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96.9% Naruto-ReBorn as a Baker / Chapter 183: Chapter 179: The Forgotten Clan, Part 3

Capítulo 183: Chapter 179: The Forgotten Clan, Part 3

Chapter 179: The Forgotten Clan, Part 3

Malik was just about to use his magic to escape the sinking ground when a familiar figure emerged from the wall—a floating, ghostly presence that made him smile despite the situation.

"Well, hello beautiful," Malik said, resting his elbows on the sinking ground and placing his hands under his chin in a playful gesture. "I'm happy you decided to show up."

The old woman floated closer, her spectral form moving with an eerie grace. She didn't respond at first, only gazing at him with her emotionless eyes.

"You know," Malik continued, undeterred by her silence, "it'd be a shame to die without seeing your real face. I mean, I can see through it—thanks to a mix of my X-ray vision and a few other magical tricks." His voice was casual, but there was a spark of challenge in his eyes.

She drew nearer, her translucent body drifting closer through the earth, and then she spoke. Her voice was low, almost a whisper, and filled with a sorrow that hung in the air like mist.

"Do you know the life of a mayfly, Malik? It lives but for a single day. It rises with the dawn, dances in the air, and falls with the setting sun, never knowing more than its brief moment of existence. No purpose. No future. Just a fleeting wisp of life, gone before anyone notices. Much like the fate of those forgotten by the world. Like my clan."

Her words were melancholic, her tone hollow. It was clear that she had lived too long in shadows, weighed down by despair and hopelessness.

Malik let her finish, listening to the sadness in her story, then stretched his arms out and sighed dramatically. "That's certainly a sad way of looking at things, but I'll tell you something about mayflies that you might've missed."

Activating his skill, Harry Houdini Lv.12, Malik effortlessly escaped the earth's grip, floating above the ground as if he'd never been stuck. His wings, shimmering with ethereal light, unfurled behind him, courtesy of Offspring of Cupid and Medusa Lv.12, lifting him higher as he spoke.

"Sure, a mayfly's life is short, but it's also brilliant," he said, his voice gaining an almost magical quality, as if his words could fill the air with hope. "In those precious hours, it experiences a world full of beauty, joy, and light. The mayfly doesn't waste a second of its brief existence. It lives fully, with purpose, with love—even if it's fleeting. That's what makes it so special."

He hovered before the ghostly figure now, smiling warmly at her. "I think there's something beautiful in that, don't you?"

Her form flickered slightly, and though her expression remained unchanged, something in her aura shifted. There was a vulnerability in the way she hovered there, as if Malik's words had reached her on some level.

"I know you've been hiding yourself," Malik said softly, his voice now tender. "Why don't you show me your true face? Let me see the real you, Kagerō."

For a moment, she hesitated. But then, as if drawn by his sincerity, the illusion began to dissolve. The old woman's form melted away, revealing the true Kagerō.

Her mint-green hair fell gently to her shoulders, her pale skin glowing softly in the dim light of the underground passage. Her sleeveless white dress clung to her form, offering little to the imagination. Malik couldn't help but notice her small, almost flat bosom and the wild mint-green pubic hair visible through the thin fabric of her dress.

Kagerō's form shifted, and the ghostly figure gave way to a woman with a delicate, ethereal beauty. Her mint-green hair, the shade of fresh leaves, framed her face, cascading down to her shoulders in soft waves. Her skin was pale as moonlight, giving her an almost otherworldly glow.

Her chest was modestly proportioned, with small, pale nipples that were already half-hardened by the chill of the underground cavern. Below her waist, a dense, full bush of mint-green pubic hair contrasted with the elegant simplicity of her sleeveless white dress. The fabric was thin and clung to her body, revealing the subtle curves of her hips and the enticing shape of her thighs.

Malik's eyes widened as he took in the sight of her, experiencing a mixture of awe and desire.

