the force of a thousand storms.

Velgrynd staggered, but she quickly activated Cardinal Acceleration to boost her speed and power.

She retaliated with Dimension Fault, creating a series of spatial distortions aimed at destabilizing Veldora's form.

However, Veldora's [Alastor] skill allowed him to adapt, his form shifting and morphing to counter the spatial distortions.

He roared, summoning an even greater surge of cursed energy, and launched a barrage of attacks.

Velgrynd knew she had to end this quickly. Summoning all her remaining power, she unleashed Dream Fortress and Eight Impervious Gates, creating a formidable defense and preparing her final strike.

"Veldora, I will not let you pass!" she cried, her voice filled with determination.

With a final, desperate effort, Velgrynd summoned Cthugha once more, pouring every ounce of her power into the attack. The air around them crackled with energy as the ultimate blast of fiery energy surged toward Veldora.

Veldora roared, his [Alastor] skill flaring to its peak.

He met the attack head-on, the cursed energy clashing with the fiery blast in a cataclysmic explosion that shook the very foundations of the world.

The cataclysmic explosion from their final attacks sent shockwaves rippling through the Kingdom of Nasca.

The sheer force of the impact left the ground scorched and shattered, with the sky itself seeming to tear apart from the intensity.

As the dust settled, Veldora stood amidst the wreckage, his body nearly destroyed.

His massive form was now a mere shadow of its former self, with limbs missing and scales charred and broken.

Despite this, his eyes literally burned with flames of pure magicules and unrelenting determination.

Velgrynd, too, was heavily weakened. Her once radiant form flickered with the strain of the battle.

She fell to one knee, gasping for breath, her ultimate skills having drained much of her energy.

"You... you can't keep this up, Veldora," Velgrynd panted, her voice filled with exhaustion and sorrow.

"Please, stop and for once gain your rationale "

But Alastor, Veldora's relentless skill, had no intention of stopping.

It sacrificed Veldora's remaining mass, prioritizing movement over healing.

His body twisted and contorted, shrinking in size and becoming more agile and streamlined.

Instead of restoring his lost limbs and scales, Alastor focused on maintaining what still functioned.

Veldora's new form was smaller, a grotesque mixture of charred dragon and humanoid features, his elongated limbs and sinewy muscles designed for speed and efficiency.

His dark aura pulsed with the cursed energy of Alastor, driving him forward despite his grievous injuries.

"I won't stop, Velgrynd," Veldora growled, his voice a distorted echo of its former self.

"I can't stop until Charybdis is avenged."

Velgrynd watched in horror as her brother's form twisted and adapted, the sheer willpower and vengeance driving him to continue.

She knew she had to act quickly, or this battle would lead to both their destructions.

Summoning the last of her strength, Velgrynd activated Parallel Existence once more, creating multiple copies of herself to confuse Veldora.

She then utilized Instant Motion to teleport behind him, hoping to catch him off guard.

"Burning Embrace - Divine burn" Velgrynd shouted, releasing another wave of scorching flames.

The intense heat engulfed Veldora's new form, but his Alastor skill used the curses as a shield, mitigating the damage.

Veldora roared and retaliated with a swift, powerful strike from his Dragon Fist, now enhanced by the cursed energy.

The blow shattered one of Velgrynd's copies, but she quickly maneuvered away, using Space-Time Connection to create distance.

Due to his smaller size, Veldora moved with astonishing speed, his form a blur as he pursued Velgrynd.

Each strike he delivered was fueled by the endless pool of curses he was provided with, making him a relentless force of destruction.

Velgrynd, weakened but resolute, activated Universal Barrier and Infinity Prison once more, combining them to create a nearly impenetrable defense.

She needed time to think, to find a way to end this without losing her brother forever.

"Veldora, please!" Velgrynd's voice was filled with desperation. "This isn't you. This isn't what Charybdis would have wanted!"

But Veldora, driven by the power of Alastor, could not be reasoned with.

He charged at the barrier with renewed fury loke a juggernaut, his attacks becoming more savage and unrelenting.

Each strike sent ripples through the barrier, threatening to shatter it.

Velgrynd knew she had to try one last tactic.

She activated Thought Acceleration and Law Manipulation, using them to create a precise, calculated strike. Summoning the last vestiges of her power, she prepared to use Cthugha one final time, hoping to incapacitate Veldora or kill him.

As Veldora's relentless assault continued, Velgrynd launched her final attack.

The fiery blast of Cthugha surged forward, meeting Veldora's cursed energy head-on.

The explosion that followed was immense, a blinding light that consumed everything in its path.When the light faded, both siblings lay on the ground, their forms battered and broken.

Velgrynd, barely conscious, looked at her brother with tears in her eyes.

"Veldora... I'm sorry i denied you this " she whispered, her voice weak.

Veldora, his body twisted and nearly destroyed, managed a faint, sorrowful smile.

"Velgrynd..I really hate you with all of my heart ."

But instead of collapsing, Alastor surged within Veldora, forcing him to move.

His body twisted again, becoming smaller sacrificing draconic fighting traits , ignoring the need for healing.

He rose, his form slimmer, and adapted to multiple of its previous shortcomings, designed for speed and survival.

"Goodbye, Velgrynd," Veldora said, his voice filled with hate and disappointment.

A final burst of cursed energy, Veldora used spatial Motion to escape his spectators , his form disappearing

Velgrynd watched absolutely destroyed both mentally and physically, tears streaming down her face.


Gues what ?🗿🗿🔥🔥🔥🔥

Also i uploaded this early due to the active response but i won't be able to upload tomorrow so can you do one teeny tiny thing for me ?🥺

Give this story power stones tomorrow if you have already given it today 😀?

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