"Kagerō," Malik said with a playful grin, his tone flirty and mischievous, "if I'd known you looked this stunning, I'd have tried harder to charm you from the start."

Kagerō's eyes narrowed, and without hesitation, she launched her attack.

"Fire Style: Misty Flames Dance Jutsu!"

A burst of flammable gas shot from her mouth, igniting the air around them in a blazing inferno. Malik's quick reflexes kicked in, activating Ethereal Shield Lv.12, which surrounded him in a shimmering barrier of energy, protecting him from the worst of the flames. Then, using Temporal Blink Lv.12, he vanished from the spot, reappearing a short distance away, untouched by the fire.

"Now that," Malik said with a wink, his voice echoing through the chamber, "was hot. Literally."

The hallway around him was scorched, with walls that led into larger rooms on either side. He quickly flew into one of the side chambers, gaining some distance. The unfinished stone walls gave way to a massive cavern, and beneath him, there was a deep, dark chasm. Malik hovered over the drop, his wings beating silently in the air.

Kagerō didn't follow him immediately. Instead, she sank back into the ground, disappearing into the earth. Malik knew the hunt wasn't over, but for now, he had a moment to breathe. He wasn't a fighter, not really, but he was excellent at avoiding death. As he floated in the large room, he activated his invisibility, vanishing from sight.

Kagerō floated out of the earth once more, trying to lure Malik out. But Malik's voice echoed through the cavern, disembodied, coming from everywhere and nowhere at once.

"Tell me, Kagerō," he called out, his tone softer now, "why do you care so much about mayflies?"

Her voice, when it came, was soft and distant. "They remind me of my clan," she admitted, her words carried on the still air. "Brief. Forgotten. We were once powerful, but now we're nothing more than a fleeting memory, clinging to life."

"And that's why you follow Orochimaru?" Malik asked, his voice calm, as he slowly floated behind her, unseen. "You believe she'll bring your clan back to glory?"

Kagerō hesitated before answering. "She's the only one who promised us power. She saw potential in us, even when the rest of the world had forgotten we existed."

Malik's voice echoed again, this time closer. "But what about the people in those cages? What about the ones who followed Orochimaru and died? Twenty of your clan gone for what? What about your pride, Kagerō?"

Her anger flared, but her voice softened, almost breaking. "We sacrificed everything for the hope of being more than just a forgotten name..."

Malik floated in front of her now, becoming visible once more. He gently placed his hands on her face, his eyes full of understanding.

"Orochimaru doesn't care about your clan," he said softly. "She won't restore you. She can't. All she sees is power, and she'll use you until there's nothing left."

For the first time, emotion flickered in Kagerō's pale purple eyes. "Then... what are we to do?" she whispered, her voice trembling. "We've sacrificed so much, lost so many. If we stop now, we'll be less than nothing."

Malik landed gently on the ground, his hands still cupping her face. She was taller than him, but he didn't mind. He looked up at her with sincerity in his eyes.

"You put your faith in me," he said, his voice steady but full of warmth. "Give me your hope, your love, your loyalty. I won't throw it away. I'll help you rebuild your clan, not with fear or death, but with something stronger."

Kagerō's lips trembled. "What will it cost?"

Malik leaned in, his lips brushing against hers as he whispered, "Only your love."

Then, he kissed her softly, a tender moment in the dark cavern.

When he pulled back, he smiled at her. "Your eyes are like the most enchanting violet twilight I've ever seen," he said, his tone playful yet sincere. "It's impossible not to get lost in them."

Kagerō blushed slightly, her heart pounding in her chest. It had been her first kiss.

"Now," Malik said, his voice returning to business, "take me to Arashi."

Kagerō nodded, turning away from him, her mind spinning. As they walked, she thought to herself, That was my first kiss...

The cave system was damp and dim, lit only by a few flickering torches mounted on the rough stone walls. The brickwork from the old base merged seamlessly with the natural formations of the cave, creating an eerie blend of man-made architecture and raw, untamed earth.

As Malik was led deeper into the cave by Kagerō, his eyes naturally wandered. He couldn't help but notice the way she moved, her soft hips swaying as she walked. Her butt had a subtle bounce, not overly large, but enough to draw his attention. She had a classic H-shape, with just the right amount of curve at her waist to create a graceful line, accented by the slight dip in her hips. Malik found himself smiling at the sight, but being the gentleman he was, he kept his thoughts light and playful.

"Hey, you know what?" Malik began, keeping his tone light and amused. "You look like you belong on a calendar. A really beautiful one."

Kagerō glanced back at him, her eyes narrowing suspiciously before breaking into a small light smile. "You're trying too hard, Malik."

"Maybe," he agreed, chuckling. "But at least it makes you smile."

As they continued through the dimly lit cave, Malik couldn't help but notice the way Kagerō's shoulders relaxed slightly. The tension between them seemed to dissipate, replaced by a quiet understanding. Her initial hostility had given way to a cautious vulnerability.

The cavernous entrance to Arashi's lair loomed ahead, a dark, foreboding mouth yawning in the rock. Malik couldn't help but let his gaze linger on the curve of Kagerō's rear as they ventured deeper into the labyrinthine cave. The flickering torchlight cast elongated shadows that danced along the stone walls, accentuating the taut muscles beneath her form-fitting attire. Every movement was a study in fluid grace, her hips swaying rhythmically with each step.

She turned back to glance at him over her shoulder, catching his gaze on her. Her lips curled into a knowing smirk, a silent acknowledgment of his admiration. His heart skipped a beat as their eyes met, a spark of electricity passing between them. 

She teased, her look lilting with a playful challenge.

He grinned, not bothering to hide his admiration. "

Every now and then, Kagerō would glance back at him, catching him in the act. Malik would respond with a bright smile, his charm working effortlessly. Kagerō's face would flush a delicate pink, and she'd quickly look away, her expression betraying a hint of shyness that Malik found endearing.

He wanted to ask why she wasn't wearing anything beneath her thin white dress. The translucent fabric left little to the imagination, especially when the torchlight hit her just right. But even though the question was on his mind, Malik knew better than to ask. The timing wasn't right, and besides, he enjoyed the view too much to make her feel self-conscious.

Instead, he decided to fill the silence with conversation. "How old are you, Kagerō?"

She hesitated for a moment, her soft voice finally breaking the quiet. "I'm 28."

Malik grinned, liking the sound of her voice. "Twenty-eight, huh? You don't look a day over twenty-five."

Kagerō didn't respond, but he saw the faint smile that tugged at the corners of her lips. She still didn't look back at him, though.

"So," Malik continued, his tone light and flirty, "what's your favorite color? I'm betting on mint-green. It matches your hair perfectly."

Kagerō glanced back briefly, her cheeks flushing again before she turned her head forward. "Purple," she answered, almost in a whisper.

"Purple, huh? That's a beautiful color," Malik said with a wink, even though she wasn't looking at him. "Matches your eyes perfectly."

As the conversation continued, Malik grew more serious. "You know Orochimaru isn't here anymore, right? She's long gone, off playing with her new toy."

At first, Kagerō didn't respond, and Malik let the silence linger, shrugging as he went back to admiring her gentle stride.

Finally, she spoke, her voice soft and steady. "I know."

Malik raised an eyebrow at that, surprised. "You knew?"

She nodded. "Besides Arashi, I'm the only one who knows. Orochimaru left a long time ago."

"Then why did you stay?" Malik asked, his voice gentle but probing. "Why keep all those people locked up? Why lie to the rest of your clan, making them believe Orochimaru is still here?"

Kagerō paused, her footsteps slowing slightly. She seemed to struggle with the answers, her voice quiet and thoughtful as she spoke. "Orochimaru gave us orders to stay here. We followed them, even though she's gone. As for the prisoners... Arashi ordered us to keep them locked up. I don't know why. The experiments and torture stopped, mostly, but... it just became part of the routine."

Malik waited for her to finish, sensing there was more she hadn't yet said. After a brief pause, she continued. "I was the one who taught Arashi how to disguise himself as others. We lied to our clan, maybe out of fear, maybe out of shame. We were deemed unworthy by Orochimaru, and telling our people that... it felt like admitting we had failed."

Malik let the silence stretch between them again, watching as Kagerō's bare feet stepped carefully on the wet cave floor, the soft slapping sound echoing through the tunnel.

After a few moments, Kagerō broke the silence. "Malik... what you said about mayflies... do you really believe that?"

Malik smiled at the question, his tone soft but filled with conviction. "I do. Mayflies might live for only a day, but they live it fully. They don't waste time worrying about the future or regretting the past. They live for the moment, and in that brief span of time, they experience the world with more intensity than most of us ever do. Mayflies are like love."

Kagerō tilted her head slightly, her soft mint-green hair shifting with the motion. "Love?"

"Yeah," Malik said, his voice warm and genuine. "Love can be fleeting, but that doesn't make it any less real. Sometimes the most beautiful things are the ones that don't last forever. They're precious because they're short-lived, and we cherish them more because we know they won't stay. Like a mayfly dancing in the wind, or a fleeting moment of connection between two people."

Kagerō seemed to contemplate his words, her expression unreadable as they walked. After a few moments, Malik asked quietly, "Do you ever wish to fall in love? Or did you ever think someone would fall in love with you?"

She whispered something under her breath, so soft that Malik couldn't hear it. He didn't press her, knowing that some things were too personal to share so easily.

They finally reached a large stone wall, and Kagerō walked up to it, pressing several stones in a particular order. There was a loud click, and the wall slowly folded in, revealing a hidden passageway beyond.

As they stepped inside, Malik's voice was filled with quiet confidence. "The Fūma Clan of the Land of Sound will reach glory one day, Kagerō. Mark my words."

Kagerō turned to look at him, her expression still guarded but touched by a faint hope. Malik smiled at her, giving her a small nod of encouragement as they continued deeper into the passageway.


As they made their way deeper into the tunnel, the dampness from earlier gave way to dry, smooth stone, but Kagerō began to notice new cracks running along the walls. The cracks were fresh, spiderwebbing across the stone like fractures in the very foundation of the place. She frowned, wondering what could have caused such damage.

They soon entered a large chamber, one that was in even worse condition than the tunnel. The roof had caved in over three-quarters of the room, letting shafts of misty light pour through from above. The fog from the forest crept in, swirling lazily across the stone floor.

The first figure they noticed was Arashi. He stood still in the midst of the destruction, his back straight but his eyes... Kagerō noticed the look in his eyes. They weren't the eyes of the cousin she had once known. They were cold, calculating, and hollow. His humanity had long since been drained from him.

Malik, however, walked right past Arashi without a word. He scanned the room, looking for someone else. When he found Sasame lying unconscious on the floor, his face tightened in concern. Malik knelt by her side, gently lifting her in his arms. She was alive, but still out cold. He ran his hand over her body, sending a pulse of healing magic through her, but even though her wounds closed, she didn't stir.

Arashi turned his gaze toward the stone wall from which Malik and Kagerō had entered. His voice was cold and sharp, cutting through the foggy air.

"Why isn't he dead yet?" Arashi asked Kagerō, his tone laced with bitterness. "Orochimaru would never tolerate this disrespect. Neither will I."

Kagerō shook her head, stepping forward, her voice steady despite the growing tension. "Stop lying to yourself, Arashi. Orochimaru abandoned us a long time ago. We have to stop deceiving ourselves."

Arashi narrowed his eyes at her, his fists clenching at his sides. "We are not deceiving ourselves, Kagerō. Power is the only thing that matters. Orochimaru gave us power. She gave me power. That's what our clan needs to return to its former glory."

Kagerō's voice grew firmer, challenging him. "Is that what you believe? Power at the cost of everything else? Look around you, Arashi. Look at what we've become. We've lost our way. This... this isn't the path our ancestors would have chosen for us."

Arashi's lips curled into a sneer as he glanced over at Malik, who was gently laying Sasame down to rest on the far side of the room. "And is he the reason you've abandoned our clan? You've let this... outsider poison your mind." His arm shot out, pointing directly at Malik.

Arashi's arm twisted grotesquely, and several human faces appeared on his flesh, contorted in agony. Bone blades erupted from the mouths of those faces, jagged and sharp. A face appeared on his palm as well, its mouth open wide as a bone spike shot out from it, hurtling toward Malik.

But Kagerō reacted swiftly, flicking her fingers to summon her chakra threads. The delicate threads intercepted the spike mid-air, snapping it out of its deadly trajectory before it could reach Malik.

Arashi's face twisted with a disturbing mix of a smile and tears. He began to laugh, though it sounded more like a pained sob. "Do you see? This is the power Orochimaru gave me. After absorbing the bodies of our fallen kin, I became something more. I am the embodiment of our clan's strength!"

He raised his arms, the grotesque human faces on his skin twitching. "This is our future! Orochimaru's gift!"

Ninja Art: Cadaver of Puppets.

Arashi's voice rang out, manic and unstable. The monstrous technique Orochimaru had taught him allowed him to partially absorb the bodies of the dead, turning them into extensions of his own body. But the cost had been high. His mind was warped, his body twisted beyond recognition, leaving only madness in its wake.

Kagerō steeled herself, her chakra threads at the ready. "This isn't our future, Arashi. This is a nightmare."

The fight between them erupted, Kagerō moving with precision and agility, while Arashi's grotesque form lumbered after her with deadly force. She used her Earth Style: Underground Move Jutsu to slip beneath the surface of the ground, emerging behind Arashi to strike. Her movements were fluid, like a fish moving through water, avoiding his deadly bone spikes.

Arashi snarled, swinging wildly as Kagerō stayed just out of reach. She took advantage of the chaos to cast Earth Style: Antlion, causing the ground beneath Arashi to give way. The earth shifted, pulling everything toward a deep pit in the center of the room, much like an antlion's trap.

The room rumbled and cracked as the ground caved in, the floor swallowing everything in its path. Malik picked up Sasame and flew into the air, hovering above the chaos as the ground pulled Arashi deeper into the earth.

But Arashi wasn't finished. With a roar of sheer rage, he forced his way out of the pit, his broken body crawling upward. Kagerō was waiting for him, her chakra threads wrapped around her hands as she unleashed Fire Style: Misty Flames Dance Jutsu. The flammable gas she exhaled ignited, erupting into a massive fireball that engulfed Arashi.

Yet even as his body burned, Arashi's determination didn't waver. His face twisted into a grotesque grin as he barreled forward, closing the distance between them. With a vicious swipe of his bone blades, he struck Kagerō hard, sending her crashing into the stone pillars that lined the room.

She hit the ground with a sickening thud, blood dripping from cuts all over her body. Her once graceful movements were now sluggish, pain radiating through her limbs. Arashi advanced on her, relentless, his bone spikes jutting out like deadly weapons.

But Kagerō wasn't done yet. She sank back into the earth, disappearing beneath the surface once more as Arashi howled in frustration, his body barely holding together under the strain of his monstrous form.

Arashi, a grotesque amalgamation of his former self, dug his monstrous hands into the earth, his claws ripping through the ground in a desperate attempt to maintain his footing. Before he could strike again, a jet of blue fire erupted from the ground, sending him hurtling backward with a roar of pain and frustration.

Kagerō, her form now enveloped in blazing blue flames, rose from the stone and rock floor, her chakra wings fluttering with ethereal beauty. The intensity of her presence in this form was both mesmerizing and terrifying. Her once calm, emotionless face was now resolute, her eyes glowing with a powerful resolve.

As she spoke, her voice was calm but filled with purpose, the words echoed by the heat of her chakra.

"Ninja Art: Ephemera."

Four firefly-like wings formed from her back, flickering with an intense blue flame. Kagerō knew this technique was a one-time move, consuming nearly all her chakra, but it was her only chance to stop Arashi once and for all. Her wings flared brightly, firing bursts of energy at her opponent, each blast forcing Arashi back further.

Arashi snarled, his body twitching in fury. His monstrous hands dug into the ground, uprooting stone pillars and chunks of debris, which he hurled at Kagerō with brute strength. She dodged them with ease, her flames effortlessly melting the rocks before they could even touch her.

"Is that all you've got, Arashi?" Kagerō's voice was cold, her face expressionless, as if she had already accepted the cost of her final technique.

Arashi, seeing no other option, made a desperate move. He allowed her attacks to strike him head-on, the blue flames scorching his flesh. With a sickening crack, two large, grotesque arms burst from his back, shielding him from the worst of her flames.

Kagerō's expression darkened as she watched the transformation. "You've fallen so far, Arashi…"

With a final scream of rage, Arashi rushed at Kagerō, his new arms reaching out to grab her. His skin and flesh sizzled and burned as he touched her flames, but he didn't stop. This was his final gamble.

As he grabbed hold of Kagerō, his body erupted with a sinister glow. He grinned through the pain and bellowed, "Fūma Ninja Art: Spell of the Mandala!"

A pyramid-shaped chakra cage materialized around Kagerō, trapping her within its cursed walls. The chakra barrier began to constrict, tightening with every moment, drawing the life force from Kagerō's body as she fought against it.

Malik, still holding Sasame aloft, watched from the air with wide eyes. Sasame stirred, waking just in time to witness the terrifying sight.

"The Spell of the Mandala…" Sasame gasped, her voice weak. "It's an ancient technique, one that will crush her unless she breaks free. But… if she does, the explosion could destroy everything."

Kagerō struggled within the cursed cage, feeling the life drain from her as her wings flickered. Arashi's mocking laughter echoed through the cavern as he tightened his grip on the spell. "You're going to die for nothing, Kagerō. You've always been weak—just a tool to be used. I will restore our clan to glory!"

But Kagerō, her voice steady and filled with quiet strength, replied, "I will not let you drag our clan's name through the mud any longer. If I am to die here, it will be as a proud member of the Fūma Clan, not as your puppet."

With a final surge of energy, Kagerō shattered the cursed Mandala, releasing a massive explosion of fire and energy. The force of the blast caused the floor beneath them to crack and collapse, revealing a dark, endless abyss below.

As the ground fell away beneath him, Arashi's body, now burned and battered, began to fall into the void. He looked up at Sasame one last time, his face twisted in agony but with a fleeting moment of clarity. In his eyes, she saw a glimmer of hope, as if he were silently passing the future of their clan into her hands. And then, his body was consumed by the darkness below.

Kagerō, her form barely holding together, floated in the air as her chakra wings began to fade. With the last of her strength, she whispered the words of her final technique, "Burning Earth Style: Mayfly Inferno Quake…"

A swarm of fiery mayflies appeared around her, burrowing into the walls of the crumbling room. The heat from the mayflies caused the earth to crack and split, unleashing a devastating explosion of molten rock and flames. The ground beneath Arashi melted away, his body consumed by the fiery inferno.

The molten earth glowed with intense heat before it, too, began to fade into the darkness below, leaving nothing but silence in its wake.

Kagerō, her wings now gone, began to fall. But before she could hit the ground, Malik swooped in, catching her in his arms along with Sasame. He held them both close as they hovered above the destruction, his warm smile the last thing Kagerō saw before darkness claimed her.

Her last thought was a quiet one, I would have liked to fall in love…

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